Paul I just read a post by Daniel Jupp which starts with 'Once again Trump is the lightning rod, the point in the world where the energy strikes and we see a flash of light showing everything'

I am an avid UK based Trump supporter and I think you would enjoy reading this:


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Paul: All of this commotion for our political rights means absolutely nothing if the Bank of International Settlements prevails with the WEF and WHO amend the IHR to subvert governments world wide and they digitalize us with Cancellable Surveillance Digital UD, CBDC, National and International Digital Compliance Cards and Scores. Digital feudalism. Election Pricess a distraction for the real installation of WEF Power. Speak to this please RFK Jr speaks to this

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very important post, hugs

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Correct, however the point is our Election Process cannot be a "distraction" or you wouldn't even know those things are looming in the background. O'Biden, Inc. is the only reason it is because they have their backing/collusion. As far as them cheating to win, that's expected and is why there are now 100's of thousands of Patriots getting involved, eyes and ears on the ground, etc. They know they can't win this time because of that. They will attack more, yes we know, but we have some legal and ethical arsenal this time around. AND GOD.

If you aren't aware there are many organizations, like Cause of America, Precinct Strategy, and many others that are poised to document every anomaly. The grassroots are involved more than ever before and there is a way for everyone to.

Trump has spoken to those things also, as a matter of fact he removed us from the WHO, planned to WEF, etc., and has said he'll be looking at all funding for any worldwide organization. He knows the UN was involved in the immigration crisis, etc. If you want to hear what's he's been saying watch all of his policy videos either on his site or his rumble channel. RFK, Jr. has some good policies, but he also has some that would assist ushering in part of those issues you speak of. The Dems hate anyone with the last name of Kennedy - even though they all are. RFK, Jr. filed to run as Democrat in April 2023 and then changed to Independent in October because of that. That lowers his chances of winning, when at this point he could have easily won the primaries over Biden, but IMO Obama would have gotten Biden out & someone else in if RFK, Jr. hadn't changed parties.

America first doesn't only help America, it helps the world - we are still the beacon on the hill for many countries and people all over the world are watching and praying over it.

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Give it up man...His choice of Vance as VP tells you all you need to know about what he thinks of your opinion on vaccines. Big Pharma owns both of them.

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If this is a fact, please provide us with evidence to study. Thank you.

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Look at Vance’s investment company and his statements on firing healthcare workers during Covid...

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" ... let’s fire thousands of nurses who refuse to get the vaccine ..."


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Is Vance also captured by Big Pharma? Probably as they allowed for such pick...

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JR tends to travel in my circles and has a lot of credibility having opposed the corrupt CYSTem up here in Canuckistan. I am aware of his perspectives and activities opposing the "marde" of the corrupt CYSTem.

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Kriya Therapeutics is developing adeno-associated virus gene therapies. It's not also developing mRNA gene therapies, at this stage, is it?

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I disagree.

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😆 JD Vance, author of "Hillbilly Elegy," has roots tied to the Hatfield-McCoy feud. His ancestors, the Vances, were related to the McCoys through marriage. Vance's great-grandfather, Hugh Vance, was a cousin of Randolph McCoy, a key figure in the feud.

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Well, that’s super interesting. Thank you. Us Americans have interesting ancestors. I am a Daughter of the American Revolution, and one of my grandfathers was an Indian scout and built a fort in Pennsylvania, the Western must fort for the Revolutionary War. My grandmother born in 1901 told me my grandfather signed the Declaration of Independence, her last name was Morris, so far I have been only able to trace that he was my cousin first cousin or uncle so many times removed. Since President Trump was elected I got interested in tracing my American roots. I also have a grandfather Reverend Corbly of Pennsylvania, who is a member and pastor in the militia of the Revolutionary War. And and I have a handful of other founding fathers of America grandfathers I won’t mention, with three family members, grandfathers, being founders of New Jersey officially.

Each of my grandfathers, of course ,had wives and children who are their support systems. Most of them had many many children! I have been able to find firsthand accounts and they lead hard lives and chosen paths towards Freedom.. All of them and all of them were motivated by the Free World. Some left Europe because of religious persecution mostly, some were Quakers, while others were a part of failed attempts in the royal wars of England and Wales. Play Dutch grandfather was put in jail because he baptized his child Christian and was not Catholic in Holland.

My point in sharing this is all of my ancestors that I could find accounts of, came to America to be free, and participated in The American Revolutionary war to leave tyranny behind and no matter what happens to me

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My Apple phone cut my comment off. I’m totally compelled to keep participating in Maga and support President Trump and do whatever I have to do to get our country back inspired by my ancestors. I have children and I care about all of the world’s children. Since the 1800s, very very evil beings have gotten involved in world domination. They are a Luciferian Saturn cult of very wealthy people or something. I won’t even get into all the child trafficking they do. I’m aware that President Trump is aware of this. This is a big reason to get him back.

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I believe in junior high and high school children should trace their ancestor’s roots and learn about this ,their story, so they’ll appreciate how they got here, how hard it is to keep freedom when evil is also here. We must work to keep our freedom. This is what children need to learn in school, not how to be “woke”, they must learn to appreciate their life, their family life and Life itself. Teenagers would not be so violent if they were grounded in Life and grounded in their family story.

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The purported shooter was a physical weakling and a nerd who had won a math and science prize. Nerd = high IQ but poor hand-eye coordination (leading to poor marksmanship) + deficit in social comprehension (leading to gullibility and being easily conned). This is the perfect patsy. How did a physical weakling carry a 12 foot ladder and his rifle to the building that he climbed on to? How did he fit a 12 foot ladder in his Hyundai? It was reported that he had purchased a 5 foot ladder and 50 rounds earlier in the day but a 5 foot ladder would have been useless and the actual ladder found was reportedly 12 foot. If he didn't purchase the ladder then why was one available on site for him to use? How did he get past security carrying a 12 foot ladder, if it wasn't left leaning against the building, and a rifle? How did he know that he would be able to gain access? Why did he have a clear line of sight to Trump? At all of Trump's other rallies onstacles have been placed to prevent potential assassins from having a clear line of sight. Why was this not done this time, just before the convention at which Nikki Haley would have been made the nominee if Trump was dead? How is it that Crooks was not apprehended despite being initially spotted behaving suspiciously at least 24 minutes before Trump got whacked? I heard an interview recently with a random foreigner who was recruited to help out on a security detail while attending a Gerald Ford rally. It really happened. Did the patsy think he was Secret Service. Did he actually fire the shot that hit Trump? It seems unlikely he would have known he was going to be blown to bits up on the roof? This all doesn't add up.

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boom, I have said there was a second shooter...

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16

I think he fired shots, but not the one who hit Trump.

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He was rejected from his school rifle team for being a poor marksman. Whoever fired at Trump hit the target. Trump's turn of the had at the last millisecond was the only thing that saved him.

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ANW, could be 2nd, leave it open....same for JFK etc.

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How being shot might affect Donald Trump’s mental health – and that of millions of others


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I do not believe that lie.

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What do you mean?

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I think the whole Trump assassination stinks of a psyops. From a 20 year old with barely any military training sneaking pass cops and Secret Service? Then popping off shots in a random order? I think the kid was a decoy. I think there was a second shooter that meant to graze Trump.

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Would you agree to let a shooter graze you, from that distance? So easy for something to go wrong.

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Thank you for your real true thoughts and courage to speak out Dr. Alexander.

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this forum is for you all to vent, bitch, speak truth, come always...

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Can Trump release those documents, he should have or are they sealed for another 25 years or so

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If this had happened to Biden, cheadle would have been lynched and quartered by now.

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You said "we love our police and military and border agents " and from what I have experienced I agree because police here are corrupt especially affirmative action useless fools. The Ottawa PS, the Toronto PS the Calgary PS, the OPP are all corrupt and lawless. Liars, stalinists etc there are few good cops anymore up here. They all suck the ample ass of turdo the compulsive liar.

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None of the Talking Heads could put their finger on it about Trump‘s appearance last night. But to me he seemed humbled by what took place. How could you not be When you realize that it’s only the grace of God that kept you alive.

The Secret Service wants to point fingers at the police but who engaged them to begin with? And who vetted them? So it still falls on the Secret Service and that hag cheadle. Jill Biden‘s pick. Has the woman served a day in the Secret Service? No. It’s DEI which equals DIE.

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excellent sharing, on point

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Cheadle is about as useful as teats on a boar in her capacity as a secret service boss. The only boss thing about her is her fat ass and incompetence.

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Vance was a member of the Bilderberg group. He is a deep state crony.

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I don’t trust Vance. He’ll do anything to be 2nd in line. Georgetown will make him 1st.

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Until The USA puts National Security ahead of the Stock Market, The USA and Freedom itself will remain at ever increased risk.

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Well, a citizen's arrest is legal, and the perp can always be shot trying to escape.

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