Forget the Tulsi thing. Non starter. We should not be thinking like Democrats. Us putting Tulsi on isn't going to have anyone who is voting Kacklin' and who ever she picks, to smack themselves int he head and now say, "Oh, ok, I didn't like Trump's policies before, but because he picked a woman, I am now going to go with Trump because Kacklin' is a mess." It won't happen. That is a RINO wet-dream. We have to stop this nonsense. Rubio is a neocon. We don't want him. We have to stop thinking that we will find a magic VP (or Presidential) candidate who the Left will like and the media will treat fairly. IT WON"T HAPPEN. We need great counter punchers who can do so on issues, while also showing America there are still some masculine leaders out there. Tulsi is disqualified on Abortion also. So stop bringing her up. We would lose the pro-life ground team enthusiasm if Tulsi ever got on the ticket, becuase it would be Tulsi in 2028, and she wouldn't be trusted to pick great judges. Trump could always put her in the cabinet somewhere. In fact, what he should do is announce a cabinet pick each week and through the Dem's convention. Steal some of their thunder. Get the media buzzing about Trump's picks. The Dems should have to fight for coverage the week of their convention. Let's get SMART people.

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What did i miss ? I thought 45 already picked his running mate?-- As far as the Demorumble - How are they ever gonna have people how up when the President Cackles\ has already been pre selected with 2500 delegates/-you are correct on Tulsi

45 has to pick some trustworthy people - he made a few bad choices in20

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Yes, Trump has his VP. This latest kerfluffle is the RINO Deep Staters [Jebbies and Rubeies, and the pedo-pervy DC types] attempt to get a swamper in again for VP. We have to stop looking for approval from people who will never give it. This is a true battle for the future of America. Expect a lot of lies and dis-info over the next three months, and there will be some here who post in Dr. Paul's substack, who will revert to their true colors again. Deep Staters posting here trying to make things murky again. Hold the line.

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Totally agree! My big brother used to race stock cars and the announcer would say "let's run what you brung "! President Trump brought JD Vance and we've got to let him run... run right over the deep state!

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You're dreamin'. Vance is Dan Quayle on steroids. The Dems and RINOS and It doesn't take Sherlock want Trump to keep him because they know he's vote loser. He's their dream pick. If the Dems and RINOS wanted Trump to get rid of him they would not be pushing for him to do so. They consider Trump predictable and expect him to double down on Vance like he did on Pence in 2020 when Republicans urged him to remove Pence. The Deep State will run right over Vance.

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Vance/bowman is deep state, it's why he picked him.

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Dude your Deep State skirt is showing again. You were good hiding it for a while, but you are reverting to mean again.

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.C’mon that’s a non sequitor -Dan Quale couldn’t even spell potato -

and he was a complete loser-- this dude is a fucking political machine on steroids- ( he will need someone to mange him because he will shoot himself in the foot) Don’t pick battles you can’t win -‘Buy the house first before before you buy the furniture -( he is politically green)

give him a little slack?

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He'd be good in the cabinet but no VP pick in history has ever come out of the RNC convention with poorer numbers. Quayle actually performed far better.

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Trouble is, Vance is dragging Trump down and could not only lose the White House for Trump but also the House and the Senate. He is the most unpopular VP pick in nearly 50 years and he is especially unpopular in the swing states. Voters who deserted Biden are returning now Harris is the nominee. The majority of the population are not pro-life and if the Dems are Machiavellian enough they will make the illegal immigration issue about rape and about Republicans wanting to make white American women give birth to the anchor babies of third world islamist rapists. One does not need to be a psephologist to see that Trump may soon be in the box seat for defeat and that those who urged him to pick Vance will be responsible for that.

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Sorry, your Deep State skirt is showing again. The most unpopular VP pick of all time was Kacklin herself. I don't need "Never Trumper" talking points. I predicted what would happen 3 years ago when I said Biden would not be the nominee, and that his replacement was be 'super awesome!' to the media, not matter who it was, because that is what the media does for its Deep State masters. And from that they would say, "Look our new candidate has 'energized' us" and they would use that as a 'plausible deniability' tactic for aircover for Cheat 2.0 in November. Don't be simp. Now we get morons saying Tulsi or Rubio or some other either non-conservative, or someone with ties to large military-industrial complex donations has to be our VP or we lose. Not buying it. The majority of Americans when it comes to abortion actually want limits on it. Just fact. And, if the Supreme Court were ever to grow an actual set, they would rule that the unborn have as much a right to life as you or I based on natural law alone. Then the Court would say, "If people believe strongly in abortion, they can work through the Constitutional amendment process to get abortion enshrined in the Constitution." Guess what? IT WOULD NEVER PASS. That is the dirty secret, and why even the nutburger Planned Parenthood eugenics types never go down that path. The more educated people become on what abortion actually is, the more people are won to the pro-life side. Just facts. So stop with the thinking that we have to support baby killing and be Democrat-lite to win. Buck up and grow a pair.

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It's your WEF, islamist sympathizing skirt that's showing. Rather than getting the Fake News buzzing about Trump's picks, annnouncing a cabinet pick every week gives the Fake News more targets to attack. And you know it. It risks backfiring as badly as picking Vance has done. Picking Vance has not bolstered the base in the swing states as it was intended to. Your WEF Young Global Leader mentee is actually less popular in the swing states than he is nationally, where he's also losing the center. Trump has said regarding abortion, and I quote, "Republicans must also win elections." Americans do favor limits on abortion, but most support the same exceptions Trump proposes. Few, apart from the likes of you, believe that white, or no-white, American women should be forced to carry and give birth to the progeny of islamists who come in through the southern border and rape them. In terms of population genetics, raping and impregregnating American women, and then forcing the woman to carry the third world islamist's baby, and giving the islamists a further foothold in the US, as you would propose, makes sense for islamists but it is not in the interests of Americans. I don't want the Dems to weaponize this argument, but if they're politically astute they will. Just believing your own propaganda does not win elections. Yes, Gabbard was a Democrat like Trump and Reagan and so picking her to ensure Trump wins, as the bookmakers predict he would with her as his VP nominees, would be impure. Only the impotent are pure and you are impotent. You are pushing for an Obama fourth term. That's your WEF and islamicist sympathizer agenda. You don't hide it well.

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Dude, you can't get away with it a second time. Nobody wants Deep Staters like you around any more. Trump and Vance are going to clean house. If Trump is sworn in Jan 2025, you can count on at least 8 years of dismantlement of the Deep State wet dreams. Sorry. You lose.

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I believe that would be the correct strategy- being TIMID doesn’t win battle Rubio is a zero- Tulsi’s “right to life position “ is a serious liability ( okay to use her kind words) BUT Not as a candidate- There are a bunch of “ Romneys” Rhinos that have sabotaged the party before, they should be by-passed -45 needs to avoid neo-cons as well The jebbies.

these are all liabilities i agree with you!

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Smart, honest (what's that, you may ask) and with integrity...

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Harris hasn’t had an original idea her whole life. That is why she is all over the board with her record in CA. I wouldn’t be surprised if it is due to her being a pot head, and all those giggles makes me even more suspicious. https://www.forbes.com/sites/dariosabaghi/2024/07/22/where-does-kamala-harris-stand-on-marijuana/

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And yes, Harris admits “experimenting” as reported by Forbes who agrees with Harris that it should be legalized. Hey, just another investment opportunity. Right? We wouldn’t want to consider that it hurts families and that the only purpose of pot is to get high.

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Paul I love it, you are taking the incoming live fire and sending back a huge barrage of truth.

The bottom line Paul, you know we are dealing with brutal psychopathic killers.

These vermin, Harris, Biden, Newsom, Barrry, don't have the courage to face us, they lie, manipulate, steal, destroy while killing. Thinking they are invisible, but we see them clearly.

There is one thing they have missed, overlooked, they have checkmated themselves with their insatiable greed, addiction to power, control and genocide.

They are fully exposed, and the shield of sheeple around them is collapsing.

They will choke and drown in their own evil. If not we will make sure they do.

Stay strong Paul.

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they will kill us if they could.

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this is a wonderful sharing, thank you for being here...share

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'The bottom line Paul, you know we are dealing with brutal psychopathic killers.'

Boom, you are 100% dead on

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Odds are Kamala is a placeholder. See what happens at the convention.

Of course, it's possible they don't even care who they nominate. The fake news push will make it seem like "she's got this in the bag" vs. Trump. Polls are always fake and sadly, the election also seems to be headed that way.

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Decode, I and we said so before, the fat lady has not sung yet...I think she may get swapped out...

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If they keep her, it tells you they do not care what people think. Watch Venezuela, too. They had total voting (in a graphic on TV there) at 109%. LOL.

At some point, the cheat is so bad, it's patently obvious.

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When did they ever care about what people think ?

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DOUBT IT-Dr. Jill really screwed Obama -There is no love lost theee

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Killary's plans usually end with someone's death

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Killary is pissed off-she has not come out for Kackles

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I do not think people are gonna show up- the choices have been predetermined-

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a hilarious display of the hypocrisy of the MSM on "Border Czar" - https://files.catbox.moe/lm11t9.MP4

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great sharing

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the level of deceit is just insane with these clowns

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Well worth watching. Thanks, Eccentrik.

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Thank you Paul for all your sincerity.

That is what the vermin lack, sincerity, they are from top to bottom weak, corrupted souls, who have sold their souls for power and a handful of coins, a sorry exchange indeed.

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"..makes AOC look like Margaret Thatcher." >>> Standout Hilarioso!

Let The Donald know you're available to add such spice & heat to his speeches.

Always good to work in the word "blow" regularly..


"My leaf blower does a better job than Kamala"

"I'm always blown away by this moron."

"I hear Kamala's forever blowing bubbles.. who's this guy Bubbles.?"

And so on nonstop. This stuff writes itself

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thank you and I like your sentences, may use some...huge hugs

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the theft has begin, they are now saying she is ahead so the game is not that she is ahead, just make the public think so and then steal...will be easier to stomach...

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Kamala worried about debating Trump, so she bought a convertible.

Cuz "the answer is Blowing in the Wind."

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Thank you.

Sometimes my rage flows, into words as messengers representing the raw energy in a constructive communication, words that call out, how obvious, cruel ,and insane this genocidal scam is.

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Camelthing is good at one thing for sure, unzipping Willy's pants. But that can be said of lots of demoCRAP wenches.

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Here it is from the horse’s mouth (maybe I should say horse’s @$$, Willie Brown) what he did for Kamala. https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/08/willie_brown_admits_it_kamala_harris_slept_her_way_to_the_top.html

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I keep seeing different versions of the “ infamous assassination attempt on 45, and i am beginning to wonder, was Cook hired to just kill the president? how about the killing of that hero

Mr Comparatore?- Could it be the Domocraps were shitting their britches over the mob scenes at these political rallies ? I think the possibility that the Hired Gunman meant to kill at least 1/2 dozen people - ( He shot at least 4 of the eight shots finding a target)- that would make going to a aTrump rally unattractive- And i think with 8 cartridges on the rooftop the conspiracy was to destroy the effectiveness of the rallies and install fear in the people - after all that is the fucking signature of these scumbags, is it not?

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I.M.O There has to be bedlam in the Democamp-Obama called Biden and told him if he didn’t l;eave the office they would use article 25-*( Biden;s Frau got pissed and figured , ok we will leave but we will screw Obama by nominating Kamala and giving her the 2500 Candidate votes

putting her in and tying Obama’s balls in a “knot” -- so there has been a war ongoing With the Clintons pissed at Obama ( Why didn’t you pick Hillary, ( Bill) - Obama’s choice was

Mark Kelly ( senator from Az- This is the same dude that Started a Balloon Company ( Chinese)

sometime before he became Senator --So it is not a happy time in the West Wing- Kamala’s

handlers have wisely told her ( Stay out of the fray)- None of the Polls mean anything right now

The dust will have to settle---We still see Wray stonewalling the Real investigation of the Near

Assassination -Tune in later-

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The moderate Republicans are RINO'S.

Trump .... stop this Uniparty sh!t.

Give a list of things you are going to DO as president.

Trust that most people know the Hoe is a crackling puppet.

At you're going to use schedule 7. Get rid of ALL government employees and agencies. Start over with qualified people who are ex military. ABSOLUTELY NO POLITICIANS.

GIVE us a list of what you will accomplish in your first 100 days. Give everyone a REASON to vote for you like Gingrich did years ago!

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Oh, Come On, Doc. "Blow Kamala"?

You said you wouldn't go there. Yet, there you are.

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ha ha ha

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Selective Quoting, dumb ass. He said blow her up (figuratively), actually. As in blow up the lies about her record, though with the Democrat assassination attempt on Trump I would say that figurative violent metaphors are just fine. How to show that you are a RINO or an actual Democrat without actually saying that.

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Gee, Dr. Paul got the levity. Who's the dumb ass now, Shit-For-Brains?

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JD Vance is a step daddy to 2 kids, whose, his wife's?

Great relationship there - Vancy ? religion - to a Hindu, how does that work?

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Christine, Hinduism is a potent stable peaceful faith and close to Buddhism...IMO there is no issue with Hinduism relative to Christianity in fact it is the religions of radicalness and death that is the concern. are you against Hinduism? Why? Is there any nation or peoples on earth that India is at war with save protection of its borders and the Hindu Kush etc. against Pakistan invasion? which? I need to understand. thanks for being here. It is in some form of conflict re Kasmir...but its a peaceful nation and peoples...I know many Hindus, in my own family...among the best people on earth...better than many Christians I know. so please explain. I wish to learn.

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I have absolutely nothing against Hinduism - my take is that Indian Religions are the most peaceful on earth and I wish Christian and Muslim Religions were just the same - the only reason I mention it was because Vance is married to a Hindu where he is the step dad and I want RFK in, fat chance of that happening press wise and any seed planted, no matter how irrelevant, is better than no seed at all.

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She converted to Catholic, IIRC, as did he before.

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thanks for sharing I will read up on that

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