Nothing will change until there is actual justice. People who KNOWINGLY committed crimes against the rest of the world MUST be held accountable. NO FORGIVENESS!!

Only certain punishment by death will be sufficient.

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Justice denied adds additional injustices by the skewering of the discouragement factor affecting other criminals who note people actually are sentenced to death for murdering others. Fake health appointed dweebs as well need to be subject to the death penalty for their deadly mandates.

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Including Malone.

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Malone is supporting Trump. He is very knowledgable and does not support the mRNA vaccines. I have never understood the vendetta against him.

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I don't see how when we have lawlessness in our court systems. The ABA won't do a thing about it, either. You see Ketanji Jumanji already saying SC will have to be ready for the results of the Election. She's barking on cue plus she has to brag about her book coming out. As I

recall, SCJ Roberts wouldn't take ONE not ONE election fraud case in 2020. Famous last words NO STANDING.....So, why is Ketanji getting ready? She know something we don't?

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My God I pray people have had ENOUGH of this bullshit and will not fold like a wet paper bag!! Let's just say what is most likely true--NO "VACCINE" has ever been good!! We don't need them, none of them! God made is with all we need! STOP THE POISONING OF HUMANITY.

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Good news that President Trump will soon speak out about the shots. With RFK Jr now on board, this is the next footware to drop, isn't it?

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Sure hope so!

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Paul: "do not be mad at us…'we did not know’," Paul, if they said that, it would be bad enough, but they aren't even saying that. Instead, they are still pushing this crap on people, even kids! And still pretending it is safe and effective. They have no remorse - yet!

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Thank you! I definitely wouldn’t buy into it but many probably will…I keep wondering why in the HELL Malone keeps showing up on the war room??? Why? Are they trying to expose him cuz it sure doesn’t seem like it🤬

They keep telling people how awesome he is, oh and he endorsed trump! Who gives a fuck??? I’m so tired of these people and their bullshit and I’ve pretty much lost respect for war room🤷‍♀️

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Yep. He seems to be the latest “expert” guest on some of the internet sites. He was on Infowars recently too. Sickening.

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Sure is!

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ssshhh, we cannot talk about COVID and the vaccines...ssshhh both parties decided its enough...no more...you just sit back and accept the mRNA as part of life no.

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Dear Dr Paul

Please find a way to inform President Trump on the dangers.

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The Chinese refused the mRNA jabs from America because they considered them bioweapons and did not want to attack their own people. In 2023 they allowed their own drugmakers to produce Chinese mRNA jabs. However, they declined to mandate even traditional jabs. That was rtoo communistic for them. They may be communist but they are not so extremely communist as to mandate jabs. Although they eventually, after March 2023, allowed their own drugmakers to produce mRNA jabs they can't sell them. They're trying, to no avail. The Chinese people are not so communist that they would take the jab. And they saw what happened in America where 81% of Americans lined up for them. Nobody wants them in China. There is no demand for mRNA shots in China, and never has been, unlike in the US. The Chinese people are not sheep.

China's drugmakers can't sell mRNA shots but haven't quit yet


China's drugmakers can't sell mRNA shots but haven't quit yet

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My compendium of national IQ's states that Oriental people are at the top with IQ's of 110, Caucasians with IQ's of 99 to 100 and black people bringing up the rear. It is not surprising to me that Chinese are not keen in taking a fake experimental jb.

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Many Blacks are also skeptical about the vaccines. They have often been victimized by medical agendas.

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Aha!!!!!!! I dare say that the most gullible peonistic people are of my race for their embrace of woke wankerism and their vapidity that causes them to take the jab. All leftist loons for sure.

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Young black males have a refusal rate for the jabs, and resistance to repeated propaganda efforts to convert them to the jabs, that is matched only by people with PhDs. Many black or predominantly black nations, in Africa, the Caribbean and Papua New Guinea had very low uptake rates for the jabs.

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I have lost ALL confidence in the highjacked medical community.

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AUKUS Covid-19 Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and the United States Military Operation - Not A Civil One. AUKUS supplying Nuclear Submarines to Australia too.

Senator Roberts points to the International Medical Countermeasures Consortium and states that covid was a [US DOD-lead] military operation (probably linked to The World Health Organisation through some unseen back door):

: Senator Malcolm Roberts’s speech August 9, 2023

As a servant to the many different people who make up our one Queensland community, tonight I speak to an aspect of COVID-19 I haven’t raised before. Information now in the public domain indicates the COVID response was not initiated through commercial interests but, rather, through an organisation called the Medical Countermeasures Consortium that Australia joined in 2012. According to Australia’s defence.gov.au website, the Medical Countermeasures Consortium is a four-nation partnership involving the defence and health departments of Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and the United States. ‘The consortium seeks to develop medical countermeasures to assist with … chemical and radiological threats affecting civilian and military populations and on emerging infectious diseases and pandemics.’ It includes drugs and diagnostics. Who knew we had a military pharmaceutical apparatus linking the United States, Australia, Canada and the UK, in place since the Gillard Labor government—an AUKUS for pandemics?

The consortium maintains a compensation scheme for people injured as a result of taking a countermeasure. Compensation claims were accepted for the 2009 H1N1 vaccine, the anthrax vaccine and flu vaccines. The medical countermeasures unit within the United States Department of Defense has been in the vaccine business for many years and has been injuring people for many years through GOF —and getting away with it. So it should come as no surprise that the American Department of Defense signed the first contract between the United States government and Pfizer for the purchase of $11 billion worth of vaccines. President Trump gave the order to the Department of Defense to commence vaccine development and even gave it a cool name: Operation Warp Speed.

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The Con is based upon the cognitive error of mistaking a "complex" physical system, for a "non-complex" physical system in the construction of a model of this physical system, which, as the clinical psychologist Mattias Desmet points out in the book that is entiled "The Psychology of Totalitarianism" is a precursor to totalitarian rule over us.Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are amongst the politicians who base public policies on this mistake. Do they do this for the purpose of misleading us into accepting totalitarian rule ourselves without a fight? This seems to be the case.


Terry Oldberg

Engineer/Scientist/Public Policy Researcher

American Patriot

Los Altos Hills, California

1-650-518-6636 (mobile)

terry_oldberg@yahoo.com (email)

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Oh...My...God Paul. Wake up. Trump was in on it from the beginning. He made the Executive Order that started the whole Con. You are ridiculous to keep defending him and saying" He needs to come clean " about the damages, when he hasn't yet, and probably never will. I used to think you were being honest. Now you sound like a con too. So disappointing. Change yer tune or shut the fuck up. We're tired of hearing it.

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Trump made a mistake but he did not do so deliberately. This is evident in the fact that Trump does not mislead us by mistaking a "complex" physical system for a "non-complex" physical system in establishing his public policy objectives.


Terry Oldberg

Engineer/Scientist/Public Policy Researcher

Los Altos Hills, California

1-650-518-6636 (mobile)

terry_oldberg@yahoo.com (email)

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Well if he made a mistake, he should own up to it, instead of promoting more mrna shots for the cancers that the first covid shots caused. How can your even defend that. Wake up.

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Disagree wholeheartedly and if you don’t wanna hear from him, get off 🤷‍♀️

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I have been, just every once in a while I see the heading of a post that draws me in to see what he is saying.

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The "oopsies, we got it wrong before but trust us this time we really, really will do it right" angle is just what the Left always tells people when they push for a new version of Communism/Fascism [both actually on the LEFT of the political scale, don't let them gaslight you anymore to thinking Fascism is on the right]. Notice how all the "Five Eyes" countries keep marching towards totalitarianism...

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Yep, Malone is apparently in on it. He's been trying to rehab with all his posts the past 18 months I imagine, in hopes of stopping from being Investigated and potentially prosecuted in a Trump administration.

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