Brian Murphy, a subscriber on The Naked Emperor substack wrote this as to how we get accountability from the tens of thousands of corrupt medical doctors in America, UK, Canada etc. who went along
with the deadly lockdowns and helped push the deadly mRNA technology vaccines and I find it hits the nail on the head...YES, we want them to come forward and mea culpa and help fix this!
‘There needs to be a high profile campaign making examples of doctors, government and medical officials. Charges of intentional iatrogenesis, genocide, crimes against humanity, conspiracy to commit mass atrocities, accomplices to mass murder… Heck, even corporate manslaughter will suffice. Ruin them as they ruined and killed millions by cowardice, compliance and cunning. Then the message needs to go out to every other perpetrator: come forward, speak out, blow the whistle, expose the criminality and conspiracies, and atone, to lessen the impact on you and your families. And if not… woodchipper goes brrrrr…’
Brian, I love it, I would add subject them to the legal courts with proper judges and juries…but you my Sir, got my vote!
As a retired medical doctor I have been appalled by the behavior of my former peers and colleagues over the last four years. I was confused for about two weeks in March of 2020 regarding what was going on with the so called pandemic. But then it became clear that something was fishy. Dr Roult of France came up with a quick cure for covid and nobody cared except to condemn the accomplished physician. It was very strange. But there could be no cure, because then there would be no emergency use exemption for the unsafe and ineffective vaccine. These doctors must be held accountable for their crimes. Do no harm!
I just do not think after all the money these coward criminals got, that they have any shame to come forward at this point... IMO they are prepared to do it again and are doing it again.. If all the people they murdered so they could keep their money, title and licenses, and status and huge EGO, then that is what was important to them over children's lives, of course not THEIR children, their children were spared and told the truth along with friends. So at this point their EGO's will never ever allow them to admit what they have done.. They fought for themselves, not their patients and that is what they will continue to do.. Their lifestyle and their family and friends that they have is more important to them then OTHER peoples live. PERIOD... Cowards All.. Out of the million doctors in this country, only the " Misinformation 52" stood tall.. Pathetic coward doctors.. I have no respect for any of them or the titles or advice..