Trump has been at war with the deep state since he announced in 2015. Actually, THEY declared war on Trump, which means they declared war on the American people.

They knew Trump was an outsider who was going to do what he SAID he would do. The deep state, including RINOs and the UniParty, have been against him from the beginning. They committed treason by rigging the 2020 election and defrauding the American people.

Still, Trump perseveres. He is the POTUS of the people, and he is the only one standing in the breach, between the American people and the tyrannical government.

Yes, we need and must see accountability for the treason committed by Obama. He was a CIA-installed puppet, a Manchurian Candidate, whose job was to bring down America. Trump has Hussein in his crosshairs, and there WILL be retribution.

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boom, I love him too...I will give him a 2nd shot...to punish them.

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How will Trump get elected without 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY???

Is it only the Mike Lindell group and a few others working on this while most Americans do NOT participate in doable SOLUTIONS?

Talk is incredibly cheap at this dangerous time in America!

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I wish I could! I was born on July 4th...you think I could pass as ½ American lmao ? Dare to dream lol

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Indeed, Obama was communist inspired filth who predisposed USA to the dire savageries that threaten to destroy us and throw us at the feet of totalitarian agencies like CDC, WHO, WEF and others. Trump is the best of the worst, a true charlatan whose hidden inner drives may include being part of our demise. He should have only one boss, the American public. I give him a very guarded form of support knowing full well he may use the American political machine to help destroy us. Were he to be elected the next president, he must realize that this punitive stage that is necessary to help us regain our futures is ultra-critical, without it we perish. We will either kill our tormentors or we will be killed, it's that simple.

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Greetings all.... just a word of caution...be careful as to whom you make heros - they ultimately disappoint. That said, DJT was far superior to Lord O and is a Mensa member compared to Old Joe. Nonetheless, his presidency did have its share of "hiccups". Yes I agree that the Deep State was out to get him as Queen Hillary got aced out. Nonetheless, he did not help himself with his bombast and he did get played by people within his own administration. The Wall was not built and Operation Warp Speed rushed into a service a gene therapy that has hurt (killed) thousands and continues to do damage. Likewise, he did allow the demon Fauci to ride roughshod over the situation - which lead to the closing of the entire US economy. How did this turn out? So DJT does enter the current race with baggage. It is important that people realize these shortcomings and act accordingly if they wish to help him get elected. He is not our saviour but he is the best shot at reversing some of the damage that demented Joe et al have done. The key is to realize that this is not going to be an easy task; will require significant effort from the GOP; will require that people send like minded people to Congress; and take steps to make sure the election is legit. Assuming we get DJT into office we have to keep his feet to the fire to make sure he does that which was originally promised. Pax

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Can’t underestimate Barak. The little Soros minion got a third term. If Michelle runs he might get a fourth and maybe a fifth. Soros has America by the balls. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if his money was behind the Scamdemic which was a plot to oust Trump and reset the globalist train that Trump was derailing back on track.

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Trump is a 33rd degree Freemason and has no intention of doing anything to help you. He is on board with the bioweapon injections and has already sold all of you down the road. He plans to institute a digital tracking system in the US that uses the bioweapon injections as the identification platform. You have all fallen for a massive scam and are supporting someone who HATES YOU.

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OK Let' s do this. What are Jan 6 people guilty of? Let's compare to what happened in Portland say when they declared Portland not part of the US. The man is a globalist. He got done what Hillary in office could never have with Covid. He is guilty of murdering millions and maiming even more atworp speed. He is not the only guilty one, but there are hundreds that need to be charged and convicted. But it won't until we the people demand it. He seems to have you fooled.

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He of three beautiful vaccines?

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You mean Trump shot Trump or no pardons for Jan. 6th people or Julian assange Trump. I can go on.

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agreed, but those before could be tried for treason...I say give him next shot to fix the wrong else history will record him as a blow hard failure...I dont think he is...

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Read my comment Paul. Some people will never be cured of their TDS.

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love you

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Justified criticism of Trump’s behaviors — including his pushing of the poisonous (so-called) “vaccines” and Operation Warp Speed and several other criticisms — isn’t Trump Derangement Syndrome. To call it that is to put Trump on some sort of pedestal. Stop treating the guy as some sort of messiah figure. It’s embarrassing.

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love and respect to you

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Did you expect Trump to pardon the j6ers?

By the time he left office none had been arrested. Who would he pardon?

So the guy they spied on, impeached twice, arrested 4 times and sued almost into oblivion shot himself?

He should have pardoned Assange but Trump is a flawed human like the rest of us. I'm an old guy and in that time we have has no better president.

Just my opinion for what it's worth.

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This IS the most important 2024 issue for Americans to get involved in…

NOW is the time to make time for your country!

Please help with this critical 2024 project to help restore AMERICA!


For only Patriotic Lions who understand how important it is to help with ELECTION INTEGRITY at this critical time in America…



Please help with this most rewarding project for Freedom and Liberty for all future generations!

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Lol love it! "A baby"

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And, Obama did not kill OBL.

OBL was already dead decades ago.

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