CDC, NIH, FDA officials were clear to me while I was at HHS in ~July 2020, as fraud COVID PCR created non-pandemic was raging, was to DESTROY Trump, undercut, subvert, damage him at each turn, with
Fauci & Birx et al., their task was to slow walk everything, deny all requests, to make Trump look inept & chaotic in the daily Task Force briefings; I have said this before saying again, Trump was
NOT in on anything of the COVID malfeasance, he was as we were, caught off guard and trusted that he was getting sound guidance from the officials, I was there as he fought CDC, teachers union, NIH etc. behind the scenes to open society and the schools; I did think he was wrong to say he is leaving it to the States, ordinarily I would agree but not in this case for they were damaging and killing people with the lunatic lockdown response for no other reason but to destroy Trump’s 2020 re-election and to accrue power and money and bring the Malone et al. fraud deadly mRNA transfection shot; the problem I have is Trump’s insistence that the OWS lockdowns and mRNA vaccine worked and saved lives for there is no evidence anywhere, medical, scientific, published, clinical, that any lockdown or the ineffective deadly mRNA vaccine saved lives…any life. Not one.
I have to be honest, the federal response to COVID under Trump was a failure. Trump tried but too many forces were aligned daily against him. He did try. He was not ‘in on it’. He was misguided and made devastating decisions on OWS and the vaccine but felt he was doing the right thing. He felt American lives were actually at risk. He did not know it was all a ‘made up’ lie like the 6-foot social distancing rule. We ransacked society and the world, on a lie, a made-up lie, based on no science. CDC Director Robert Redfield told me this, he told me in person at HHS one day, directly para ‘Paul, we made it up, it was not based on science’. Yet people, business owners killed themselves for they lost everything due to that fraud 6-foot rule.
I support Trump then and today, and felt he was a good man, destined for big legacy. I want to give him the chance to fix the wrongs. And make people ‘whole’ again. But I cannot remain silent when wrongs are stated. It is Trump maintaining today, in 2024, 2025, this statement that OWS was successful and saved millions of lives, and the mRNA vaccine (my beautiful vaccine para) saved millions of lives, is very wrong, and concerns me for it is not true, never was true. He has to know this. He knows this. He is an incredibly smart man. Brilliant.
He must stop.
It is also the SILENCING of Bobby Kennedy Jr. from when he endorsed Trump, that is devastating, and that troubles me from Bobby Jr. being one of our key vanguards to going silent. I like Bobby Jr. and support him, but his silencing is one of the most outrageous WRONG steps I have seen politically. I trust he will remedy this, he has to, he has to return to form and stand against the OWS and the mRNA vaccines, for he made fame and CHD et al. off of this and he did good work. I trust he will come through. The ‘real’ Bobby Jr. will return. I want him confirmed, others are in question, but he is a good pick, and I feel he can do big things. But he must be unshackled and unchained by the Trump orbit. They are making a huge mistake. Hurting America doing this.
It is also the complete shut out of any mention of COVID, or OWS, or the Malone et al. mRNA vaccine at the RNC and even DNC that troubles me for it is clear that these people want it swept under the carpet and to disappear. On top of that there is this push to bring more fake fraud non-pandemics using the same fraud PCR process e.g. the fake H5N1, H5N2, H5N8, H7N9 etc. avian bird flu etc. that presents no risk to humans, there is no indication of this, no person-to-person spread, and just pure PSY Ops and fear-porn. May I remind you that the common cold kills high-risk people daily and can even kill a healthy child. It is life. And most people who get very ill from common colds, flu are high-risk, often elderly who have multiple medical conditions and have a near zero immuno-senescenced immune system (flat).
Moderation and common sense always, calm, no hysteria, do not listen to CDC, NIH, FDA, HHS, Health Canada, no public health officials and by God, never trust or listen to your present medical doctors, a criminal filthy bunch after COVID, so take care of granny and grandpa and protect them by reasonable common-sense precautions. That is all. Nothing else is needed. Always allow the rest of society, most people to live free unfettered lives.
Pure fiction now to get you to run off and take the ‘new and improved 2nd generation’ Malone Bourla et al. mRNA transfection vaccine), fear-porn where near 100% of anyone with any type of H5N1 avian bird flu (if it was true) symptoms like conjunctivitis pink eye is due to touching (culling) of possibly infected birds etc. The mass culling is causing people to get some mild symptoms. You are touching infected animals. Leave the EFF in birds alone, they will get flu symptoms, recover, have natural immunity. Ones that die, die. The rest will be fine. Do not cull for you infect people, and you drive prices up and create shortages etc.
I still think Trump is the best option today we have to fix some wrongs in USA and will help him as I did across the re-election. The other characters save people like Tulsi are characters. Just that. Several of the nominees give me heartburn and IMO are unqualified and wrong, but it is not my decision. Trump, I trust, I hope, and it is his decisions, and his second presidency and legacy will be judged by this now and his handling of COVID 1.0 and OWS is on the table and his legacy depends on what he does next to right all the wrongs of the PCR fraud COVID and get us some prison for the wrongdoers. We need prison time. We need justice. OWS failed and killed. The mRNA vaccine failed and killed.
The mRNA vaccine must be removed from USA completely, and Trump must call for its complete removal in the first hour of his Presidency term 2 January 20th 2025. No exceptions else we then know that we are being screwed as a nation. Wrongs happened under him, catastrophic, the OWS, the mRNA vaccine and he has to begin now by fixing that, by stopping LIABILITY PROTECTION so that we can sue and make it retroactive. He has to set up some victim compensation fund $ to make people ‘whole’ again. Fund it from vaccine makers. End the 1986 childhood vaccine injury Act that indemnifies vaccine makers et al. Ensure all those linked to the fraud of COVID, and the mRNA vaccine face legal inquiry in unbiased courts with judges and juries. He has to do these things and ensure no more mRNA vaccine, none of this until 100 more years of proper research in conducted. No more lockdowns, never. For this type of fraud. No mandates for this type of fraud.
And those of you claiming OWS was a military response, you are talking based on media reports and documents and speculation and I might add good thinking, sound, but I was there on the 6th floor, actually there, my office was on the 6th floor next to HHS’s Secretary Azar (who was a chief subverter of Trump) and the assistant Secretary etc.
From what I know and saw, many of the alphabet health agencies and others across US government must be closed, burnt down, taken down to the studs, razed to the floor, send all staff home, re-assign even to do nothing, and begin again, there must be mass firings (thousands top down) of all the senior leadership at CDC, NIH, FDA, HHS, NIAID, I know and worked with many, they are corrupted, inept, leftist Obama holdover freaks, haters of USA, hated Trump, and still do and will now undercut him and subvert him. There must be a cleaning of house complete. Else these people will harm Trump’s second term.
I was there, OWS that led the COVID response was a pure MILITARY operation, and it was run out of the 7th floor of HHS building, yes, complete with full army and navy military, in uniform. Daily. The military was not only involved in logistics, no, they ran OWS, and they made the decisions. They ran the mRNA vaccine research and production. COVID response was not a public health response, it was a largely political response and mostly a military response. FDA, HHS, NIH etc. were ‘fronts’ to misguide and confuse the public, even the congress and senate. OWS on the 7th floor was just above my office and I dealt with these people daily. Also, MODERNA, Moncef Slaoui et al., had placed MODERNA on the 7th floor also next to OWS…MODERNA operated out of the 7th floor of the HHS building above my office.
There seems to be some type of subversive OPERATION, activity to damage USA, to destroy people, to ‘remake’ the nation and world in some manner to suit the demands of sick malevolent people. COVID IMO was part of the Op. Our battle is ongoing because we need to leave our children with some sense of a world to live in. USA is circling the drain. We need Trump to stop this. We cannot depend on government. It is up to us. We cannot depend on no one savior person like Trump though, he is just one tool in our toolbox. It is up to us, the people.
That's *one* possibility. Another possibility -- which shall soon be put to the test -- is that Trump was a willing participant (i.e., Trump was one of 'them') in what is now recognized as the largest, most evil crime ever perpetrated on all of humanity (not just in America).
Remember, the Globalist Cabal presently controls *MOST* of the world - they want **ALL** of it. That's what their "Great Reset" aka "New World Order" is all about.
Ok, fine Trump did not know back then however he certainly knows now about the lethal injections!
Therefore why is he still pushing / promoting the lethal injections on children?
Trump continues to hold on to his warp speed success much like Trudeau continues to hold on to his position as Prime Minister!
Surely by now he must realize that they are harmful!
He seriously can’t be that unintelligent!
When will Trump admit he was wrong about the lethal injections that he is still so proud of and that he still promotes?
They knew. They lied. People died. They still know. They are still lying. People are still dying.