Always the greatest moment when an American held hostage is freed even when Obama & Biden pays billions & places a bounty on our heads; this is a political stunt too as it will be used by the Harris
Biden Obama election team to give her cred; will even create hurricanes out of light rain so that Air Force One can be seen landing & Harris emerging on the scene; don't forget the rapes killed girls
As I said, she is of Indian heritage to beg for money and black to beg for votes…
This is Harris’s real accomplishments, flooding US with illegals who raped and killed our women…girls…she wanted to flood us with illegals for future votes and help Obama transform America and look what they went and did….should we ask her why she did that? did she not know what would happen?
Harmeet Dhillon, former vice chair of the California Republican Party, founder of Dhillon Law Group and a native of India, called Harris a "chameleon" when it comes to her racial identity.
"Harris identifies as whatever the audience wants to hear," she said in a statement sent to Newsmax. "In Indian crowds, she's Indian. Lately she's Black. Rarely is she Jamaican unless advocating casual marijuana use. She identifies as tough on crime – or defund the police/BLM, depending. She's a chameleon."
Whether for the benefit of Biden's aborted presidential campaign or for Harris' absurdity of a candidacy, it seems clear to me that this hostage agreement was timed for Biden/Harris' advantage and NOT for the American hostages' sake or to alleviate their families' suffering.
How many years (SIX years!) has Paul Whelan languished in a Russian prison in comparison to the immediate action Biden (or rather his surrogates) took to get the black basketball player of uncertain gender released from a Russian prison because the Biden Administration knows who their supporters are and wishes to please them -- while relegating the imprisonment of a white American male to the back burner?