BREAKING! NYC COVID adviser brags about FREAK-OFFs, about drug-fueled pandemic sex parties: ‘Had to be sneaky’ while we locked everyone in New York City down, 'we did freakish things group sex etc.'
we would go underground and just be skin on skin touching each other 8 to 10 of us while we locked the city down. Everything we were doing was wrong & fake, no basis but we could! “I had to be kind of
“I had to be kind of sneaky about it… because I was running the entire COVID response in the city,” this sick pervert deviant Dr. Jay Varm ran the pandemic and killed people, yes, he killed people…Bill de Blasio was mayor then and Hochul now is worse…
Before I share this stack and you read and listen to this freak pervert sleaze bucket Varma, I want to be clear this morning to POTUS Trump for my substack is read at that level, it is one of the main sources of information…this is me to POTUS Trump again today:
Dr. Paul Alexander: “I have told you why it is imperative POTUS Trump stands up now, bold, and tell America he was deceived and fCUked in COVID and the response that was devised to undercutand topple him, that he did the best he could based on all he was advised to do and approve, that all, 100% of COVID was a fraud from OWS to lockdowns to the Malone Bourla Bancel Weissman mRNA technology vaccine and that all of it was for power, control, money and worse, and now he realizes there was no science behind anything in COVID and that it was a fraud to damage his re-election (and it did) and Mr. President, I implore you, stop saying they stole the damn election, no, no POTUS Trump, you lost because you lost due to a devastating pandemic lockdown lunatic response, it hurt people, your people, because you fell for the fraud lockdowns and Malone et al. mRNA vaccine, stop it, stop the crap now, I talk as a health academic scientist who worked for you, advised HHS directly, I am an expert in COVID, heavily worked, the frau of it, whatever this was (a real respiratory pathogen? a toxin, a poison? that caused ILI pulmonary symptoms, blood clotting as we understood COVID was really a blood clotting illness)…I don’t blame you, for Fauci and Birx and Azar and Pence and all around you had a job to conspire with CDC and FDA and NIH etc. to destroy you and your re-election and they did with a fraud 97% false-positive PCR-manufactured lie of asymptomatic spread non-pandemic (lie of equal risk of severe outcome despite age and baseline risk differentials in 10 year old Johnny vs 85 year old granny), it was all a lie Sir and you trusted them (as you should have) but the gig has been up 4 years now, especially on the deadly unsafe Malone mRNA vaccine, so please stand up and use this NYC video as the basis, I will cover you to, I will protect you for I know you meant well, I was there, I saw, I know all the science, all of it, you were just fCUked upside down by subversives and I see now more subversives, fake fraud Manchurian types lurking, for jobs, from the COVID Freedom movement coming smelling jobs, do not become a laughing stock, do not make that mistake as people will now think you are a lunatic (just look at all the subversives you hired Trump 1.0), do not fall for that, let your legacy be written that you were fucked in COVID but in the end fixed it, understood it, and got real justice and accountability…Sir, OWS was a pure failure, lockdowns and school closures killed our people and the medical response COVID death protocol (isolation, dehydration of our high-risk peoples, malnourishment, denial of antibiotics that was needed for bacterial pneumonia, denial of anti-blood clotting agents, sedatives of propofol, lorazepam, midazolam, fentanyl diamorphine etc., toxic drugs on the elderly high risk, Remdesivir, ventilator) killed the vast majority and the Malone et al. mRNA vaccine killed; Sir, it never worked, it killed. The Malone et al. mRNA gene vaccine is deadly, it is time you called for a full stop of the Malone et al. mRNA vaccine and let us now talk about its use…we need many years of proper research to even have a discussion on mRNA technology that ‘they’ have decided will change our future lives so that they with their patents etc. can make more money and have power with this seeming binary or tertiary stage bioweapon…It is time you stood up POTUS Trump, yes, even now as the election draws near, show leadership, take ownership, and stop the bullshit that OWS worked and saved lives and that the Malone mRNA vaccine worked, it never did! I want no job Mr. POTUS, I am not one of them who slandered you for years and now pimping for jobs, I worked for you and fought Fauci and Birx and NIH and CDC on the inside with Atlas and Navarro and Caputo etc. We were the warriors…with Bhattacharya, Kulldorff, Gupta, even Berenson, Oskoui, Risch, McCullough, Ladapo, Urso etc, on the outside…the rest are hanger-ons. Thank you POTUS Trump, take this as my official stance today, September 20th 2024, to you, I trust you and stand behind you and think today you are our only option”.
Read here what this NYC pandemic response leader said and did to New York people, shows it was all a fraud, a sex fill fraud:
“I had to be kind of sneaky about it… because I was running the entire COVID response in the city,”
“We went to some like, underground dance party… underneath a bank on Wall Street… We were all rolling, we’re all taking molly [MDMA] and everybody’s high. And I was so happy because I hadn’t done that in like a year and a half,” he said in the clip.
“I did all this deviant, like sexual stuff while I was like, you know, like on TV and stuff. People were like, ‘Aren’t you afraid? Aren’t you embarrassed?’ and I was like, ‘No, actually, I’m like, I love being my authentic self’,” he was filmed saying in a July 27 clip.
The ex-de Blasio official went on to say he stood by the advice he gave to New Yorkers at the time.
“Facing the greatest public health crisis in a century, our top priority was to save lives, and every decision made was based on the best available science to keep New Yorkers safe,” he said.
“I stand by my efforts to get New Yorkers vaccinated against COVID-19, and I reject dangerous extremist efforts to undermine the public’s confidence in the need for and effectiveness of vaccines.”
Several lawmakers fumed over the newly-released footage, with Councilmember Joann Ariola (R-Queens) telling The Post it showed the “perverse corruption” of the de Blasio administration.
“This guy was running around living like a drug-fueled Caligula, mandating that ordinary New Yorkers suffer in lockdown and lose their livelihoods while he throws himself parties that could make a rockstar blush,” Ariola said.
“Dr Varma’s pathetic attempt to impress a date further revealed what we all knew- that the ‘leaders’ who shut down businesses, told us not to celebrate Thanksgiving, and fired workers for not taking the vaccine, have always been absolutely full of s–t,” added Councilmember Joe Borelli (R-Staten Island).
Listen here at the person who locked NYC down, this freak pervert sleaze bag, as I have written before, it is in government that you find the perverts, sleaze, pedophiles, wrong doers:
NYC COVID adviser brags in secret recording about drug-fueled sex parties mid-pandemic: 'Had to be sneaky' (
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we need Trump to stop the crap about OWS and lockdowns worked and the vaccine worked, NOTHING worked, nothing...all the COVID response killed
As a separate related note, Mayor DeBlasio was mandating that sports players like NBA supserstar Kyrie Irving had to take The Jab, despite having natural immunity, that "Science" to this day refuses to consider.
Billionaire Brooklyn Nets owner Joe Tsai took the side of the Communist Mayor as did 80% of the fan base. As a result of this, the Nets franchise would fall apart, and they are now in rebuild mode.