Breaking: Radical ISIS islamist killer, so far 10 dead in New Orleans, runs truck into people celebrating New Years, developing still, ISIS flag on truck, crossed into US from Mexico, Southern Border
& Canadian are source of ISIS and islamic jihadist from Middle East shaved beards and dressed Latino, this is the fucking madness Obama started in 2009 with Biden & continued now with Harris, Biden
I said before, the radical islamist sharia muslim remains the gravest threat to US, to the world. Never doubt that.
Over to POTUS Trump now, the feral animal who burned Amelia down was illegal, the one who stabbed the person in the neck in NYC…all are illegals and most are islamist jihadists out to rape our girls, women and kill Americans.
Be warned, be prepared, teach your girls and women to kill these feral beasts, the Latino, Middle Eastern, North African medieval beast with malice once life threatened, arm them…legal arms, 2nd amendment.
Be warned, Obama, Biden, Harris, Republicans, Democrats etc. have brought these people in, and to kill Americans.
the wolf is here, the medieval jihadist animal is here...Trump must stand up now and be prepared to go after this beast
some say well what happens if he is a US resident? who cares? who gives a fuck? Major Hasan Nadal was a doctor in FtHood and killed fellow US soldiers. he was a US citizen. in uniform