Aldén et al. showed us that SARS-CoV-2 (COVID) mRNA (RNA) can be reverse-transcribed & integrated into the genome of human cells; shit, did Malone know this? I know he knew but was silent! Can he be
put under oath please, when some house congressional members or US senate members find their testicles & be asked about this, what & when he knew it with his mRNA technology? in 6 hours Bobby? shit!
Is there anyone in the US house or senate with testicles? When would the bullshit hearings end and the real ones begin, with real questions and real scientists etc. asking questions? When? When we are all dead and gone?
Me thinks the little one Horseman from Alcatraz knows lots but not spilling, UNTIL he is made to spill under oath (and even then we know some lie) with Bourla, Bancel, Kariko, Sahin, Weissman et al…how about we bring the gang of six to the hearings like how we did the cigarette makers???? Why not humor us a bit?
Yeah, sure, we can turn to our Congress and they will take over and guarantee us some results. They are undependable traitors to this nation, what could be more obvious? They've been whacking off during this entire Covid hoax and have done virtually nothing to fix this busted nation. Once elected, they become the Brahmins that are untouchable. Who in their right mind would vote for the many slugs that infest our Congress? Menendez deserves immediate expulsion and indictment, has that happened? Hochul the mad Witch of NY is perfectly fine watching NYC die and rot and she probably cheers the hoodlums on as they imperiously beat up NY cops. She's a garden variety traitor and the idiots downstate insist on voting for this freakazoid. WE are paying for the Gaza genocide, actually we are being extorted to do that. No closed border unless Joey gets his 65 billions more for the totally ridiculous mess in Ukraine as well as aid given to the wealthy nation of Israel. He gets off because he is mentally gone? Did Ted Kaczyinski get off because he was mentally gone? The wheels are coming off and it would not surprise me one bit if we were attacked from within and without within the next 2 years. And, nary a word from my governor, not one GD word!
The government investigates the crimes they commit
Don't hold your breath
Judges are in cahoots and with them up to their wigs