move to take out a KING, pray you don't miss and when you move to take out your enemy, dig an extra grave, for one may be for you too... long live our police, border agents, military, even SS & FBI
Remember Dr Alexander who we’re up against and what they believe wholeheartedly:
“The end justifies the means”!
Life, whether an unborn child or an 80 something year old, are evil method’s they choose to attack and “enrich to destroy”! “Enrich themselves to destroy others”!
Earlier I wrote something relating to Soros money. When or will someone, anyone or a group there of, who’s completely opposite of this “Soros machine”and his diabolical plan to destroy America from within go
“head to head” against this “madman”? When?
Now, more than ever, what America needs is someone conservative, with leadership skills and tons of money, who believes in “Making America Greater”?
Someone who’s willing to elevate this battle, taking it to the streets, directly against Soros and all his supporting forces? When?
Nobody can tell me there isn’t a conservative individual
“polar opposite” of Soros! Someone who can organize and deploy the necessary resources, and once and for all, stop this never ending cycle of
“corruption and destruction”!
Soros “bowls strikes” over and over without any pins to ever being knock down! And Soros keeps score himself! Is there any wonder why so many Americans are disenfranchised? Or why America is on a “collision course” with Venezuela?
America and the American people are like “fish in a barre”!While Soros sits high above, on his “golden perch” his lookout tower, plucking off, each of America’s core values, one at a time, without any resistance, destroying our country and our open society!
Each time I ask someone, the same question, I get the same response. Americans shrugged their shoulders and say,
“Oh Well” nothing you can do!
Thank you Dr Alexander for always being out front, ahead of the curve, working diligently for the betterment of all Americans! All Americans!
Yes I did c Anderson. A match made in “hell”! Why shouldn’t the “evils of society”, these something “specials” because daddy said I am, why should they contribute positively, their daddy said they didn’t have too!
Their absolute animals, who’ll step over a suffering, freezing child, so they can warm their hands?
Their ignorance towards what’s truly important, what matters most in life, is so dark, so misaligned and so downright evil, I feel sorry for them!
All I can do, all anyone can honestly do, is say a prayer they awaken from their suffering, right the wrongs of their ways and become a positive force for the betterment of mankind.
Yes c Anderson I’m convinced “evilness is born”! The amount of money any one person amasses should not embolden their desires to destroy, rather build!
Build for those less fortunate!
It’s so nauseating when I think about the goodness a Bill Gates life could provide for those less fortunate, instead he’s determined to eradicate life, let alone think about what a waste to mankind he is!
Sadly, this world is filled with people such as Soros and Gates. They see not within, as what we see looking in.
Their blindness is darkened by the evilness they exude.
“the beetle exudes a caustic liquid”!
Thanks for reminding me
c Anderson about the all inspiring “Soros” matchmaking marriage, from Hell!
Once again, the Democrat party bosses have demonstrated that, at the same time they boldly claim to be the guardians of democracy, they really don’t give a shit about anything but having their own way, no matter how many of their own primary voters they have to fuck over.
But it’s like when Commie thugs claim to be speaking for the praxis of history, it’s just a way to make their own opinions look unassailable.
At some point even the most dull-witted of their pawns have got to catch on and say, “Fuck this shit! That’s just another way of screwing us!”
yes, all is possible...these beasts showed they will not stop...they cant get their own politics now in order...its like we the people are in a game we have no control of and all we can do is care about our selves and family...AJR calls it correct...its as if in end times...what do we do?
such a great post Darkstar, now these people shooting us...shot at our King...or lets say leader or would be POTUS so no one is offended re 'KING' term....I am sure if 2 months ago, just 2 months, I any of us would have said what just took place in 3 weeks took place, you and I and all here would have laughed at them
he is no King, you know I mean that figuratively...but he is the best option we have...I am very ok...I am matching the times we are in. if tomorrow we have better news, I will write accordingly.
I am just making sure. People are obsessed over Trump. Trump is a much better canidate than Harris. But not the best option. The best option is start everything over. The US is corrupt.
I am just checking in... try not to let these energies change who you are. Negative energies love to drain the soul.
Elvis was referred to as the king and he was considered supreme by many people. Trump is also supreme or in other words he is paramount or of highest rank. 👑
As noted in some of the comments, Trump is not a King. He is running to be a Servant of the people. Even using the “better kill the King” metaphor is inappropriate. Kings are the government. L'État, c'est moi. Killing the King was overthrowing the Government.
Killing any Presidential candidate, which is truly awful, does not overthrow the USA’s government. Don’t let the psyop psychopaths convince you all is lost if Trump doesn’t win. Things could be very bad, but we have the system, no matter how terribly flawed it is right now, to fix it. In your Trump worship, never forget that. L’Etat, c’est US.
I am sorry - Trump is NOT my "King" not even semi-sorta-kinda-maybe. We do NOT have KINGS in the USA .. we have elected officials BY THE PEOPLE and we remove them BY THE PEOPLE.
I'm getting seriously concerned w/what is going on right now with Trump.
- He is just a man. A man and nothing more.
He is NOT:
- A "King"
- A "Saint"
- A "Savior"
- Someone we should "worship"
He is simply a man .. we need to curve in no small way these titles that are wrong in various sundry ways.
Many people cannot rely on the local law enforcement to do their job. Whatever tools they have to defend themselves, home, family, animals. Most of the time in my local area no law enforcement show up to do their job. A few times they may show up and even dust for fingerprints. Try to get thru on non emergency line many never get answered even to have a report taken. Common recommendation is to find what tool and strength is comfortable to the individual to take care of situations and go to school to learn more how to do when and not when to engage. Verbal judo may not work in every situation.
Shooting people now? I for one have prepared for this situation. I am going to the Post Office today to see who is posted for Bounties. This whole waiting for an American Manufacturing Rebound to process all of the ReShored products that have yet to come back from Asia. So much American Opportunity Stolen and Sold out from under US. ALL THAT'S LEFT IS DEFENSE PARTS. Even the Defense shit is on hold due to traitors in US GIVERNMENT working around Section 889 of the FAR Act which commanded that All US Military Communications and Surveillance equipment be made in The USA as of 2023. Traitors in US Givernment still depend on Free Trade deals to support their illicit drug habbits..
We live in dangerous times...
yes indeed
That's a really great link !
Thanks,Luc .
yes I like it, I will post it up
Hi Luc. The YT video I sent was intentionally clownish. The narrative was important though.
It points to Nikki Haley as being part of the plot.
And Massad as the orchestrater
The point was to get the USA to go to war with Iran.
If you ignore the film,and just listen to the narrative, it will.make sense.
This link also offers fascinating hypotheses on the failed attempt: "WHODUNIT?"
That's a really good link,Luc.
Thanks 😊
Good point.
Remember Dr Alexander who we’re up against and what they believe wholeheartedly:
“The end justifies the means”!
Life, whether an unborn child or an 80 something year old, are evil method’s they choose to attack and “enrich to destroy”! “Enrich themselves to destroy others”!
Earlier I wrote something relating to Soros money. When or will someone, anyone or a group there of, who’s completely opposite of this “Soros machine”and his diabolical plan to destroy America from within go
“head to head” against this “madman”? When?
Now, more than ever, what America needs is someone conservative, with leadership skills and tons of money, who believes in “Making America Greater”?
Someone who’s willing to elevate this battle, taking it to the streets, directly against Soros and all his supporting forces? When?
Nobody can tell me there isn’t a conservative individual
“polar opposite” of Soros! Someone who can organize and deploy the necessary resources, and once and for all, stop this never ending cycle of
“corruption and destruction”!
Soros “bowls strikes” over and over without any pins to ever being knock down! And Soros keeps score himself! Is there any wonder why so many Americans are disenfranchised? Or why America is on a “collision course” with Venezuela?
America and the American people are like “fish in a barre”!While Soros sits high above, on his “golden perch” his lookout tower, plucking off, each of America’s core values, one at a time, without any resistance, destroying our country and our open society!
Each time I ask someone, the same question, I get the same response. Americans shrugged their shoulders and say,
“Oh Well” nothing you can do!
Thank you Dr Alexander for always being out front, ahead of the curve, working diligently for the betterment of all Americans! All Americans!
we are facing evil...animals...who will destroy us to get their way...this is no game...balls to the wall and winner take all.
Exactly Dr.
I can’t understand, nor can I imagine waking up everyday asking myself,
“What canI do today to screw up the world today”?
The way I see things there’s really only two options,
1. A positive “GOOD” option or
2. A negative “EVIL” option.
The world is stuck in this “number two” option.
Go figure right?
They’re literally “shitting” on the world!
among the best posts...thank you
You’re welcome Dr. Alexander.
Did you see Alex Soros is marrying Hillary Clinton’s aide Huma Abedin? All those pillow talk secrets she has shared about our country because she worked for Hillary at the time she was Secretary of State.
Yes I did c Anderson. A match made in “hell”! Why shouldn’t the “evils of society”, these something “specials” because daddy said I am, why should they contribute positively, their daddy said they didn’t have too!
Their absolute animals, who’ll step over a suffering, freezing child, so they can warm their hands?
Their ignorance towards what’s truly important, what matters most in life, is so dark, so misaligned and so downright evil, I feel sorry for them!
All I can do, all anyone can honestly do, is say a prayer they awaken from their suffering, right the wrongs of their ways and become a positive force for the betterment of mankind.
Yes c Anderson I’m convinced “evilness is born”! The amount of money any one person amasses should not embolden their desires to destroy, rather build!
Build for those less fortunate!
It’s so nauseating when I think about the goodness a Bill Gates life could provide for those less fortunate, instead he’s determined to eradicate life, let alone think about what a waste to mankind he is!
Sadly, this world is filled with people such as Soros and Gates. They see not within, as what we see looking in.
Their blindness is darkened by the evilness they exude.
“the beetle exudes a caustic liquid”!
Thanks for reminding me
c Anderson about the all inspiring “Soros” matchmaking marriage, from Hell!
Once again, the Democrat party bosses have demonstrated that, at the same time they boldly claim to be the guardians of democracy, they really don’t give a shit about anything but having their own way, no matter how many of their own primary voters they have to fuck over.
But it’s like when Commie thugs claim to be speaking for the praxis of history, it’s just a way to make their own opinions look unassailable.
At some point even the most dull-witted of their pawns have got to catch on and say, “Fuck this shit! That’s just another way of screwing us!”
yes very good post
I'm more concerned about a drone attack on Trump right now. That would be the end of the election and bidens ghost would decade martial law.
It could happen Dr Alexander. Please think about it.
yes, all is possible...these beasts showed they will not stop...they cant get their own politics now in order...its like we the people are in a game we have no control of and all we can do is care about our selves and family...AJR calls it correct...its as if in end times...what do we do?
such a great post Darkstar, now these people shooting us...shot at our King...or lets say leader or would be POTUS so no one is offended re 'KING' term....I am sure if 2 months ago, just 2 months, I any of us would have said what just took place in 3 weeks took place, you and I and all here would have laughed at them
Yes,for sure Dr Alexander.
We are going to see some massive roits soon. And the house to house fighting.
It will be impossible to be a noncombatent.
About Iran. I was in the Army when the Imam Khomani took over the Embasy.
That how I learned so much about Iran.
I was stationed in Germany
at the time. While the Revolutionary Gaurd is is top notch, Iran does sub out dirty work to losers
Case in point, the Red Brigade.
Made of Europe's children of the Leasure Caste, they became a tool for reactionary Islam.
Tell Mr Trump that we hope he wins !🏆
More than plausible when you consider Obama took out a 16 year old with a drone. Not the only drone strike he authorized where people were killed.
Thanks for that link,c. Anderson.
It's very useful.
He is not a king. He should never be king. We live in America. Your articles are extreme tonight. Are you ok?
he is no King, you know I mean that figuratively...but he is the best option we have...I am very ok...I am matching the times we are in. if tomorrow we have better news, I will write accordingly.
thanks for asking...and I am hoping you are doing well too.
and I enjoy your input
I am just making sure. People are obsessed over Trump. Trump is a much better canidate than Harris. But not the best option. The best option is start everything over. The US is corrupt.
I am just checking in... try not to let these energies change who you are. Negative energies love to drain the soul.
Elvis was referred to as the king and he was considered supreme by many people. Trump is also supreme or in other words he is paramount or of highest rank. 👑
Dude. You are comparing Trump to God. That is sad.
No, YOU made that comparison, though it was a miracle that Trump survived an assassin’s bullets. Was it an act of God?
Huh? Please do tell. this should be good.
As noted in some of the comments, Trump is not a King. He is running to be a Servant of the people. Even using the “better kill the King” metaphor is inappropriate. Kings are the government. L'État, c'est moi. Killing the King was overthrowing the Government.
Killing any Presidential candidate, which is truly awful, does not overthrow the USA’s government. Don’t let the psyop psychopaths convince you all is lost if Trump doesn’t win. Things could be very bad, but we have the system, no matter how terribly flawed it is right now, to fix it. In your Trump worship, never forget that. L’Etat, c’est US.
I am sorry - Trump is NOT my "King" not even semi-sorta-kinda-maybe. We do NOT have KINGS in the USA .. we have elected officials BY THE PEOPLE and we remove them BY THE PEOPLE.
I'm getting seriously concerned w/what is going on right now with Trump.
- He is just a man. A man and nothing more.
He is NOT:
- A "King"
- A "Saint"
- A "Savior"
- Someone we should "worship"
He is simply a man .. we need to curve in no small way these titles that are wrong in various sundry ways.
This is a pure DEI move on the part of the corrupt, murderous DNC.
Many people cannot rely on the local law enforcement to do their job. Whatever tools they have to defend themselves, home, family, animals. Most of the time in my local area no law enforcement show up to do their job. A few times they may show up and even dust for fingerprints. Try to get thru on non emergency line many never get answered even to have a report taken. Common recommendation is to find what tool and strength is comfortable to the individual to take care of situations and go to school to learn more how to do when and not when to engage. Verbal judo may not work in every situation.
Shooting people now? I for one have prepared for this situation. I am going to the Post Office today to see who is posted for Bounties. This whole waiting for an American Manufacturing Rebound to process all of the ReShored products that have yet to come back from Asia. So much American Opportunity Stolen and Sold out from under US. ALL THAT'S LEFT IS DEFENSE PARTS. Even the Defense shit is on hold due to traitors in US GIVERNMENT working around Section 889 of the FAR Act which commanded that All US Military Communications and Surveillance equipment be made in The USA as of 2023. Traitors in US Givernment still depend on Free Trade deals to support their illicit drug habbits..