'stick' is a Caribbean term for beating up someone, attacking them for some reason...'wrench' is angry, cussing them out'...caribbean terms.

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Bravo Dr. Paul.

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May 4
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Stop spamming

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i agree with you if someone doesn't like what they are reading then close the book but leave your opinion at the door and don't let it hit you on your way out.

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Don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split ya!!!

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I just pissed my pants. Steve Kirsch invited Sasha on to discuss her differences with Malone. She said OK.

Then Malone DECLINED. Mind you, Sasha would chew him to bits like a rag doll.


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You keep posting the same crap. Stop spamming.

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May 5
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I believe Malone is a limited hangout meant to distract and fragment the audience of the mildly curious. His (failed) and outrageous lawsuit against the Breggins was the last straw for me.

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Thank you for continuously telling the truth!!! Wth is wrong with people??? I wanna know everything!!

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This is “The NewDeal RFK has offered to Biden- “ We do a 50 state run you and I , each agaist trump

with a beta test of some 50,000. If you make a worse score against Trump then , you bow out and i will be the sole adversary Vs Trump” If Bobby had the fucking nerve gto get back on the DNC party

after the way they attacked him in Congress , and he wants to JOIN THE PARTY THAT DESTROYED AMERICA then he is too attached to a poison t hat is p;rogrammed to kill him as well as having killed his uncle the US President JFK-

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RFK Jr. is a lifelong Progressive Parasite- anyone who believes he's an Independent is a fool.

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i agree that he is not to be trusted -he is being coached by an x-congressman Dennis Kucenich- whom i have a good handle on- RFK’s stance has been “ all over the place”- I have no problem with his being a progressive, ya can't kill someone for what they believe, but the [problem with Bobby is , you never know "what colors he’s flying next"

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Thank you for saying what needs to be said! It’s like a soothing salve on an open wound❤️

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Job well done Dr Paul! Ejector seat would be a neat idea just a thought take them up in a trainer plane or unpressurized plane throw a parachute hope they know how to utilize it.

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What I want from you Dr. Paul is your professional view of the degradation of medicine as a doctor who has been damaged by the corruption of a politicalized public health system. Not only have you generously shared that with us, you have been open to sharing your most pressing concerns related to freedom from medical and governmental tyranny. Thank you for keeping me informed and knowing I am not alone. 💕

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Dr. Paul is a street version of Dr. Thomas Sowell. After you read them, you go, "Yeah, that's right. Why didn't I think of that?"

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Very good language. Strange when people don't like what you say or do to hell with them had enough of that shit. Frankly don't give a dammed either. I won't join their view of things when they try to force me to change just the master said so, well fuck them too. They want to be freaks let them but when they try to get others to change and be just like them oh hell no way. Force your garbage down my throat! That will be a day beyond all the events like Pearl Harbor, WWI WWII Korea Nam Desert Civil War Civil Rights. Hell will freeze over before that happens. Enough is enough come on people get with it stay the course to deny these freaks at high levels to low levels creeping into every pot hole nook and cranny. From the years of chemicals. cumulative, forever, in the air, soil, water. Poisoned to death though a slow one and add in more chemicals of what known compounds and probably dirty since they can't seem to spend a penny to clean up the contaminates in the clot jab junk. https://foodintegritynow.org/dr-stephanie-seneff-glyphosate-roundup-autism-connection/

Dr Stephanie Seneff MIT gestation 4-6 weeks in mothers womb the male chromosome is not showing up as much and female ale expression is some of the cause of the sexual identity confusion in addition to destroyed microbiota to the microbiome leaving the door wide open for disease and cancer with no immune defense which ends up resulting in death. Then the government programming that we have to change what we are chemically and biologically shoving down just about everyone's throats that they can. This is believe is the cause of everyone seeming going mad government to society and it's sickening even to the grass fed organic beef to be injected with covid jab to that animal get more chemicals and bullsh*t

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There's a ginormous masculinity crisis in the US. I'm shocked when I'm in my hood in Little Habana (Miami) and I see so many "male" Refugees from Cuba and Venezuela - they're more feminine than us! Their eyebrows are waxed, they wear tight clothes 🤢 and their mannerisms are ultra feminine. I can handle "metrosexual" - they care about their looks - but these uber feminine "males" are gross. I admire the macho camacho😂 they embrace their masculinity.

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I’ve read that the average current testosterone levels of men in their 20’s are lower than that of men in their 70’s from 1980.

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There. I am glad you got that off your chest Doc, you'll feel better now. Please understand that WE appreciate you, acknowledge that you speak the truth, and that it hurts often, but you do it because you are a standup guy. We don't mind if sometimes you have to give them @##$$%%*! hell occasionally Doc. Thanks for sticking to the truth, wherever it may meander, and pointing out the liars as they reveal themselves is what you do best. You tell us things we need to know, and we are thankful for that. You are a man with a well developed sense of duty, and the whole duty of man is to serve God... King Solomom wrote this...Ecclesiastes {12:13}..." Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this [is] the whole [duty] of man. {12:14} For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether [it be] good, or whether [it be] evil." (KJV). Further than that Doc, it is wearisome for you, as King Solomon also pointed out... Ecclesiastes 1:18..."{1:17} And I gave my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly: I perceived that this also is vexation of spirit. {1:18} For in much wisdom [is] much grief: and he that increaseth

knowledge increaseth sorrow. " (KJV). You have made a point of knowing what is going on, and the fact is it is tiring to fight against evil...but you do it, regardless. Thanks Doc, we love you. Here is a little video of a hymn you might find refreshing:


I hope the link works, I am not a computer tec. Thanks again Doc. We are still with you.

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This is what is sad about our society today. People have been conditioned by social media and media to only want to hear what is pleasant to their own ears. They only want to be around people "who think like them". But the world is a big place.

If you will only listen to your echo, how can you grow as a person and expand your horizons?

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I have a simple solution: I have no sacred cows.

I listen to what you say...I don't agree with everything you say.

I listen to what Bret Weinstein says, and I don't agree with everything he says.

I listen to what Pierre Kory...

I listen to what Peter McCullough...

I listen to what JJ Couey...

I listen to what Jessica Rose (when my brain is fully coherent and I can maybe comprehend what she's talking about)...

I listen to what William Makis...

I listen to what Tess Lawrie...

And so on...

Hell even Malone...sometimes he says things I can agree with.

See the pattern?

It's the words that matter, not the person.

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