I suspect that vaccinated persons do shed as well. Unfortunately, the vaccinated have already been around the unvaccinated for a couple years now. So, I don't think that quarantining vaccinated people from the unvaccinated would be very worthwhile at this point. I think that the nattokanise, nigella sativa, and other products are a better way of dealing with the problem. Also, I've read that artemisia annua aka sweet wormwood has strong anti-viral, blood thinning, and anti-inflammatory properties as well.

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I mean you are right..

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you got it.

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Graphene Oxide Nanosheets Stimulate Ruffling and Shedding of Mammalian Cell Plasma Membranes

Membrane ruffling and shedding raise fundamental questions about how GO interacts with the PM, as well as its potential to modulate cellular mechanosensing for tissue engineering, stem cell differentiation, and other biomedical applications.

These collective experiments question the biocompatibility of GO and caution against assuming its safety in biomedical or environmental applications based on its low cytotoxicity.




https://cdn.pfizer.com/pfizercom/2020-11/C4591001_Clinical_Protocol_Nov2020.pdf Clinical protocol (Pages 67-69):

8.3.5. Exposure During Pregnancy or Breastfeeding, and Occupational Exposure Exposure to the study intervention under study during pregnancy or breastfeeding and occupational exposure are reportable to Pfizer Safety within 24 hours of investigator awareness. Exposure During Pregnancy An EDP occurs if: • A female participant is found to be pregnant while receiving or after discontinuing study intervention. • A male participant who is receiving or has discontinued study intervention exposes a female partner prior to or around the time of conception. • A female is found to be pregnant while being exposed or having been exposed to study intervention due to environmental exposure. Below are examples of environmental exposure during pregnancy: • A female family member or healthcare provider reports that she is pregnant after having been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact. PF-07302048 (BNT162 RNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccines) Protocol C4591001 Page 68 • A male family member or healthcare provider who has been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact then exposes his female partner prior to or around the time of conception. The investigator must report EDP to Pfizer Safety within 24 hours of the investigator’s awareness, irrespective of whether an SAE has occurred. The initial information submitted should include the anticipated date of delivery (see below for information related to termination of pregnancy).


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I kindly disagree with the flu view. They made the bat virus transmissible to humans by bioengineering the spike protein. It is a bioweapon. Plus, the flu does not give you blood clots. But the research is in, from the studies I had read, that nattokinase is essential. I am on the full protocol recommended by Tenpenny's integrative clinic and TWC as well as Ivermectin twice a week. Agree 100% with your view on natural remedies. Funny how it is nature which is helping us fight off this man-made virus / bioweapon.

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This is nanotechnology toxicity in fact




People are being poisoned and this is why "Covid" is such a "strange virus" - Well, "Covid" has all the symptoms of nanotech toxicity

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there are no infectious "viruses". they made a POISON BIOWEAPON. please use the correct words

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I agree with you. Anyway, quarantining only makes our bodies weaker. We need exposure so our body can learn to interact with everything that comes its way. I don't believe they "let out a virus" because covid was simply the flu, and the flu came about due to their testing 5G radiation. That's how they always do things, they have to test to see the dosages so that the dosages can be administered in just the right amounts so as not to look suspicious. So they test on small demographics here and there because nobody notices as much as when they are tested it world-wide in the first few hits. That's also why it's impossible they made contact first time with the moon astro-naughts especially in the days when technology was still very crude.

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Yes just take the vitamins and minerals recommended. Get plenty of exercise and sunshine so that means travel to warm climates in winter as well. Do not fear the vaccinated. It's not the fault of the majority of vaccinated. They were duped. Follow the great advice online and Live life in a happy state.

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Look up the criminal Ralph Baric. He’s published many research papers over the years that show how Covid came about.

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Just want to add, they have to test dosages because people will die in the beginning. That's what they want to achieve ultimately, but not so fast as to raise the awareness of the sleeping hordes.

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We have reached herd immunity,, I don't have the time to explain right now but the boosting is nonsense.. and should no longer be done. In fact.. unless there are more Corona virus being GOF'ed right now. it is over.. and has been. Masks never worked in the public/lay non science environment. I worked in a B.F 3/4 level virology lab.. and in hospital.. if anything Masks acted as VECTORS.. they are so filthy .. well to go for sure right now.

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You are correct on masks. I'm fact no due diligence done with respect to nanoparticles used in them and they were warned in advance that there had to be proper control of masks and nanoparticles as it could be bad for peoples health. In Canada they recalled masks with graphene but a little late as teachers and kids were wearing them for 6 to 8 hours a day. Or masks being made in sweat shop factories in unhygienic third world nations as per videos leaked. More harm than good from masks.

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Most senior citizens have very thin skin on arms & hands. Bruising from the slightest bump & skin tearing very easily. I think blood thinners have to be taken with caution since even aspirin or Tylenol can exacerbate the problem.

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Everyone should look into NAC:

It dissolves blood clots and prevents and dissolves amyloid plaque, that is the problem of this nanotech used






The study by CHOP researchers suggests NAC may block the precipitation of amyloid plaque deposits, as well as help break up their formation, which could make a dramatic difference for those living with HCCAA. The study’s lead author, Dr. Hakon Hakonarson, director of CHOP’s Center for Applied Genomics, said in a news release:10

“Amyloids cannot precipitate without aggregating, so if we can prevent that aggregation with a drug [NAC] that is already available, then we could make an incredible difference in the lives of these patients.

https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.117.027290 Potent Thrombolytic Effect of N-Acetylcysteine on Arterial Thrombi - Results:

We demonstrated that intravenous NAC administration promotes lysis of arterial thrombi that are resistant to conventional approaches such as recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator, direct thrombin inhibitors, and antiplatelet treatments. Through in vitro and in vivo experiments, we provide evidence that the molecular target underlying the thrombolytic effects of NAC is principally the VWF that cross-link platelets in arterial thrombi. Coadministration of NAC and a nonpeptidic GpIIb/IIIa inhibitor further improved its thrombolytic efficacy, essentially by accelerating thrombus dissolution and preventing rethrombosis. Thus, in a new large-vessel thromboembolic stroke model in mice, this cotreatment significantly improved ischemic lesion size and neurological outcome. It is important to note that NAC did not worsen hemorrhagic stroke outcome, suggesting that it exerts thrombolytic effects without significantly impairing normal hemostasis.


We provide evidence that NAC is an effective and safe alternative to currently available antithrombotic agents to restore vessel patency after arterial occlusion.

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Nac was good against viruses and an anti inflammatory to boot

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I remember reading about NAC from at least 10-13 years ago... Can't remember where, maybe in treating the H1N1 from 2009. But it seems to be a bit of a miracle substance.

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Thanks Michael I do have wormwood tea. What do you think about zeolite or MMS?

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Post menopause here for 8 years when the vaccine came out. Had some

vaccinated people in my home. Started cramping and had discharge

for about 5 days.

Yes they do shed!!!

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Yep. Same here. As a compromise with my doctor who did not want me around an office full of vaccinated employees in such cramped settings she agreed to my request to return for 3 half days to start to see how my body reacted. At the end of the third day I had all of your symptoms as well. Working with the Health and Safety department and HR to get Enviroklenz HVAC air purifier installed. Thinking that may help since it removes viruses from the air. Plus, you never know when the next bioweapon will be released! Thinking about getting one for my home as well.

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Have 2 air purifiers in my house. One honeywell and the other has the ozone plates

along with the UV sterilizer.

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??....viruses a hoax.....it's something else

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Yes same here!! I was post menopause for 16 years

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I was post menopause for 19 years! Will continue to take NAC and quercetin/zinc for the rest of my life.

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Yes I will too and will start on zeolite or MMS because desiccated red blood cells contain nanobots are in chemtrails.

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I would suggest also taking bromelain, curcumin, resveratrol, and vitamins A through D.

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D3 +K2 is best combination for Vit D absorption.

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Yes all these vitamins and minerals all you great posters have written work. Big Pharma lies and lies.

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Sorry Barb so glad they didn’t stay long

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I've had several questions surrounding this issue. Please chime in if you have any reliable data or info on these points. Thanks.

1) Since those that have gotten the mRNA shots are now "manufacturing" these spike proteins apparently forever, are they forever going to be transmitting/shedding to others? I think that's critical to know.

My question is based on the knowledge that the flu vaccine, in past years, sheds (before it become mRNA or has been combined with the cvd shot) for 40 days. However, this is quite different in a worse way I'd suspect.

With that being said, what about the J&J shots. How long do those people shed for?

2) How "dangerous" are these individuals to those that aren't vaxxed based on the vial lot number that they got? Everything is such a mystery. Clearly, people have gotten different lot numbers. Some apparently worse then others. Some people we know are multiple vaxxed but appear completely fine and they'll say they feel fine. So are they a "danger" to the unvaxxed?

3) I've read that it only takes 15 minutes for an unvaxxed person to be affected by a vaxxed person. Does anyone know if that's true? I know there are a lot of factors involved. But lets say, you're food shopping, you're sometimes near someone and other times not so close. What exactly determines the level of danger to the unvaxxed? I would suspect the type of ventilation in the building and the size of the building would matter allowing for more air flow. However, we went to an OUTDOOR farmers market and it seems like my husband was affected by someone because as soon as we got in the car, he felt strange and his face felt hot and was turning red. When we got home he took extra zeolite and black seed oil and it eventually calmed down. Another time, he was in an office with someone for several hours who was vaxxed and following that his eye had a blood shot spot (forget the name of that) which is a symptom of the shot. Just trying to figure this out.

4) Are these exosomes getting on products/packages/etc that are touched by vaxxed people and can they get transmitted to the unvaxxed that way? How long do the exosomes stay on the products/packages/etc?

5) If yes, to #4, 1) can you wash them off and 2) does it get in the air from the box/product/etc?

6) If yes to #5, how long does it stay in the air from a product or person and can it affect individuals that way?

7) I've been wondering for a while now if the shedding is causing harm to the animals that are living with those that are vaxxed. I've asked if anyone has seen this on other substacks. I've seen animals (dogs, rabbits) who have gotten quite sick over the past year mostly on IG (our dog has an account) and many have died of cancer, heart issues, etc. Has anyone else seen these things? On the flip side, I know a number of people who have dogs and cats and everyone including the people are completely fine. IDK.

8) Has anyone had experience with people who are vaxxed touching their animals and either their animal getting sick or the animal transferring these exosomes from the vaxxed to their unvaxxed person?

I'm just trying to understand what's going on more clearly.

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So many questions, will we ever get answers?

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Yours is another good question.

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As indicated by poster(s) what if there's no "spike?" Too good to be true but 🤞🏻. Regardless if no spike if a bio weapon it's not good.

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The question is, are they shedding the hydrogel? Is that even possible?

Another question, are they shedding graphene oxide? Is that even possible?

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Most likely they're shedding poison of some type and when in doubt duck but that's impossible -- what a win-win for evil.

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It was planned that way. They knew it would shed. It's in the trial papers stating that those near those that got the shots should be careful. Also, there is a web page on the FDA website regarding shedding from mRNA.

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Dr. Ryan Cole, a pathologist with several labs ans experienced in electron microscopy, says there is no graphene oxide.

With respect, take care with who you listen to ... There are grifters, like Judy Mikovits, Carrie Madej, etc who are just in it for publicity and money. Mikovits hasn't been near a real lab, or done any science work since 2012.

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I hear what you're saying and then on the opposite side of that is that Dr. Ryan Cole works with Dr. Robert Malone who many are saying is possibly either a grifter or controlled opp (he's got lots against him). Dr. Ana Mihalcea has stated that she's seen graphene oxide in the blood of her patients (I'm not sure exactly how she knows it's graphene oxide) and has commented on Dr. Cole's statement. Also, from what I understand (I haven't seen it firsthand), Dr. Ryan Cole wouldn't let Astrid Struckleberger (sp?) even speak about it.

Whether there is graphene oxide in the shots or not is relevant but for detoxing it's not to a degree. Best thing to do, is to use supplements that detox these positively charged substances out of the body and that heal the body. Those that have been shown to work are zeolite powder, humic acid, etda cream as per Dr. Ana Mihalcea, NAC, etc.

So, with respect to you as well, we ALL need to learn about science ourselves as best as we can as laypeople (most of us), and try to figure out the best solutions since many of these people have some kind of agenda of their own that's not so innocent.

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I don't trust Cole.....I trust ana mihalcea.......astrid stuckleberger...seem legit..hes 'compromised

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LA Quinta Columba and many others have proven the graphine oxide. Dr Ryan Cole did not prove his findings , write a paper on his findingd, nor mention his chain of command for the vaccine viles. Those are facts. Be careful who you trust

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Be careful as Pfizer whistle blower has email from Pfizer where they won't answer the graphene oxide question and told employees if asked to state 3rd party supplies ingredients so no control by Pfizer. How convenient an answer. Whistle-blower are usually very credible.

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I do hope you're right re/no graphene oxide add to the mix no spikes and we can stop worrying about our loved ones.

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Great questions. I read that Pfizer whistle-blower stated that Pfizer would not answer the graphene oxide component because 3rd party supplies the ingredients therefore their silence speaks volumes. I think we can surmise the answer. Graphene oxide can cause covid like symptoms and pneumonia and blood clots. Everything were seeing now as adverse events.

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Yes, yes, yes and yes.

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I doubt there's spike....it's something else.

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The fake pandemic is now over 3 years old and still we are arguing about how covid started. The shedding question will remain a puzzle for the next decade.

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And ppl are still wearing masks!

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As if masks stop shedding. I guess you could mask the whole body. We did have sick puppies wearing the most outlandish masks and tents.

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hahahahah -- thanks for the lol - I needed it.

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You won't get them from the "official" sources,, no. And that is a certainty.

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Thanks for asking great questions!

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You're welcome. Believe me, I have a lot more. lol

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Yeah, me too.

I've noticed very odd illnesses in cats and dogs this past two years.

I've wondered for twenty years about how planetary changes (NOT "climate" BS) would effect our biology - and if "the predators" would try to hijack those changes, or our fears about new strange feelings?, "symptoms"?

What's with the life killing 5g EMFs rolling out now and the hideous street lights?

I knew enough about solar cycles twenty years ago to know that we were going to go through interesting changes on the planet and that we would probably freak out and be fed "misinformation".

I did not foresee an intentional mass culling via injection, though(!)

So I hold fast to the Creator of life to guide us. And thank God for exposing "vaccines" for the dangerous weapons they have been and can be.

I'd had my suspicions, but a personal conversation with a CDC doctor when the newly mandated for children HEP A & B shots came out - also 20 years ago - opened my eyes to potential horrors.

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I have suspected symptoms in my dog might be vaxx related....can't remember what it was now.

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I'm so sorry. Why do you suspect that? How is your dog doing?

I would suggest zeolite powder and humic acid for your dog. You can get the dosage for zeolite powder from zeolitedosing.com . We did that and we give our dog the maximum amount.

We also now try not to allow anyone from touching him. It gets tricky because we don't want to be rude so we try to come up with something more pleasant to say then asking if they've been vaxxed.

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Exposure makes every biology stronger. This is something the medical establishment doesn't either want you to know or doesn't know.

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Yes and no. Read your other response, too. So many people have compromised DNA with mutations that do not allow them to detox properly in the first place. Add onto that the emotional stresses in today's world, the physiological, and the physical stresses and those mutations start to show their face so to speak.

The first problem with the toxins in the vials is that none of toxins have been studied properly to know if they can be removed by the detoxification organs of the body. These are extremely toxic substances we're talking about and most people are so toxic from eating non-organic or biodynamic foods, the chemicals they allow on/in their bodies, the chemicals in the air, the EMF, etc. that their pathways for detoxification, for mineral functions, etc. are so deprived at this point which in turn compromise the mutated DNA even further. So, exposure does not always make biology stronger but rather might cause more damage because the body simply can't handle any more.

The detoxification organs need support to function properly and over the past 50 years that's been going down hill fast. I had always wondered why my 92 grandmother was able to live so long without a dozen drugs like most younger people are on today and now it makes sense. She was born before ALL the hundreds of toxins were dumped on all of us and her body/immune system was most probably better off due to that. She wasn't "toxified" like the average newborn today who is born with over 200+ toxins already in their body. If the body is still so capable of detoxing these toxins then the newborn wouldn't be in that situation. So, between mutated DNA, hundreds of toxins bumbarding each of us, and lack of nutrients mainly minerals from foods especially non-organic (glyphosate chelates minerals), the body just can't function properly anymore.

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I've devoted my whole life to fighting GMO tech and pesticides on and in our food.

Now I realize "vaccines" have probably done as much, if not more to thwart human longevity and health!

And if I had fought as hard and as publicly against vaccinology, I may not be here now. It has not escaped my attention that microbiologists and "antivaxxers" have had very short lives.

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i did research on this and in official papers re mrna injections and "shedding" in highly regarded medical journals the term "transmitting " was used along w "shedding". These shots are meant to connect people to the IOB ( Internet of Bodies) so the vaxxed will be used as antennas. So it's very different kind of "shedding" more like RADIATION!

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Those are great questions-I wish there was more information on how the Vaxxed is affecting pets

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This is only looking at things from a one-way view. The body also generates and produces counter measures to invasions. But medical science doesn't study these, it only studies disease so you can see how out of kilter it all is. Fear tells the body it can't handle something and so that's how you can influence your DNA to make you sick.

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It's not spike.....

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Also, is this why they kept pushing to get 80% of the population vaxxed (for herd immunity they said--which is not herd immunity at all), because with the majority of the population vaxxed, they knew the rest would be vaxxed by contact?

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Yes, that is my suspicion. Based on the patents filed for airborne vaccines. They’ve been in the making for some time, and it was a goal especially for population treatment of wild animals. Which, of course, nobody sees anything wrong with.

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Wrong. There are people who see things wrong with population treatment of wild animals from their many different ways of getting the poor animals infected with their drugs.

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Well, yes, we do, but not enough overall to stop the progression of tinkering and aerial trials.

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That's exactly what I believe to be the case. But this is where they miscalculated: getting the shots it's much worse than the shedding. You can easily recover from the shedding but not from a vaccine injury. I don't think the two can be compared. But that was their plan. They must have believed that the shedding will give them the same results as the vaccines. That has not been the case based on what I have observed so far.

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We are not addressing shedding from intimate contact. There are couples who are half vaxxed. Others who would like to get together but are too afraid of the consequences.

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These gene-therapy injections can never provide herd immunity, because they do not stop transmission and infection. The reason being, that the antibodies produced by these injections are inferior to, and replace the bodies innate-natural antibodies. See the writings of Dr. George Vanden Bossche. Secondly, having everyone injected eliminates the control group. so that there is no way to compare outcomes of injectees with the pure bloods.

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I suspected this all along.

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They are trying to vaccinate cows and pigs so now you can see the evil plan in action.

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Considering the goal of depopulation, I doubt the unjabbed will ever be protected from the jabbed.

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They will if they are willing to follow a detox protocol. And to take antivirals. It works. That is from my own personal experience.

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I just saw a projection that in 100 years the world pop will have dropped to 6 billion. That's based off current statistics holding true (no word of excess deaths in there, LOL or infertility or early miscarriages etc)

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I believe I experienced vax shedding twice. The first time, after spending 2 days with vaxxed friends at the beach, I had a full blown period even though I am in menopause and hadn't had a period in 5 years. The second time I spent a long weekend with 6 vaxxed friends and 2 days later ended up in the ER with a possible TIA. No previous or current damage was found with either my heart or brain, but it was scary and very costly.

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WOW! Thank you Dr. Alexander. I am now feeling vindicated for isolating myself in my house for the last almost three years & staying away from vaccinated people. It’s been very difficult, I only go out to the grocery store on odd hours & associate with unvaccinated people rarely when I am sure of their status. Humans are not meant to be solitary people, it’s very depressing. But thank you for finally giving a straight forward answer.

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Too bad we don’t live near each other as we’re both on the same path. There’s probably a lot more of us Isolationists than we know.

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Ditto -I feel the same

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Me too Leslie, me too

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I think you would be better off to just learn the detox protocol. Thanks to many of my friends being vaccinated, I have to take Natokinasse for the rest of my life.

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If that’s the answer it’s not so terrible.

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K2 with zinc is great. Its at a health store

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Don't isolate. Just use the vitamins and minerals great people write about and you will be fine. Exercise and sunshine is necessary. These vitamins are therapeutics and they do their jobs. Add selenium as well. Live your life love your family and don't live in fear.

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My vaccinated family and friends have isolated me. I have never been afraid of this scam. I have isolated myself from a world I no longer understand. I had a wonderful life until 12 years ago when my husband died. I was learning how to live in it until this nightmare came. I am 77 years old. I could have happily died before this & missed it entirely. The whole world is falling apart. It’s not just this although this is enough.

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I understand totally. I feel for you. Yes cruel people are out there. Family has become cruel to many. Very sad. Just a suggestion. Do you have a park near you. Just slowly go there everyday. Sit and enjoy the sunshine. Say hi to people around and make small talk and perhaps you can establish new friends. Do you have any elderly recreation centre's to go to in your area?

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Thank you for sharing-it really helps to hear others that have made the same choices-it is isolating and depressing, our family has witnessed transmission firsthand to know that it’s real so we have to be extremely careful

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Apr 2, 2023
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With all due respect, you’re not in our shoes.

We each have reasons unique to us based on factors such as health issues or just straight up old fashioned Wisdom.

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I have watched immunocompromised not fearing life. I seen lots of old immunocompromised get covid and be fine. We heard stories of elderly get covid home care refused to come and they took care of themselves. The greatest human tragedy is forsaking our loved ones in a time of need. Yes we know you have factors unique to your life but I am telling you can live your life like pre covid and since they unleashed this mass vaccination you just need to add vitamins and minerals that fight off viruses and help with shedding. Being proactive is the best way to go but enjoy life at the same time. Health comes from love and joy as well. The WHO veered from true wisdom of what health is to dishing out FEAR. Fear is avoiding life because you fear death. Not healthy. Look at the true meaning of life and making memories is very important. All the best as we can live however we choose. Just trying to help focus without fear.

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You are correct. And it is miserable.

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I hope you can find ways to make life less miserable. I do feel for you and this segregation and piting of vaccinated vs unvaccinated has caused lots of depression anxiety feelings of worthlessness. Everyone is important. The evil are not wanted though. The last 3 years has been extraordinary and very confusing and good people are suffering. So I think you making comments here is a good thing and people responding in a nice way is helpful. For many we refuse to isolate and carry on as normal as normal can be now. The evil unleashed doesn't have an on off switch. The perpetrators refuse to apologize.

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I always feel like crap the day after I have been exposed to a jabbed person.

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I get this feeling too - depression and lethargic and lack of motivation and then a few days after being on my own am back to "normal"

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...and I always have a headache in the same place...right sinus.

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I was born with a defective heart and after being near vaxxed people I can feel it clamping up - basically am having a heart attack - its the depression that really gets to me

Av not had the headaches though - some people I know have lost use of leg muscles for short periods after contact with vaxxed people in the streets

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You must be keeping yourself away from the vaxxed. I definitely have noticed depression in my sisters who are totally vaxxed. They totally avoid speaking to me.

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I've been in some ways "forced" to be by myself - my heart runs on two and a half valves - normal rhythm is beat, beat, half beat and then nothing, it scares most doctors - a live by myself and I used to have people dropping in for a brew and a catch up and that's all stopped - its everyone doing it not just me - people rarely talk in the street either - I don't mind too much but the loss of that interaction took a bit of getting used to

Most people here know what is going on and are not sure anymore who is/isn't safe to be around --- the behavioural change has been epic since 2020 - maybe that's a side effect of watching tv - does the tv "talk" to the stuff in the vax to make people sad / debilitated?

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After helping elderly injured family member, 2 days after his second shot, I had bleeding in menopause. Been in menopause 12 years. I still get headaches and still neck around them.

I physically avoided them after the booster shots a couple weeks.

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If it is time for humanity to end that it is more than deserving of it's fate as, by an large, (not all) has become so depraved and warped that if I were the Creator I could do nothing else but squash it, myself, but here again Providence has more patience and mercy than I would upon this sick lot.

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I want to believe that much of the looney-tunes and vax fanatics are pay-rolled actors and the biggest trick in their bag is vastly up-playing the buy-in on media. Then I head to town and chat with people, and hell-no, they are in, hook, line and sinker.

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Good points. I think they are hellfire scared of death. They haven't come to terms with their mortality and they are now scared of absolutely everything even myths.

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They have a very entitled mentality and this - OMG, I could die, death - is something they are vastly afraid of. In the past, you knew that death and life exist and we will have to die to get off the planet. And you also knew NO ONE was saying you'd always have it easy, you DESERVED to have it easy. This attitude of deserving being entitled to 'life, happiness, health, properity, longevity etc etc' is the root problem. That's where the fear stems from. Fear because in reality that entitlement is wrong AND THEY KNOW IT.

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If the creator is so darn powerful, why doesn't it give us a people's television station so we can speak the truth and have a semblance of playing on a level field?

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We have to want to help ourselves and it would appear that there isn't enough of that in the current scenario. The divine will come to assistance if humanity would clean up it's act but to a large degree it (humanity) just goes about it's days in the depraved, warped and pathetic state that it is in. God almighty isn't just going to bail us out without some work on our part.

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There is no god so that's right nobody is coming to help us. This is something we have to work out for ourselves. The first thing we need to do is talk about it and everyone can do that. But nobody is doing it. So only the few - like myself - say anything and that makes us look like kooks. The whole charade plays on because the media is still lying, still talking as though everything is going just fine. This makes the sleepers go to their deaths thinking the media would inform them which it isn't. So we have to inform them. That's really the main thing we need to do. Everyone can do it too, everyone can talk.

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Agreed on the part regarding the need to inform; as for the presence or absence of God that is one's own prerogative.

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I agree, but what can we do?

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If you believe then pray like your life depends on it; as it may well and leave the rest to the God in which you believe. If this is to be the end (and you believe) do everything you can, now, to make certain your life is in order because life, be it because of this or anything else, will end one day.

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We can talk about it, talk about it a lot. So that people who don't know about the vaccine can hear us talking about it. The most important thing we can do is to get the word out about the vaccines so people don't keep going to their slaughter. It's ok if we are a bit bold, they will fight you but don't give up - they will understand when they realize they are being scammed. Their gullibility is like a trance.

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He gave us His only begotten Son to die as our substitute. He also gave us His word, the Bible.

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There is Real America's Voice and Lindell TV. Apps on your phone, or Roku.

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Yikes! I am the only one in my family that did not get it. I left my husband initually, due to this and that he set the precedent for my adult children. Of course I didn't cut off my children and I ended up back in the home after he had a heart attack, possible cancer. Well my bodyis racked with inflammation, my joints are all tender, I get frequent headaches, extreme fatigue and I also have these blood spots or patches on my forearms that come and go... I take all the

right supplements, NAC , nattokinase, black seed oil, have ivemectin. I considered that Lyme might be the cause as I pulled a few ticks off last summer but that came back negative. So here I am. I am literally disabled as

My occupation as a rustic furniture maker is very physical. They knew exactly what they were doing. Pray. Only Jesus Saves.

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So sorry Lori and I hope you find the cure so you can get back to your furniture occupation. Yes Jesus is the way. Healing 🙏

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Just because you got a negative Lyme test does not mean you don’t have Lyme. Did you get tested for Lyme co-infections? If you get bit by a tick, send it into your state lab. They will tell you what co-infections the tick had which tells you what ones you have. Stop eating processed junk foods. stay away from refined sugar, eat fresh organic fruit and veggies, get sunshine daily, get exercise, get to a holistic doctor.

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Find yourself a Lyme Literate doctor who can recommend other tests (Igenex) and treatments. If you have Medicare, it will cover the tests.

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Consider Chlorine Dioxide short term... and use low dose nicotine patches... 7mg ...your nicotine receptors are hijacked by spike proteins containing peptides... once you switch them back on... you turn a corner.

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Thank you!

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We take zeolite powder, humic acid, black seed oil (nigella sativa), and natookanise every day along with other supplements. Even our dog is taking zeolite powder (for this and other detox reasons).

I find it quite infuriating that those that are unvaxxed have to take all kinds of supplements forever to prevent those that are vaxxed from poisoning us. The vaxxed need to detox the toxins out of themselves so the unvaxxed don't have to constantly cater to them which will never happen. On the flip side, it might just make all of those unvaxxed individuals even healthier allowing them to stay away from the criminal doctors. The vaxxed who have had adverse events just keep going to the doctors who allowed them to be poisoned to begin with to get more drugs to helps them with the symptoms that the shots have created in them. Insane thinking.

Unfortunately, most unvaxxed and vaxxed who are awake DO NOT understand that they need to detox. I keep telling those that I know but most don't do anything. I'm almost at the point of giving up.

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From my experience, the vaxxed who ran like an Olympian to get the “safe and effective” have suddenly lost their former drive.

They’ve disconnected from any actions that may actually protect them. None I’ve tried to talk to about detoxification has any interest in doing so.

They’ve given up, in other words.

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Strange and unfortunate.

I would be nice if those of us who understand could get together and have some peace from all of this.

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Theyvmay have a different world view that does nit accommodate detoxification while embracing allopathy.

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I'd recommend talking to someone if you are on blood thinners already before taking Natto.

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Think of it this way: because of them, you will be much healthier since you won't have a choice than to take tons of vitamins, supliments and herbal medicine just like me. Ironically, these kind of daily regimen will keep you away from doctors for a very long time. What's not to like about it?

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If you read what I wrote in the 2nd paragraph, you'll see that I addressed that. However, it's still not that simple. Many people are compromised due to previous health issues they either knew they had or didn't (yes, most people "think" they are healthy but are not). So, you can take tons of supplements and they might not even work as well as you think. I've been through that. The body is extremely complex with many variables per each individual. That's also why vaccines and so called vaccines are absurd because one size never fits all. For example, the idiot veterinarians give the same about of the rabies vaccine to 200 pound dogs as they give to 5 pound dogs. That's a simple example. Now, lets add in someone's DNA mutations, their mineral imbalances, their actual sex (not their "woke" one), their lifestyle, whether they drink, smoke, etc. It's complicated.

Yes, most likely we all will be better off but it's still not that simple. And, they have still made our lives much more difficult and possibly dangerous for multiple reasons.

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I cannot see that happen. So we have to ‘deal with it somehow’, while we tip-toe around the comedy of pronouns and everything else we are forced to validate. Except for validating us. The broader question is how do we protect ourselves from their constant spewing of all of their poisons, top down, bottom up, breathing and ingesting. Segregation, quarantining and tracking is THEIR schtick and doesn’t do anything but divide us more. Gratitude to all the researchers who search for antidotes. The obvious solution is to stop the contamination. So…..

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Why isn't there an increase in all-cause mortality among the unvaccinated? I personally take Ivermectin & NAC prophylaxis but most don't. So why isn't there a clear mortality signal among the vaxxed-adjacent?

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Because it doesn't exist:-). This is what I have been witnessing ever since this irrational mass vaccination started: it's the vaccinated friends and family members who got in trouble, and some in really big ones, not the unvaccinated. Everyone I know who's unvaccinated is doing just fine. Isn't that fascinating? What is even more fascinating is that the doctors, health authorities or our government does not want to find out why is this happening. This should make all vaccine believers very suspicious. What are they trying to hide?

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Viral load and spike protein load is much lower in the unvaccinated.. hence quicker recovery.

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Maybe Ed Dowd author of Died Suddenly “ has statistics on it.

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I am certain that is how I got Covid over a year ago. I had lunch with a woman that I know was vaxed. Lots of hugging and sitting across the table for an hour or so. 3-4 days later my symptoms started. I waited too long because I thought I had the flu. I have several markers including diabetes, overweight and age. Because of that I was hospitalized for 5 days with clots & pneumonia. Since I saw very few people in the days and weeks before getting sick, I am pretty darned sure that was the cause of my illness. Of course it was not her fault, but it nearly killed me just the same.

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Ivm may have helped

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Here’s what I’ve been wondering about: public bathrooms. Considering that it looks like the “shedding” is worst with body fluids such as blood and breast milk, what about urine? When a vaxed person flushes a public toilet they’ve used, are they sending clouds of spike proteins into the air?

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The greatest danger when it comes to shedding is in following situations: you meet with your friends ( not just one but a few of them) and they are all triple vaccinated. You stay very close to them in a small room for several hours. In this case your risk is very high. I recommend you don't bring your children with you, especially if they are young. Other situations: you go to dentist for more than one hour work, massage, and hairdresser. And physical contact with them will put you in a risky situation. However, there is no way of knowing who's going to give you spike proteins and who will not. But if you get them, you will know. It's unmistakable.

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Spikes are a hoax......there's nothing in the Vacz to create them ..no evidence lab tests....

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If we go from there where do we look for all the deaths and injuries? Graphene? Some other poison? What is causing all the myocarditis and sudden deaths in young people, strokes & blood clots. Miscarriages & stillborns. Children dying. Ed Dowd’s latest insurance figures showing massive employment disabilities & all cause mortality.

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