14 lies that DOOMED the COVID fraud over-amplified PCR-driven, non-pandemic as these worked to propagate a lie, the most devastating hoax on the American people & world; 100% of COVID was a lie
all of COVID was a lie, from 'natural origins' to time line, to lockdown lunatic response, to the fraud deadly mRNA COVID vaccine; COVID was circulating for years before January 2020
1)the lie of asymptomatic transmission
2)the lie that there was no treatment
3)the lie of recurrent infection pre-Omicron
4)the lie that masks work to contain infection and transmission
5)the lie that the mRNA technology gene vaccine was effective (sterilizing) and safe
6)the lie that the PCR ‘process’ detected live, cultural pathological virus
7)the lie that COVID was ‘novel’; I argue it circulated for years before January 2020 and the globe’s population had seen the pathogen immunologically before; we used PCR to detect something that we (several malfeasant players) knew was always (already) circulating
8)the lie that natural immunity was inferior to vaccine induced immunity
9)the lie that we were all at ‘equal’ risk of severe outcome if exposed, regardless of age and risk profile
10)the lie that HERD immunity was not applicable to control of this fraud pandemic
11)the lie ‘give us 2 weeks to flatten the curve’
12)the lie that lockdowns and school closures and business closures work to curb transmission and death
13)the lie that anti-virals such as hydroxychloroquine would not work and would harm users
14)the lie that once vaccinated, you will not get infected, the virus will not replicate, and that transmission will be stopped
I believe it! We were scammed.
You missed the biggest lie of all, THERE IS NO COVID. so everything else doesn't matter. I knew it was bs the first day it was mentioned, and what was going to happen.
It started the summer of 2019 when they murdered Kary Mullis. A week before the fed chairs met in Jackson hole to plan how to keep the failing economy going. And probably how to get rid of trump next year. Then starting September they started dumping tons of money into the repo markets. Follow the money.