BOOM! Biden to offer legal status to over 1 million illegals! Biden for the win & the question is, can Trump stop him? Will Trump reverse this & will he now say that he will reverse this on election?
Tuesday 18th June 2024, sources...'Biden administration reportedly preparing to offer legal status to hundreds of thousands of immigrants on Tuesday'; is he & democrats TONE deaf, Americans say NO!
If this is real, Trump must tell us he will reverse this…
and do it…
Obama and Biden INC. just does not care…no matter how many rapes and murders of Americans and our women by these medieval beasts, these feral illegals, jihadists among them, no no no…despite that, the democrats have now turned from blacks and doing all to mainstream the fair skin Latino, regardless of the crimes they come and commit…regardless of all of it…this is only about votes…
this is only about votes!
it is if Trump will stop this, reverse this, deport all, same way Biden can do it, Trump must be strong enough to undo it…
let us see…what is Trump’s response.
‘According to a report from CBS News, the Biden administration is preparing to announce a plan that would grant legal status to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants who have been present in the United States for at least 10 years. The announcement comes as evidence continues to mount that Biden's handling of illegal immigration presents a major liability to his re-election chances in 2024.
The CBS report was based on conversations with four unnamed Biden administration officials who discussed the details in a clear trial balloon with a friendly media outlet. The unnamed officials indicated that the program will be called "Parole in Place" and would involve offering green cards and deportation protection for illegal immigrants who have been in the United States for ten years and have married a U.S. citizen.
Under current law, those people may already qualify for a green card, but would have to first leave the country in order to apply for one. The Biden Administration program would remove even that requirement and make those individuals immediately eligible.
The unnamed administration officials also indicated that the Biden administration intends to streamline the process for so-called DREAMers to apply for things like the controversial H-1B visas.
The administration plans to announce these measures as soon as Tuesday. Administration officials estimate that as many as 1.1 million illegal immigrants will be affected by the new policies.
Biden's move comes as he finds himself between a rock and a hard place when it comes to immigration. Numerous polls have shown that the American public at large has become increasingly frustrated with the surge of immigration at the border ever since border governors, led by Texas Governor Greg Abbott, began a controversial busing program designed to enable so-called sanctuary jurisdictions to share the burden of caring for immigrants they claim to welcome.
However, Biden faces significant challenges from the left flank of his own base, which is already furious at him for being insufficiently supportive of Hamas terrorists. Biden faced some measure of pushback from his own party even for his recent, mostly toothless executive order that was designed to stem the flood of so-called asylum seekers at the border.’
Obama and Biden are trying hard to destroy America and they are doing a damn good job at it; if there is no mass deportation, USA is over
The time to stop the theft is before the thief is inside your house! Has the GOP not learned its lesson that rear guard actions will FAIL??
With a captured communist justice system, there will be no hope to reverse a stolen election!!