Bottom line, COVID is DONE, the fraud fake it was, the over-cycled PCR driven 0.05% IFR (under 75 years) non-pandemic, whatever they cooked up in their lab (US involvement too) with all the deadly
COVID lockdown specious lunatic polices (lockdowns, business, school closures that all failed), with the denial of treatment, the deadly sedation MEDICAL management, the mRNA technology gene vaccine..
all of it, from lab leak (intentional, accident or intentional accident), to lab gain-of-function manufacture, to all that they did (the Fauci and Collins cabal and others in the deestate cabal) for reasons that included toppling of a sitting POTUS Trump, for all of it, the fraud mRNA vaccine that today has shown itself to be non-sterilizing, non-neutralizing (never stopped transmission and thus never supported any mandate), highly ineffective and harmful up to including death, for all of that, you are left with NOTHING, no where advanced, other than spike protein (vaccine induced) being produced in every cell in your body 24/7 for the rest of your life and with implications e.g. immune tolerance IgG4 antibody class-switch, immune exhaustion, viral immune escape, original antigenic sin (recall antibodies to the initial prime), antibody-dependent enhancement of infection (and disease), sub-optimal population level immune pressure on the target antigen as massive infectious pressure maintains and thus Darwinian selective pressure driving new sub-variants, immune subversion e.g. Toll-like receptors 7, 8, P53 guardian of the genome, BRCA 1 and 2 etc. All of it subverted by the mRNA vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech)…all of it, and you only are left with spike that is pathological, tearing at you, all your vasculature, and you just want it out!
All of it was a lie, all about COVID and the response and the vaccine. In time we must gather them all who were part of this (developing list of the 33 Horsemen of the COVID Apocalypse) and allow juries to decide and we punish them mercilessly if shown to have costed lives.
Nothing to show but a deadly spike protein damaging you from within.
Prove me wrong! Let them try!
It was over for me the moment it started. I lost a lot of friends because of it. One particular friend of 43 years threw me off his property because I wasn’t jabbed. I’ve also discovered those who are “damaged” refuse to admit it’s because of the jab. I was in Publix yesterday walking past the pharmacy and some guy standing there said “I’m here for my Covid shot.” I kept walking. Can’t fix stupid.
The evidence is overwhelming, let the trials begin🙏