Is anyone surprised? Hasn’t the past four-five years demonstrated what the deep state (embedded government) is capable of? Haven’t people looked at what government has done since Wilson? Are we not surprised to learn that Kennedy was whacked and that Johnson crafted the Viet Nam war only to be outdone by Bush? What really has to happen is that the patriots within these organs of government have to provide the people the information/tools to expose where the evil lies and the direction how to remove this pox. Pax

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Thank you. Very few people know of what you speak. The other part I had heard was that LBJ solved the "problems" with the Kennedy family because Jack said no to Viet Nam.

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LBJ was a unique POS

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we are all on their radar, again 45 must put an end to this

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These laws are similar to Bill C-63 in Canada. If passed, they would enable our legal system to arrest and accuse individuals based on pre-crime. I'm uncertain whether this is worse or comparable to the practices of the Stasi.

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boom, C-63 is dangerous...deadly...thank you for tabling it up for the readers. Trudeau acts like the devil...

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Funny how they concentrate on "threats" they presume are posed by Trump supporters while ignoring actual violence perpretated by Biden supporters.

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A total inversion of what is good and what is evil.

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nice sharing

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When the state deems America-loving constitutional patriots its enemies, what then does that make the state?

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Exactly. Isn't amazing how many appear not to notice?

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These desperate illegitimate jokers are dangerous, and view anyone capable of understanding the truth to be a terrorist. They have generated more false testimony in one day than Judas did in his whole lifetime. God have mercy on their souls...(or not).

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this is the issue, well articulated...and why this is so concerning ...why I shared it.

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And that is the truth! Everyone needs to understand the depth of their depravity. They are capable of anything.

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I'm going with not

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Most likely election insurance. Backed by Brandon's support team.

Atf files will be used to round folks up.

Most Trump supporters will not cause a problem if Trump loses.

They didn't last time and they won't now.

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Warrior Paul, thank you for your courage.

All the actions, of all these vermin, be it the present evil mummy, the gay barry, slick dirt bag Bill, it does not matter who is the face, it is not their administration, they are the puppet of evil.

It is an axiom, anything and everything coming from the sewer of the death cult called government is loaded with evil, and suffering. All of it, not one act, policy, statement or event has any purpose other than to create suffering.

Any forensic is always going to show the same disease of evil, no matter who the front man or woman is. This is 100% intentional, and will only get more virulent until they are destroyed in totality.

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biDUMB is uglier than a set of piglet testicles lying in the barnyard dust after having been denutted.

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I will have to take your word on that. 😅

It’s the ugly on the inside that’s the problem though.

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KK, the link below reveals Dr. J in the top right corner and this is what I refer to as inner beauty. Yet on her face is advertised not only inner beauty but that intellectual aura that always is front row center to me.

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Yes. To speak experentially the beautiful woman is identifiable by her sublimity starting on the inside. From there it flows out, over me and then through me. The ugliest women that ever existed are woke wankers.

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...and tonite I will be spending a few hours fine dining with a witty woman who shares a mental interactive friendship with me. Intelligent women, are the greatest resource western nations possess. I meet many in my profession every day. I am in awe continuously not only with the inherent sublimity of the Smokey Mountains, the Pacific Coast highway, the Colorado Rockies, etc but with God's most beautiful and precious creation, women of intellectual capacity who take my breath away.

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LOL 😆 🤣

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It is as if this administration has always intended to bring the USA to it's knees in order to deliver us into the globalist maw, and pre-emptively they are demonizing/threatening/propagandizing against the segment of the population that is most likely to stand in the way of their objective.

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I forgot it was election time again they always stir the pot too bad they weren't in the hot jacuzzi with electrical problems the resort didn't fix since the Maintenace person forgot to do a job. It always seems something happens somewhere skirmishes over there and here with some in-between to keep people occupied with something else while the actual stuff is going down and miss it. Stay focused what really is going on not the distractions. Listen for the truth. Discern and research the things out if it still doesn't seem right or off it more than likely is. Trust your gut instinct or six buttocks area know what is around your area.

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I would like to tell him that you don't do your job to begin with and what are you trying to accomplish by hide the truth. I don't like either of you should have my cat go into office as president since she has more intellect than what you will ever hope to have. When you want to act like a parent or employer behind my back in my own space don't you think that's a bit much I don't care what you do in your own space at home. Back off! I am guessing they have nothing else better to do but have people in violent clashes over religious places. The lack of human decency or respect is quite lacking. Take the emotions out of it share food talk it out. But those with defective mind there may not be any logical points. They may have hate and or murder in their mind first one seen. People are free to worship but when you start animal human killing that you have over stepped the line and are trying to promote one religion over another. The great escape from religious persecution in England and many other countries is what drove many to this country today United States. The other times famine like the potato in Ireland or persecution in Asia many sought a better life here but the one thing is they migrated legally which is a different contrast today. Anyone can get in the country with no checks on them ax murder ill health disease. I find it odd the people just walking across the border or being bused or flown in never got vaccines many places dont require auto insurance or license yet we have to pay for that but we have to pay them for what? With prepaid debit cards where in the hel is my card with 6k on it? Where is my free willed vote at? Did that vote even count? They now have kids doing drive by shootings on e-bikes by a school now what the heck is going on?

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How disgusting!

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I think we are beginning to see this everywhere. Too many have woken up so they need to silence them and make sure no-one represents them. In Germany a court says AfD is a ‘suspected extremist’ organisation which means they can put them under formal surveillance. No doubt surveillance of their supporters will follow. The U.N. has just published a ‘plan of action’ to stop hate speech in every nation of the world. Guterres says: “States have an obligation under international law to prevent and combat incitement to hatred and to promote diversity, mutual understanding and solidarity. They must step up and implement these commitments, while ensuring that the measures they take preserve freedom of speech and protect minorities and other communities.” He also said: “Hate speech is a marker of discrimination, abuse, violence, conflict and even crimes against humanity. We have seen this play out from Nazi Germany to Rwanda, Bosnia and beyond. There is no acceptable level of hate speech; we must all work to eradicate it completely.” I am just glad the UK prisons are currently full.

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