the completely unrelated cause of death (even tho the cause of death is pending?) is ABV: anything but the vax. it’s highly contagious.

looks like a pandemic. definitely can’t be the most safe and effective (experimental) vaccine in history. because never has a (experimental) vaccine been MORE tested.

we know it’s safe because billions of people have taken it.

but we know.... it’s the vax stupid.

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Poor Damar is dead! His double in that interview they put on... was missing his neck tattoo. Don’t want the masses to get too upset but unless they actively detox, their cancers should start showing up soon?

Sadly, doctors have really taken a hit from the trusted positions they once held. Between supporting the Vax (whether thru beliefs it worked OR being paid incentives to give)... to the cash cow of mutilating confused children with gender dysphoria. This is only going to get worse with the inclusive practices of med schools instead of meritocracy, sigh!

Thankful I “made it” thru 5 surgeries in the last 3 years (2 hip replacements; 2 knee replacements; one knee done twice!) It may have helped that hubby is a surgeon who was my advocate? But even he knows... there are too many docs who now “follow guidelines” instead of thinking on their own. Sigh!

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It’s deadly for males, for girls, and even for LGBTQ*FBI/CIA+

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Drs wake up, the inducements from

Big pharma look good now but they come at a cost, you are selling your soul to the devil🥹

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All sports are rigged. If you do your research you will discover why the NFL makes it crystal clear after each theatrical performance, that it has been a presentation by the NFL. Evidently, Hamlin is an actor and we will never know what truly happened during that game when he “collapsed”. Actors appear on the IMDB platform, which showcases the fact that they are an actor. Why does he have an IMDB account?

These distractions keep us from hidden activity and away from what’s really going on. Not a single NFL athlete with a heart problem would be cleared to play the sport ever! Never! Which is another clue that the entire stage was theatre.

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The horror story continues. Whose next? I’m afraid to ask. I’ll never forget the sick feeling in my gut when I took my son to his pediatrician for a sports physical after he had recovered from Covid and the Dr asked me if I wanted him to get the Covid shot? I asked why would I do that, he had natural immunity. He said he could wait 6 months. Then he said not to worry that myocarditis is very rare. SMH

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Paul and all,

How come you can’t get 2 doctors in the US to agree on anything?

Is it because they are not listening to Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, WHO WHISTLEBLOWER and Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea who has ties to multiple scientific disciplines (quantum physics, biophysics, genetics, torsion, biochemistry and neurology)…a necessity to understand these vaccines?

Dr. Ana’s best interview with Dr. Lee Merritt…



Mother/Grandmother of 7 and counting

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IMPALE THE VAXXERS, The Makers and distributers and all related to these murderous injections and related criminal acts --------

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Heads in the sand!

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When you define vaccine,

You will see when the fraud begins.

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Why are the shots still ongoing?

Slaughter is real.

The media is looking the other way.

Are you waiting for your turn?

It will come.

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The sheep continue to get in line for their shots.

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Yes the jabs have adverse effects on women too. I wonder if it kills black and white women differently if they are under stress during different phases of their menstrual cycle. Black and white women show different epinephrine responses to stress at different phases of their cycles. What happens when you add in an mRNA jab?

"Black women showed greater diastolic pressure (P <.01) and plasma epinephrine (P <.05) responses to stress during the follicular compared with the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle"

Menstrual Cycle Effects on Catecholamine and Cardiovascular Responses to Acute Stress in Black but Not White Normotensive Women


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