Hunter was involved in the bioweapons labs in Ukraine.

Is he a CIA asset?

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yes, worse than that

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They all are 😆

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The infamous laptop was first “ written off “ by the FBI as Russian dis-information but later when they discovered the contents had been released the “ whores” covered their asses as said it was real-- The Pentagon Bio-weapons section EVEN thinking of playing ball with a Crakhead ( be it the president's son or whatever is one step away from stupidity, if not treason- As well Our good ole Globalist Soros is involved here( the democrats played with some dangerous people and risked putting us in jeopardy) The company i remember was Rosemont seneca ( matter of fact some of the money transfers to sham companies this is one that appears on the Congressional list --Comer and staff have tracked hundreds of money transfers designed to obscure the Big mans’ split. Gilead

Sciences was another company i can recall- as well as Metobiota hunter was fired from one of these companies but that didn't stop him from “ fronting for money “ even using airforce 2 at one time-Had the laptop not been left by him at a repair shop we would have never. established a record - the Democrats are scared shitless of the contents of this laptop - it can put some high stakes miitary players in Guantanamo for life-why in gods name would people in such a trusted position commit such an act-It mystifies me i am stunned by it-

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very thorough synopsis, thank you Sir

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Not that I trust anyone as far as I can throw 'em, but alarm bells went off for me when the messaging was that the laptop story had "all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation." After all, they can't be proven wrong with a statement worded like THAT. Even if one is inclined to believe someone, alarm bells should go off when statements are wishy-washy. These are people who study law to become parasites, after all. They don't yield territory easily.

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amen, thank you

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your instincts were correct and now the entire nation if not the world can see our dirty linen-there is nowhere these people can hide any longer

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Milton, I think these Biden people have ammaed so much dirt on all of the world leaders, that they will never face justice on earth.

So how can a buch of sleazy hillbillies get so far up the ladder?

Maybe we should ask Hillary 🤔

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ha ha ha, its a sad day now, this is USA...now we have a POTUS who cannot answer the phone with any confidence

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Oh, I think President Putin is in partnership with President Trump to bring down the deep state.

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I have some close Russian friends, and they are great people. My one friend told me that Russian people love President Trump. They have President Trump flags even. and he told me that the Russian people detest Biden because Biden always badmouths the country and the people.

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Did you hear the theory that Hunter is actually working for the white hats and President Trump now to turn evidence against his father to save himself and that he may have purposefully put the laptop at that shop?

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incredible that the cia would trust a crakhead? - how low have some of these people stooped ? my god1

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They need people they can control.

Have you ever read "The Falcon and the Snowman" ?

It is a book about how the CIA finds assets.

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i was not sure of that but why dont u give us some info on what you have on ? was itb COVID 19 they we re playing with, or MPX-? as you all know we have signed the bio warfare non proliferation some years back-

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Milton, you amaze me.

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That's an impressive link, Kathleen.


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GreatGameIndia has done some really good reporting.

The Expose out of the UK has also done good reporting on the story.


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So many people now know just what a scumbag Hunter is

But he never goes to jail. That's a good link, Kathleen, I shared it some of my friends.

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hold on....

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Why did you ask me that question if you already know the answer?

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I'm sure he is Kathleen. He's just the kind of dude, to do all that dirty work.

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Yes, that is why he got away with so much.

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How is that even legal? Hunter does not have security clearance. Now a drug addict is running our country. Outrageous!

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Not only is a drug addict running or as I say, “ruining our country”, but Hunter is also a “ pedophile, rapist and incestuous demon” and add to his “illegitimate existence” but what about the “FLOTUS”? She’s an “abuser of the elderly”, a “denier of a perfect little granddaughter” as well as an”embezzler”!. Let’s see, who else is involved in the “firsthand” destruction of America with this “illegitimate supposed, sharp as a tack President”?

This is absolutely a disgusting “Circle Jerk” of an administration, running on “zero cylinders”’needing eight! Corrupted, delusional, deranged and incompetent are a few additional adjectives describing how “Screwed America” is!

If this keeps up America is surely going to take some kind of serious “terrorist attack”!

What’s worse is, the handlers say he in perfect health, witty as a clam chowder and only needs help “25% of the day”! AYBKM?

Thanks for shining bright light on this “reprehensible dysfunctional non-example of a family” KLZ!


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In reference to “Jill” the wannabe, I read the other day the BIDEN’s are in debt of nearly 600,000 dollars. They’ve been taking loans out against the Rehobeth home. I did not verify, but, makes perfect sense. Ole’Jilly girl needs to keep Joey’s salary & “status” so she can pay off the loans.

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You know Annie, those of us who live in America have been greatly blessed! We live in the best country ever in humanities existence! But and this is a big but, there’s so many people who don’t believe this! They believe completely opposite!

From professor’s at America’s most prestigious universities to the local “Marxist driven” librarian, America has been deeply “infiltrated” by these people who seek to destroy our “Great Constitutional Republic”!

Although America has never been perfect, never can we be perfect, Americans have always risen to the needs of other nations! Always striving to “help the world” whenever the need arises!

Still, these “evil forces” seek to destroy! Starting with this most “despicable illegitimate president” and his family!. Add to this, herds of “despotic animals” trying to “undermine” anything and everything “good and decent” America represents!

These are who truly hate America ! Shows like the “VIEW” or “CLUELESS” as they’re called and the Rachael Maddow’s, Keith Olbermann amongst others! These people “HATE AMERICA”! Especially the “MSM”! They are as Donald J. Trump said, “The Enemy of the People”! Yes “We the People” Annie are under constant attack from within!

Not to mention, “Adversarial Nation’s”!

“We the American People”, must take a stand! Stand up for what these “America Hate Filled” Marxist Driven, Communistic Driving Forces who want to “Seize Power” and control our NATION!

Yea “We The People’s” NATION!

Thank you again Annie.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Yes Annie not only are they in “debt” to their eyeballs, there history of taking out and or refinancing their properties, to the tune of 17 different refi’s! This is one surefire way to “hide” laundered money, bribed money from foreign adversarial nations, such as china, Russia, Ukraine, etc!

Yea there isn’t a bigger “DIRTBAG” of a family in American history, who has “stolen” millions of taxpayers money and taken bribes or sold out America for the “all mighty dollar”!

And still, they show losses on paper, technically stating their net worth is around 10 million!

Crooks, Creeps and Crony Contagion Calculated Calamities are only part of how “nasty” these people are! And to think Biden is so far gone from reality he wouldn’t be able to determine any American National Security Threat in 7 minutes let alone 7 years!

This is an absolute disgrace! What’s worse is, how many people are involved! Involved allowing this family to continue their “reign of terror” against Americans!

“Disposable Deplorable” career “GRIFTERS”!

You’re so right Annie! Thank you for allowing me to share more disparaging information about “how dangerous” the left is and there’s plenty on individuals on the right as well!

America is now either “patriotic” or “communist”! There’s no in between any more! Americans with LOVE AMERICA” or “HATE AMERICA”!

“Fundamentally Transform America”? NO THANK YOU BARACK HUSEIN OBAMA! NO THANK YOU!!


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When your enemy is in the process of outing and destroying themselves, allow them to.

Keep going Biden, et al. Keep going.

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u got dat rite

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It’s painful when you’re awake! Very painful believe me.

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Awake is better than woke ;-)

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"A week before the October 7 Islamic extremist terrorist attacks on Israel, Biden National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan was publicly bragging that the Mideast was quieter than it had been in two decades, and that he’d had to spend less time managing trouble in the region than any of his recent predecessors.

'Although the Middle East remains beset with perennial challenges, the region is quieter than it has been for decades…we have de-escalated crises in Gaza,' he stated.

It’s difficult to imagine a more out of touch assessment of one’s own work and progress."


Plausible deniability (of foreknowledge of false flag attacks.)

You decide.

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Here's the thing (on false flags):


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Another good link!

You're on a roll today Luc !

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That's a really good link, Luc.

Thanks a lot 🤠

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IT’S ABOUT TIME !!! Good grief - 40 years too late on the Biden

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It sounds infuriatingly as if the Stefanopoulos interview of Biden is planned as a staged, scripted event, likely with a teleprompter for pathetic Joe.

A do-over of sorts designed to replace our collective memory of Biden's disastrously feeble-minded June 27 debate debacle.

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Biden can do whatever he wants. He runs a country where people do not want to hold him accountable.

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only remembered some of the names -did not recall the various inter relations thought you would have it all together -i only heard bits of the laptop as it never was really fully opened up th the public-at least not to my memory

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Can you imagine, he calls Hunter ( a fucking crakhead-and an idiot) the smartest guy he knows’

and the rest of these bozos hang around ‘Caligula” and keep eating grapes and drinking the wine\--meanwhile over in the east The Bear is pissed off pretty good-no telling what may be the final straw-he is already using hypersonic ballistic missiles and he took out a complete NATO

unit with a US GENERAL - the State department is keeping it under wraps-he has accused us of placing 16 Bio warfare labs in Ukraine on the Russian border, ( and we hear no response from Blinkin winkin and nod)-I.M.O the only reason we have not been hit yet, is that he is waiting for someone on our side TO TURN THE LIGHTS ON AND WAKE UP-I am not religious- but i am praying that none of our service men have to pay for Biden’s blunders

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In reference to Joey referencing to Hunter “as smartest…”. That’s probably true since Joey is not the bright bulb in the box nor is he surrounded by intelligent people.

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From what i gather, he was a ‘ water boy”- i think in the long run Obama, who thinks he is a genius, used Biden as a lesson to punish this country and i think he hated white people and this was his get even plot and must have had him laughing his ass off having palmed off this imbecile as “ an Emporer”-

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I love Roman references!

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Of Course it was Paul-- Do you really expect an iota of decency from these arrogant sciumbags?

just listen to the ate between Rand Paul and Stephonopolos - it was a fucking liars poker- Stephoonopolis did not concede one fucking point-I apologize for writing in caps before -i came in from cuttin da lawn- it’s over 95 here- and this has been a very hot summer- sweat pourin in my eyes-coolin off now- apologize to any i may. have offended- I will try to use small font as often as i can-For my Birthday party gift - I want 45 to give me to people to play “ wackamole with-Fauci-Garland-I play wackamole with a 357 security six- I borrowed in from Clint--

Why the Gop is playing “ Marquis De Queensbury rules is beyond me-- You all know it’s not gonna be fun and games for any of these bozos in a few more Weeks-Just spoke w/ somebody

who did biz w/ 45 earlier this afternoon- Interesting-Calls coming in from all over-wish these keys were bigger and my mitts smaller-nite

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''Humanity is about to be tested....... mayankjeptha.substack.com/p/qbpe

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We may be looking at the wrong villan.

In "the Lives of the 12 Ceasars " by Scuatonius ,Lidia stayed in the background, but continued to pull the strings, Claudius was horrified of her.

Should we be looking at Jill?

Is she more than just a blond bimbo?

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