Does anyone care? These doctors were misled by their Colleges and government, would their families demand autopsies to best inform us of cause, if mRNA technology vaccine was cause?
I believe they loved the idea of money in the pocket for every one they convinced. And it was totally against the oath every registered Dr has to take.
Truly this does not seem like "normal" mortality for doctors but we need a baseline for comparison eg how many MD deaths per month in the period 2017 - 2019 and compare that average to the current average for the last 2 years or so.
"Cause Unknown", lists deaths, death rates, insurance statistics, mortuary statistics, death rates up in the group of vaccinated 40%. I wouldn't even have to look in 2017-19, I already know. Another fact, the death rate in the United States for the first year of Covid was the same as the prior year, with no Covid. Those were 80% nursing home residents. Then the death rate went up 40% AFTER the vaccines came out, and instead of nursing home residents, it then was more younger, healthier people. And many children. Buy Cause Unknown by Ed Dowd, Amazon. Just click
My sister who was an RN died March 2nd. She leaves behind a 17yo son, 14yo daughter, grieving husband and family. She died at home in her sleep after a trip to the ER the day before and the morning she died, she had went to the walk-in. She had a rash on her arm when she went to the ER, she didn’t know what it was and they didn’t know. The day she died she also had a fever. My BIL had her cremated, we’ll never know for certain.
I am so sorry... It's happening all over... I am now hearing about people dying about one per week, and I barely know anyone. It's either fast-onset cancers, or "died Suddenly", or in their sleep. They released a bioweapon on us... It was all intentional.. The CDC and FDA knew.... I knew... I read the FDA / Pfizir documents.
The Pfizer doc SHOWED that more people died with the shot than with the placebo !!
And that was only after tracking them for 6 months.. Then they stopped the study, because it kept getting worse.
The shots were DEADLY... plus the efficacy turned negative. They didn't even stop covid.
Read the causes of death one by one under those pictures. It's obvious as day that it is not normal and there's been plenty of evidence presented over and over and over and over again.
There is nothing normal about this story... the mean average age of these unfortunate doctors is very telling... they did not die of a long and protracted disease... but quickly... unprecedented ... never before seen... a huge red flag that no one in high office seems one bit bothered about.... because they KNOW what they are doing. ... they are hellbent on stopping the rest of humanity joining the dots.
The problem from the beginning has been with the data.
Where there has been useful data, it has been misused, distorted and suppressed.
Where there has been equivocal or distorted datasets, they've been used to advance one agenda or another.
The disappointment for me, David, has been that so many well-meaning folks have allowed themselves to remain "stuck" in emotional feedback loops, finding themselves unable to maintain a healthy skepticism.
I agree that this does not seem normal, but without a definition, "normal" is a meaningless term.
Honest autopsies would have told us a great deal, and we shouldn't need to speculate with generalizations to determine what is factual at the individual, granular level of analysis. nevertheless, here we are.
You shouldn't have had to make your eminently logical and practical statement regarding a baseline, and I shouldn't have to be in agreement about the need for it. This is what The Narrative has done for us all; created a hall of mirrors, a veil of illusion, a "fact-free zone" where all is argument and conjecture, deflection and thoughtless advocacy.
Most of the bureaucrats and office bearers in the medical professional associations would almost certainly have the condition termed "bureaucratic compulsive with narcissistic features." It's a subtype of Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD), the most common disorder of serial killers, which is believed to have been Hitler's disorder. They are overconcerned with ethics and morslity
Hitler believed it was immoral and unethical not to kill the Jews. Dr Osler and her ilk no doubt believe it is immoral and unethical not to get jabbed, and that they "should" control others and force the jabs on them.
We have plenty like her on our side, but in reverse.
One of the frequent commenters here, Ms JonesySmart, is very similar. She shows most of the signs of "puritanical compulsive with paranoid features," a related subtype.
I have tried to educate people about these control freak disorders.
Understanding them is key to stopping the vax pushing.
It may sound harsh but in my opinion the world is a better place without these people. Blind compliance and following the money is not in the best interests of the medical interests of the general public or the medical Drs. They completely ignored the oaths they are supposed to abide by.
Thanks Kevin. We need the truth out in the open. I’m sick of people trying to protect Drs etc. articles skirting around those who are complicate with what is being forced onto us.
They truly believed in the vaccines. Doctors are busy people who do not read the scientific literature or do research. Many vaccine resisters on our side are absolute nutjobs who believe that viruses don't exist or that intergalactic space travel plays a role in infection etc. My own doctor pointed to this and mocked these nutjobs when he tried, unsuccessfully, to persuade me to get the shots.
The real 'nutjob's are those that blindly followed the advice of the lying MSM, lying politicians and lying Scamdemic promoters. There was never any evidence of a 'pandemic' with a novel new virus. Death rates were within norms during the alleged pandemic, hospitals were unusually quiet, and death rates only started spiking after the roll-out of the experimental gene-altering injections, falsely called 'vaccines'. Emergency use authorisation allowed the manufacturers of the injections to escape liability. There is a raging debate going on between the supporters of viral theory and the supporters of terrain theory. Your inclusion of 'intergalactic space travel' playing a role in infection is an obvious and rather stupid attempt to smear the terrain theory supporters. The fact is that viral theory has been extremely lucrative for the medical profession and 'vaccines' have given Bill Gates the best return on investment by his own admission. The viral hunters are not going to kill their cash cow. The fear of contagion with infectious diseases is also a strong driver of behaviour and this was used to full effect by the criminal cabal behind the fraudulent pandemic. An intelligent 12 year old could have seen through the stupid lies and the pantomime performances by our 'politicians' as they smirked while pulling on and off their fancy-dress mask costumes. Quite frankly their behaviour was utterly pathetic.
There are 94,000 physicians in Canada... many more have to die to swing the needle of public opinion. Sad but it is coming...spikes, graphene oxide and other ingredients are manifesting over the years. Those not dead yet will be dying sooner or later... over 10 years according to Dr. Mylo Canderian, patent holder, graphene oxide.
I disagree. If some of those doctors were actually doing good work, even to the point of gently steering patients away from the C19 vactine, and if they were given an ultimatum of either getting jabs or losing their ability to practice good medicine, they may have chosen to risk their own lives by getting jabbed rather than standing on principle and losing their jobs.
An Ominous. Doctors are not researchers and do not read research journals. They tend to read professional journals only, which are full of bullshit. They did not know Pfizer's clinical trials were fraudulently conducted
Very few doctors are psychopaths. Only one speciality, surgeon, is in the top 10. Many more of the commenters here would be psychopaths, % wise, than doctors.
I know of several doctors who have died from overwork. If doctors were psychopaths they would have chosen some other psychopath-preferred career path like policing, the military, clergy, journalist, or the law.
Obliviously your definition of "actually doing good work", is different than mine. If a doctor isn't doing research ahead of time before taking the fang bang themselves, then what they do or recommend in your "if" & "may" scenarios isn't "actually doing good work." Meaning, practice what you preach doesn't mean much to you or them.
All the animals died or were put under coz of terrible cancer. Those are terrible choices to risk your own life for a sudden death or a small amount of years living with cancer. Either way they can't practice anyways. You've just defeated your whole purpose for taking the jab. Thus, it makes no sense to make such a decision to take the jab unless you didn't do the research. There are tons of research for many decades on this issue. Which I go back to "actually doing good work" doesn't apply to them.
A lot of 'ifs' and 'mays'. Let's just ask the Drs' that walked rather than accept or promulgate the unethical, consent-lite, negative risk benefit, unpredictable BioNTech shots?
It takes years of training to be a doctor and more years to be a very experienced doctor. Impossible they did not know the toxicity and simply relied on government propaganda. Impossible that they were blind to the facts....they have the training unlike the general public.
The doctors complied, took the jabs and paid the ultimate price...DEATH. No one to blame but themselves.
Thank you! I put a lot of work into selecting and sometimes creating them most days. Please share the link if you can. Or repost them individually.
wait... you can just be appointed to Senator in Canada? It's even more banana republic than I thought.
Anyway, cheers on these doctors dying, they likely all deserved it anyway. Hopefully all the doctors pushing these "vaccines" keep taking more and more boosters and do the same.
I know a lot of doctors, a lot. Most are good, decent, kind people. They took these jabs when mandated to do so, or voluntarily, and pushed them on others, because they did not know that the clinical trials were fraudulently conducted. They believed the bullshit peddled by the health bureaucrats and in their professional journals.
Reluctantly, I have to agree. Doctors should have known but they took the jabs to keep their jobs, their life-style. Now, they have left behind shock, grief and much anguish to their families.
The only way we can honor these doctors and the millions of others who have died, is to keep talking. Tell anyone and everyone what is happening. Am putting together a packet for my MD, full articles but underlining the crucial information. I've asked him to pass it on. Hopefully he will. Some people literally avoid me now. They don't want to hear. Nothing we can do about that.
My doctor (PCP) would throw my info in the trash and tell me, like she did recently, that I should in stead read stuff by scientists. My cardiologist told me masks are useful because maybe they don't stop corona but they DO stop THE FLU. He knows this because the recent winter when people were all wearing masks, there was covid BUT there was no flu. Gotta love those Scientific types.
My friend who is a pharmacist used the exact same argument about the masks. Masks work because there was no flu last year.
One of my MD friend told me that she knew that the masks were useless but she wore them to show others that she cared for them and I should’ve too. She rather didn’t go hiking with me any longer because I refused to wear a mask. Outside no less!
Another friend, also MD told me that she lost all her respect for those physicians who spoke out against any of the Covid measures, like lockdowns, masking and vaccines. She told me that the reason why we couldn’t stop Covid was because many people refused to get the vaccines! And she still believes it!
It’s seriously crazy how many healthcare professionals and scientists STILL believe that the vaccines work, masks work, lockdowns work but the problem is the people who disobey them 🙄.
They have been trained to follow the science and evidence based medicine and listen to the big wigs . Since many are in mass psychosis they are not able to comprehend that they could have been lied to . They are not aware that evidence can be bought and that the internet search algorithms makes it very difficult to find the truth . Many are not using critical thinking skills and doing a deep dive research... then even if they do start to have seeds of doubt they go discuss with a doctor from so called prestigious institution who right away dismisses their doubt. They are not able to see that the death rates from covid dropped right before the rollout of the vaccines . The death rates started to drop once the use of steroids was added to the mainstream protocols in June 2020 . From March thru June 2020, streroids were not widely adopted on the protocols so many ICU patients ended up on ventilators and dying . The use of steroids when oxygen levels started to decline prevented the pts from going on a ventilator. Ventilator was not the correct treatment for this virus and led to many deaths . Lack of early outpatient treatments led to deaths. Herd immunity and the virus mutating to become less deadly ( though more transmissible) all helped . So it’s not the vaccine that led to lower deaths but sadly many will not understand or acknowledge this truth .
Paul and others…Might want to send this to Dr. William Makis because I quit his substack when he wanted money to post? How is compiling lists of the dead going to help the living take our countries back from our enemies? Do we not have enough actionable evidence?
P.S. From this point on…I only am going to fund actionable solutions that can address the continuing BIOTERRORISM Theatre. Freedom is not free!
Some are so dense, it would take an earthquake to open their eyes to what is happening. Maybe we need that hard evidence to finally have a solution. We need people on both sides of the funding. Thanks.
There is literally nothing that would open their eyes, not even the deaths of their own children from the toxxine.
It's too embarrassing for them. They'd rather be dead from the toxxine along with their entire family than admit that they were complicit in the worst crime against humanity ever.
Hi Truth Matters. I read the article you posted...interesting. The author states “despite how much evil they uncover and present to The People, no one ever reacts to the information with appropriate ACTION.” I’m just wondering, what particular ‘action’ do you believe would be most appropriate and most effective in addressing the evil we see all around?
You make a valid point. No use laying charges as our courts are govt controlled narrative outlets. So apart from becoming lynch mobs their ain’t any quick solutions.
But we must learn to say no. From their we can turn the tide
Thanks Truth Matters. I’ll consider contacting ‘Lex’. Obviously Lex’s article resonated with you, so again I’m wondering, do YOU have any thoughts on what appropriate and effective ‘action’ against the current flood of evil might look like?
Meanwhile...Lex states “those who are not part of real solutions, are an equal part of the problem!”
My question is: unless those labeled by Lex as “an equal part of the problem” (ie ‘The People’) are aware of, understand the requirements and costs of, and can reliably trust Lex’s ‘real solutions’ how can they (The People) with any degree of confidence and informed consent unite behind and engage in those ‘real solutions’? Why on earth would people ever ‘take up arms’ and endure pain when they don’t know what ‘taking up arms’ even looks like?
Sorry, and I’m not meaning to be disrespectful here, but these secret squirrel, cloak and dagger, notions just don’t work for me...too many lives have been lost, too much harm has been done and too much trauma has been inflicted. Maybe it’s time to step up and tell the reckless, arrogant, elitist bullies in our midst EXACTLY how we plan to take down their plans, their schemes and their evil intentions? For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are NOT carnal...
I would think doing what they did in East Germany to bring down the wall is the 1st level at fighting back. It's the hearts and minds level. These people are more prone to join peaceful prayer marches than take up arms.
Of course your goal would be to bring on more of the people who are sideliners who are afraid to standup on their own, but would join the fight if they see more people in large groups. This is how you get masses.
This would include wheelchair jab victims + firefighters + police officer family members if you can get them. Have coffee w/firefighters to warm up to possibility to join us. Show victims/firefighters video of existing firefighters around the world fighting back against tyranny.
You want the cabal to attack what are perceived to be innocent people. Thus, it brings on more people to fight against perceived evil. It's later, if marches don't accomplish the goal, where you activate armed warriors.
Here are some resources:
Imagine cops turning on the firemen and wheelchair jab victims.
@14:28 - 17:11 France Firefighters march/protest and help Police stand with We the People
The key to beating the vax fanatics is to understand the Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) " bureaucratic compulsive with narcissistic features" subtype. They are overly concerned with ethics and morality
Think of Hitler's personality. He was obsessed with ethics and morality and believed it was imperative that he impose his beliefs on others.
How about some simple statistical analysis about using the age (and sex) of the deceased and comparing to expected deaths of College-educated Canadiaians ?
Insurance companies are stating NOT cv19 related in their 40% increase in excess mortality. Edward Dowd can help decipher it easily when most of these deaths are with group life ins. policies for ages 18-65. Cv19 really only attacked 75+ with multiple comorbidities. And the smoking gun is most people retire at age 65 so there's very little group life ins written after age 65 and the deaths are NOT cv19 related.
Maybe Deagel's depopulation numbers will help you if group life ins. policies don't.
"The Deagel corporation is a minor branch of US military intelligence, one of the many secretive organizations which collects data for high-level decision-making purposes and prepares confidential briefing documents for agencies like the National Security Agency, the United Nations, and the World Bank."
The jabs were ordered by the DoD as countermeasures structured under OTA. Thus, Deagel corp has insider knowledge to make these projections based on future US military operations.
I realize this one is for USA numbers below, but this is what the screenshots of Deagel looked like before viral tweets went out when people started dropping like flies.
The Deagel report is useless. USA population today is 335 million up from 316 million in 2017. Per Deagle, by 2025, it should be 100 million. Impossible. I stopped looking at the rest of the useless data.
You're welcome to that assessment. However, is it really impossible? Might be right and might not. I suspect it might happen by 2030, but 2025 is not impossible, but somewhat improbable. I hope I'm wrong, but my gut tells me all 6 of these will converge at some point in the near future.
1) There is the possibility of WW3.
2) Dollar collapse, unemployment + runaway inflation = no bread on the table.
5) a) Digital Ids + b) giving up sovereignty to WHO c) which then institutes forced injections
a & b are in the works now for the trojan horse of c.
6) Noahide Laws
At a March 9th, 2015 International Conference titled “The New World Order – A Recipe of War or Peace!” Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad warned that the ‘Elites want to reduce the world population to 1 Billion’ and will go to any length necessary to achieve their goal. The graveyard agenda...
Fantastic reply....something that adds a lot of value to the discussion. Seeing the future is always a challenge. And I welcome your response. I shall follow up on the links provided.
Directionally, I agree that the future can be tough and there can be sudden events. Mother Nature is one big uncertainty ranging from a major meteor strike to a period of extreme worldwide droughts, many natural disasters (eruptions, tsunami, storms, etc.)
While global warning is challenged by scientists and advocated by others, some scientists talk about the Solar Minimum whereby the globe is heading for cooler period with also drastic impact on climate and agriculture.
The future is Unknown no matter what and how we forecast. But good discussion is always the path forward.
It is a tremendous loss of life. And like all people, represents an enormous loss of potential and and enormous loss of investment. Our society invests in training professionals such as pilots, athletes, doctors, chefs, musicians, first responders, military personnel. The loss of a life prematurely is tragic for that individual and their loved ones, but it goes deeper. The investment we all collectively make towards bettering society, helping others, making the world a better shortchanged when people are lost unwittingly before their time. The young doctor who died a month ago had decades of dedicated work ahead...all those they may have helped or touched in their journey, all the potential discoveries or innocations, all those a fine athlete may have inspired....all rendered naught. Mozart contributed much to the world and died at 35. What wonders did the world miss because of his premature death? When considering the potential of those such as these 150 doctors, the loss to all is staggering.
Alarming but incomplete. How many docs would have been expected to die over the same time period? How many were vaxxed, average age at death, co-morbidities, etc. Give us an observational cohort.
"These days, there are far stronger morals, ethics and honorable behavior in the Mexican drug cartels, than in Canada’s entire healthcare leadership."
That statement is very true. The entrepreneurs of the cartels are libertarian capitalists, not fascists.
Their crime is in cutting out the middleman and in defending their attempts at free trade with the same type of force used against them by the DEA and other operatives of Big Brother, the state.
Although their product is harmful, for a proportion of its consumers, like bourbon or rum is, they have never propagandized that their product has health benefits for its willing consumers and have never mandated that anybody consume their product.
The behavior of Canada's health leadership is far more odious than that of the Mexican cartels.
I am Engineer with decades in the construction industry. I will not deliberately build a structure that will collapse and kill others. Or tell others to enter unsafe buildings just because I am paid to tell them.
Sorry, but most of these doctors took the jab for what reason? To keep their jobs, maintain their life style, have vacations overseas, etc.? If they did not walk out and refused, how could they have been helpful to their patients? How many patients also died because they said...The jabs are safe?
She's a true psychopath and her lack of anything towards those that have been murdered at her alter of satan proves it
She needs locking up and vaccinating with the stuff she's promoting
And not the saline like we all know she’s had in the past.
I believe they loved the idea of money in the pocket for every one they convinced. And it was totally against the oath every registered Dr has to take.
They’re guilty as any mass murderer could be
Truly this does not seem like "normal" mortality for doctors but we need a baseline for comparison eg how many MD deaths per month in the period 2017 - 2019 and compare that average to the current average for the last 2 years or so.
"Cause Unknown", lists deaths, death rates, insurance statistics, mortuary statistics, death rates up in the group of vaccinated 40%. I wouldn't even have to look in 2017-19, I already know. Another fact, the death rate in the United States for the first year of Covid was the same as the prior year, with no Covid. Those were 80% nursing home residents. Then the death rate went up 40% AFTER the vaccines came out, and instead of nursing home residents, it then was more younger, healthier people. And many children. Buy Cause Unknown by Ed Dowd, Amazon. Just click
My sister who was an RN died March 2nd. She leaves behind a 17yo son, 14yo daughter, grieving husband and family. She died at home in her sleep after a trip to the ER the day before and the morning she died, she had went to the walk-in. She had a rash on her arm when she went to the ER, she didn’t know what it was and they didn’t know. The day she died she also had a fever. My BIL had her cremated, we’ll never know for certain.
I am so sorry... It's happening all over... I am now hearing about people dying about one per week, and I barely know anyone. It's either fast-onset cancers, or "died Suddenly", or in their sleep. They released a bioweapon on us... It was all intentional.. The CDC and FDA knew.... I knew... I read the FDA / Pfizir documents.
The Pfizer doc SHOWED that more people died with the shot than with the placebo !!
And that was only after tracking them for 6 months.. Then they stopped the study, because it kept getting worse.
The shots were DEADLY... plus the efficacy turned negative. They didn't even stop covid.
I know for certain.
Check out Dr. McCullough's explanation of catacolamine surges
effect on a heart that has been weakened from myocarditus during the waking process.
Read the causes of death one by one under those pictures. It's obvious as day that it is not normal and there's been plenty of evidence presented over and over and over and over again.
WE NEED JUSTICE !! not more evidence
… and no amnesty!
There is nothing normal about this story... the mean average age of these unfortunate doctors is very telling... they did not die of a long and protracted disease... but quickly... unprecedented ... never before seen... a huge red flag that no one in high office seems one bit bothered about.... because they KNOW what they are doing. ... they are hellbent on stopping the rest of humanity joining the dots.
"we need a baseline for comparison"
Yes, we do.
The problem from the beginning has been with the data.
Where there has been useful data, it has been misused, distorted and suppressed.
Where there has been equivocal or distorted datasets, they've been used to advance one agenda or another.
The disappointment for me, David, has been that so many well-meaning folks have allowed themselves to remain "stuck" in emotional feedback loops, finding themselves unable to maintain a healthy skepticism.
I agree that this does not seem normal, but without a definition, "normal" is a meaningless term.
Honest autopsies would have told us a great deal, and we shouldn't need to speculate with generalizations to determine what is factual at the individual, granular level of analysis. nevertheless, here we are.
You shouldn't have had to make your eminently logical and practical statement regarding a baseline, and I shouldn't have to be in agreement about the need for it. This is what The Narrative has done for us all; created a hall of mirrors, a veil of illusion, a "fact-free zone" where all is argument and conjecture, deflection and thoughtless advocacy.
No amnesty.
Pity Dr. Gigi Osler missed 30s Germany. She’d have gone far there.
Lots of laughs had by some. At least for a while.
Most of the bureaucrats and office bearers in the medical professional associations would almost certainly have the condition termed "bureaucratic compulsive with narcissistic features." It's a subtype of Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD), the most common disorder of serial killers, which is believed to have been Hitler's disorder. They are overconcerned with ethics and morslity
Hitler believed it was immoral and unethical not to kill the Jews. Dr Osler and her ilk no doubt believe it is immoral and unethical not to get jabbed, and that they "should" control others and force the jabs on them.
We have plenty like her on our side, but in reverse.
One of the frequent commenters here, Ms JonesySmart, is very similar. She shows most of the signs of "puritanical compulsive with paranoid features," a related subtype.
I have tried to educate people about these control freak disorders.
Understanding them is key to stopping the vax pushing.
They know the end game! Inject! Inject! Inject!
It may sound harsh but in my opinion the world is a better place without these people. Blind compliance and following the money is not in the best interests of the medical interests of the general public or the medical Drs. They completely ignored the oaths they are supposed to abide by.
no, not harsh at all. I agree they got what they deserved.
Thanks Kevin. We need the truth out in the open. I’m sick of people trying to protect Drs etc. articles skirting around those who are complicate with what is being forced onto us.
They truly believed in the vaccines. Doctors are busy people who do not read the scientific literature or do research. Many vaccine resisters on our side are absolute nutjobs who believe that viruses don't exist or that intergalactic space travel plays a role in infection etc. My own doctor pointed to this and mocked these nutjobs when he tried, unsuccessfully, to persuade me to get the shots.
The real 'nutjob's are those that blindly followed the advice of the lying MSM, lying politicians and lying Scamdemic promoters. There was never any evidence of a 'pandemic' with a novel new virus. Death rates were within norms during the alleged pandemic, hospitals were unusually quiet, and death rates only started spiking after the roll-out of the experimental gene-altering injections, falsely called 'vaccines'. Emergency use authorisation allowed the manufacturers of the injections to escape liability. There is a raging debate going on between the supporters of viral theory and the supporters of terrain theory. Your inclusion of 'intergalactic space travel' playing a role in infection is an obvious and rather stupid attempt to smear the terrain theory supporters. The fact is that viral theory has been extremely lucrative for the medical profession and 'vaccines' have given Bill Gates the best return on investment by his own admission. The viral hunters are not going to kill their cash cow. The fear of contagion with infectious diseases is also a strong driver of behaviour and this was used to full effect by the criminal cabal behind the fraudulent pandemic. An intelligent 12 year old could have seen through the stupid lies and the pantomime performances by our 'politicians' as they smirked while pulling on and off their fancy-dress mask costumes. Quite frankly their behaviour was utterly pathetic.
There are 94,000 physicians in Canada... many more have to die to swing the needle of public opinion. Sad but it is coming...spikes, graphene oxide and other ingredients are manifesting over the years. Those not dead yet will be dying sooner or later... over 10 years according to Dr. Mylo Canderian, patent holder, graphene oxide.
Exactly right. Karma and they will have many to keep them company
I disagree. If some of those doctors were actually doing good work, even to the point of gently steering patients away from the C19 vactine, and if they were given an ultimatum of either getting jabs or losing their ability to practice good medicine, they may have chosen to risk their own lives by getting jabbed rather than standing on principle and losing their jobs.
An Ominous. Doctors are not researchers and do not read research journals. They tend to read professional journals only, which are full of bullshit. They did not know Pfizer's clinical trials were fraudulently conducted
Very few doctors are psychopaths. Only one speciality, surgeon, is in the top 10. Many more of the commenters here would be psychopaths, % wise, than doctors.
I know of several doctors who have died from overwork. If doctors were psychopaths they would have chosen some other psychopath-preferred career path like policing, the military, clergy, journalist, or the law.
Most are altruistic, ethical people.
Wow, I never knew about the professions that attract psychopaths:
I am not surprised to see civil servant and lawyer also being on the list.
Obliviously your definition of "actually doing good work", is different than mine. If a doctor isn't doing research ahead of time before taking the fang bang themselves, then what they do or recommend in your "if" & "may" scenarios isn't "actually doing good work." Meaning, practice what you preach doesn't mean much to you or them.
All the animals died or were put under coz of terrible cancer. Those are terrible choices to risk your own life for a sudden death or a small amount of years living with cancer. Either way they can't practice anyways. You've just defeated your whole purpose for taking the jab. Thus, it makes no sense to make such a decision to take the jab unless you didn't do the research. There are tons of research for many decades on this issue. Which I go back to "actually doing good work" doesn't apply to them.
A lot of 'ifs' and 'mays'. Let's just ask the Drs' that walked rather than accept or promulgate the unethical, consent-lite, negative risk benefit, unpredictable BioNTech shots?
You don’t put life down as very important. They were all greedy and self opinionated.
It takes years of training to be a doctor and more years to be a very experienced doctor. Impossible they did not know the toxicity and simply relied on government propaganda. Impossible that they were blind to the facts....they have the training unlike the general public.
The doctors complied, took the jabs and paid the ultimate price...DEATH. No one to blame but themselves.
See first image at
Well put in the effort, the least I could do was to read all of them. Cheers.
I publish more most days.
Those are some funny memes!
Thank you! I put a lot of work into selecting and sometimes creating them most days. Please share the link if you can. Or repost them individually.
wait... you can just be appointed to Senator in Canada? It's even more banana republic than I thought.
Anyway, cheers on these doctors dying, they likely all deserved it anyway. Hopefully all the doctors pushing these "vaccines" keep taking more and more boosters and do the same.
I know a lot of doctors, a lot. Most are good, decent, kind people. They took these jabs when mandated to do so, or voluntarily, and pushed them on others, because they did not know that the clinical trials were fraudulently conducted. They believed the bullshit peddled by the health bureaucrats and in their professional journals.
Reluctantly, I have to agree. Doctors should have known but they took the jabs to keep their jobs, their life-style. Now, they have left behind shock, grief and much anguish to their families.
The only way we can honor these doctors and the millions of others who have died, is to keep talking. Tell anyone and everyone what is happening. Am putting together a packet for my MD, full articles but underlining the crucial information. I've asked him to pass it on. Hopefully he will. Some people literally avoid me now. They don't want to hear. Nothing we can do about that.
My doctor (PCP) would throw my info in the trash and tell me, like she did recently, that I should in stead read stuff by scientists. My cardiologist told me masks are useful because maybe they don't stop corona but they DO stop THE FLU. He knows this because the recent winter when people were all wearing masks, there was covid BUT there was no flu. Gotta love those Scientific types.
I had similar experiences.
My friend who is a pharmacist used the exact same argument about the masks. Masks work because there was no flu last year.
One of my MD friend told me that she knew that the masks were useless but she wore them to show others that she cared for them and I should’ve too. She rather didn’t go hiking with me any longer because I refused to wear a mask. Outside no less!
Another friend, also MD told me that she lost all her respect for those physicians who spoke out against any of the Covid measures, like lockdowns, masking and vaccines. She told me that the reason why we couldn’t stop Covid was because many people refused to get the vaccines! And she still believes it!
It’s seriously crazy how many healthcare professionals and scientists STILL believe that the vaccines work, masks work, lockdowns work but the problem is the people who disobey them 🙄.
They have been trained to follow the science and evidence based medicine and listen to the big wigs . Since many are in mass psychosis they are not able to comprehend that they could have been lied to . They are not aware that evidence can be bought and that the internet search algorithms makes it very difficult to find the truth . Many are not using critical thinking skills and doing a deep dive research... then even if they do start to have seeds of doubt they go discuss with a doctor from so called prestigious institution who right away dismisses their doubt. They are not able to see that the death rates from covid dropped right before the rollout of the vaccines . The death rates started to drop once the use of steroids was added to the mainstream protocols in June 2020 . From March thru June 2020, streroids were not widely adopted on the protocols so many ICU patients ended up on ventilators and dying . The use of steroids when oxygen levels started to decline prevented the pts from going on a ventilator. Ventilator was not the correct treatment for this virus and led to many deaths . Lack of early outpatient treatments led to deaths. Herd immunity and the virus mutating to become less deadly ( though more transmissible) all helped . So it’s not the vaccine that led to lower deaths but sadly many will not understand or acknowledge this truth .
Unlikely your PCP read any scientific literature. Most only read professional journals. It's not the same thing.
Paul and all,
I now only focus on what it is going to take to save the living from the global psychopaths still talking aim towards all of us!
Focus on yesterday’s dead? Not sure you will be of any use to the living until you understand this piece…
Paul and others…Might want to send this to Dr. William Makis because I quit his substack when he wanted money to post? How is compiling lists of the dead going to help the living take our countries back from our enemies? Do we not have enough actionable evidence?
P.S. From this point on…I only am going to fund actionable solutions that can address the continuing BIOTERRORISM Theatre. Freedom is not free!
Some are so dense, it would take an earthquake to open their eyes to what is happening. Maybe we need that hard evidence to finally have a solution. We need people on both sides of the funding. Thanks.
There is literally nothing that would open their eyes, not even the deaths of their own children from the toxxine.
It's too embarrassing for them. They'd rather be dead from the toxxine along with their entire family than admit that they were complicit in the worst crime against humanity ever.
You are so right.
I DARE YOU today to those who still have critical thinking brain cells left to heavily ponder this piece…
Mother/Grandmother of 7 and counting
P.S. Good luck pondering!
Hi Truth Matters. I read the article you posted...interesting. The author states “despite how much evil they uncover and present to The People, no one ever reacts to the information with appropriate ACTION.” I’m just wondering, what particular ‘action’ do you believe would be most appropriate and most effective in addressing the evil we see all around?
You make a valid point. No use laying charges as our courts are govt controlled narrative outlets. So apart from becoming lynch mobs their ain’t any quick solutions.
But we must learn to say no. From their we can turn the tide
Thank you Nicky for your comment!
Contact info for Lex at end of the piece…will respond to all respectful questions, comments, etc
Thanks Truth Matters. I’ll consider contacting ‘Lex’. Obviously Lex’s article resonated with you, so again I’m wondering, do YOU have any thoughts on what appropriate and effective ‘action’ against the current flood of evil might look like?
These strategic planners know exactly how to win a war…if enough of The People unite! All serious strategic planners know the ART OF WAR!
I would make no comments on actions out in the open unless you want your enemies to know your plans and/or be targeted!
We are in a VERY serious war that many do not even realize at this late date…
The Left have been planning behind our backs for years and ready to go on many more strategic plans we do Not know…ART OF WAR!
What are your thoughts on Jake Jackson, Dallas Hills or Constitutional Conventions?
Meanwhile...Lex states “those who are not part of real solutions, are an equal part of the problem!”
My question is: unless those labeled by Lex as “an equal part of the problem” (ie ‘The People’) are aware of, understand the requirements and costs of, and can reliably trust Lex’s ‘real solutions’ how can they (The People) with any degree of confidence and informed consent unite behind and engage in those ‘real solutions’? Why on earth would people ever ‘take up arms’ and endure pain when they don’t know what ‘taking up arms’ even looks like?
Sorry, and I’m not meaning to be disrespectful here, but these secret squirrel, cloak and dagger, notions just don’t work for me...too many lives have been lost, too much harm has been done and too much trauma has been inflicted. Maybe it’s time to step up and tell the reckless, arrogant, elitist bullies in our midst EXACTLY how we plan to take down their plans, their schemes and their evil intentions? For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are NOT carnal...
I would think doing what they did in East Germany to bring down the wall is the 1st level at fighting back. It's the hearts and minds level. These people are more prone to join peaceful prayer marches than take up arms.
Of course your goal would be to bring on more of the people who are sideliners who are afraid to standup on their own, but would join the fight if they see more people in large groups. This is how you get masses.
This would include wheelchair jab victims + firefighters + police officer family members if you can get them. Have coffee w/firefighters to warm up to possibility to join us. Show victims/firefighters video of existing firefighters around the world fighting back against tyranny.
You want the cabal to attack what are perceived to be innocent people. Thus, it brings on more people to fight against perceived evil. It's later, if marches don't accomplish the goal, where you activate armed warriors.
Here are some resources:
Imagine cops turning on the firemen and wheelchair jab victims.
@14:28 - 17:11 France Firefighters march/protest and help Police stand with We the People
East Germany Peaceful Prayer Marches (learned a little more on how they did it with each article):
The end goal:
In unprecedented scenes, a number of police officers have removed their helmets and are marching with the people in Paris.
The key to beating the vax fanatics is to understand the Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) " bureaucratic compulsive with narcissistic features" subtype. They are overly concerned with ethics and morality
Think of Hitler's personality. He was obsessed with ethics and morality and believed it was imperative that he impose his beliefs on others.
How about some simple statistical analysis about using the age (and sex) of the deceased and comparing to expected deaths of College-educated Canadiaians ?
Insurance companies are stating NOT cv19 related in their 40% increase in excess mortality. Edward Dowd can help decipher it easily when most of these deaths are with group life ins. policies for ages 18-65. Cv19 really only attacked 75+ with multiple comorbidities. And the smoking gun is most people retire at age 65 so there's very little group life ins written after age 65 and the deaths are NOT cv19 related.
Maybe Deagel's depopulation numbers will help you if group life ins. policies don't.
"The Deagel corporation is a minor branch of US military intelligence, one of the many secretive organizations which collects data for high-level decision-making purposes and prepares confidential briefing documents for agencies like the National Security Agency, the United Nations, and the World Bank."
The jabs were ordered by the DoD as countermeasures structured under OTA. Thus, Deagel corp has insider knowledge to make these projections based on future US military operations.
I realize this one is for USA numbers below, but this is what the screenshots of Deagel looked like before viral tweets went out when people started dropping like flies.
The Deagel report is useless. USA population today is 335 million up from 316 million in 2017. Per Deagle, by 2025, it should be 100 million. Impossible. I stopped looking at the rest of the useless data.
You're welcome to that assessment. However, is it really impossible? Might be right and might not. I suspect it might happen by 2030, but 2025 is not impossible, but somewhat improbable. I hope I'm wrong, but my gut tells me all 6 of these will converge at some point in the near future.
1) There is the possibility of WW3.
2) Dollar collapse, unemployment + runaway inflation = no bread on the table.
3) A marburg type contagion released.
"Marburg virus disease is a highly virulent disease that causes hemorrhagic fever with a fatality ratio of up to 88%."
4) Bivalent boosters
Serge Monast was a whistleblower on a vaccine 1-2 punch to depopulate.
Monovalent (1) + Bivalent (2) could be this 1-2 punch he was talking about ~1993.
Read the description section [+ More link] of this video:
@8:00 as Dr Judy Mikovits explains how a 1-2 punch could kill you.
5) a) Digital Ids + b) giving up sovereignty to WHO c) which then institutes forced injections
a & b are in the works now for the trojan horse of c.
6) Noahide Laws
At a March 9th, 2015 International Conference titled “The New World Order – A Recipe of War or Peace!” Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad warned that the ‘Elites want to reduce the world population to 1 Billion’ and will go to any length necessary to achieve their goal. The graveyard agenda...
Here the Ex-Malaysian PM Reveals the Elite...
Here's 2 corroborating witnesses to the former Malaysian PM.
Rabbi Yosef MIzrachi: 6 Billion People Don't Deserve To Live
Fantastic reply....something that adds a lot of value to the discussion. Seeing the future is always a challenge. And I welcome your response. I shall follow up on the links provided.
Directionally, I agree that the future can be tough and there can be sudden events. Mother Nature is one big uncertainty ranging from a major meteor strike to a period of extreme worldwide droughts, many natural disasters (eruptions, tsunami, storms, etc.)
While global warning is challenged by scientists and advocated by others, some scientists talk about the Solar Minimum whereby the globe is heading for cooler period with also drastic impact on climate and agriculture.
The future is Unknown no matter what and how we forecast. But good discussion is always the path forward.
It’s very convenient to say they died from heart attacks, Cancer & suicide, and just write them off. This is the plan.
Apparently for some sleeping is a dangerous sport.
It is a tremendous loss of life. And like all people, represents an enormous loss of potential and and enormous loss of investment. Our society invests in training professionals such as pilots, athletes, doctors, chefs, musicians, first responders, military personnel. The loss of a life prematurely is tragic for that individual and their loved ones, but it goes deeper. The investment we all collectively make towards bettering society, helping others, making the world a better shortchanged when people are lost unwittingly before their time. The young doctor who died a month ago had decades of dedicated work ahead...all those they may have helped or touched in their journey, all the potential discoveries or innocations, all those a fine athlete may have inspired....all rendered naught. Mozart contributed much to the world and died at 35. What wonders did the world miss because of his premature death? When considering the potential of those such as these 150 doctors, the loss to all is staggering.
Thank you. People seem to think losing health care professionals is no big deal.
Until they find out they need them.
Alarming but incomplete. How many docs would have been expected to die over the same time period? How many were vaxxed, average age at death, co-morbidities, etc. Give us an observational cohort.
Just look back at the stats before the vax roll out. It says it all.
These idiots are so smug. They call themselves doctors?! How dare they! God help us if any one of these “do gooders” gets the reigns of Canada.
Only 150? Let's hope that's just a start.
"These days, there are far stronger morals, ethics and honorable behavior in the Mexican drug cartels, than in Canada’s entire healthcare leadership."
That statement is very true. The entrepreneurs of the cartels are libertarian capitalists, not fascists.
Their crime is in cutting out the middleman and in defending their attempts at free trade with the same type of force used against them by the DEA and other operatives of Big Brother, the state.
Although their product is harmful, for a proportion of its consumers, like bourbon or rum is, they have never propagandized that their product has health benefits for its willing consumers and have never mandated that anybody consume their product.
The behavior of Canada's health leadership is far more odious than that of the Mexican cartels.
I am Engineer with decades in the construction industry. I will not deliberately build a structure that will collapse and kill others. Or tell others to enter unsafe buildings just because I am paid to tell them.
Sorry, but most of these doctors took the jab for what reason? To keep their jobs, maintain their life style, have vacations overseas, etc.? If they did not walk out and refused, how could they have been helpful to their patients? How many patients also died because they said...The jabs are safe?
Well said and very true!