Are you a sell-out? Kirsch is not, got my respect! Are you flipping & going SILENT (your silence being bought?) on fraud of OWS, deadly lockdown, deadly Malone Bourla Weissman et al. mRNA vaccine? Is
this about a job for you? Grifting? Would anti-lockdown, anti-OWS titans like Jeff Tucker flip for a job? Money? Would Bobby Kennedy Jr. flip? Can they be bought? I say NEVER! Not he! Not Shanahan!
Not a Jeff Tucker, no, not a Steve Kirsch, not Breggins, not I. Not a Bobby Kennedy Jr. Not us types. We began the fight against OWS and the fraud lockdowns and the deadly Malone Bourla Sahin Bancel et al. mRNA vaccine…we seek justice, accountability. We seek punishment.
Yet are your colors becoming clearer now? That you were always in this for which side could give you money? A job? Fame? Now scampering…so the music is slowing, and the chairs are limited…so the question is, will you get a chair? Does not matter to you which side you are on, like a lawyer, guilt or innocence does not matter, as long as you get something, right? You will sell your mother for a $ dollar, right?
Do not go quietly! Do not be quiet! You must stand into the breach, into the gap, get in there and wage your greatest battle now! Many depend on your bravery, do not shrink away!
Core thesis:
We must not let the powers at be, both sides, Republicans and Democrats, on both sides, for their election purposes, silence us, buy us, purchase us, mislead us, misdirect us, buy our silence, promise ANYTHING, operate as money whores, shred our integrity, as to Operation Warp Speed (OWS), the deadly COVID lockdowns, the deadly medical treatment medical response that killed (isolation, sedation, Remdesivir, DNR, denial of antibiotics, ventilators) and the deadly mRNA technology vaccine. We must remain the vanguards we are and were, and support anti-OWS, lockdown, vaccine, COVID vaccines people like Bobby Kennedy Jr., as he goes after the fraud of OWS, the lockdowns, the deadly Malone Sahin Kariko et al. vaccine. We need his positions to stay same and for him to remain a major soldier in our fight.
Thank you, Bobby Kennedy Jr., for joining our MAGA fight! You have been a pioneer in the anti-vaccine anti-COVID fight (deadly vaccines) and now you are helping us elect the ONLY option we have, namely POTUS Trump!
Do not go silent Bobby Kennedy Jr. on OWS, the deadly lockdowns and the deadly mRNA vaccines. Do not change your advocacy! In fact, your audience grew so heighten it!
Let me be clear, there is no evidence in USA, across the globe, in the entire world that any part of OWS worked, was not successful, that any part of lockdowns worked, where not one life was saved by any COVID lockdown in USA, that any mRNA vaccine worked. There is no evidence anywhere in the entire world based on all clinical, medical, scientific evidence, that the Malone Bourla etc. mRNA vaccine worked to save even one life! Not one! It never worked and anyone stating that is lying to the public!
No doctor, no scientist, no media talking head, no health agency official, no CDC, NIH, FDA etc., not even POTUS Trump saying the mRNA vaccine worked, and no one on democrat side, no VPOTUS Harris, no Biden, no one, no one, can say this COVID vaccine worked. To say that continues to deceive the public and lie.
If someone told you that OWS was a success, that the lockdowns worked to save lives, and that the mRNA vaccines were successful and worked to save lives, then they lied to you and continue to. Walk away! Tell them I challenge them, me, Dr. Paul Alexander, to meet me anyplace, anytime, electronically, anyhow, and show the evidence, prove it...for they cannot.
Every single aspect of COVID was a lie, a 100% fraud, a fake non-pandemic (COVID was never a pandemic as H5N1, N2, N8 avian bird flu will never be a pandemic or the ‘high-risk behavior’ bisexual driven monkeypox (MPOX)) based on an over-cycled fraud PCR process, manufactured by the PCR and underpinned by the lie of asymptomatic transmission that NEVER was!
Had we done NOTHING, NOTHING, other than double down and triple down protect our high-risk vulnerable persons (for any possible pathogen, crisis), we would have lost far fewer people, and most would be alive today! It is what WE DID, in the medical policies and response, our medical management, that killed 90 to 95% of our precious people. The medical response killed most of our people!
Truth is, the Operation Warp Speed (OWS) was an abject failure. The lockdowns were failures and saved no one, not one life and actually killed directly and via collateral effects, the school closures killed, the business closures killed, the masks and mask mandates failed and were harmful.
There is no evidence anywhere that OWS succeeded, and that the mRNA vaccine based on Malone Weissman Kariko Bourla Bancel Sahin etc. technology and vaccine worked and save any lives. Not one life. In fact, Robert Malone and Albert Bourla and Bancel et al. know that their vaccine has killed and killed many! Pfizer, Moderna, CDC, FDA, NIH etc. know this. How do I know? They told me this. They knew what was coming. Some CDC, FDA, NIH etc. officials were actually very scared and concerned in July, August etc. 2020 that the Malone Bourla Bancel Sahin etc. mRNA vaccine would be deadly and would be unsafe. Would be ineffective, would fail, and they voiced that they knew it was not being properly safety tested and that senior people were over-riding them.
POTUS Trump must now stop claiming success with OWS and I am writing this directly to him:
POTUS Trump, OWS failed, the pandemic response was a disaster and made so by Francis Collins, Fauci and Birx and the Task Force to damage you and impact the November 2020 elections and it did; the COVID lockdowns failed and they Birx, Fauci, Francis Collins etc. with the FDA, CDC etc. functioned and conspired to make it so, and the mRNA vaccine failed. POTUS Trump, please do not state anymore publicly, that OWS was a success, or the vaccines worked and saved lives. There is not one life saved by the COVID mRNA vaccines!
The pandemic response damaged your re-election. Had you followed your instincts, had we done NOTHING, no lockdowns, no school closures, NOTHING, we would have lost far fewer and many who died across the COVID disaster would be alive today. It was the response by your administration and the Biden and Harris administration that killed, the lockdown lunatic response and the medical response that harmed and poisoned many of our elderly who should be alive today. I do not blame you, for I was there, you were subverted each minute of each hour of each day, to topple you and they did. You were not re-elected.
You were against lockdowns in March 2020 and a couple of days after, turned to societal and economic lockdowns. Why? What did they tell you? In 2 days? This you have to explain at some point. Again, I DO NOT blame you. I know you were subverted. We are here today, this substack, all of the COVID fight, your lost 2020 election, Bobby Kenedy Jr. who I greatly admire, and have had one on one interactions and interviews with etc., grew to fame because of his fight against the failed COVID OWS, the failed lockdowns, failed school closures, and the deadly Malone Bourla Bancel mRNA vaccine.
There are many questions such as: Why was FEMA placed in charge of the pandemic response? And not HHS? The widespread censorship did not happen only in the Biden and Harris administration. It began in yours in 2020. How come? Did you know that the mRNA vaccine was largely untested and unsafe and could not be safely brought to you in several months? Did you know that as soon as the vaccine was rolled out in early 2021, that it revealed it was ineffective and actually very harmful? It did not work Sir. OWS was a sheer disaster.
I am asking you to stop claiming that it was a success, OWS, the lockdowns, the mRNA vaccines, as well as I am asking the Biden Harris administration to cease stating this. It was not. It killed! OWS was a complete disaster, accomplished nothing other than the transfer of 5 trillion dollars $ in wealth from the poorer persons classes to the zoom class, the wealthy laptop uber AMAZON class, the richer in society. The rich became richer and the poorer became much poorer. Due to OWS and the lockdowns. All that was done was a shift of the morbidity and mortality burden from the richer class to the poor in society, ones who could not least afford to ‘shield’.
Sir, I love you greatly as our leader and I think you deserve a 2nd shot at POTUS. You have been unfairly treated for 10 years now by the deepstate cabal. I have worked for you in Washington at HHS as a senior pandemic advisor and support you and spent the last 4 years doing all I could do to help you get re-elected. I back you. But OWS, the lockdowns, the mRNA Malone Bourla Bancel vaccine all initiated under your administration, did not work Sir, they all failed and they killed! If you are still being told that they worked, you are being lied to! Yes, the Biden and Harris administration deserves equal blame or even more, as they rolled the Malone Bourla vaccine out and mandated it and it killed. You did not mandate it!
The Malone Bourla Bancel mRNA vaccine failed to stop infection, replication, or transmission. It never did work and you must stop claiming success. You may not appreciate what I am saying but there is no scientist, no doctor alive in the entire world today, who can debate me on this. Or Kirsch, or McCullough, or Risch etc. Folk like us. We know the data. You were deceived on all of it!
It is time POTUS Trump that you consider standing up against the failure of OWS, the failed lockdowns and the failed mRNA vaccines.
Consider reversing LIABILITY PROTECTION under the PREP ACT and make it retroactive if you are re-elected. Consider a victim compensation fund for all those harmed by the lockdowns and mRNA vaccine. Consider whistle blower protections for doctors and scientists and agency officials who come forward with the truth. Consider setting up legal tribunals to go after all who deceived you on COVID, the lockdowns, the mRNA vaccines etc. The public needs accountability, and punishment. Justice.
I will do all I could to help you be elected!
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You must not wait for another catastrophic crisis (at times manufactured but we are prevented from making our own basic personal decisions or accessing needed drugs and response tools) to catch you off-guard. We must take charge and be prepared today so that we can enjoy peace of mind tomorrow.
Please consider support of a good company Drs. McCullough, Risch, Thorp, myself support (they are our sponsors), The Wellness Company; see the emergency preparation kit (with antibiotics you were denied by doctors, pharmacists, governments during the fraud COVID), first aid kit, travel emergency kit, contagion control kit etc. Please consider the SPIKE SUPPORT (spike protein DETOX dissolving) formula with NATTOKINASE as well as the triple formula (SPIKE SUPPORT, BROMELAIN, CIRCUMIN)
I fear the powers at be both parties are colluding together on one thing, to sweep COVID under the rug...this was my opening put it on record and to call on POTUS Trump to do the right thing. and to rap Kenndy Jr. on the knuckles (we know each other, I love him, he loves me) that we are watching...ensure your language does not go tame on OWS and the fraud you got the stage, so now use it! huge hugs Bobby Jr. huge love and respect.
I have written it prior but now will state it clearly, there is no evidence anywhere that any lockdown, school closure, masking, vaccine mRNA...any of it...worked...none....Trump must now stop saying it. Kennedy Jr. must continue his advocacy and crusade against it...less than that will raise questions.