this is what happens when you put someone from the health ministry in an executive position. anybody who thinks ardern was bad hasn't been watching this monster.

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Good. Except Ardern was bad. Hipkins is worse.

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Regrettably NZzzz like OZzzz is replete with genuflecting sheeple aligned to corporate globalist ideology, all bleating in synchronous harmony willing to march over the cliff of liberty, prosperity and happiness into the abyss of manacled destitution, dependence, despair and death, just so long as they're commanded to do so.

Satan stalks the Antipodes.

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Perhaps they can do that quickly so the rest of the world will understand their fate if they keep giving in to this tyranny. They can be the test it seems so many need to see to understand what is at stake.

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Well, for sure, things are happening at ever increasing speed. The compression of events hastened by networking is astonishing. OZzzz and NZzzz are canaries. The World should watch carefully as you suggest. Malleable young socialist corporate globalist leaning populations readily flying the rainbow swastika, uncertain identities, somewhat geopolitically insecure, short histories, no civil war, no immutable sacrosanct Constitution, and an utterly trashed Bill Of Rights (NZ) and something similar in OZ, biddable, readily subjugated, robustly compliant, occasionally resentful. Not an ideal recipe for liberty, prosperity and happiness.

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Everyone is in denial so the tyrants just get encouraged. Everybody went along so they're going to double-down. It will continue, it will get worse, it will get beyond worse because the people have to say the two letter word "no" and they haven't so far.

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308, 9mm, 50 cal, 223......

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Is that barbaric gun talk? Or something to do with calories? Why can't you be clear?

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Aren't you aware of New Zealand's history with guns? I've lived in New Zealand, and the citizens were appalled when they banned guns and required citizens to turn n their guns. Though out history, when governments ban or confiscate guns tyranny soon follows.

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It's always the only resort men can think of. How about using some strategy instead of guns? I think that relying on weapons only makes the brain into fudge. I am not suggesting guns should be taken away but everyone in NZ is still paying taxes and still not talking about how they can stop paying taxes. All everyone has been doing is bending over to take it in the ass. That only encourages psychopaths. How about learning to say "no"? Or getting together and networking and talking about some kind of strategy? We can't do anything alone. Even with guns, you'd still perish - some people can't grow food, some people need care. In his-story it's always been about war and weapons, how about we try something smart this time?

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Your attempt to repudiate history and chastise men is unwarranted and misguided. The citizens of New Zealand were told if they turned in their guns, the government would maintain peace and order. Didn't you read Paul's headline where they have fallen to Tyranny? Now the only people who have the guns are those enforcing tyranny? No reasonable man or woman should ever promote guns unless it's the last resort and now one of my friends who lives in New Zealand who refused the jab is in jail.

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What did you miss that I wrote? I said I'm not for giving up guns. What my beef is this constant reliance on guns and nothing else. What are you going to do - go shooting your way through life? Guns didn't work because here we are, same situation, same story. Everyone should have seen the writing on the wall ages ago. But they didn't so what now at the final hour? Well there are still some things we can do - like take money out of bank accounts and close them, learn to live on the cash and barter economy, look for alternative currencies (not crypto), boycott big stores especially like Amazon and Walmart. Yes, people have to go without for a while, but that's how we win. It will only be temporary and if people had the spine to do that, the inconvenience would be brief, but on the other side of the wave lays a very abundant new world. We can get through this and with flying colors, but it won't happen if we rely on guns. We have to you the old noggin now. Even guns won't help you, they've got drones and directed energy weapons. Guns are like water pistols in comparison. Intelligence is going to get us out of this and that is all in my view that can do it this time. Men have been fluffing it up for eons. This time is very different to any time in previous his-story.

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Oh the grand irony. I'm with you when the government, corporates and the enforcers divest themselves of weapons of subjugation (including guns) though in the end, faced with their irrepressible desire to subjugate, to exploit power and control, to be corrupted and greed ridden, you'll be confronted with a need to erase pitchforks, then sticks and stones, and then anything with the potential of a weapon. So, mandatory removal of all hands at birth should remove the threat of a killer fist? Why go to the trouble? Do what the subjugating anti-human illiberal Greens suggest, aim to expunge homo sapiens from the face of the globe.

No, the answer lies in addressing evil generally, of exercising absolute (rather than relative) morality, of distinguishing between good and evil, the evils of absolute power and control, and the consequence of infinite wealth (Davos man and woman).

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I hope I didn't give the impression that we should give up guns right now. NO, the world has to change first. Governments have to be made obsolete first.

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Denise, your approach can work with a benevolent foe, intent on a genuine resolution. It is grossly misguided when dealing with a foe intent on achieving their nefarious objective.

Should we all put our hand up, shout "No, I don't like it" and watch as these psychopaths slither away defeated?

Have you no understanding of history? If only those who suffered at the hands of the Fascists, Communists, and every other tyrant throughout history had their wits about them, and just said "No, I won't comply".

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The 'pen is mightier than the sword'. But, without a sword in your hand, a powerful enemy will not care what you write.

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We need to use Amendment X as the most peaceful solution to help mitigate USA tyranny across every GOP ran state.

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Perhaps they will use the RT PCR test at 40-45 cycles to make sure they get positive results and thus a reason to continue lock downs, etc. I suspect their leaders are agents of the WEF and well paid by Big Pharma. At the rate things are going, everyone is going to eventually think Big Pharma CANNOT be trusted for any of their drugs, which is mostly true. In the US, which is one of 2 countries that allow public advertising of medications, we hear the side effect profile for each drug on TV commercials, and one wonders, why does the FDA even approve these drugs. But we know the answer, they are in bed with Big Pharma and they have a well-honed revolving door policy and they all want to make a lot of money at any cost.

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RT-PCR ran at 45 cycle threshold in NZ. Routine use of ("false positive") case generation was de rigueur to ensure as many as possible were feared, conned, coerced into jabs, aside from the legion of the mandated. Mandates are still continuing under corporate aegis, Air New Zealand, and other local / regional operators for example. The conditioning down-under is solid. Those experiencing serious adverse events dutifully line up to take their bivalent COVID booster / 'flu shot.

And therein lies the real and diabolical meaning of "public private partnership."

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Sir Edmund Hillary must be turning in his grave. New Zealand no longer has anything to shine. That said the best pushback there have been from the Maori people not consenting unlike the indegenous tribes and pueblos of north America. Sad about that.

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Adverse effects are being hidden even with online searches of FDA. Trial data should be transparent and readily available and it is not. Safe has become a relative, compromised term, like a former President Clinton waffling about what is and what is not a sexual encounter. (Typical of a Rhodes scholar man and compromised Council of Foreign Relations boy)

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It's sure great NZ has such a high vaccine / booster rate; otherwise just think how many weeks of quarantine they'd need...

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The more boosters they get, the more likely they will get infected. Studies have shown this.

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I was being sarcastic.

Ironically, while I've had no symptomatic cases or positive Covid tests before or after getting 3 jabs, it took me 11+ months and far more than $10,000 (plus insurance) to deal with a booster side-effect. I also had to spend 1+ months and a few $100 to deal with another booster side-effect.

The best mRNA side-effect for me was being red-pilled with regard to flu vaccines. I refused to take one last year, and I plan to continue refusing flu shots until someone proves they are truly safe and effective. I know flu shots are relatively safe compared to mRNA shots, but still not sure how safe they are and definitely haven't seen evidence of their effectiveness.

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Refuse all injections. They are all shit...now and forever. If you want a safe and effective death continue to take toxic substances .

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Get Dr. Brownstein's information of the flu shots. He computes that maybe one person is protected by the flu shot for every 100 shots. He's written about this for many years. His newsletter is, "Natural Way to Health"

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1:100 sounds about right. I figure my diet and lifestyle cut my susceptibility to flu by a lot. I plan to check out Dr B soon.

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Ditch the idea.

The shots are pointedly pointless.

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Sure, I expect injectable vaccines intended to prevent airborne illnesses will NEVER be worthwhile. Perhaps someday a nasal spray could work, but I am not holding my breath for that, pun intended.

The bigger question is how many of the vaccines routinely administered in the US have a positive ROI. I still think several are worthwhile, but my confidence is shaken, since the same people that are advocating mRNA vaccines have been advocating those other vaccines.

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You will be healthier and live longer without any of these jabs, including the non-mRNA vaccines. The mRNA gene therapies have never been proven to be safe, and all studies, including those in nonhuman animals mostly prove to be fatal. The flu vaccines may be at best show that they work at 30%, but that still does not prove that they really work. That is an estimate, and they are not running placebo control groups with them. With the covid-19 "controlled" study, the placebo group was stopped far too early because Pfizer was seeing in the first month that harms were EXCESSIVE and often serious. So collapsing the control group meant that they had nothing to compare against, which was why they stopped the analysis of the control group and simply recommended that they too get jabbed.

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A 3% hydrogen peroxide nasal spray and 1% gargle will sterilise airborne pathogens (iodine works too, though it can stain). Whenever you think you have been potentially exposed (returning from the shops etc) apply. Of course, apply immediately at the earliest signs of symptoms. At the very least this will dramatically reduce viral load, leaving your mucosal immune system to deal with a weakened foe. Cheers.

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Would the H2O2 be very fizzy in the nasal passages?

Perhaps it doesn't matter if it's just a spray/mist and not a liquid like when it's used as a mouthwash/gargle.

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I should add, that I've personally known 2 people who got Guille Barr syndrome after their flu shot, 2 middle aged healthy guys, both ended up permanently paralyzed from the waist down. My dad got Bell's Palsey from it, luckily for him it cleared up after 8 months.

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Glad to hear your dad's doing somewhat better. I feel lucky my Covid booster side effects were much less severe, and that they were treatable by a couple minor operations, etc.

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Dad passed in 89, but Bells Palsy only lasted a few months. I'm lucky that I've followed Dr. Brownstein and other knowledgeable doctors for many years. They taught me about the dangers of vaccines, the phony flu shots, and the multitudes of shots gave to little children, causing autism, autoimmune, SIDS and other life time disabilities. So when the mNRA experimental drugs came out, I was highly suspicious, and decided to not try them. Be sure to detox from the covid shot poison, natto kinases, see the FLCCC protocol, the Wellness Co.

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The flu shots in the USA also have had an abysmal record. Most years two out of three shot takers will still come down with the flu.

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An Ominous, I have learned to put (sarcasm) after my comments when I am being sarcastic, to make a point. Just so no one is confused.

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Yes it has always been known as the sheep shaggers capitol of the world.

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NZ is a nation completely and utterly captured by the WEF/Global Elites. Ardern (the former PM) got her marching orders from the WEF as she had become so unpopular. Her replacement, Hipkins, is also a WEF B-tch.

Can the NZ population be so detached from reality to be fooled by this slight of hand?

We know the Covid 'vaccines' cause brain damage. Over the past few years, it has become blatantly obvious most people cannot afford even the slightest loss of brain capacity,. As it is, they barely have enough to realise 2 + 2 does not = 5.

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we are not all total morons here in NZ however.

dissent is here. NZDSOS " NZDoctors speaking out with science" is up and running

and a movie SIlenced which you should find by a google search, came out last week

BUT we have been sofened b y cradle to grave social welfare for more than two generations, and most of us are hedonists who beleive in nothing so stand for nothing and so are frightened by their own shadow.

but as we sleepy isles are in that respect ( ie sleepy) the Joe Biden of the South Pacific we just might cotton on to the crime and absurdity AFTER the rest of the world has thrown the whole fraud out

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Understand. It is not much better here in Australia. Just like NZ it is the morons that have been running the show.

From the parliamentarians, right down to the wanna be Stalins patrolling the supermarket isles. Morons, caught up in the most idiotic delusions, vehemently thrusting their lunacy on the rest of us. Feeling untouchable, and certainly impossible to ignore, as they had the full backing of the State.

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They are waiting until the CBDC is installed for complete control, 15 minute cities and no food for you if you do not jab jab enough. If you do not jab at all you can not be in the system at all. They are present the sales job for this as 180 degress of what it really is. By then those in New Zealand will be so beaten they will request the new slave system which is the point.

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In 2014, my radio show was syndicated across 48 radio stations. I was canceled from my own radio show due to my opposition to Obama and his fake birth certificate. I interviewed an employee from the United Nations who stated a pandemic would occur between 2020-2024 and would be used to create a world government. The conversation continued, and I suggested if a pandemic occurred, we would likely see the West Indies region or New Zealand would fall to tyranny. I wrote Trump and copied Meadows and Kushner with a detailed letter proposing the idea of arming the citizens of New Zealand to help them avoid tyranny, and no response was ever provided.

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NZ is being locked-down under UK orders to contain citizens and distract them from the Royal-Pedophilia and auctioning off NZ to CHINA&SAUDI;


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Paul and all,

How come the focus is not on the BIG picture of why this horrifying BIOTERRORISM theatre is still continuing?

What country is ground zero, totally responsible the death and destruction around the world?

Who was supposed to hold this worst government on the planet ACCOUNTABLE at the local, state and federal level?

Do The People of the country that has the worst government on the planet still focus largely on things that do NOT matter, refusing to unite?

The following current column from Lex Greene below has ignited a firestorm of response from new NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER members coming to them to unite, out of total frustration with a past lack of unity and direction.



Not only CAN we unite around the common goal of Freedom and Liberty, we MUST unite by setting our individual priorities in a manner that will allow us to work together on the TOP PRIORITIES which we agree on, and focus on the things we don't agree on later!

Divided, we don't stand a chance! Only when we UNITE in working strategies on TOP PRIORITIES do we have a chance!


Mother/Grandmother Lion of 7 and counting

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Sorta like evolution but the opposite

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Evolution into a figurative and literal dead-end. Darwin award any one?

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Perhaps the ultimate Darwin award is for all the people who think humans should stop reproducing so as to save the planet.

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The Covid plandemic game has been practiced at least since 2000.

It's a test run, with psyops of getting people used to cooperating under manipulated health crisis mandates.

It's obvious they aren't done killing.

There's all those Bioweapons and people waiting to see which plague hits next.

The only change will be up to the people.

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We will see unprecedented deaths from being over-vaxxed...horrific.... they need to stand up and save themselves or it will get ugly....this will never end......let's see what country is next.....Canada? Can't just be New Zealand.....

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There are also many studies showing that PCR was never able to test for the virus that never existed.

Healthy people being locked up because they got the unlucky number in the PCR false positive test for what?

The test was used to collect DNA to sell to China to make clones, study our vulnerabilities and inject the graphene into our bodies so they could control us with the 5G weapons.

The answer is to say no to the failed test. If you need proof, just take ten swabs, place them in water and see how many show positive.

The surpression of experts advising on actions to combat Covid-19 in NZ


The NZ BBB agenda concentration camps slavery control they will have it all and we nothing


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Some citizens love being controlled as slaves. And most governments love being the slave masters.

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