but you finding billions Speaker Mike Jonson to give the Ukrainian fag? with zero to our border when you said you would fund border security...you are a damn traitor Johnson!

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and we have no clue who is alive...hundreds missing...I know, they are fucking dead

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It could be thousands, according to Alex Jones today. And he's been right about a hell of a lot. I hope he's wrong about that.

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Ham radio operators have said sheriffs have bagged 1,200 bodies. 900 dead bodies in a hospital in Ashville. Citizen rescuers have gone into some small towns and have found no one alive, saying the smell of death is pervasive. The illegal invaders dropped off in the area by the border czar's minions a few days before the HAARP directed hurricane are said to be raping and kidnapping the abandoned children. As the waters are receding, bodies are hanging from trees and are strewn over what's left of the devastated landscape. CommieAla's program she implemented in 2023 took $600 million from the FEMA budget, and was used to house illegals. FEMA is doing nothing since they have no money, except impeding rescue efforts and confiscating goods coming into the area. Trucks loaded with goods for the victims are having their tires slashed in rest stops, by CommieAla's brownshirts. The accounts and videos from people on the ground trying to help (and in citizen-funded rescue helicopters) defy human comprehension they're so catastrophically horrifying. (The national guard has been sent overseas to !srahell, and no other military has been sent in to assist with anything.) This is PedoJoe and CommieAla's stellar work. Their demonic, psychopathic, intentional destruction is... there are no words in the English language that even begin to describe the heinous evil they are.

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Correction - Jesse Waters said the money CommieAla took from FEMA to use for illegal invaders is $1 billion

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It's time for the Citizen Militia of the Republic . All power is nullified of the present government !

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F in govt sucks. Pulling money from FEMA for damn illegals. We are f in doomed if Hamala cheats and stays pres. Ww3 is coming maybe before election.

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Sad. Wish I could go help. Got this damn low left ventricle EF now, long covid, I'm not much help.

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Thank you!

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So sorry. 😥

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Oct 4Edited

Thank you!

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Prayers for your healing and return to good health, Chad.

And you *can* help even now. Whatever else we all do to push back against this evil, nothing will work without our most powerful weapon... prayer!

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Yes thank you!

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this hurricane response is among the greatest disaster, the response, ever...it is like OWS...a disaster

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where is the fucking FEMA money? all them illegals eat it in food and shit it down the toilet...

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check the toilet, while children, Americans left to fucking drown on roof tops...in NC etc.

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Have commented before - my mother was an immigrant and my father was 4th generation.

From both families, there were military in every war from the Civil War to Viet Nam. My Dad was in WW1. My brother was headed to Korea when they had the Armistice, he lucked out. All of that for this??? Am close and will end up vomiting shortly.

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something is wrong, visually at the least with the response to Helene

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Heavy echoes of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. A lot of very strange events happened in the wake of that.

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Lahaina all over again.

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these fuckers care more about illegals than Americans...we need Trump

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Connecticut senator Chris Murphy speaks for the democrat party when he said this:



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Yup, power and control. They've been given the green light to take this country down. One murder, one rape at a time. What the white house clowns don't understand is that once the table tilts, they'll be on the floor with the rest of us.

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Lahaina, katrina, 911, all the same.

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I don’t understand why the hell the public is not waking up to this sick regime in the White House! Why can’t they say that? Why can’t they see that other people are being supported and we are not? This is so blatant. Even the judge and Tina peters trial could see that election fraud had happened and called her an out and out liar, giving her nine years in prison for exposing it! If Trump doesn’t get in, we have a hung ourselves by the neck until dead! And may God have mercy on our souls because nobody else gives a flying, fuck! These weak-kneed pukes!

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pukes is right...yes, cuss it out, come here to cuss, I welcome you...no censoring...these are real fuckers in government. ask them for a sex change operation, they will find tax money for that.

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I want every fucker illegal out...

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I dont give a fuck if your home nation wont take you back, get to fuck out!

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Just Like Loy Brunson's SCOTUS filing. I want 388 Traitors Removed permanently from US Givernment. #Eject388TraitorCons Visit www.congress.gov to read about the January 6th 2021 NAY vote by TRAITORS who said NAY to a 10 day pause that corrupt fucks didn't want US to investigate 2020 vote fraud reported by over 100 members of Con-gress on both sides in both house and senate. #DefundTyranny #EndAPECnow #EndUSMCAnow #StopTheFlowOfFentynl #EndHumanTrafficing #EndChildTrafficingNow #ResumeIndependenceOrExpectToDieCommunist

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removed permanent, Iove it John...

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We have some fucking traitors that need to be ousted and sent to prison!

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kaboom, now I love this post...

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388 of them equates to 72% Maasively Corrupt bastard Inside Traitors.

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house and senate

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They have been enemies of the state since Obama, a fucking Kenyan, took office in 2008. They are guilty of treason in the worst way and the entire democrat party needs to be doing the guantanamo ballet at the end of short ropes.

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Forget prison, line them up against the wall.

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Every illegal, every refugee, every one with temporary protection status ( Haitians, Venezuelans, even Cubans and the other country flights are picking up TPS from. Ft. Bliss TX is large processing center for illegals, Ft. Campbell for Muslims. Ft. Dix is also I think.

I seen another flight leaving Haiti landing in Miami bringing more in.

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They are vaxed, sick and hypnotized!!! They are as Q calls them the YELLOW hats. They would vax their children instead of homeschooling them just as long as they could pay their mortgage.

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The Bible says they scsles over their eyes. They're captured by satan. And the government is compromised by satan.

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One of my neighbors put up a Harris/ Waltz sign. Freedom of choice but people are f in morons to want more of this crap, it will only get worse. Their lieing about illegals arriving since their now using more flights to pick up illegals directly from multiple countries including the middle east, fly straight here and pass out freebies. Ft Bliss is a major illegal processing center and Ft. Campbell is used to process Muslims I've heard from Monkeywerx on utube who follows flights and he's former Air Force.

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$750.00 is disgraceful, disgusting, and insulting. I wouldn't have the gall to make such an offer, when illegals and the Ukraine are getting $$billions. This ALONE should be grounds for disqualifying Kamala from becoming POTUS. She's totally clueless - a walking, talking, moronic imbecil.

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kaboom...I am using your prior quote in a stack shortly.

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That's $50 more than they gave the folks in Lahaina, Maui. The same week Biden was in Ukraine promising them more billions, of OUR MONEY. When will we finally say no to all this bullshit? By rights, our country should be clean and prosperous, low crime, infrastructure the most beautiful and efficient in the world. Every state should have a bullet train, we should all be getting the best medical care, the best education, no poverty, if our government wasn't so corrupt.

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It's the same pattern, repeated over and over. For example, I have yet to meet someone who - before I bring up the fact - has realized that the government gave people like you and me less than $4,000 to weather the lockdown. That's a few hundred dollars per month. Can YOU and your family live on that? HOWEVER, they gave Jamie Dimon and the other banksters HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of dollars to rescue their banks. Dimon's BONUS pay that year exceeded $40 million dollars - and that was just in 2020, it was more in later years. Overall, this was the largest, most evil theft in human history. And it was done in broad daylight, right in front of everyone. Yet, people continue thinking that this was about a "virus" and that 'they' are there to "help the people". It's the exact **OPPOSITE**.

You are correct, we *ought* to be living in economic paradise. But because of the filthy, demonic criminals in banking and government, we are barely surviving, getting fleeced every day, while they live like kings and queens. They *MUST* be taken out!!

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I'll donate the rope. Just tell me when and where.

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How can I help?

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Seriously. We outnumber them by the hundreds of millions, ffs. When will we realize our power is right there. All we have to do is stand up and take it. And basically these evil, sic fux are such cowards, they would curl up and die if we only showed them who actually holds the power. Thanks for responding!

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You are absolutely, 100% correct.

If ONLY we would unite against them, we could drown them in our spit.

But people are too busy trying to survive, and then what little 'free' time they have is for entertainment. Uniting to fight the monsters that are out to destroy 'we the people' is the furthest thing on their mind. Also, they've been convinced that there's nothing they can do, that the bad guys are "too powerful" (NOT true!!).

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Thank you for your optimism! It really helps me to keep the faith, when things sometimes seem so overwhelmingly against us. I'm seeing so many videos today that are such good news...Elon Musk at Trump's rally in PA, people flipping from democrat and voting for Trump, how badly Harris/Walz are doing and OMG are the liberals lying and whining and foaming at the mouth to slam Trump! It's truly comical, the level of desperation. Sure, they're still psychopaths and dangerous as ever, but their teeth are coming loose and falling out. 😆😆 Trump's gonna win. God bless you. 🇺🇸💟🙏👍

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Wow, I didn't realize the pittance going to Lahaina. Correct me if I'm wrong. Hawaii has been so screwed over. F(z)uckerberg forced a family to give up Hawaiian home lands, then went back for more because he wanted a different driveway. Opera wanted a private beach, screw the Hawaiians. Am not sure how all of this ended.

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They're really dragging their feet on rebuilding and there's a $4 billion dollar settlement churning slowly through the court system, "allegedly", but I'm sure that'll take forever. We have some seriously corrupt democrats over here, too. They don't call us Blue Hawaii for nuthin'.

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My favorite French restaurant was in Lahaina,. What an outrage. Lived in Honolulu but haven't been back for a few years. Got into it with the clown running the senior housing. Tried to file a complaint and they threatened to call the police. So, which cartel shall we choose? The gubment one, the Venezuelan one, the (fill in the blank)?

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Hawaii is kinda unique, bc it truly is a melting pot of diversity and white people are the minority. I have no idea what the numbers are on illegal immigrants, but we are a solid blue democrat state and the people here are too docile and compliant for their own good. They actually trust the govt. We are solidly in the hands of the globalists now, but they're careful to move slowly, so as not to cause alarm. They use benign groups such as The Sierra Club, World Wildlife Foundation, Nature Conservancy, etc to make everyone think they're doing good. It's still a beautiful place to live, but for how much longer? The corruption and crime in the govt is rampant and is spreading to the community with gangs and homeless etc. Not so much where I live, but in town. More's the pity. The last stanza of this song is Hawaii in a nutshell. Makes me weep every time.


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They have plenty of money to help. They don't want to help. It has nothing to do with incompetence or ignorance or whatever. They are letting the American people know what they think of us. They're letting us know if disaster comes our way they won't help. They'd rather see us die and they want us to know that. They're not hiding much of anything anymore. It's hard for good people to grasp how evil these people are. They are evil. They want us dead.

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this posting is very frightening Inmate, for I think you are 100% correct. these are evil people.

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thank you for being here to help us

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You're right. They hate us.

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They just print more. Today our dollar is worth $0.03 compared to 1971. Next week or next month the dollar will be worth $0.03. INSIDE TRAITORS DID THAT. #ENDfreeTRADEnow

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Obviously FEMA has become an enemy of the US Public now too. They are impeding the rescue of these victims and arresting people who risk their lives to help.

Do I think this hurricane was "steered" in a way to cause this? Well, I am convinced we do have the technology to do something like this. The INCREDIBLE incompetence we see here is VERY SUSPICIOUS. So regardless of "how this happened" the murderous agenda that followed is a mass-genocide in itself. NO EXCUSES!

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no excuse for FEMA

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I believe such weather modification technology really does exist. Incompetence and malevolence in government definitely exists. Most of the devastated areas are inhabited by conservative Trump supporters. It's impossible not to speculate ...

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Yep. This very suspicious.

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When you run a 3,4or 5 letter agency in the USA.

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all alphabets must be taken down to the studs, 50% closed for good now...fire 5000 top down in the rest, and place all on The ROCK...Alcatraz.

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I'll buy that for a Dollar. (Robocop).

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There's a huge lithium mine near Asheville North Carolina that they could not get to because of homeowners. I wonder if this is what it is about? JUST LIKE they wanted to take the very valuable land in Lahaina, and make millions but they could not because the people they considered to be squatting on it like a huge apt building beachfront, with rental control that no longer exists and so on.

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Nothing would surprise me anymore.

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Rand, yes, I believe what you said is the reason for the purposeful neglect of those people. They want the land for the lithium and other purposes. And I think the more this goes on, the more the sleeping "normies" will awaken to the scum that are (for the time being) running things.

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He’s so right. Outrageous. “Let them eat cake” attitude

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thanks for this, it is outrageous, 750$?

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I cant buy a tv with 750 dollars...this is medness

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"Middle class" Kamala Harris' shoes cost more than $750. She knows $750 is a slap in the face to American citizens made homeless by natural disaster. She has no shame or compassion.

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Her new gold chain cost $62,000 from Tiffany's. Don't know who looked into that, but she has the gall to flaunt it in all of our faces. Fuck that woman. How can we possibly be on the brink of making her our RULER? Along with that evil tub of lard sidekick of her's. Seriously, how did we get here?

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The thing that baffles me is how anyone with 2 brain cells on duty can't see through Harris and Walz. It's just so obvious that they're criminals and criminally incompetent. I don't think I'm exaggerating by saying that even most of the Dems cringe when they see her and Walz speak. Perhaps someone can enlighten me?

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It's funny, cuz my friend and I were just having this conversation, right before I saw your comment. Almost verbatim. How can anyone not see them for the total frauds that they obviously are, just blows our minds! Ook, I'm watching Bruce Springteen on tv endorsing Kamala, lying through his teeth about the Orangeman Bad. Makes me sick. I used to like him. I'm afraid I can't help you with your bafflement. We've been through the worst four years we've seen in decades and I'm pretty sure these brainless tools are living through the same bullshit, so I have no clue. The brainwashing goes deep with these knobs, I guess. But take heart. 2024 is the beginning of the end for these evil people. The whole "Diddy" thing is going to drag A LOT of people into the light and a lot of them are politicians. The CIA, FBI and Secret Service are being investigated, too. Trump's going to win and the clean up will commence. Have faith and pray. Thanks for responding. 🇺🇸💟🙏👍🇺🇸🙏

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Yet how many stupid Americans are going to vote for this bitch? We don’t have a politician problem, we have a stupid people problem.

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I beg to differ. The will of We The People has been hijacked by Computer Tabulators and the same traitors who capsized developing nations globally for decades. The Majority of US are hard working and smart. It's the lowlife bottom feeders in the so called ELITE and DEPENDENTS on PUBLIC AID combined who try to out vote sensible Americans. The ELITE traitor trash made sure Computer Tabulators were CONNECTED to the internet to control the outcome of elections since Ceasar Chavez first invested in Voting Machines. I worked the 2008 primary and general elections and I didn't meet one person who was voting for the Manchurian Nobama. Not one mother fucker. The more Connected we are, The less connected we are. Call monitoring is censorship that starts at home and goes all the way to the top of every organization nationally. #RevoltOrDieTrying

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Illuminating post. Well said, John!

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Yep, cause I got one stupid, radical SIL Bitch!

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$750 bucks for what? Insulting. You say illegal has a $30,000 credit card?

Last emergency this admin performs.

Inexcusable response.

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James, it is perverse, it is mind numbing...

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Amen! I completely agree with you. The feds have declared war on we the people. This is administrative tyranny and a deliberate humiliation and degradation tactic used by communist psychopaths. Lord help us to eliminate these usurping reprobate criminals from office and may all involved with this conspiracy to commit treason, assault, and murder be brought to justice!! This evil can not stand and we must not comply!

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When they're in bed with The CCP and MEXICAN CARTELS. Fuck them all. All 388 TraitorCons.

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Saw a comment that the govt was going to bulldoze towns, bodies and all, and confiscate the land from the owners

Can anyone confirm?

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The last site on this post got taken down. This should explain things .

It's for the lithium. Blackrock and Vangard want it all.


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I don't give one shit what Blackrock wants. Their owners are likely on Diddy's videos.

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Oct 4
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did you get it to load?

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This is what I was referring to Elusive.

It's far worse.

Enjoy !!!

Thanks for liking my posts !

📫 🙂


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It's happening! They're going DOWN! YES!!!

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Oct 4
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Thanks again Elusive, the wive is serving breakfast, so I gotta go. I'll have more fun stuff soon ! I just got some new gang stuff in my mail box this morning.

There is a newer cooler gang coming out of Venezuela.

You and the rest of the folks on this stack will get it hot off the press !

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Oct 4
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Oh by the way Elusive, if we attack Iran, Iran will hit all the oil wells in Georgia and Kastacazan .

May be Saudi Arabia as well. That will be the death of the dollar.

Lotsa bad stuff comes after that.

🌩 ⚡️ ⛈️

It's best to be ready.


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if the oil fields not dealt with, the nuclear program must be taken out, there is no sane person who can argue that a nuclear weapon in Iran's hand is good.

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The one about Iran?

Paul was assuming Iran acted with out povacation when it attacked Israel.

So I tried to enlighten him.

Before the Khomani, Iran had a Shaw. He was cruel and evil in ways that are unimaginable.

There is a book called "Revolution and Islam" that details the struggle of the Iranian People as they fought to be free of the Shaw.

Since the Shaw was deposed the USA,and Israel have bombed Iran countless times, becau6we are just a tool for Israeli expansion.

I sent Dr Paul a video of the victims in Palestine, but he gave me no response.

As much as I love this column, I still have to speak for the children that Israel murders every day.

Thank for asking.

Paul and I can disagree, but I still respect him.

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mostly its the Iranian leadership...its the leaders in many of these despot nations, not the people...its like when people say America is crazy...no no no, its often the nutjobs in our congress and senate

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Darkstar, I fall behind in read as have interviews whole day and write and work etc. so I am seeing this...and I dont see all...no dount I understand who the Shah was...I do understand that at times US foreign policy makes no sense and fucks up the situation and world. look what it did with Iraq, even Afghanistan, even Libya...so you dont need convince me but no Iran can go lobbing missiles into Israel to kill innocent people and yes, I said before I will stand next to the coffin of a Palestinian child killed innocently like how I will stand alongside the coffin of a Jewish child...yes, devastating, victims though on both sides and least we forget, over 100 people remain in dark caves underground, some women and kids, raped daily...by Hamas. what should Israel do?

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In so many ways Dr Alexander you remind me of my father. A Patiot ,a Catholic, and a good Sailor. He was just a boy when he came here from Panama. You two are a like in so many ways.


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Oct 4
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Saw the same thing. The death and devastation is so inconceivable and widespread, and getting into the rural areas next to impossible because the roads are gone, not sure how they can even begin to clean this up. Some rescuers who have made it on on foot to try to help have found NO ONE ALIVE in these small towns... just dead bodies everywhere and the pervasive smell of death.

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That happened long ago in Thr Detroit suburbs. Entire villages were leveled do the city could reduce the cost of villages with 90% vacant abandoned homes.

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