I shared these 2 communications for I am in this battle with you as my brothers and sisters...we will not end this until we have won this! It now begins...count on me as I count on you!

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You’re awesome!!


Thank you!

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RFK Jr will break free of the chains on Day 1 AFTER he's confirmed, if he's confirmed, and not before because that's what Pharma wants him to do which would be political suicide.

It will all happen "tomorrow," so to speak. Tomorrow belongs to MAGA.

Paul, do you think that's what Musk was thinking when he did the Roman salute at the inauguration? He's getting a lot of flak for it.

There's a photo of him performing the salute in this article:

Elon Musk responds after outrage over 'Nazi salute' at Donald Trump inauguration


Compare that with the salute at the end of the song (beautifully performed, incidentally) in this clip:

Tomorrow Belongs to Me


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I can't wait to see the CMS and Green Card vaccine mandates ended though. Trump did say RFK Jr can run loose on Health. It won't be Trump's style to micromanage, so hopefully we will see some good things.

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Fingers crossed🤞

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fingers crossed indeed

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Another view:


"(H)istorian Aaron Astor rebuffed accusations of Musk's Nazi emulation.

"I have criticized Elon Musk many times for letting neo-Nazis pollute this platform," he wrote on X, adding: "But this gesture is not a Nazi salute."

"This is a socially awkward autistic man's wave to the crowd where he says 'my heart goes out to you.'"

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Absolutely right. Elon is a Jewish name and in my opinion is probably of Jewish descent although nominally Christian and probably an atheist. He is extremely philosemitic. He thinks Americans are retards. He prefers to hang out with Jewish people, has said that 2/3 of his friends are Jewish and probably thinks the Jewish people are the master race. There is no conceivable way he would have been making any gesture of support for an ideology that considers the Jewish people the enemy of humanity, as the Nazis did. He's autistic and socially awkward, much like DeSantis, although much smarter than DeSantis and with a more attractive personality. That's the better explanation.

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it's so ridiculous. no one can raise their arm anymore without being accused of being a nazi unless they're a democrat in which case, they're just raising their arm. i am so over all this censorious hall monitor crap which frankly is being driven by humorless women who can't take a joke.

look how they screwed up "me too." any guy who told an off color joke (which is all guys) was equated with rape which made rape meaningless. they've done it to the term racist and now to the term nazi and fascist, all of which now mean "whoever i don't like"

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The illuminati UN get a free rain and can act as they please rape murder destruction anything goes for these criminals.

Article 104

The Organization shall enjoy in the territory of each of its Members such legal capacity as may be necessary for the exercise of its functions and the fulfilment of its purposes.

Article 105

1 The Organization shall enjoy in the territory of each of its Members such privileges and immunities as are necessary for the fulfilment of its purposes.

2 Representatives of the Members of the United Nations and officials of the Organization shall similarly enjoy such privileges and immunities as are necessary for the independent exercise of their functions in connection with the Organization.

3 The General Assembly may make recommendations with a view to determining the details of the application of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article or may propose conventions to the Members of the United Nations for this purpose.

We have the answer to why none of the politicians doctors Media will ever be prosecuted they work for 🇺🇳


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Dr. Alexander: You are perceptive. What is wrong with GW Bush? Did you see his

face at the inauguration? Something is not right with him. I noticed this years

ago. Does he have dementia?

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He looked puffy in the face much like his father’s face as he aged. It does distort his face for sure..

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Thank YOU.....for replying.

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Kennedy is an individual, not necessary of the same mold than that of the other individuals who agree with him at least in part. Let's wait and see. But yes his silence bothers me. And why he still talk like vaccines are good, science just need to improve them. That is impossible because of the adjuvants. A video taken on top vaccine scientist in 2019 Geneva meeting just few days before the fake virus shut the world. The meeting purpose was on how to stop the growing vaccine hesitancy. They concluded that without adjuvants vaccines are dead. Kennedy knows that. He should stick to real prevention by clean, organic additives free foods, vitamin's (or what the Wellness Company promote) Health will never come from a needle, that is idiotic thinking. You can't fool Nature and Her complex science She evolved over millions or even billions of years across the known Universe. Life on Earth is not unique. Man can't understand that yet, man's brain is comparable a mosquito, to play with something he do not have a clue.

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In a way, im feeling concerned when they invite people to their events, not concerned about RFK being false, i believe in RFK, but the others in the organisation no..who knows what they can do to poison or even kill on the long run good members of the "freedom movement"…

With everything that happened, I cant give my blind trust to these people that they want our good.

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nice post

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We need to not accept crumbs! What do people who tolerate abuse for to long do? They take crumbs for gold, they take crumbs from their abuser as if its a proof of real love, we have been in an abusive relationship with big pharma and the government for a long time, Lets not accept only crumbs!! People who have tried to protect humanity deserved to be celebrated, and an invitation (normally) doesn’t come with an expectation of "donation". You guys, im talking about people in position who spoke, fiercely and lost or give up their jobs due to it, and put their life and families life at risk, and showed that what mattered to them is to tell the truth, those who really do care about health and humanity, have already donated so much! They donated their professional career, their time for free and put their life at risk for the people! It would infuriate me if they would expect a donation! They need to celebrate you guys and thank you, its been 5 years! They can find money by suing pharmaceutical companies hospitals ect, yes suing cost money but they have it, and why dont good lawyers do it for free like the good doctors and health workers did? Siri is paid enormous amounts of money. with our donations These lawyers could be donating some of their time and knowledge for good reasons, its seems like a doable thing…What did RFK did with all the donations he got for his campaign? Did he gave it back? I dont know.. They ask money to the good people that gave all what they could already or the injured….i say this because who’s interested to go to the event? MAHA people, not anyone from big pharma unless they want to spy or something like that…they want more money from people that already gave so much? …asking the other arm? Big pharma people aren’t the ones who bought MAHA ball tickets…

One last thing,

what do businesses people do ("Trump")when they feel threatened by competition ("RFK”)? They buy it…Big business always buys threatening competition. Just words for thoughts….

Im not saying that RKF got bought, saying he could have been very much conned to be under control.

I dont like that Trump still brags about OWS, i dont like that he didn’t tell The Gates off hell to go F.O. I dont like that he wont admit that the shots killed and say that he will revoke them, i dont like that he bragged about polio vaccines when we know they gave cancer, i can go on…

how about 5 G eye sore cancer towers…

i can go on , but ill stop here because im getting inflamed

Lets not tolerate to be given crumbs and think its enough….

**Pardon my English writing, it is not my primary language**

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I could be wrong, but after 20 yers of building Children’s Health Defense that he will abandon the fight now. The first important step was leaving the WHO, which has been ordered by President Trump. Then RFK jr. must be confirmed. Once he is unleashed, then I believe he will do great things. Will we get everything we want? Probably not, but we must give this time to unfold.

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he has already said that he won't be able to end the liability shield for childhood vaccines because that was a law passed by congress. however, Trump has a majority in both houses although plenty of congresspeople take pharma money. then again, once they review the locked away data and see the damage these things have done, i expect congress to change it's collective mind.

adam curry on the No Agenda podcast said he talked to an ER doctor friend who said he thought that once pediatricians found out how they've been harming children for years, a lot of them would commit suicide in grief and guilt over what they've done

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We shall see. It all depends upon his strength of character.

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Maybe Trump is afraid he really will bring down big pharma which desperately needs to happen. After all, big pharma provides exotic campaign funds to the DC Swamp.

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it does

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If he intends to work with gates, gavi, bancel and bourla, even if he withdraws from who, we'll be screwed. Considering he's met with all recently. Maybe he's trying to keep his enemies closer but if he doesn't stop spewing the "father of vaccines," "they saved millions of lives" nonsense, then we are screwed because we know these freaks will release stuff on us, they continue to. Why isn't ANY of them talking about us being sprayed like cockroaches. Truthfully, vaccines, mandates, red dye #3 won't matter because we may not make it theough the next 4 years. Also, why is he saying we won't have to vote in 4 years?


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nice: "If he intends to work with gates, gavi, bancel and bourla, even if he withdraws from who, we'll be screwed. Considering he's met with all recently. Maybe he's trying to keep his enemies closer but if he doesn't stop spewing the "father of vaccines," "they saved millions of lives" nonsense, then we are screwed because we know these freaks will release stuff on us, they continue to."

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By saying prior to the elections that voting wouldn't have to happen in 4 years, and then getting elected, he has a mandate from the people to get rid of elections. Hitler said much the same thing. He said that he would abolish elections and then after he got elected he did so. Once in power, Hitler banned all political parties and imposed a single-party state. 

I'm not sure what Trump is going to do but if I was in his position and wanted to be a dictator I would arrange for some SCOTUS vacancies to happen. Then I would appoint judges who would rule that whatever I did was constitutional and legal and then I would abolish elections. Trump may know of a more efficient way. Look, it's obvious he wants to keep rolling out shots. While he condemned Biden's pardons of Milley, Cheney and Kinzinger, he didn't even mention Fauci's pardon. That's most likely because he is okay with it.

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see my coming stack...you will read my white spaces

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Interesting points. Thanks!

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You're welcome!

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I don't trust any politician and haven't voted in decades, but I also know the people Hitler were trying to get rid of were not good, and he was fighting the jewish banking cartel. I believe much we have been told about Hitler, WWII is not the truth, like nasa, and dinosaurs. I think it's not only probable, but likely we really have been living the truman show.

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Here's an alternative perspective that may interest you that I read recently:

Britain and Poland, with the acquiescence of France and the urging of the US Roosevelt Administration started WW2 - NOT Germany!

Poland did kill thousands of ethnic Germans prewar and during the invasion of Poland , Poland occupied (occupies) large tracts of Germanys ancestral lands, and close to two million Germans went with these lands .

it was wrong . And it caused the Second World War .

Now, the Polish version of history is inaccurate. Poland was ineptly led , prewar, it was a military dictatorship. (Thats a fact)

They caused much of their own suffering , by not negotiating the return of Danzig , west Prussia Silesia etc….and allowing a corridor to east Prussia .

These were reasonable requests. And most European’s could see this, but Poland was led by fools.

Poland even taunted Germany , how they were going to have a victory parade in fucking Berlin !

Poland had the third largest army in Europe.

and inside two weeks they were beaten, just a couple weeks clean up left

The whole story of the Polish Campaign and who really started WW2 is a lie as currently broadcast. It is a disgrace that people still do not seek the truth of what really happened. Poland massacred between 10,000 (Allied number at Nuremberg) and 40,000 (German number from judicial inquiry after the defeat of Poland) ethnic German civilians. It was one of the main reasons Germany invaded Poland. The massacres were ghastly and documented with photographs and written testimony by the Germans. And no one ever hears anything about them….only more bullshit about ‘German cruelty’ without documentation.

The biggest secret of WW2 is that POLAND, not Germany, started WW2. They did so with the complicity of the British. All the evidence is there for anyone to see, but no one will look. It is all a filthy lie about who started WW2 and after the war Germans were ‘vilified’ for ‘everything’ in order to take attention off the real culprits. That vilification is STILL going on.

If you had ANY intellectual integrity and curiosity, you would look at the calendar of events from especially March of 1939 to Sept. and see that Poland, under Ridz-Smigly was constantly goading Germany into war, beginning with implementing ‘Plan Z’ - the ordering of Polish troops to the border with Germany for no reason at all. You would see, chronologically in newspapers and government papers of the time, Germany was ALWAYS reacting to things the Polish and British governments were doing. You could look at the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PAMPHLET NO. 20 -255, 1956 “The German Polish Campaign of 1939” by Maj. Robert Kennedy and see that the Poles executed 24 cross border raids in the month of August. You could read that the first Polish soldier killed in WW2 was killed on 16 August ON GERMAN TERRITORY. You could also read how a Polish Destroyer tried to shoot down State Secretary Wilhelm Stuckardt plane on 26 August as it flew from Danzig to Berlin.

On the other side, Hitler told Ridz-Smigly if he didn’t stop his belligerance, there would be war on 25 August. Hitler then told the German Army to ‘stand down’. A section of the Army didn’t receive the order and attacked their objective the railroad tunnel at Jablankow on the night of 25–26 August. The next day the German general APOLOGIZED to his Polish counterpart for ‘jumping the gun’. This is important because this action shows all the world the supposed ‘Gleiwitz false flag attack’, concocted and promoted at the Nuremberg Trials, was utter bullshit. The Germans had been very open that they would attack and had had published this for the 25th of August.

Hitler then tried to get the Poles to come to the diplomatic table from 26 August until 1 September. The Poles refused. The Germans were still in a one-sided truce when Polish forces attacked, according to Hitler at multiple points all along the border. Hitler didn’t even bother to mention Gleiwitz - pretty odd for a supposed elaborate false flag attack as an excuse to invade Poland - isn’t it?!

Hitler also noted that Ridz-Smigly had publicly announce that he ‘could not guarantee the lives of any ethnic German civilians in Poland’ and reports coming to Germany of massacres being carried out by Polish para-military forces was the last straw and Hitler was compelled to order the army to attack.

The truth is, the Poles, working as stooges for the British Government which wanted to cut the Nazis down before they got too powerful, forced Germany into war with the idea that they would either be defeated by Polish forces because they were not yet up to the strength that Hitler wanted or they would be bogged down in Poland in a revisit of WW1 trench warfare while the British and French Armies smashed them from behind. THAT is the true reasoning that led to WW2. I don’t give a crap what you think. What you have been told is all lies and no amount of apoplexy on your part will change the truth.

The actual detailed history of the lead up to WW2 in Poland is far more detailed than this. The only consistent thing is that Germany did not want war and Poland, Britain and France - did. You would also find that after the Polish campaign was over, Hitler sought, publicly, to get all the belligerent sides to end hostilities as ‘a looming catastrophe for all Europe’. Britain dismissed it as propaganda. All told, Hitler tried 3 times to get the war to stop where it was and keep it from getting bigger. The British dismissed these attempts because they wanted war. They wanted to keep Germany from competing with them in international trade and war was their acceptable means to pursue this. Not once…did the British make any attempt to seek an end to the war when it was in its infancy.

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You're citing newspapers, and military pamphlets, liies from liars. Why not cite people magazine? I'm open to many things, unfortunately you're the smartest guy in the room and talk down to people becaue you know it all. Unless you were there, step down. You have no idea what happened there or in anything else.

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Kennedy is walking the tight rope of confirmation hearings. Quit whinning!

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Mary, like I dont know you so cant know all about you, you dont know me so cant know all about me. folk must throttle back how they reply etc. stop being rude

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So so true! The threats we face, ALL of us, are far too important for people to still be entrenched in their left/right silos! Divide and conquer is a real military tactic, and hopefully most will come to realize this, adjust their attitudes and become part of the growing middle before its too late. Otherwise, these people are simply working for the globalist!!

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Kennedy knows what to do. He doesn't need to be told. He will handle it in a way so the deep state does not murder him. Do you realize the number of deep-state people who would murder people in DC!? They’ve caused car accidents, and other suspicious deaths.

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I know, I lived there during Trump's first term

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they will kill him if they could now

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pharma would

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I don’t doubt it, but Kennedy has body guards and drones so it would be extremely difficult to kill him. The drones know weapons at a distance, and they notify the guards.

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they wouldn’t shot him it would be way to obvious, they poison people now. Slow killing. And they dont target the person first, they go after their families or people around as a warning..and they already did that on many occasions

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Yes, I know. Kennedy has body guards, and he also has drones that watch over him too.

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I also believe you worked in government, and for President Trump.

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Between big pharma gang stalking and people like Killary , he needs to proceed cautiously. But he needs to proceed

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Don't worry about RFK Jr. He's like Tweeter from "Tweeter and the Monkey Man."

Tweeter and the Monkey Man were hard up for cash - They stayed up all night selling cocaine and hash - To an undercover cop who had a sister named Jan - For reasons unexplained she loved the Monkey Man ...

The undercover cop was found face down in a field - The Monkey Man was on the river bridge, using Tweeter as a shield - Jan said to the Monkey Man, "I'm not fooled by Tweeter's curl - I knew him long before he became a Jersey Girl"

And the walls came down

All the way to hell

Never saw them when they're standing

Never saw them when they fell

Tweeter and the Monkey Man


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He's shrewd, street smart. Years of dealing cocaine and heroin (see story at the link, one of many), while being privileged and not going through the "school of hard knocks" (which makes some (not all) people naive) will do that. He's off the hammer and the blow now and all he shoots up is steroids. His steroid of choice is testosterone, probably, although I'm guessing, sustanon 250. It gives you huge pecs while you're just walking down the street. You hardly even need a barbell. But, and this is what's important, testosterone makes people smart. And Bobby is hooked on testosterone in the same way most Americans are hooked on Spike protein.

RFK Jr. Was My Drug Dealer


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Big deal!

Young people do a lot of ridiculous stuff before they become adults with a family, and a career.

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Very important for Trump to end the CMS mandate and the mandate still imposed on people applying for Green Card. President Trump is clearly opposed to mandates; shouldn't wait for RFK Jr comfirmation. He should end the mandates himself.

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yes, key thank you Elef

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It is the USCIS mandate (which is under DHS, but follows the guidelines of the CDC).

I do the paperwork for those exams (Form I-693) for which my wife is the "Civil Surgeon".

Applicants for Permanent Residence have no legal representation.

I made Dr PMC aware of the details (6 months and older), but our people have to first get appointed, before they can follow through. I have no idea if Kristi Noem is aware of specifics.

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hhhmmm, thank you for briefing us...

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can we please stop this. RFKjr is not in chains. he's meeting with senators and preparing for his hearing on thursday. he's also dealing with the stress of his house in LA. have a little faith and some patience. it wouldn't be wise to speak now and tip off pharma so they can send their demons after him

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Of course RFK Jr. is just being a good boy until he is confirmed. Lets not encourage him to do otherwise.

I already posted to the C19D Google group how the NYT & Washington Post falsely claimed that his attorney wants to remove the Polio vaccine from the market. Only "The Gardian" told the details, but only in an addendum. They want to remove 1 of 6 polio vaccines for now, because of 1 antigen present. RFK Jr and his attorney fully support the Polio vaccine. No one else has admitted to the Fake News in the first place.

RFK Jr. has to also deal with former VP Pence, who doesn't want him approved due to abortion beliefs. RFK Jr has told Senators that abortion will not be an issue as HHS secretary.

Dr McCullough has also been a good boy, in the sense that he will only post Scientific article links and will not respond to anyone in a public forum. I am hoping that is a sign that he himself is hopeful of RFK Jr. being allowed to select PMc for an important position.

In particular, the position of Pandemic Czar would be ideal, and I could see Trump going along.

Psychology has to be used with Trump. He wants to avoid another orchestrated Pandemic disrupt his presidency again. However, as part of the duty of Pandemic Czar, it would be necessary to investigate the past, to prevent a repeat in the future.

I will attempt to spread this last line, to many in the community via Twitter (X).

Paul: What do you think about getting Trump to rename the original virus, the Fauci-Wuhan virus? Trump used to call it the China virus, but currently he's been negotiating with President Xi, so he's not using that term.

Also hope you can spread to concept of a Pandemic Czar by using the psychology I mentioned.


I just saw this important link from a member of the McCullough Foundation to justify the removal of mRNA technology from the market.


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Dr McCullough has also been a good boy, in the sense that he will only post Scientific article links and will not respond to anyone in a public forum. I am hoping that is a sign that he himself is hopeful of RFK Jr. being allowed to select PMc for an important position.

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full disclosure I referred Dr. PMC to the MAHA transition team. and will help him..he SB Surgeon general

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Pandemic Czar would be a much more appropriate position that Surgeon General for Dr PMC and he could directly educate the White House in that role. The SG would have to follow the Czar's advice.

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Perhaps Kennedy do not want to rock the boat? Only after he is confirmed he can speak out more

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Why are the emergency kits so expensive ! Out of reach for poorer people that need them but can not afford them ! Especially ivermectin that is off patent and cheap to produce or so they all keep telling us ! ! Does not make sense that people are making money at other people’s health and well-being and expense ! Just curious

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The veterinary ivermectin is dirt cheap but they add shit to it that makes it unsafe for humans. Making money at other people’s health and well-being and expense is what raw capitalism is all about. "Bleeding heart libertarianism" is a better way.

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RFK Jr may do the right thing but if Trump told him to shut up, he will shut up. I find it a really sad day no one has justice and Trump wants to forget everything about OWS. Oh but Israel got what they wanted, don't they always.

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we wont let that happen

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I don't think Trump wants to forget ever about OWS. It and the shots were his signature achievement, as far as he is concerned. He is extremely proud of the mRNA shots. It makes sense that he would be planning to roll out more. If he takes Canada, and especially if he shares it with Israel, his popularity with Americans will go through the roof. So, knowing this, he can roll out shots completely unperturbed about what will happen in the midterms.

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you can be so funny. but he does think its is his magnus opus and it is not...our fight begins

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I love him but he is very dangerously wrong on this

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So does Gates’ for global vax.

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Its all so fucked up isn't it.

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very fucked up

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Only if you're not into having vaccines covertly injected into you. If you love the idea of "new and improved" shots it's nirvana.

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Luckily I was given God's discernment at birth, I never fell for any of the "covid"scam.

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If you watched his announcement this afternoon, he has literally doubled down on MRNA vaccines. This is why he never denounced it. It’s all about MONEY!

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can you give me link...if this is so and I hear it, it will upset me, anger me for he must stop now, he is wrong this is dangerous

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They spoke about expanding EMR which sounded like Digital ID and also individual MRNA cancer vaccines based on your specific blood testing. Numerous sites being built in the USA.

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Trump is putting 100s of billions, and before long it will probably be trillions, of US dollars into AI. This will bring down labor costs for US business by replacing American blue collar and even white collar workers with machines and that will be good for the economy.

The dream of "skynet" can become reality, Additionally, Trump is embracing mRNA tech at an unprecedented speed.

The US has to try to catch up because Russia is way ahead on this and over there they are not only using personalized mRNA cancer treatments based on AI assisted analysis of patients' individual tumors that solve in half an hour mathematical problems associated with the analyses that have so far baffled the US but are developing oncolytic cancer vaccines such as their EnteroMix which do not use mRNA and could produce equal or better results.

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I literally felt sick to my stomach

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Don't. Feel proud that you voted for this. Skynet will usher in a new golden age for humanity. There are massive benefits to allowing AI and machines to take over control of our lives.

Trump 2.0 is already turning out far better than I ever envisaged.

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Wow 😯

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I have to wait until he's confirmed. I'm still unsure if his official nomination will go through...

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It's possible he'll be confirmed but the odds are stacked against him. He's under fire right now for having not fallen to his knees and worshipped the shots years ago.

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A MSM reporter has found from RKjunior an official request (also signed by Dr Meryl Nass) demanding the covid shot be taken out (document signed in fall of 2022). This is a pretty recent find; Indeed another odd stacked against him.

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I'd love to see a copy of that document. It's inspiring to learn RFK Jr and Meryl Nass made such an official request. It should be an asset for him (and us) in the future.

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Oops, for the detail of the date, and it's a petition. But you can read it here: "The sages at The NY Times just discovered a Citizen Petition to FDA asking it to revoke the COVID vaccines on May 16, 2021 signed by RFK, Jr. and Meryl Nass, MD". On Meryl Nass'substack, jan 18th.

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Thank you, Sophie!

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Look, Joe Kennedy got his 'head start' as a subdistributor for the Chi-town gangsters with the license to Bronfman's hooch. Joe was no saint, neither were his boys... but I suspect JFK went a bit of the way towards... what? Expiation of dad's "sins"? Doing right instead of ... ? Catholic impulse? Heart felt desire? Would the term 'no good deed goes unpunished' apply to that benighted family? Post Dimona, and the show down with Ben Gurion, I believe it might.

Folks round these part just don't understand. Jack picked up a 'hickory stick' and thought to give a hiding to some thugs with a politician in every pocket & every other 'policeman' in their pay. That kinda thing only works out in Clint movies, not in everyday places with races that for millennia have ground their enemies into the dust. Louis Bloomfield could tell ya stories.

After they offed him they took Jackie and gave her to Onassis as a prize. Yet another "Salonikan" with the very same pedigree as Bourla. And then went down the list. By the time they got to JFK Jr., you'da thought peeps would have figured it. That family's been cursed no less than Lot's wife.

Jack was "right" to try and stop the Samson Option. And he did not go unpunished. Now then, what was you tellin me about 'good n evil' and how the 'righteous' art mighty? .

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This is indeed tragic!

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I went to both of President Reagan’s inaugurations. The second one had far more security, but I didn’t care. I thought Reagan was the best we had had in the White House since I was born in 1963. I worked for a Senator then and wish I had stayed. Instead, I was an RN after taking my boards, so I stopped working in D.C. I missed it for years.

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You are soooò lucky you didn't work for zBiden.

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I was well aware of Biden and many others when I was working.

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