BREAKING! Islamic peaceful religion strikes AGAIN in Europe, in German market, now unfolding, so far 11 DEAD, car ploughs into INNOCENT peaceful shoppers, muslim attackers; what do we do? when will it
end? what peacefulness is this? who is to blame? how will justice be served? it is now I say thank God for Trump for with all his imperfections & terrible mistakes in COVID & OWS & Malone mRNA vaccine
Magdeburg Germany Christmas market
we need him to lay fucking waste, lay siege on these 6th century medieval feral beasts, these low life animals I argued we should have never allowed out of the desert and we should have let them drink their own fucking oil…we don’t negotiate or tolerate animals…leave them in the 6th century and we come around in 1000 years and check on them then…not now…these will always be animals. and mind you, some of that filth is my heritage…thank God Christian and fled there 100 years ago…left the animals behind.
yeah I know there are peaceful or law abiding muslims but time and again they go silent, the imams, the leaders go silent when their own do these vicious crimes...when will they move to help reform this madness?
The muslim degenerates always attack innocent people, who cannot defend themselves, and they do it on what they perceive as Christian holidays.