Paul, you get right to the point every time. We also need to slam dunk the World Economic Forum & Schwab, Harari, Tony Blair, Bill “we will only return to normalcy when 7 billion people take the vaxxxine” Gates, Plus all the Hellth Professionals, Politicians around the world, Gavi, Welcome Foundation, Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, J&J, BioNTech weirdo, MSM critters, Vax pushing celebrities. The list is endless. They all need gaol time or ultra hard labour in dungeons. Never forgive, never forget.

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thank you and the content of your sharing is critical, hugs

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Amen to that!!!!

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More staggering are the 6.4 billion (whom big Pharma claim took up at least the first death shot) deeply programmed victims, the vast majority of whom will dutifully and gullibly line up for the Avian death shots, too.

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You are absolutely right Billy. I know many family and friends who took the CV19 jab. Many have died or are now injured and the will never equate it to the jabberwoky.

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yes and we want justice and we are waiting on 45 to blow this up and handle it...he has to...and we will not allow him to forget, it will be in print and discussed daily...

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I pray 45 sticks to his principles and ethics and doesn’t get nobbles by those behind the scenes and he stays in good shape.

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I look forward to a positive outcome.

I'm an eternal optimist. 😂

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They all need prison time for many years. If we all knew, they certainly knew. No Amnesty! I don’t want their fake apologies. They need to go to jail. All of them. Every last bought off “scientist”, physician, nurse, hospital administrator, heads of CDC, FDA, University Administrators, politicians, media CEO’s, etc. Everyone that helped kill people by pushing the narrative, making the witches brew, or giving it to people who then were injured or died, have to be held accountable. Period. No Amnesty, no apologies accepted. I don’t forgive them for this. And I’ll never forget! The damage that’s been done is too great.

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boom, deep prison...execution too if courts say

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Add to that the medical schools who indoctrinated their students to believe and perpetuate the lie. Medical students were mandated to take the jab and were sent forth proudly to jab patients. Some of these former students, young residents, are now horrified at their participation in the lie due to their earnest desire to be part of the solution- to save lives. Despicable and nefarious treatment of the students by their administrators, professors, and mentors.

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excellent points

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Check out the top people at CDC. There sure isn't any diversity there. They are all of the same kind.

Why is that?

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correct, while I was at CDC, the employees filed a law suit of racism and discrimination against top brass at CDC....check internet...I found Redfield's response was bullshit...its all bullshit...they are all bullshitters

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Right......I received an email from: Praying Mantis, Substack.....entitled: BYEden drops out.

Go and read. Saying Trump is our de facto leader of our Nation. Is that why he talked

to Zelensky? Has Devolution started? PLEASE let me know. Thank YOU :-)

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the corporatization and commercialization of the whole world is leading to the destruction of all world governments as we speak...... the relevant question is: what will the Phoenix that rises from the ashes look like, and act like ? What is the "new Earth" going to be like ?.........................................

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The CDC ACTUALLY ADMITTED THAT THE VACCINE SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN MANDATED! WOW, PLEASE PUT THIS ON EVERY FORM OF MEDIA! Big and bold, Facebook, tic tok, rumble newsmax, I want to see it on ABC,CBS,NBC,FOX! I want it blasted out there! It won’t be because that does not go with their lying narratives. All of it LIES, AND SO MANY STILL BELIEVE IT!

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yes they did...Redfield is now singing but as if he and they did no wrong...we cant accept that

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We will never accept that!

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Neurenberg Code. Voluntary consent of human essential. Legal capacity to give consent ability to exercise free will of choice, without force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, form of restraint. Without the jab no job no freedom of choice. Failed to make sufficient knowledge and comprehension no hazards were mentioned. Failure to refuse being involved in the experiment. No prisoner of war may be mutilated or medical or scientific experimental of any kind by medical dental or hospital treatment of prisoner. No one subject torture or cruel degrading treatment or punishment. I was not informed regarding about the side effects. The rights of privacy and consent of tissue,

Surgeons took a sample of Henrietta Lacks’s cervical cancer tumor for research without asking for her consent in 1950. No one at the hospital even told her family about this. Lacks died shortly thereafter, but her cells lived on in research laboratories around the world. Just as public outrage over the Tuskegee Syphilis Study strongly influenced the development of the original federal regulations on human subjects research in the early 1970s, the wide publicity generated by the story of Henrietta Lacks in the years after 2010 influenced attempts to treat biospecimens like people. But the proposal to treat cells as people was always reductionistic and misguided. Henrietta Lacks was a person and her cells were not. Informed consent must be organized and presented in a way that facilitates the prospective participant’s or legally authorized representative’s understanding of the reasons why one might or might not want to participate. A statement that the subject’s biospecimens may be used for commercial profit and whether the subject will or will not share in this commercial profit. A statement regarding whether clinically relevant research results, including individual research results, will be disclosed to subjects. For research involving biospecimens, whether the research will include whole genome sequencing. Henrietta Lacks her tissue was used commercially with profit without informed consent from the family.

The American people citizens did not get all the information due to secrecy thus cannot give full informed consent. People were forced into getting the jab in order to keep the job even medical exemption or religious exemption were not allowed. Many took the jab and died within a few minutes to weeks to a year later or more to die from the "turbo cancer". Many may have had a dormant virus and many medical conditions with many others nutrient and or mineral deficient. Adults were having sudden death syndrome the most conditioned athletes even children were having myocarditis and ruined them for playing any more sports on school to professional levels. The largest amount to die were in nursing homes approximately 80 years and older.

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boom, excellent scholarship here

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It was outrageous from the start and I agree that they each need to be held accountable for their actions and lies!

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all of them must be held accountable thank you

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I understand, and it's unbelievable. My story has finally been published, my own challenging encounter with the 'swamp creatures,' mandates and all, went online.

Encl. https://unbekoming.substack.com/p/heresy

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I have in in my stack here cued, I think tomorrow...you will see it

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Covid Red Flag Alerts

Posted By The White Rose UK On 14/11/2021

By Roy R M McIntosh

Yes, red is very appropriate as it seems to have kicked off in ‘red’ China. People falling dead in the street and over publicised emergency hospitals being built. But it fooled the masses, and I was also taken in for a short spell. But I knew that the politicians/establishment could be evil but at time, just did not realise how evil!

Early on though I saw things that did not add up and also read a book called Web of Deceit by Mark Curtis, and boy, did that spell out the evil in the politicians, and they were aided in many cases by the media. Red flag flapping and alarm bells ringing!

The first thing that made me uneasy was the fact that they were taking people from hospitals to care homes, which just did not seem right. Then when I started going out after the first week, I saw police driving around in vans. They were out walking in twos and threes and more or less holding hands. I was going to some shop and none of the staff were dropping dead. All the drunks, junkies and homeless wonders were housed in various hostels and hotels and one was right in the middle of Princes Street, Edinburgh. Now, if this ‘covid’ was so dangerous and contagious would you be housing them right in the middle of a city? I shall add that a good few times I passed, they were out drinking and police vans were there. There were a few places that drunks etc. congregated, and they were not dropping like the Chinese.

On one occasion, closer to home, there was a body lying on the ground near to the local Co-op and the store was open. I do not have a mobile, so when I got home, I phoned the police. Now, I would think that the calls are recorded. I was told I was wasting police time and then asked if I could go and have a look at the body. I said: ‘Are you flipping joking? You are asking me to go and check, and this is meant to be so dangerous.’ I asked: ‘Are we just being told a load of crap?’ At that the person said I shall get the police to go and check it out. I gave it an hour and phoned Co-op. Was told by a person at Co-op that the police came but said they could do nothing about it! More like they could not be bothered…

Another flap of the red flag was the sudden decision to open emergency hospitals – Nightingale Hospitals. Now two points in this. We know that the NHS is struggling for qualified staff, so where were they going to get the staff? Were the politicians going to pull them from their rectums, the rectums they are? The other point and bigger in my eyes: If this ‘covid’ was so dangerous, would you build an emergency hospital right in the middle of the biggest city? Plenty more obvious and safer options like a military base or get ships anchored at sea or in Clyde etc. Shall end this part with would you put people with the most dangerous virus ever in hospitals beside other people?

Regarding the deaths of the elderly, it is common knowledge to some that DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) was used, but ask the average Joe or Jessie in the street and they do not have a scooby about that. Mention Midazolam or Remdesivir and 90% have never heard of it. Those are points that need to be brought out into the public arena!

Now on a personal note I had a nurse visit my home. A couple of my sons go to raves, or what ever you call them, and they have various friends. One of them is a nurse of about 40 years old and works in the Western General in Edinburgh. In first lockdown I played the game of painting shells and stones for the NHS. Now I paint stones all the time, so it broadened my wee childish hobby. I said to Lauren in conversation, and she said, oh, she would like them. So after her shift one evening she said she would come and get them. Now I was not frightened of the ‘Chinese Wizard Covid’ so, said: ‘Yes, come and get them!’

What happened was a real big flap, wave of the red flag and drums were banging! When the nurse arrived at my flat I opened the door and I said: ‘Come in!’ Thinking, she would say: ‘Oh no, I cannot do that,’ but she just walked right in! Now I wished I had a tape recording of what was said. The nurse said that the Western General was very quiet and so was the St John’s, I am sure she said. Now I stand by that, as for on social media, she had another story saying: ‘Oh it is real…’ What was real, the lies and bull crap?

But there were lots of other red flags like the royals still travelling about, politicians and advisors cheating on the public and their partner in one case and that is only the ones we found out about!

So what was it all about – a virus, pharma or bankers cracking the whip, or a plan for world control? Make your mind up folks and enjoy your future of facial recognition. Two or three pokes from the pharma every year, Universal Basic Income, Build Back Better, a cashless society.

Now that would take the shine of your ginger bread – but so many are just walking right into it with a big smile!

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Once again, no one opposed to mandates has come out publicly denouncing the CURRENT policy of mandating continued Jabbing of every one SIX MONTHS of age and older, in order to pass the medical exam for permanent residence (Form I-693).

An applicant could have had 5 prior mRNA jabs, and they would still need another, as USCIS/CDC now admits the older Jabs are no longer effective. Even a pregnant woman is mandated.

There is not a single legal challenge to this mandate. Legal residents applying for permanent residence have no legal representation.

Equally bad is that most people we see have no clue that the mRNA Jabs are dangerous to one's health. Just had someone with bladder cancer happily take the latest Jab, without even asking his oncologist for a contraindication waiver.

Now he is sick in bed from the Jab.

Truth is we have never seen a US physician with the courage to write a contraindication for taking the Jab. Only some physicians who practice outside the USA.

Trump needs to be made aware of this policy and denounce it.

In about 5 weeks Pfizer will be releasing the 24-25 formulation mRNA, against the JN.1 Omicron variant. CDC wants an annual profitable "covid" shot.

At the very least the Plandemic should be renamed as "Omicron", instead of "Covid".

They won't do that because they know calling it Covid instills more fear than by calling it Omicron.

And did we ever investigate the origin of Omicron?

A French delegation traveling to Botswana was said to be carrying the new variant. Was it made in a French lab?

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Note, though, that you still didn’t mention the primary source of all the trouble on the injection side of things: the primary mechanism of action common to ALL viral mRNA products, that is,

the deliberate infection of healthy cells in multiple organ systems with a viral gene

by means of the seriously stupid off-label use of a handful of standard cell transfection reagents,

leading to those product-compromised cells detecting the cytosolic presence of viral mRNA and viral protein and signaling the innate immune system of viral replication in progress,

resulting in the inevitable triggering by the innate immune system throughout multiple organ systems of innate immune inflammatory attacks that

cause tissue damage, organ dysfunction, and, with enough compounding damage via repeated doses, organ failure and death--

unless the person was already in such compromised health that his demise came far sooner than later, sometimes within hours of the initial injection.

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very important sharing, huge appreciation

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Redfield CLAIMS to be a "Christian", but I have my doubts. In Corinthians, the Apostle Paul said the cowards will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Redfield has shown his cowardice over and over again, his true self. If he stood up, made a full public confession, and spent the rest of of days treating people for free, who have suffered from his cowardice, to make amends, God might forgive him.

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this is full of such sage important information...

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No he has a fun beard , but is same killer as fauci……alll must hang

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Human is the only creature with oversized but often stupid brain, that injects man made cocktails in to his-her body. Are human the most healthy creatures on this planet? No, the opposite. The human male or females are the sickest creatures on Earth. Advanced human beings, individuals ask never ending questions because they know that they do not know so they ask. Socrates was the first thinker who realized, two and half years ago, that he knows nothing. Still valid today. The weak joining others to feel strong, are parrots repeating what they hear. This leads to elimination of the specie. Only those who dare to ask are the future.

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To be fair, Redfield was not in there when the shots were mandated, right? I think April 2021 was the red line when we had clearn and convincing direct experimental evidence that the spike protein was the cause of the covid 19 disease. Beyond that point, it was inexcusable for the Biden admin to continue the vaccine program. We could have used HCQ PrEP all along.

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