Bell‘s palsy? LIONESS OF JUDAH MINISTRY asks a key question about Dr. Özlem Türeci, a Turkish-German physician, who co-created the first Pfizer COVID mRNA vaccine, who clearly has facial paralysis!
How? This Pfizer BioNTech. Did her own work cause her facial paralysis? Why the silence from medical doctors, the media? She clearly has partial (at least) facial paralysis, Bell's Palsy, Beiber?
‘Robert Kogon has drawn attention to the manifestly provable observation that Türeci is suffering from partial facial paralysis, or Bell’s Palsy, a fact which is “flagrantly obvious”
As Claudine Gay once wrote: "Dr. Özlem Türeci: Ask not for whom the Bell's Palsy takes its toll, it tolls for thee."
FDA knew E.coli toxins that contaminate the mRNA vaccine would cause neurological disorders such as Bell's palsy but lied about it. Willful misconduct.