Forgive? Mass murderers? Er.... NO, 100% NO! Death by injection for the lot of them! Like the quote posted by 'Smartest Guy in the World' by Thomas Aquinas - no-one in their right mind should be complacent about what has happened!!!!

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IF they are let off, then it will happen again 100%

"He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral. Why? Because anger looks to the good of justice. And if you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust."

-- Thomas Aquinas


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Frankly I think all it has gotten us is increased risk of high blood pressure, indigestion and strokes. It is good to be angry at what was done, but to see justice done ---- imho, I'm not sure that's gonna happen.

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81% of Americans lined up for jabs. They turned on their neighbors who were unjabbbed and unmasked like the subjects of the book "Hitler's Willing Executioners" which is about the German people of the 1930s and 1940s who switched on their neighbors to the Gestapo. From Milgram's experiments on obedience to authority it could have been predicted that Americans would behave in this sheep-like way. The American people care naught for justice. Many still lust for more boosters. Let us not excuse them by appealing to concepts like brainwashing by global elites leading to mass formation psychosis. Many of the perpetrators are already being honored, if not given medals. But anger only harms the angry. Look to the wisdom of Imperator Ceasar Marcus Augustus Antonio Aurelius, 16th Roman Emperor. When growing angry, Marcus reminds himself that the other person will be dead before long, and shortly thereafter forgotten forever. The reason for the anger will likewise soon be lost in the mists of time. Focusing on the transience of these things can make getting very angry feel pointless.

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Isn't this equivalent to seeking a savior? The ones who voluntarily submitted (without coercion) were also seeking a savior in Fauci et al. Saviors become messiahs who spawn religion. This makes your solution the same thing as the problem. No?

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I haven't run across anyone who took the jab voluntarily. All either felt like they had to in order to keep their job, or to visit loved one's in nursing homes and some felt that they had to obey the government. I just talked to a woman today that said she took 2 in order to continue to care for her very sick grandmother and her husband took them because he immigrated here legally and felt the oath he took to become a citizen meant he had to comply with the government. We damn sure didn't take it and tried to talk to a few family and friends that insisted they had to take it for their job....they're now angry and a little angry at us for standing our ground. Justice for all!

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Don't understand what you mean with 'saviour'. The stated quote references our reaction to authoritarian rule. And, especially, when that authoritarian rule is killing/harming innocents; if you know that, and it doesn't make you angry, there is something terribly wrong.

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I am pointing out that making laws makes no difference. We are surrounded by too many lawyers who will either write in exemptions or work around whatever the law says. On top of that, there is the question of enforcing the law. If you look around, you will have to squint hard to find a public servant who will do his job. Case in point is 'my body, my choice'. It was conveniently forgotten by those in power when there was no abortion involved. Those pesky religious exemptions? Well, they were not enforced either. We ask for more laws and they will be used against us later through some convoluted logic.

To outsource protection of rights is to look for a savior. Each one of us has to think for ourselves and decide if we want to go through the injections in the future. Greed is now driving public policy. Economics can handle the greed. If enough of us refuse, the economics become unviable and the seller gets the message.

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All who were in on the fix deserve to be tried and executed as murderers.

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NO. Re "Would you be o.k. with Albert Bourla etd getting let off."

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I'd be fine if they all died suddenly.

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Oh and they should!

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Should face firing squad...guilty all

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Criminals must be punished or locked up or put to death, or they will continue their crime spree.

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everyone is angry! if they themselves were not injured, they know many who were. Same thing is now happening with monkeypox and avian flu.

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No. How many lives were lost? None of those people cared about the consequence of their action. They can claim what they like, it was all about money and control. It was EVIL and the people who perpetrated the acts should pay for their awful deeds.

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THere is no Freedom with there is no accountability.

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I think we've reached this point. And that there is no accountability.

All we have to do is look at what this administration has done and will continue to do to know that things have changed.

Maybe on this largest crime committed in world history things will be different. Let's hope so. And Dr, anyone on your LIST should be treated equally.

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Sep 4·edited Sep 4

Would I be okay if these psycho-monsters were let off? Is that supposed to be a trick question?

The **ONLY** way that I'd be "okay" is if I saw most of those criminals dangling by their neck, eyes being pecked out by crows, and left to rot where they hang.

Now let me tell you how I really feel.

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I am not into forgiving anyone. They hurt my child! I do not forgive or forget that kind of thing, especially when it is deliberate ! No forgiveness, I want all the truth out and then I want all tried, all assess to money stopped. Garnish their homes, their money, their cars, boats , garnish it all. They do not deserve any leniency!

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I'm so sorry this happened to your child. I pray these evil monsters lose everything they possess and then face a firing squad.

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I meant access to money

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Absolutely 100% no. But they will be.

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Sep 3·edited Sep 8

I will be ecstatic when they are left off on the Appian Way like Spartacus, by Uber. DHL or any other transport delivery svc.

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These evil mass murders have gone beyond murder. It's terrifying. Blood samples of the embalmed show nanobots moving in the deceased after 8 months. Vaccinated deceased are emitting a MAC address from the grave. Here's the evidence to prove what I posted. Dr Mihalcea's research. https://substack.com/app-link/post?publication_id=956088&post_id=148472266&utm_source=post-email-title&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=1bynu1&token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4MDU1OTE0NSwicG9zdF9pZCI6MTQ4NDcyMjY2LCJpYXQiOjE3MjU0MTA0NDksImV4cCI6MTcyODAwMjQ0OSwiaXNzIjoicHViLTk1NjA4OCIsInN1YiI6InBvc3QtcmVhY3Rpb24ifQ.csegHUHgOMTEpWmiVBgE0ZXMgSAmtus5770YcrXyR0s

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