Apoorva Mandavilli, a reporter at The New York Times, that leftist GARBAGE rag, is probably one of the most moronic, stupid, inept, incompetent 'so called reporters' globally; so in her derangement,
she claims kids will be fine despite the devastation of the lockdowns & school closures that caused children to hang themselves (see below), claims COVID was more dangerous than flu when it was NOT!
A moron reporter is trying to school a doctor who themselves proved to be stupid and idiotic and unscientific and evil in COVID, yet she is a dimwit dolt for clearly she does not understand that the IFR of COVID turned out to be half of flu e.g. IFR 0.05% for those 70 to 75 and younger, while death rate from flu is estimated to be about .1%, moreover, we can say today that no healthy children for 4 years in America infected with COVID, got severely ill and died…not one! We cannot find such a case. Same in Sweden etc. Healthy kids. Even if you use the insane definition of ‘pediatric’ CDC uses at times up to 21 years old…
I credit Vinay (smart, passionate, we did not agree on some issues in the beginning but Vinay has come around and I applaud that) for his coverage of this idiot and would not have myself but she stands out, makes dufus Rochelle blush…on all things COVID
My ten year old now has difficulty understanding the spoken word and more lately, with pronunciation. How can it be otherwise when for a full third of their lives to this point that have been denied the right to hear their native language spoken clearly, with out a minimum of at least one mask better the speaker and their ears and not being able to see the movements of the speakers’ mouths?
The biggest covidiot I know reads the NYT's every week and is smug about it. His friend and closest neighbor died suddenly two weeks ago. The difference between us is that in over 50 years that I have known them I have spent over a thousand dollars a year on vitamins and minerals while they have spent nothing . This is an excellent hypothesis on why the intransigent stupidity by most in the last 4 years..... https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/the-jerusalem-report-with-ilana-rachel-daniel/the-indoctrinated-brain-with-michael-nehls-md-phd-the-jerusalem-report/