So beyond over this BS!! Trying to remove Aretha Franklin song from Spotify that offends them for the term “natural woman!!”

Are ultrasound techs fired if they reveal a baby’s gender to a pregnant WOMAN (not “pregnant person”...SHE is a WOMAN if she is indeed biologically pregnant). If they aren’t getting fired yet, it’s not far down the list of insanity yet to happen. And expectant parents better forget about any of those gender reveal activities they envision doing...they’ll soon be illegal & considered hate crimes! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

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They've been after the women AND the men for a couple of decades. It is a power against the West that has succeeded in demoralizing and emasculating men as well as women. One can argue about history, and why people subjugate other people as a philosophical question, as clearly that happens, in an evil way, repeatedly, but this is something foreign, that starts destroying BOTH men and women in childhood. What that power wants is for us to fight and hate each other, and it is not difficult to weaponize the battle of the sexes, as Kissinger (a dark triad evil person) said, but even the off the rails trans loons have been groomed and cultivated and turned into wildly labile, narcissistic, mentally ill, borderlines who value only the material and celebrity by a power not of the West. IMO.

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Feminism is why we have men in women’s restrooms.

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Hi Paul, and not really on topic (well kinda), but I can fairly say as I watched it happen. On the average, for at least the last 35 years or so they have not had it nearly "as difficult" as it has been espoused. In fact, it is men, that have been getting wrecked. Seriously wrecked.

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Feminists have been disparaging men so harshly and for so long that there is no reason why any man would want to defend any woman at this point, unless the woman is an immediate relative.

We have been told over and over ad nauseum that all men are bad, masculinity is bad, and that no man has the right to even have an opinion on whether his own child should be aborted, only the obligation to support it depending solely on what the woman chooses.

"A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle."

"I don't need no man."

Feminists created this mess with their implacable hatred of men. Let them solve their own problems now.

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Feminism was a Big Business (remember them) psyop to get two workers for the price of one. Women were brainwashed to feel unfulfulled if they managed the home and raised children. Instead, the path to enlightenment went through corporate America after you paid someone else to raise your kids and clean your house. Wives now could compete with husbands for the same corporate dollar enabling the Man to keep wages stagnant and increase productivity while at the same time undermining the notion of the family.

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Dr Paul, you are a true gentleman and hero. Thank you for standing up for women as all good and God fearing men should💜

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I would contend women have had it better in The West for millennia, vs. any other place on the globe. Which is perhaps why this coddled gender has become insufferably Leftist, single and degenerate the past 50 years. I admire the women of the turn of the 20th century, who were staunchly conservative, and helped men kick addictions such as alcohol, all while raising fantastic families.

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I consider myself a strong woman without the need to put men down or to downplay their importance in my life or in society, in general. We need strong men and women, more now than ever. We will never be men nor should we be trying and vice versa. The scales always tip too far. Society has gone over the edge with this BS. It is a dismantling of society and of humanity. I never agree with women who think they do no wrong and belly ache all the time. No need to wonder why our society is so fragile and toe-the-line to all the 'hurt' feelings. Women and men need to unite.

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Why should men defend women from transgenderism when it is women who are the ones imposing it? The trans nonsense is enforced by female-dominated HR departments and school administration, and it is invariably the female parent that encourages/affirms transgenderism in children. Women created this mess, women can clean it up.

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Western men have concluded, after decades of being harassed and yelled at and blamed for everything, that chivalry doesn’t pay. Have you not heard of “simp” or “simping”? Women made this situation. They don’t need no man. They captured the corporations and the State and Big Tech. So let them reap what they have sown. Let them confront the children they have birthed and nurtured. When women start marching in great numbers, bigger numbers than those “protecting abortion rights”, to end the family court system, to end the campaign against men, to end special privileges based on gender and genitalia, then, maybe, men in the west will don the armor of a knight. What I see is young men advising each other to “get your passport, bro.”

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This is feminist rubbish.

The west has given women the most power and privilege without accountability and while imbuing women with some sort of sainthood as if they are innocent and can do no harm and must be protected above all others.

The west is purely gynocentric. Men are demonized and marginalized and boys and men are shamed. Boys have their genitals mutilated in the USA, and get lectured on how to treat girls, but do we have honor for boys? Do we instruct girls and women to respect and honor boys and men? NO.

Here is the real history of feminism.



Here is the information on our gynocentric western society that does not hold women accountable as the adults they are.


Here are the outlooks for boys and men.

Men and Boys’ Issues in Brief

A very brief bullet point list of men and boys’ issues follows. For a slight amplification of what these issues entail – but still in brief – read the Introduction to the Disadvantages faced by Men and Boys.

Educational disadvantage of boys, from aged 5 to university.

Lack of recognition of, or assistance for, male victims of partner abuse.

Men’s shorter life expectancy.

Substantially less research funding on men-only diseases compared with women-only diseases.

Averaged over the last five years, the male suicide rate in England was 3.3 times that of females (in Wales, 4.3 times), suicide being the commonest cause of death in males under 45.

Men have virtually no paternity rights.

Paternity fraud is rife, is extremely damaging to men and children, but society regards it as just fine.

Fathers are greatly disadvantaged in child contact arrangements after partner separation.

False allegations are commonly used as a tactic against men in the family courts.

At any point in time, one in four fathers do not live with their children (under 16), most often against their wishes.

Only about 50% of fathers will live with their dependent children continuously to their 16th birthday.

The bar is being ever lowered on what is regarded as sexual assault by males on females, whilst the penalties are becoming more severe. The result is that women have the power to destroy a man for minor offences or issues of perception.

In contrast, sexual assault of males (of all ages) by females remains largely unrecognised by society and the criminal justice system alike.

Grossly inequitable treatment of men and women in the criminal justice system. Three out of every four men in prison would not be there if they were treated like women.

Whilst we hear a great deal about the “pay gap”, the power must surely reside with who spends the money. Women certainly spend at least as much money as men, whoever earns it.

For full time workers under 40 years old the gender pay-rate gap is negligible.

For part time workers the gender pay-rate gap is in favour of women (about 5%).

Men work 609 million hours per week at paid work compared to women’s 394 million hours. Men also work for more continuous years over life. Hence, men work more and are home less – this is contribution, not privilege.

We hear a great deal about men not pulling their weight as regards domestic and childcare chores, but studies show that totalling all work, men and women work about the same number of hours.

Men are 96% of workplace fatalities, and are far more likely to suffer injuries at work or to get work related diseases than women.

Women seek “equality” with men only in desirable occupations (consultants, professors, Board members, MPs, etc) not in the jobs that 99% of men do – the nasty, dirty, dangerous jobs that lead to the above fatalities.

Men (or boys) are more likely to be the victims of violence than women (or girls) – despite the constant exhortations that we should “end violence against women”.

Around 90% of homeless rough sleepers are men.

99% of war deaths and casualties are men.

Female genital mutilation is illegal and universally reviled. Male genital mutilation is regarded as perfectly acceptable and without disbenefit to the man (it isn’t). Half a million African boys killed or maimed in the last eight years by botched circumcisions goes unnoticed.

Female suffering is newsworthy, male suffering is not (e.g., Boko Haram – how many people know that their main activity is killing boys?).

There is a lack of action on under-representation of men in certain professions, contrasting with the huge focus on assisting women into areas where they are under-represented (e.g., STEM, though women now dominate in STEMM).

Male-only organisations have systematically been obliged to accept females, whilst the reverse is not true.

History is being systematically misrepresented as gendered oppression, rather than the oppression of the many, of both sexes, by the few, of both sexes. Both sexes had to fight for the vote; both sexes had to fight to be educated.

For a little more detail on these issues read the Introduction to the Disadvantages faced by Men and Boys.

From: http://empathygap.uk/

Stop man shaming.

Men need boundaries and need their own spaces.

Men are NOT free body guards.

Men are not disposable and self-sacrificial pawns.

This is such a gynocentric and undignified viewing of man.

Men don't owe anyone anything, especially in a society where the legal system seeks to destroy men and were women are taught that men are evil and the source of all ills - the "patriarchy".

Look at the video series I linked from Janice Fiamengo. There is NO PATRIARCHY. There is gynocentrism. There is the explotation of man by demonizing him and shaming him and subjugating him and controlling him with the screwed up marriage laws, family law, child support laws, alimony, genital mutilation, the draft, and the overall hatred of men like we see is so rampant like the hastags on Twitter that say "#KillAllMen"...

Can't you see this?

Men are fed up. Men are not toy soldiers to play with, not masochistic beasts of burden or walking ATM machines.

So tired of conservatives and liberals both treating men like inhuman servants.

More resources:












Stop abusing and shaming men. Men are no more moral or immoral than women.

Sacrifice is to be inspired, genuinely - not elicited through shame.

If your society doesn't value men, they won't defend society.

We made our bed, and now we're sleeping in it.

We deserve this.

If a country needs a draft, then they don't have to actually cater to the people - they can just force people into any war they want.

Boys and men deserve honor, love, respect, boundaries, body autonomy, genital integrity, and everything else women are graced with.

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This is just junk and stupidity.

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Jan 24, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023

Women have had it difficult for centuries.


The millions of men who died young in battle throughout history defending their countries and families might think differently.

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Where are the men?

the question is ....

Where are the women? Many voted for Uncle Sugar(Sam) to replace the men in their lives.

They voted for this over decades! It's their problem and they need to fix it!

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Doc Alexander has asked the question "Where are the men?" He has much to catch up on on this issue! The average man has been checking out of a society that is constantly disparaging men for being masculine, now termed toxic. The social engineers in the employ of the pyramid cap have been hard at work for the last 50 years and the result is that many men are turning their backs on a society that does not value or appreciate the male gender. To whit family formation is at an all time low and getting worse. Only 6 in 1,000 men are now getting married as a box checked off for the 'Cap.'

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