Redfield is a disgrace and a coward. No mercy for him or the rest of the traitors

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kaboom, a disgrace and inept and I say part of the lie...just dressed up nicely

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Why hasn't he paid the price yet?

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he will pay when he realizes no one is listening to him.

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look I know him, and I found decent to sit and talk, God fearing he comes across but he put a royal fuck on America with the other malfeasants. I cant get past that. and to now want to come around for tax payer money? no

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Those in high positions are in compliance with the depopulation agenda, willingly or through coercion. If they don’t comply they’re silenced through various means.

Despite evidence of millions injured or deceased following injection of the experimental mRNA injections the CDC has added the covid ‘vaccine’ to its recommended childhood vaccine schedule.


This is shocking. Children are being diagnosed with myocarditis or dying suddenly, yet the CDC continues gaslighting the masses. SADS, like its counterpart SIDS (both vaccine injury resulting in death), is being normalized.

Bird flu is as much psyop or orchestrated event as covid, yet the fear-mongering will likely be effective if the mortality rate is alleged higher.

So many don’t realize the biowarfare is in the injections. Those ‘vaccinated’ were/are more likely to contract covid (the virus never isolated; a chimeric spike protein the culprit?). mpox is an adverse reaction to the covid shots, but now has its own mRNA ‘vaccine’. And the ‘vaccines’ are self-replicating; shedding to the unvaxxed is real.

This modality is over a hundred years old. The 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic that killed millions originated with a Rockefeller-based experimental bacterial pneumonia vaccine of the enlisted at Fort Riley, KS. It wasn’t Spanish and it wasn’t flu. It was bacterial pneumonia in the vaccine. Eugenicist Bill Gates’ grandfather, Dr. Frederick L. Gates, was a participant in the experiment.

The mandated mask during the ‘Spanish flu’ epidemic increased illness and death through hypoxia, hypercapnia, immune system suppression and the mask as a petri dish (bacteria/mold colonize within 20min). The lungs are excretory organs. You’re literally rebreathing your own bodily waste when wearing a mask. This is why masks were mandated during covid. Masks are also a symbol for silencing the masses.

The powers-that-shouldn’t-be want to maintain world population within 500,000,000 in supposed perpetual balance. 7.5bil of us are superfluous and must be eliminated.

Vaccines, flu shots, mRNA injections, etc. are biowarfare, bioengineering and eugenics, by design.

UN Agenda 21/2030, WEF Great Reset, NWO Georgia Guidestones

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I don’t know if America has lost their “Tyson glands” or this something else?

Maybe this is happening because, those who are silenced have everything to lose? Or maybe they don’t have the “Balls” to stand up to these “COWARDS”!

Everyone of these destroyers of America are “COWARDS”! They can’t win a “fair-fight” so they lie, cheat and steal their way to power!

Then they throw their weight around, like the “Cowards” they are and what happens?

The “Cowards” WIN! What will it take to stop such “Cowards”? These same people use “Antifa, BLM” to do their dirty work, while “We the People” are told to

“Sit Down and Shut Up”!

Maybe I don’t have monetary stake, but I do have a tremendous amount of “intestinal fortitude” to stand up against these “Cowards”!

It’s so obvious it’s overwhelmingly embarrassing!

I may be out in left field with my assessment, my assumptions and assertions, but “God Almighty” when will the bulk of American Congressional Individuals “make a stand”?

When? IMO, they won’t because they’re also afraid. Afraid of losing everything!

Damn it, isn’t it time? Because the endgame these “Cowards” have planned for America isn’t pretty! Not in

The least of ways, is any sort of “Utopian-Utopia” rising sunrise over the horizon, coming to rescue anyone!

No,no, no, the endgame which is already known, will have Americans begging for lockdown’s! Unlike the past few years, what’s in store for America and the American people, our economy or societal norms, will be non existent!

What’s happening is NOT for the “greater-good” whatsoever! What’s happening is to usher in a complete economic collapse, a takeover of America’s “White-Picket” fence way of life, along with the freedoms we’ve become accustomed to.

We’ve already had a taste of this during lockdowns and as more and more freedoms dwindle, so too will businesses collapse, suicide increase and children taken away!

Think I’m kidding? Look what North Carolina has planned. I honestly don’t think most people believe anything will happen and “life” will go on as usual. Nobody can convince me that, what’s been happening is part of a much bigger problem! To be continued.

I cut and pasted part of the article regarding North Carolina below for anyone interested in piecing together, parts of a much larger puzzle!

“North Carolina Child Protection Services Threatening to Seize Children from Parents in Red Cross Shelters that are Shutting Down”!

Earlier this month (October, 2024), we published a report from Hannah Stutts, the owner of JAKS Stables in Western North Carolina, where she serves as the dispatch of relief efforts in isolated towns that still need help after the devastation following Hurricane Helene, where they had distributed over 10,000 body bags, and still needed more. Hannah just published an update where she states that Red Cross shelters are now closing down and forcing homeless families out, and that North Carolina Department of Social Services (DSS) is threatening to take their children away from them if they have nowhere to go.

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love this:

'The “Cowards” WIN! What will it take to stop such “Cowards”? These same people use “Antifa, BLM” to do their dirty work, while “We the People” are told to

“Sit Down and Shut Up”!

Maybe I don’t have monetary stake, but I do have a tremendous amount of “intestinal fortitude” to stand up against these “Cowards”!'

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No,no, no, the endgame which is already known, will have Americans begging for lockdown’s! Unlike the past few years, what’s in store for America and the American people, our economy or societal norms, will be non existent!

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excellent writing

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Thank you again Dr. Alexander. I appreciate you and your nonstop efforts for everyone! Even those who choose to ignore the “Truth” must know deep down inside they are supporting the wrong people.


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In his last interview with Tucker Carlson, Trump said that Kennedy will take care of the health and ... the vaccines, but no further details. No critical questions of Carlson for Trump, he let Trump talk and talk. Covid seems to be over, ... till the next plandemic.

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there is relentless game

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Trump was told to shut up about "covid" and the "jabs" I think you know Paul what Im saying, Trump is being controlled by people outside and inside the country. If he were to come out and tell the truth I believe he would be killed. I am sickened by the silence though, the truth has to be told to the world and only Trump can do that. We have been sold a bill of goods thats total bullshit, the US government has been controlled for decades and I doubt it will change if Trump is elected or "selected".

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We have been sold a bill of goods thats total bullshit, the US government has been controlled for decades and I doubt it will change if Trump is elected or "selected".

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100% !

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Not only this Dr Alexander, but the delusional and deliberate disregard for seeking the truth!

Once again I tried today talking with a 77 year old man who is in complete denial of what’s happening!

Not only is he in denial, but he also believes Trump is “Hitler” reborn! When half of America are so 1. Incapable of seeking the truth but ever more scary is 2. They believe everything the MSM says!

We’re talking about “Half of America” if not more! Quite disheartening and disturbing IMO!

The only words this 77 years old man could say to me was: Trump doesn’t answer any questions! And of course the comedian who made jokes at MSG was another issue this man complained about! I asked is that all Sir? He called me names and proceeded to drive away!

This is the damage of a government run MSM!

This “State-Controlled-MSM” is so very dishonest and dangerous! When two Americans cannot hand an intelligent conversation with facts, “Houston We Have S Serious Problem”! And lots of them!

There’s very “clear & present” danger called the “State-Controlled-MSM”! If this isn’t bad enough, wait until everyone is shut down,

God forbid!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Let’s see if Trump has an ounce of discernment left in him. What’s er’one gonna say when he actually brings the fuckers in?

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None of these Plandemic puzzle pieces should ever be brought in ever again. I hope RFK, Jr. knows


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I think he does but he is silenced. wrong move and for him to agree. he is better than that

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“I am sorry Bobby Jr., I ain’t cupping your stones for no job.”

Didn’t you have a recent post where you said you would work with Kamala if she won? Could you call that “camel toe cupping“? Or am I imagining things?

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Dr. Redfield says that whereas mortality from Covid-19 was 0.6 per cent, mortality in the imminent, inevitable bird flu pandemic that is just around the corner is likely to be 'somewhere between 25 and 50 per cent'. A return to lockdowns, mask and jab mandates and six foot social distancing plus the introduction of new measures such as the mandatory wearing of safety goggles is expected. The beauty of self-disseminating and self-amplifying LNP-mRNA shots that Pharma have been working to develop is that not everybody needs to be injected because injectees can simply shed the vaccine to others they come into contact with. However, there are so many questions. When will OWS 2.0 begin and will the VP again be responsible for it as Pence was for OWS 1.0. Insofar as Vance has invested in mRNA tech, he may be well positioned to expedite the production and roll out of the new shots. Should he purchase more stock? What role will Redfield play? Redfield's predicted 25 to 50 per cent mortality will cause a lot of fear. Are the new shots ready yet and who are they to be injected into? Will the shots be injected directly into the groin as was initially intended for the original mRNA shots?

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Frightening yet very relevant questions.

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I understand your frustration but we don’t know what is going on behind the scenes. Political campaigning is an art and they are right to be cautious. IMHO

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I know whats behind there, recall, I was there and in many ways part of it...folk I deal with daily are in it...lots I cannot say due to confidentiality...and in this most are backstabbers...I can learn in a moment the insides due to who you know of both parties. its DC etc., they are lying cheating bastards care only for money

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No wonder the country is in the state (and world) that it is, men can not get their minds above their navel. Women are also as bad with centering on the same area. With concentration in that area, the brain can can not function properly - it can not make the right decisions for the rest of the population.

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I'm unsubscribing. Grossness is not an artform.

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thank you for being here, huge love and hugs...

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you have a right to be offended and I have a right to say what I think and its factual...cupping balls galore.

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and we are the losers and they cup and wash each other...thats the key

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Like the “suck ups” in high school. They continue to suck up to and for advancement irrespective of any moral decency. They stand out like a huge pimple on the face of humanity.

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Oh it is an artform all right and it's associated with superior intelligence. Look it up. You'll never hear dumb as a rock Lyn Cheney use vulgarity. She is just not smart enough.

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It takes two, right? This ball-cupping.

One who is willing to wear a bit of brown on his/her nose............and another who rather enjoys, and accepts, the "cuppage".

hard to believe RFK Jr is either of those. But, time will tell.

Great imagery, here, Paul, by the way 🤪

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I just thought of a hilarious remark but crude as I am, I hesitate to say it but am laughing about it. I am considering the women here but for sure if this was an all male site I would say i but it sure would be a barn stormer!

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