I agree 100%. Where are all the 'female leaders/influencers" from the left? Michele Obama, Hilary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, AOC, Kamala Harris??? Just paper tigers

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Sooner or later... the truth will show all the marred shadows of deception.

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Is it binary? Can we say no snuffing women and children of either side? Do we need to splatter the whole of Gaza to save the hostages? By committing genocide, Israel is doing exactly what Hamas Oct 7 actions were designed to incite. Israel is working for Hamas doing exactly what is needed to destroy Israel.

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We have this group that is showing up at our local city council meetings begging the city almost weekly to sign a proclamation they stand with Palestine. A few on the Jewish side asking for a cease fire and one guy smart enough to know the difference between a Jew and Zionist Jew. Think I might show up and be like, since you are all outraged with the genocide in the middle east, and I feel ya, I think it is horrible too, but what about the 17 million who died as a direct result of the covid bioweapon injects? Where's the outrage? Why aren't you demanding the CEO of Pfizer and Moderna's heads on a platter? Most of you showing up to demand this proclamation are still getting boosted and saying they are safe and effective. Until you can remove your head from your asses and wake up to this horrible reality, you are just noise to me. Oh That is right you leftist woketard warriors can't move away from the plan and must cling to your views because admitting you were wrong about this might make you question what the hell else did I get wrong and oh wouldn't that be the worst thing because then your little movement might crumble.

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The fucking anti-semites are forgetting who initiated this war- You don’t start a war 10 x;’s get your

fucking ass kicked and then cry foul--"let me up so i can kill more of your people”- fuck you Biden

fuck you Blinken and fuck anyone else who feels the same way-- for the fucking moron college brats who never put a hard days work in and live off mom and dad - go enlist in the Hamas and go to

Gaza, the world will be a better place without your miserable fucking existence

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re: the Israeli Jewish women held underground since October 7th being raped and brutalized?

Really? Thus far the hostages appear to have been treated well.... which means you're pushing lies just as the covid1984 advocates lied.

The Israelis have been torturing, brutalising & raping Palestinian hostages well before 07 Oct.

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There are no real feminists today, imo. Just a bunch of delusional , entitled females cutting the balls off of men...there. I said it and I'm a wo-man. When I think of a real feminist I think of the suffrogets. They sacrificed to make a point: That women simply want the same chances as men to contribute in society....Now its pink hats, chick's with balls, censorship, abortions, porn, single women sleeping with married men everywhere, and no where to run to escape the demented circus. I may have gone to far there...as there are good women....🀣 but I needed to make a point. Somewhere things went wrong πŸ˜•

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We must support the good people everywhere. Israel, Palestine, Iran, the USA, EU, Africa, where they are from doesn't matter. It's the good ones who are righteous we must support. If we don't stand up for them, what kind of a person are we?

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Netanyahu is father of Hamas, ergo if the OCT7 'crew' of mossad/cia did rape some kibbutz women, it might as well been Nutty-Yahoo's dick

IDF has been raping Palestine women & children forever, in fact its said under cover of war, with no adult monitoring that all of 'gaza' is a free fire zone and free 'rape zone'

But then you will only hear p-alex or rogan talk about those poor OCT7 'kibbutz jews' that IDF killed, and Hamas (Netanyahu) kidnapped, that survived;

NuttyYahoo doesn't want any survivors, as survivors talk, the majority in Israel already know that nutty-yahoo is 'father of hamas', only in satanic trump world are people taught that Hamas is not MOSSAD&CIA

Cui-Bono? Why did CIA/MOSSAD do the OCT7 killing of Kibbutz-commie jews? Easy the USA/Israel wanted to destroy the 'abraham accords' and it worked within a week of OCT7 china removed 'Israel' from its maps, and saudi pulled out of abraham accords;


The problem with all the discussion here is ONLY "Kibbutz Jewish Women" were nabbed, by ashkeNAZI satanic faux jews (HAMAS), the problem is that MENA jews are under attack by ashkeNAZI likud zionists like Trump & Netanyahu

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Joe Rogan has more standing on the Israeli genocide than the slavish Zionist supporter dr Paul. The Israelis are the oppressors and Paul can't figure that out. Even with the Israeli genocide

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Who attacked who on October 7?

Watch: https://www.bitchute.com/video/sLCSpxXEeUc9/ Right to the very end.

You see, this was no hang glider massacring Israeli women, men and possibly children.

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Joe Rogan is a putz. He’s lost any focus on a particular topic, surrendering it to his social media numbers…..

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Why do believe and republish Israeli propaganda and lies about sexual violence? Both the IDF and UN admit there is no forensic evidence, no witnesses, and no victims came forward to verify any rapes on October 7. All but one of the released prisoners since then have said they were treated very well by Hamas. And the one who claimed rape had a very suspicious story that was likely orchestrated by the IDF as propaganda. Add to this...all major human rights orgs an the UN agree that Israel systematically rapes women, children and men in detention. There are also credible witness reports of IDF soldiers raping women in Gaza in front of their families. You should be ashamed of your one-sided reporting on this! It's propaganda that is used to justify slaughtering and starving over 20,000 women and children in less than 6 mos.

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We do male and female genital mutilation in the West pretty well these days Paul. And then cancel anybody who critiques it. Not sure what you’re referring to re Rogan, something about Israeli hostages in Gaza, or what’s left of Gaza?

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And now they are expanding into Iran & other areas to complete their dream of β€œgreater Israel” which included areas that are currently in other countries.. hence the need for ww3…

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I was just like you ..

I beg you to take the time & investigate the other side & what’s been happening vs what we are told in MSM ..

I was shocked & disgusted 🀒 to find what I’ve been ignoring all these years πŸ™πŸ™

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