Blow Kamala Harris up (figuratively) on issues Mr. President. Gloves off, Mr. President. Go hard, balls to the wall with Harris, sack the quarterback each time he (she) gets up, no mercy! President
Trump needs to go after Harris on her record and incompetence. The border provides the perfect issue. No personal issues, no 'sleep around' issues; vote TRUMP, it's the only way to save AMERICA
Kamala Harris is so under-qualified, she makes AOC look like Margaret Thatcher. The GOP old guard who demand President Trump restrain himself from being too harsh are the same fools who didn’t think we could ever win states like Pennsylvania again. They’re the ones who chose in 2000, 2004, 2008, and 2012 not to highlight the border crisis because it would “alienate our efforts to reach out to Latino voters” when we all know that Latino voters are as fed up with illegal immigration and the crime that comes with it their fellow Americans. President Trump needs to go after Harris on her record and incompetence. The border provides the perfect issue. Personal attacks are unnecessary. Her professional record is the most unprofessional in the history of politics. Blow her up on the issues. Gloves off, Mr. President. Take no prisoners now. They are running to stay out of jail, you are running to save America, from them.
And everyone knows Kamala Harris was the Border Czar. Media gaslighting on this point aside, it is frightening how so many of these so-called journalists simply regurgitate as fact talking points that the DNC and White House issues them. In the old days, the media always framed narratives within context. “The White House says, ‘XYZ…’” Now, it’s just “XYZ.” No framing. No context. Whatever the White House or the DNC say is the gospel truth. We all know Kamala Harris was the border czar. The scary part is that even the people in the media saying that she wasn’t, know that she was. They also know that she was a terrible disaster. Which means that they not only want her to win, and could care less that it will allow ten million more illegal immigrants and criminals and God knows what else to pour across our border. There’s only one way to stop them. Only one way to save the country. To save freedom for everyone, even the morons we’re trying to beat next November. VOTE TRUMP.
And don’t be fooled. Jewish husband or not, Kamala Harris is no friend of Israel. She is a hardcore leftist who skipped out on Prime Minister Netanyahu’s address to congress to placate the hard left end of the DNC, including that awful antisemite and genocide revisionist Rashida Tlaib. Those are her people—the ones who spray-painted the statues and the monuments and desecrated our flag, burned it. Those are Kamala voters. The ones who shout “Death to America” and “Death to Israel.” The ones who cry “From the River to the Sea,” and much like Kamala, probably can’t name which river or which sea. Those are her voters. Only President Trump can truly unite this nation. This America, the one last beacon of hope!
A message to President Trump: Ignore the legacy GOP weaklings who counsel restraint. This is a battle royal bootcamp match a la Sgt. Slaughter vs. the Iron Sheik. As a New Yorker of the 1980s, you’ll know what I mean when I tell you to make like Lawrence Taylor and “get it on like a crazed dog.” Sack the QB. Play vicious to the very end. Hard. Every play. If you’re hurt, get taped up. (Oh yeah, you already did that.) No quitting. (Like Uncle Joe Chernenko.) The key is to stay on message. And use your surrogates to get into your enemy’s rear and rattle the fuck out of them. Border. Economy. Competent leadership.
Rattle the fuck out of them, each play! 3 coming months of hell…given them no air to breathe.
Also, you know I have said there were many options for 45 to chose from re VP. Things look rocky, JD is under attack and some self-inflicted. Yet it’s clear the DNC and corporate legacy media are frightened of JD Vance. JD does have something special, his story is special. The DNC knows that MAGA has expanded its tent to include a broad and diverse coalition not unlike Ronald Reagan’s Union Democrat-GOP coalition that swept him into the White House. One can argue that Vance speaks to the working folks who comprise a big portion of its modern form. In combination with the Teamster turnout, the Rust Belt will go red. They say Vance only energizes the base, but that is the base. You know they fear him when they exert so much effort to tear him down.
Truth is, the more the Left attacks JD Vance for being a Never-Trumper, the more they encourage the many millions of Americans who are only now discovering Donald Trump as their choice for president of the United States. Those who may have opposed him the past, voted for Hillary Clinton, or Biden, or both. Those who now see our country in severe crisis and think back that maybe things were actually better under President Trump. No one messed with us and we didn’t need to go to war to show strength. Our enemies feared us, and our allies revered us. Our economy was strong. And our border was once again secure. So keep reminding the voters of why a man so opposed to the president in 2016 would now be proud to be his running mate in 2024. Keep showing them the light. And that it’s okay to follow it. There are things no doubt POTUS Trump used in his assessment of Vance as running mate and it is not for us to second guess…as the Ghost writer said prior, we get behind the ticket.
But if the JD issue is bigger and 45, POTUS Trump decides to swap him out, Tulsi would be a good option more so the Kamala option is now on deck. Tulsi would blow Kamala out of the fucking water and destroy any VP pick. POTUS Trump can also use the excuse, explain it this way, that the election dynamics have shifted when Biden dropped out, so it’s a new game and he needs to address the advantage Kamala gained by picking her VP after our own convention. He could argue that it’s unfair, because he thought it would be JD against Kamala. Now it’s JD against an unknown. Today, I would prefer Tulsi who could bang away at Kamala’s devastating record as Trump navigates the win. He needs someone who can take apart her record and I think Tulsi. I love Marco too, and Vivek, I even like others like Mayor Deb Rogers out of Pennsylvania and New York. I like anyone who is ‘good’ as an American and can help deliver the win. There are many American men and women who could be VP and I argue POTUS…they are coming, our futures will be great if Trump (as the ONLY option today bringing the tools that are needed for the job at hand) can get the next 4 years to clean the destruction of America up.
He Trump needs 4 at bat to remedy things. We cannot survive 4 years of radical Kamala. The nation will be done, will be over-run with illegals who would rape and kill and bomb and stab many Americans and destroy our social fabric and what being American is all about. He needs to stop the war on white American men, the destruction of our children with this transgender bullshit madness criminality. He needs to close the border and mass deport. He needs to stop sending out tax-money as aid to nations who can afford and are just stealing American tax dollars. He needs to go back and redo COVID, by reversing the LIABILITY PROTECTION under PREP that Azar gave all and allow for a victim compensation fund for all hurt from lockdowns, vaccine. Get this damn inflation and cost of living in check. He needs to end DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) bullshit madness that is threatening the fabric of society and placing us at risk as hires etc. as not being made on competence and merit. Things like that.
This is going to be very interesting.
Important thing is that a lot of the high propensity Obama voters who became low propensity Trump voters in 2016—but may have flipped back to Biden in 2020—descendants of the Reagan Democrats—the Pabst Blue-Ribbon drinking, state-flipping blue collar union workers who didn’t jibe with northeastern establishment bleeding heart liberalism even before it morphed into “Wokeism”—will likely flip back to the Trump fold in 2024. Buyer’s remorse over Biden will drive voters to Trump in droves across the Rust Belt, but only if Team Trump goes full court press on turnout operations and stays on message to slam home the President’s positives on the economy, the border, illegal Immigration/Crime, and competent leadership.
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Forget the Tulsi thing. Non starter. We should not be thinking like Democrats. Us putting Tulsi on isn't going to have anyone who is voting Kacklin' and who ever she picks, to smack themselves int he head and now say, "Oh, ok, I didn't like Trump's policies before, but because he picked a woman, I am now going to go with Trump because Kacklin' is a mess." It won't happen. That is a RINO wet-dream. We have to stop this nonsense. Rubio is a neocon. We don't want him. We have to stop thinking that we will find a magic VP (or Presidential) candidate who the Left will like and the media will treat fairly. IT WON"T HAPPEN. We need great counter punchers who can do so on issues, while also showing America there are still some masculine leaders out there. Tulsi is disqualified on Abortion also. So stop bringing her up. We would lose the pro-life ground team enthusiasm if Tulsi ever got on the ticket, becuase it would be Tulsi in 2028, and she wouldn't be trusted to pick great judges. Trump could always put her in the cabinet somewhere. In fact, what he should do is announce a cabinet pick each week and through the Dem's convention. Steal some of their thunder. Get the media buzzing about Trump's picks. The Dems should have to fight for coverage the week of their convention. Let's get SMART people.
Harris hasn’t had an original idea her whole life. That is why she is all over the board with her record in CA. I wouldn’t be surprised if it is due to her being a pot head, and all those giggles makes me even more suspicious.