Please, I see mostly male doctors and individuals fighting back, and women significantly over complied with Convid measures. In my area, where masks have not been mandatory in over 2 years, 90% of those masked up are female.

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Karen community, the worst 😩

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We are seeing an increase across the board of deaths all over the world. And what is to blame besides a virus? Because we have always had dozens of those, upper respiratory infections. My dad caught a cold a long while back and he almost died from pneumonia.

The difference is the Covid tyranny. Censorship, silencing voices, isolation, masking, social distancing, and denial or delay of appropriate life saving health care. Did we run out of statin drugs? No, and they got creative in how to get medications to those who needed them.

And then kids were locked out of school and stuck in front of a computer. Kids were kept away from friends, restricted from public use of playgrounds, gyms, and their only source of socialization was on a digital device via the internet. Suicides, self harm, child abuse and child sex trafficking.

I can say that locally many moms started standing up at school board meetings, county commission meetings as well demanding common sense, and dads too. But honestly many moms took the lead early on. We have to make certain this never happens again.

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Women stepping up just like Archangel Michael. Plus they are the momma bears.

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Of course statins have nothing to do with the excess deaths. They don’t prevent heart attacks in the first place and Rxs haven’t changed anyway. Statins in kids (ie the ones dying) down too ? Obviously idiotic. She’s right! What could have happened? Anyone willing to take a SHOT at the answer?

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I left out shots, the icing on the cake.you can’t NOT see the correlation.

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Statins cause death. Usually from Alzheimer's. If it's not the statins then it's the SSRIs causing the Alzheimer's deaths.

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You have an obsession with man shaming.

It's a theme in many of your posts to deride men and to worship women. You acknowledge the suffering of women, but not men. Men are human doings to you, tools that should perform, but not be humanized.

It's this behavior and toxic gynocentric feminism that helped get us to the level of societal damage that we've incurred.

It's mostly men that have fought. Look at who has gotten jabbed more or is still wearing masks? Mostly women.

Feminism is a tool that has been used to destroy society and usher in lockdowns and mandates. Feminists have called men that have fought against this as, "toxic".

Here's more on the link between feminism and the lockdowns and COVID response.

You seem to have so much hatred in you for men...



Isaiah 3:12

As for my people, children are their oppressors and women rule over them. O My people! those who you call your leaders are leading you astray and destroy the way of your path.

COVID 19 is a men's issues



The true history of feminism



Your continually shilling for feminism is so embarrassing, misandrist and counterproductive.

You're acting like a muzzled, feminist attack dog.

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Well said. Repeal the 19th, "No Fault" Divorce, VAWA and other communist inspired legislation. it is time for men to get very tough, and to stop listening to a gender that has been in charge of one thing for 100, 000's of years, CHILDREN.

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Since the beginning of our species due to being in possession of mammary glands, females have been the nurturerers, remaining in the nest ensuring the survival of the next generation, and the perpetuation of the species. This in turn engendered a psychology of risk aversion in females. Males on the other hand, ventured out of the nest, to defend the nest from wolves, Saber tooth tigers, marauders, and invaders. This in turn engendered a psychology of risk acceptance in males. With the words "safety" and "protection" becoming the buzzwords emphasized in modern society, it is obvious which psychological framework has come to predominate. Grownass men cowering in their homes: "Just staying home safe with my family" smoking weed, playing video games

and watching porn has become the norm.

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When it comes to my house & in my local community, 90 % were moms at school board meetings fought open to open schools, remove the masks, said no to shots, fought to open churches and kids groups. It was myself, a mom, who did these things in my own house, to motivate, not criticize my husband. Who said no to shots ? In my house it was me. My husband was that went out one day and decided to get a Covid shot. Against my wishes and advice. I forgive him for that, not blame him and he understands why now. I’m not saying there weren’t men stepping up, there were plenty but in my observation the women in my local area stood first and made the most noise. This is where I disagree with your response.

Why is that? I don’t have an answer. And when I don’t I look to scripture for answers.

Hebrews 10:24 answers it perfectly:

“Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works, 25 - and let us not neglect our meeting together as some do but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near”

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Chelie, that's fantastic that you were the voice of reason, and did the research in your home. Statistically, this was only the case with married, conservative, religious women, with children.

But overall, when adding in the large single, childless, leftist female cohort, women complied nearly 70% with both jabs and masks, men just under 60%. This is a statistically significant finding, and consistent with many studies that measure compliance by gender. Nothing wrong with it, it's just nature at work.

Many men I know were opposed to the jab, but as the primary or sole breadwinner, they got them to keep their jobs. Or, they were Leftists, and felt somehow they had to follow their Lord and Savior, Biden.

In terms of the preponderance of the school board meetings having women who resisted, again, these are the best of women (married, with children, likely religious and conservative). Their husbands would have joined them, but like me, were working to support and provide for their family.

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There were the leftist single women showing up in numbers at school board meetings from guess where? The LGBTQ community. Pushing their agenda that really gained steam during the lock downs. They fought conservatives to keep schools closed, mask and distance kids. Evil in my book after you look at what happened to our kids. As for my family, my husband retired after his IT company moved his job to India. He was the breadwinner but I continued to work as a nurse until they shoved the mandates down our throats and I quit because the entire landscape of healthcare was being transformed. So I had a natural inclination to go to bat for our kids and healthcare freedom. Looking back at the shut down, this was used to divide us. this was also the case in healthcare when out patient services closed. Hospital staff was furloughed. We who tried to warn others were silenced and had our jobs threatened if we spoke out. They put those who filed for religious exemption through heavy scrutiny. Do I left so I could speak out. Looking back, the way healthcare institutions made sure it was next to impossible to unify and shout from the roof tops say no to the jab. Walk away in protest to the jab. The 70% of single women on the left in many areas of health care were standing in the way of that.

In all fairness, I give huge thanks to the men in this movement who also stepped up and spoke out. To name a few, Senator Ron Johnson, Dr Paul Marik, Dr Pierre Kory, Dr Peter McCullough have made a lot of headway by not backing down. We all chose our battles. Those who sit back and do nothing are part of the problem.

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Amen. Realizing the ideologies at play, and which group funds them, is a major part of the battle as well. They are funding an Orc Army of spiteful mutants, and we are the only defense.

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So true. We need more to come to the table and show up in numbers. The tide is turning but the propaganda and censorship is keeping many from seeing that.

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Pretty harsh on a person who has committed his expertise, time and energy to battling the evils of the day. Divide and conquer- th agenda of this evil. Don’t help it along!

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Sandra, aye, the cycle now spins to the time when harshness will save us. The people have been genetically modified en masse, should I quietly accept that? The truth is censored in most of what passes as news and social agencies, our voices suppressed, our children indoctrinated, our genders swell daily, what is it now, 66? My race and gender are belittled, demonized. Should I smile? Turn the other cheek? Develop a beer gut, and wait for some sky god or Drumpf to save me? or, should I do what my ancestors did, and fight for blood and soil?

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Only YOU can determine that as we all make our choices. All the best.

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Oh, Lord, let a woman get recognized for her courage and work, and suddenly society is falling apart. Please. Maybe ask all the dudes who wrote the Bible where the names and gospels of all the women who preached Jesus’. Ministry went to. Let’s put those put in the eyes of the faithful where they belong and maybe you’ll see things differently.

There are good women and bad, brave women and cowardly, women with spirit and women who are parasites, just as there are good men, courageous men, cowardly men and parasitic men. Men are individuals, not stereotypes, just like women. Look at all the trannies, for example, and the damage they’re doing to society - and they’re all male. But the hard-core conservative right puts the blame for social decay on women. Yet let’s look at things like Prohibition. It was women who pushed through prohibition because the men were literally drinking their lives away and leaving their wives and kids to fend for themselves. But the narrative says men are the pillars of society and the women are the troublemakers. So let’s ignore truth and history and push the narrative? That’s just what the liberal progressive left does and you don’t like it.

To me, the progressive left and the religious right are just each other’s shadows and the world would be better off with far fewer of each. Let’s just respect individuals for who they are and group people when they can actually be defined as groups based on things that they, themselves, actually think or do, and stop lumping halves of the population into opposing camps just because that simplifies thinking. Most people aren’t black or white but shades of grey. Part of the strategy of the elites is to encourage simplified thinking based on hypnotic narratives because that encourages us to self-segregate into camps of bitter opponents so we fight each other instead of fighting them. Women aren’t the enemy and any god who says so has an agenda and therefore isn’t worth following. Perhaps if the hard core Christians could accept that women are as fully human as men, the Christian religion wouldn’t be struggling to maintain relevance in a world that’s recognized this fact and is trying to move on.

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The happiest civilizations on the planet, those with birth rates above replacement levels, provide very different roles for men and women. In all cases, men built the civilization, maintain it, and do the toughest jobs. No, raising a baby is not as hard as building a tunnel through a mountain, mining ores, or catching crab off the Alaskan coast. But, having a baby is equally as important, if not more so.

The agenda has been to diminish men (white in particular), and prop up women, minorities and illegals. Why would our enemy want women in charge? Why gaslight, financially penalize, and legally subjugate white men? So they can instead fight "you go girlllls" and sub Saharan IQ immigrants, with no impulse control.

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Huh? What’s that? All I hear is a very insecure child having a tantrum because he’s no longer the center of the universe. Tough nuts, kiddo.

Go to Iran and spout your narrative these. See what sort of results you get. The women and millions of men who love and respect them will knock your block off. Go to the WASP museum in Sweetwater, Texas and explain to the survivors how the fact that they flew air missions in WWII that were so dangerous the men refused them, wasn’t important in “willing” the war. (I put winning in quotes because we all know it was another bankers’ war that nobody but the bankers really “won”, but I’m grateful that I don’t have to speak German.) Explain to the world how Watson and Crick would have discovered DNA without the complex and sophisticated x-ray crystallography work of Rosalind Franklin - whom they perpetually ridiculed and never shared their Nobel Prize with. We’ll wait.

The reality is, you have no answers. You’re a brittle, fearful mind that can’t move from the childhood realm of simple parables with clear cut answers into the adult world of probabilities and complexity. The Bible gives simple answers, especially to unsophisticated minds like yours. That’s partly what it was designed to do, and why you like it so. The rest of us graduated from Richard Scarey and Dr. Seuss into the big boy and girl world where navigating reality and doing right is no longer so obvious and simple. There’s a reason Jesus recommended that the faithful come unto him as little children, because too many people get into trouble when they try to go beyond living their lives as servants to the controlling narrative. And for fewer and fewer in the world, the Bible is that narrative.

So if the story you live by works for you, fine. If you have a woman whose highest goal in life is to be treated like your personal draft mule, I feel sorry for her but far be it from me to interfere with her “choice” whether it really is her own or pre-programmed by her culture or religion. In the meantime, though, I can see that your mind is made up and facts and reason don’t matter. So, you can run along and make yourself feel like the King over Nothing in your own household, and I’ll keep doing my own work and never shall this conversation again waste any more of my time. Adios, and God speed, amigo!

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Bumbler, I understand your jealousy of the creativity, strength and integrity of men. Nature made you weaker, less creative, and more inclined to leftist ideologies that ultimately leave you alone and barren. I will merely say, enjoy your cats, and other assorted battery operated devices that "replace" your inability to secure a good man!

Went to Church with my wife this morning, a bit chilly here in the SW Desert. We said our obligatory hellos and made intros with a nice couple next to us, exchanged numbers, and plan to meet them for dinner in a few weeks. They, reminded us, of US! White, successful, happy. The man worked, the wife GLADLY raised what appeared to be two beautiful children! I understand if you lack that, how envy might intrude upon your ill mannered screed above!

The truth is, I do not care about you at all. I am not waiting for black female physicists to save the planet, because they do not really exist, except in jewish Hollywood. Wakanda does not exist, but Liberia and Angola do, and I have been to both. Shitholes, I believe is the operative and quite accurate phrase. There has never been a matriarchy, because the squawking and squabbling would not last long, and they would be too busy texting and pointing fingers to chronicle it!

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Well said.

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The above video speaks of Prohibition. A bunch of self righteous women acting morally superior, pretending to be everyone's mommy. This describes the COVID response from women. This is why feminism is a tool to bring in a surveillance state.

Society as a whole views women as morally superior and acts far more suspicious of men, employing shaming tactics. This is a trait of the gynocentric west.


Conservative or Liberal - women are given the Halo Effect.

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A woman can be praised without putting down other people like how the author of this post said: "the de-balled 'eunuch' pusillanimous men pull fuzz balls from their navels & gaze around..."

Don't you agree?

Also, I'm not replying to the rest of your post - just replying to the first sentence you wrote.

Any of the rest of what you wrote can be addressed in the original sources that I have posted in my original remark.

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"The Patriarchy" will always reassert itself, as will morality, truth and decency. While all of the things I just mentioned are quiescent or imprisoned at the moment, a war is brewing. The war will be lead by men, and it will not concern itself with emotions, feelings, or optics. It will be a righteous, violent and bloody war. The Globalists and their Leftist ideologies will create rivers of blood, and I can't wait!

Big fan of Dumas, was reading The Count of Monte Cristo when I met my wife! A great woman, perfectly happy to raise children, and prepare her man for battle. Hail Victory!

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Likewise and agreed. Hail Victory! (The Count of Monte Cristo has always held a special place in my heart).

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Good points.

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Esther; a great name!

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Yes...common sense is a god-given gift. You can’t inject that!!

It’s because an “investigation” would rip their BS causation claim to shreds.

Fascinating to watch how health official purposely obfuscate her question to open an investigation that would PROVE THE POISON ☠️ JAB IS DIRECTLY DRIVING EXCESS DEATH MORTALITY STATS. Why would they do that?? 😙

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Sounds to me as though you’d just fearful of women of strength. Perhaps if you had read all of my comment you may have had a less defensive reaction. You apparently read all of Dr. Alexander’s comment even though you obviously didn’t like some of what he wore. But, he’s a man and you seem to be quite a chauvinist sooo…..

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(From the UK) . . From the government response (ie evading the question), you can see the quality of our government's public health ministers/officers . . . which is what we have had to put up with over the past 3 years. It is as if they attended orientation courses at the FDA or CDC.

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