I def think trump and RFK should work together. They aren’t as different as they would appear bc of political titles. Who gives a shit about left and right anymore?!! It should be that we work together to save our beautiful country!! That’s it! The most important thing here is SAVE AMERICA!!!

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With RFK jr. recent pick of VP, makes him now dead in the water politically, because she is a deep state plant with money! A female version of Malone in my book!Ted Kennedy was one of those depopulation deep state cult clowns himself. Proves to me that RFK jr. is just another democrat that has a green agenda on environmental policy that is reckless for economic growth. His second amendment stance is too liberal as well.

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Politicians say a lot of things in a campaign (Trump about Vivek, Kamala about Biden), but should Trump get reelected, I would not be surprised if they do work together.

BUT, let's remember that Trump wanted RFK, Jr., before, and, apparently, after a little money came Trump's way from Big Pharma, RFK was no longer considered.

So, we'll see, but let's get Biden out of that crack house on 1600 Penna. Ave. first and go from there.

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Pfizer donated a million to the inauguration, that's true. Here's a partial list of companies who also donated 6-figures+:

Amgen, Aetna, Anthem, Centene, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, BPAmerica, DowDupont. AT&T, Verizon and Comcast gave 4.1 million total.

"Federal law forbids government contractors from making contributions to candidates and political action committees. However, there is no such rule against contributions to post-election activities like the presidential inauguration, a loophole that allows contractors to dole out unlimited donations in hopes of bolstering their chances of landing contracts with the new administration."

Clarification is important.

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Except Jr picks an outright anti constitution globalist. So u know where he is at. Can’t get past the locking up of “climate deniers” comment. Hard no for him

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Trump and RFK together???

NOPE! One for the clot shot (Trump). One telling the truth about the clot shot (RFK).

One Liar. One Truth Teller.

No Way.

Trump is disqualified (or at least should be) until he owns up. PUT HIM ON THE HORSEMEN LIST!

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RFK Jr’s VP (left of the left of the evil demons!) tells me he’s NOT fit to be President nor will he be able to bust up the deep state like Trump can & definitely will this time —THUS the panic on the left! They fear Trump with every fiber of their beings .. they don’t like Bobby because he will take enough lefty votes from Biden to ensure Trump win — of people who didn’t like the Vax and mandates, passports etc BUT voted for Biden last time because they are Trump haters or lefties. Saying you are anti-Vax and big Pharma etc doesn’t make up for the leadership & what is desperately needed right now —to SAVE this Nation from the brink OF COMMUNISTIC DESTRUCTION! I wonder how Bobby would hold up with 92 indictments and 564M fines etc? Would he still want to run? I very much doubt it. Not good enough! If

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i thought i read somewhere that RFK JR. the person he picked to be his VP was WEF and she did donate 4 million to his ad at the super bowl or something like that so maybe she was buying the VP position. who knows I'm Trump 100% yes he made mistakes but he is human and he did learn a lot by serving the first time so his promises resonate with me and at this point if we can stop mail in ballots and the cheating he will win.

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It would have been delusional for Malone to think he was an individual of a caliber to be VP of the United States. But "Bobby" was happy to use him for his own publishing purposes and may have made empty promises to Malone related to the VP position in order to persuade Malone to research, ghost write, or edit for him.

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He's of a much higher caliber than the current VP and her predecessor.

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Absolutely true. Without a doubt.

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Scenario: Biden becomes incapacitated before the election. This isn't at all unrealistic. He's out as a candidate. Who do the Democrats turn to? Bobby is a reasonable choice: anybody but Trump. Bobby wins election, or Bobby wins "election" (take your pick.)

Then: next phase of the operation, now that they have their climate fanatic and climate fanatic VP in office. The next phase involves "necessary" steps to combat planetary disaster, with 100% support of lunatic left who believe that pseudoscience = truth, and support by the scientific journals proclaiming that a tipping point is imminent and we're in grave danger.

Enter surveillance and CBDCs for the greater good to save the very planet, courtesy of the man who once said that climate deniers should be jailed.

Freedom requires vigilance. Vigilance requires imagination.

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pimps up

Malone down

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No way! Really?? You've got to be joking. RM actually believed he had a shot, deliberate bad pun , at VP for Jr?? Btw, I actually hear the beautiful sing song cadence of your voice when I read your unscripted thoughts. I'm sorry I keep hammering you Paul, but I do believe you are a fundamentally honest & genuine man. Who happens to have a PhD. That's all. The doctorate has nothing to do with an honest man. I do believe you've been deceived like we all have been & the higher the education the more difficult it is to break bad programming. You're getting there dude. This has a bit of the gossipy stink on it but I indulged same as you. So eh. What can we do. Don't give up, young man. Now just figure out that 'fermented soy' claim of stage strutter Dr. Mick jagger Cole. "I caint get nooo... sa-tisss--fac-tion!"

Your friendly neighborhood reminder that spike protein was diagnosed as BSE in UK way back in the day. We've seen this cat before. Do you happen to know an excellent jaguar trapper?? Stay humble. Much love. 🙏🏻❤️

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My blood pressure was high normal. Dropped 10+ points with Nattokinase, Drs. Kory and McCullough include it in their protocols. Don't be so flippant.

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Oh be quiet. Being flip after 50 years of polite civility, desperate mothers begging for anyone to hear them endlessly notifying the arrogant ignorant over educated vacuous doctors of deadly side effects and being dismissed out of hand get flip comments. Gold Standard empirical irrefutable evidence was rejected and now? How many children are dead& dying but your BP⬇️ by 10 WHOLE points from 'fermented' soy natto supplements? Well, god save the Queen! It's all worth it. Now THAT is a flippant comment.

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Look, I knew this was off from the get go and proceeded accordingly. Alternate meds for prevention and treatment, supplements rather than drugs, and no shots. And I have a niece that miscarried as a result of going along with it all. So how about you stop speaking in riddles and back the hell off. Better yet, just get lost.

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Ok. I'm happy for you you chose natural medicine. But please don't expect others who've been doing this research for years and years and years very quietly, to be quiet when a new wild claim pops up without a single critical study to prove or support the claim. I'd be so very happy if fermented soy based supplements did in fact 'dissolve' spike protein that withstands 800+ degree Fahrenheit temps and found in cows brains in the 90's with first wave spike damage syndrome causing deadly neurological disease. This is so not new it's entering its 3-4th wave of 'not new'. I probably never would have commented back had you not been so clueless re 'fermented' soy products but called my comment flip. I'll be flip as long as someone is merchandizing the suffering of the world's children from a deliberate poison attack. I find that reprehensible.

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I didn't SAY it dissolved spike protein. I said it lowered my blood pressure. This isn't news, many people use this supplement. Like red yeast rice for cholesterol. I have no residual covid ANYTHING, I have that taken care of. Please back off and leave me alone. Better yet, I'll just block you.

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LOL, Dr. A, you have to be kidding me! Is Malone that much of a conceited narcissist to believe he would be considered for public office, let alone President of Vice? LOL! He really is something else.

But imagine the worst case--a spook and probably a Deep Stater (both Malone) in the White House. Perish the thought!!

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Can't have a vaxxie as your backup.

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Perhaps the VP liberal lady has been added on purpose to draw in the Brandon voters. Trump will not lose big numbers of voters now to RFK jr. I believe Bobby decided to run to save the Republic, draw in the liberal voters away from Brandon. Trump wins!

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And don't forget RFK,Jr. still has Rabbi Buttplug Schmuley on his campaign staff.

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It looks like RFK Jr was correct all along on the harm caused by many of the vaccines, but he was dead wrong on the climate narrative

The Global Warming/Climate story is a 50-year-old scam, concocted by the same people who brought us the Covid-19 scam. Bobby should be bright enough to realize this fact. However, the warmists are brainwashed and incapable of logical thought.


THE CULL TRILOGY – by Allan Malcolm MacRae


Covid & Climate Chronicles – The Big Cull

Book 1 of the “Cull Trilogy”.


THE CLIMATE SCAM - Fifty Years of False Fears

Book 2 of the “Cull Trilogy”



Book 3 of the “Cull Trilogy”


Regards, Allan MacRae, Calgary


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Nice essay!

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