Just a reminder, the vaxx had a really high uptake here in Sweden and even most of the children down to 13y of age were jabbed. As an example my oldest that goes to high school was the only one in his class that didn’t take it and I’d guess that at my younger kids schools the uptake was around 80-90%. The teachers were pushing the jabs REALLY hard and some even went so far as to say that those who don’t get it will die, yes I’m not kidding. Also we had a soft lockdown the winter of 2020-2021 and many ran around freely in masks as some still do to today.

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I was told you will die many a time, brought me to tears many a time, who is laughing now suckers...

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Check out the mind bending excess all cause mortality above the 2015 - 2019 mean in Australia and New Zealand, two of the most highly vaccinated countries on the planet, OZzzz and NZzzz. https://drlatusdextro.substack.com/p/the-fingerprint-of-death

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A very interesting question since it is my understanding that Sweden’s population acquiesced to very high vaccination rates. They didn’t use mandates because they did not need to coerce their people to accept being vaccinated.

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I don't know what "depressed excess mortality" means.......?

But it looks like Sweden's excess mortality is not too good either, though it looks like it's starting to dip down.

Sometimes I think John is just going to start crying on camera.


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Sweden also fortified dairy products with extra vitamin D

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According to ourworldindata.org excess mortality in Sweden was + 32% in December 2022 which is pretty high. It is very difficult to look at any data set and know what you are looking at. I have listened to enough of Norman Fenton's videos to know that.

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smoke & mirrors

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The only way anyone could keep the jab juice cold enough to preserve, the mRNA would be to leave it out in their dog sled at the North Pole. Even Santa Claus couldn’t do that so I think the death rates were worst in the areas that had neurotic people caring for the vile’s and making sure they were cold. It’s very possible that the only thing that has saved millions of people is the inability to keep the wasp poison Cold enough to be effective

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It is insane to inject anyone with any vaccine and especially the non-vaccines like mRNA gene altering substances. Before the fake pandemic, the idea was to vaccinate children to prevent diseases as well as vaccinate adults for the flu ahead of the flu season.

With the fake covid pandemic, they wanted everyone to get numerous injections while there was an ongoing problem, not so much ahead of time. It was all based on inciting fear and panic, not actual events. If you strip out the cases invented using the faked PCR test, we had perhaps a severe flu for a few seasons.

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Interesting news


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Fukushima fish??

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It is fascinating, the denizens of Sweden are highly vaccinated..?

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May 17, 2023·edited May 18, 2023

If this same data came out of China (or Russia, or India, or wherever), most people would say they don't trust it. That is because it is a fact that even "official government data" absolutely CAN be inaccurate. So given that this data from Sweden contradicts the data from almost all other highly mRNA vaccinated countries (where noteworthy excess post-vaccine deaths are being seen), and also contradicts Pfizer and Moderna's own gold-standard clinical trial mortality data, please tell me why I should trust it just because it comes from Sweden instead of China/Russia/India- how is that "scientific"? For instance, the US CDC's 2021 death data was finally "corrected" just 5 months ago https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db456.pdf, reflecting an undercount of at least 5% of deaths in the initial report (amounting to >100,000 omitted deaths), so why should I assume that Sweden's data are any more trustworthy? If anything, Sweden's data are under much LESS scrutiny than US data. Anyhow, Sweden's data, even if you assume it's trustworthy, isn't as necessarily as rosy as suggested: https://twitter.com/EthicalSkeptic/status/1627415944443187201.

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Even if the so-called vaccines were safe as saline it is demonstrably evident what little protection they might offer is short lived and they are non-sterilizing. So, why bother?

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I guess Sweden decided not to kill their own people with ventilators, midazolam and morphene.

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