Again, you need to know, FDA at the top, for political reasons, had no reservations in KILLING Americans to elect Biden; told me direct that they were NOT going to approve EUA before election to DENY
Trump ANY victory; in other words, we know the Malone, Bourla, Weissman et al. mRNA vaccine was NOT needed, deadly, but had this been REAL pandemic, had vaccine been needed, FDA
would have denied the EUA still, to prevent Trump from getting any praise…yes, I know the vaccine was deadly so maybe that delay of EUA until AFTER election saved some lives, given that the Malone, Kariko, Sahin et al. vaccine killed, yet what is critical to know is that the FDA and all the alphabet health agencies operate ONLY based on politics and have no issue in killing people, killing Americans, the life of Americans DO NOT matter to the FDA, NIH, CDC etc. and the FDA worked 24/7 to conspire to hurt Trump each day…their goal was to deny him and devastate the response…they did!…they denied the EUA even though could have granted prior to election and so had the COVID vaccine been really beneficial, then many died as a result of the witholding by FDA…do you understand?
"maybe that delay of EUA until AFTER election saved some lives"
but not so sure it cost trump many votes. Paul I get the sense you believe the 2020 election was closer than it was, i think trump won in a landslide
I completely agree that 2020 was entirely geared to hurt Trump politically, in fact, they wanted the death toll to be as high as possible to reflect on him. Unfortunately for them the death toll from their bogeyman virus was actually paltry, so they mostly used fake news and fear tactics to try to make the bogeyman look bigger. Since then, it has only been a tactic of doubling and tripling down on each debunked scare story. That's why nothing they have said has ever passed the sniff test, or common sense test, their efforts have all been in creating an alternate reality that nobody actually lives in. Fraud from day one, all readily debunked with the most rudimentary measurements and observations. Apparently they think the populace are incredibly stupid, but that's just not the case. The only power they have is suffocation by the 4-dimensional media narrative. That's why it's imperative that the media/internet/comms must be shut down in their entirety for a while for the military to clear our all the fake news transmitters and repeaters. It is their greatest weapon against us. I expect this overall "media shutdown/blackout" to be happening sometime during this year.