Sep 14, 2023·edited Sep 14, 2023

They had to approve it...how will they get 10 shots in all of us...these shots have been PRE-PAID....these shots are not going to inject themselves now are they? This is Trudeau's investment and retirement plan....

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Dr. Paul, you know perfectly well what's going to happen to these three despicable fuckwads: They'll receive continuous commendations and acclaim from the lying whore media; they'll eventually be awarded The Order of Canada; possibly something like The Nobel Prize as well; a great fat taxpayer-footed annuity will be settled upon them, and they will each eventually die peacefully in their sleep, of old age, in their own beds, in their own rooms, on their estates... untroubled their entire lives by the faintest whisper of conscience...

Nice work if you can get it, eh? 🤔

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Absolutely criminal!

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Trudeau isn’t exactly the brightest bulb in the box.

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Pfollow the money!

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And here we go- again! More evil!!!

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No doctor should even begin to consider recommending or administering one of these toxic boosters without reading this substack article.

IF they understand it, and IF they have an ounce of decency, they could never in good conscience participate in this intentional extermination of the human race.

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Clearly want to kill and depopulate.

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There is nothing that 'Health' Canada will not approve. Oh, unless it is a natural health product - then they will search everything they can to show some reason to question it or not approve it. It has been 30 years since I trusted these clowns. When they say they approvesomething, that is when I start questioning it.

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Could it be that these Docs are not as stupid as you describe but in fact they are beings (they don't seem human to me) without moral turpitude of any kind combined with a penchant for receiving gifts and other items of value to go along with this evil charade?

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Tam is doing exactly what Trudeau wants her/him to do. He has HUGE investments in the company that produces the lipid nanoparticles, and thus every jab that goes into an arm, whether in Canada or elsewhere, puts money in his pocket. He has no concern for Canadians, as his narcissism causes him to only focus on himself and what can benefit him. Tam is useless, indeed, but it is not an issue of misinforming/misguiding Trudeau. JT knows exactly what's going on and could care less. Nothing but pure, unadulterated evil, and Tam is part of the act.

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It is to stick your fingers down your throat and puke. 🤢🤮

"COVID-19’s still here. Now the challenge is talking about it" -- https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/2263687747793

No: The challenge is to get these grifters arrested, tried and publicly executed for the Crimes Against Humanity they're still committing!

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They are not stupid. Far from it. They are calculated and they are strategic. How stupid is the public in trusting them though?

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