The people who mandated experimental injections must be tried and hanged for crimes against humanity. Prison is not sufficient deterrent.

Mandated injections of unknown bioweapon crap into billions of people is the worst crime against humanity ever committed.

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True, but most people STILL don't get it. We have friends who are still getting their FIFTH boosters. It will take lot more unexplained deaths for people to wake up.

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Family member proudly announced they recently had their 7th. Going to be interesting to see how that works out ...

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Other countries are already engaging these tactics. Victoria, Australia people beaten assailed from behind, defenceless people on the ground kicked beaten with batons and rifle butts , not to mention shooting peaceful protesters with rubber bullets. The list of government overreach is endless. Then there was Canada, and a number of European countries. MSM sanitised the news/vision.

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What's been happening in China is far worse. Starting about a decade ago, each individual was assigned a QR code to use for all financial transactions. Then, social credit scoring was added to this. For the past three years, health passes were added giving the government total control over everyone.

The people there have been forced to receive ordered COVID shots and drugs, wear masks all the time outside their homes, and comply with arbitrary lockdowns. They also must take a PCR test every other day up to a few times per day depending on locale to prove health.

A Green QR code is needed to participate in society. Yellow means the person becomes homeless and cannot do anything without a negative test.


Red means the person is forcibly thrown into isolation camp with prison-like rooms until (s)he has a negative test result for 14 straight days. There are thousands of these camps all around the country.


Miss one of the tests or not comply with other measures convert the QR code to red. A positive converts the QR code for that person and everyone else in his entire neighborhood to red. Being within a half mile of someone with a red QR code for 10 minutes turns one's QR code to red. Officials constantly change these on people to yellow or red for no good reason. Those who oppose the gov for anything have a permanent yellow or red.

Protestors have their QR code turned to red. The police start out by beating them, then shooting rubber bullets, then shooting real bullets. Anyone still alive is thrown into isolation camp. Haven't seen any world leaders condemning what's happening which means they're okay with it.

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China has been this way for a long time. The difference in the West is that it has not been this way before in living memory. We have imported tyranny from China and some Western leaders meet with and openly admire Winnie the Pooh's "basic dictatorship" and reeducation camps. With little media and political pushback it's just a matter of time before we have millions of political prisoners and disappearances. The difference *to*me* and you'll have to excuse my bias is that I live in the West and don't want it to become a dictatorship because it's *where*my*people*live.

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We have to help the Chinese people organize: Flash mobs that surround police, soldiers, and CCP members, and slit their throats or tear their limbs off.

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They created the virus for the purpose of controlling the masses. Everyone who had their hands in needs to swing from the gallows.

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Victoria had a general election today. The Victorian Premier Dan Andrews, who is from his party's dominant Socialist Left Faction, and who holds the world record for longest lockdown, and who brought in 5 lockdowns, plus vaccine mandates campaigned on, among other things, having "saved thousands of lives" because of the lockdowns. He resoundingly defeated his conservative opposition. It appears people voted for more of the same.

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Unbelievable what has transpired in Aus. How quickly the citizens rolled over. But then again they gave up their guns in the 90s ...

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Elections no longer matter. How do you think these thug leaders got in? Many ppl are shallow and stupid, but not to this extent.

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These are sick bastards! So much human suffering in China d/t their zero-COVID lockdowns. I fear that Chinese society will never wake up. When a segment of the population does, they are either beaten to death, put in camps, or driven over with tanks. May God have mercy!

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Our country will look like this fairly soon if we don't STOP it.

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When Western Elites praise the CCP, they have reveal themselves as the puppet of Satan.

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We must also include the health passports and the move to digital currency. Otherwise we become enmeshed in the health issues to see the forest for the trees. The creation of an expendable serf class is their goal.

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Very true. It's coming incredibly quickly. Our govt. is talking right now about having ALL digital currency. Return to cash quick!!!

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Ain't going to happen until word gets out. We need a huge number of very angry folks who have lost loved ones to these murderers. Fauci is already scared, as he should be.

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Fauci (and his family) will be readily available once the closet homo retires. Birx is currentlt available.

And every sane citizen probably has access to one or more of the ten million.

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Nov 26, 2022·edited Nov 26, 2022

Look out. Lol.

China locked down people in cities for awhile now probably to shake/n/bake a new nasty variant to head our way soon. Lol.

They are not done trying to ruin us. Everything has to happen soon while Trudeau/ Biden are in power enabling the chaos.

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There never has been COVID19, either in China, Italy or any other country including the USA! it was all a scam. Whatever caused the illness in China was probably a bioweapon in liquid or powder form that was spread on items they touched. The same in other countries including the US. A COVID19 ‘virus’ has never been isolated from an ill person and identified! Those who keep pushing this narrative are playing into the hands of the evil cabal that created this madness! The genocidal regime was in the bioweapons falsely called ‘vaccines’! NO ONE ever died from COVID19! It was pure malfeasance and murder that killed those who were hospitalized! The millions of deaths were from the bioweapon shots!

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5G towers

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Personally I saw this coming 18 years ago. Alex Jones told us all about it. So I did my research, and sure enough, all the information was right out there in the open for everyone to see.. but no one looked... or no one cared... or they called it a conspiracy. Now look, it appears to be too late. No amount of warning ever seemed to work.. I am starting to wonder if I ever really did any good at all. God help us all.

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I have a very bad feeling you're right. It may already be too late. I saw it coming in the 1970's, (yes, I was an adult then), but no one was interested in listening. We have become the proverbial frog in the frying pan. Now we ae well & truly cooked.

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May I ask how you knew of this back then? Any specific documentation you saw or books that were out back then hinting at what would happen? I am on a search to find all of the documentation that I can on the subject, although I am afraid they may have started taking stuff down now that things are ramping up.

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Imprison them? Somehow I am not feeling that charitable.

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Justice calls for executing them, not jailing them.

Time to gt started.

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I know, I live here. Constantly seeing Mathew Guy had a policy of going more green woke than the socialists, everyone voted green stupidly believing anything was better than Dan. These dipsticks do not understand under our voting system of preferential voting the votes were all going to the same place. There are days I despair at how dumb the electorate is.

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So right Dr. Alexander. So right. Just like the 2020 elections...it was a coup. For not fighting them, we are having Arizona and no change in the Senate. It is NOT beleivable.

Fauci is pulling the Alzheimers defense...I can't remember.

I want him put against the wall and jailed at the very least.

I hope that when he realizes his WEF and DOD friends are gonna let him hang, he will start

singing like a bird.

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We have all the evidence against Big Pharma to break everyone down and break them apart, the CDC, NIH, WHO, FDA, Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, AMA, all the doctors, nurses, hospitals, start with them then go after, AMA, CEO's all big tech, everyone that played a part in this fraud and farce. So much suffering, pain and loneliness suffered at the hands of these people all uncalled for and unjust. Fauci, Walensky, all of them immediately to jail.

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Cannot happen soon enough!

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