Again BIDEN Inc. know they are in real trouble when Charles Barkley And Stephen A. Smith slapping you up the head abut the MADNESS of the illegal border invasion, with Bobby Kennedy Jr. piling on!
3 liberals, 2 black and one running for POTUS, bashing in your teeth over the illegal invasion you allowing...your ass in trouble democrats! Barkley: "First of all, the border is a joke."
I don’t know if we have enough popcorn for this summer for it will be entertaining as Biden INC. squirms…Biden has invaded America and the population now onto him!
I understand,the Youth who got Biden in his Presidency, is abandoning him in great numbers, so frantic student loans forgiveness, version II, is happening...
When a Student loan is " Forgiven", doesn't the IRS tax that part as income? Students might be in for quite the shock...