So right! Anything that may have been a weak in a body was inflamed and has sped up any cancers, ulcers, dementia and the list is endless.

My friend had an ulcer in her intestines and it ruptured almost killing her (fully vaccinated and boosters).

A 21 year old young man who played hockey and was forced to take the vaccines in order to play in our town went to the hospital with complaints of something with his heart. Was sent home to rest and the next day dropped dead while fixing a car with his dad.

Our neighbour (60s) had bleeding intestines and was put on a special diet where she can only eat very soft, highly cooked foods. Our other neighbour was diagnosed with aggressive colon cancer and 7 operations later is still alive but with a colonoscopy bag - but his brother died last year (cancer), the brother's daughter with kidney problems caught some bacterial infection in the hospital and died (40s) and now the mother of this girl has died from aggressive cancer.

And this is only a few that I have mentioned. I think people are starting to catch on and they are scared.

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Maybe they are catching on, but still many are not. The coverup is displayed reading yahoo, listening to CNN and most other news sources.

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And there is no logic to their thinking. It's like they never had critical thinking skills and some of the people I described were teachers.

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You're going to die soon if you got it. That's the situation. Just accept it. And jesus. it will all be over soon for us.

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I absolutely did not take the vaccine. In fact long before this graphine oxide, mrna death jab was rolled out I was warning everyone that I knew not to take any vaccine. I did not know anything about vaccines but I did follow politics and I was very suspicious of the timing of this plandemic - I knew it was a set up from the beginning on the first day the Canadian government called the lockdown. Then it was further cemented in when the first lockdown person was our very own Prime Minister - Justin Turdeau. What a farce and no body was questioning anything, no one was suspicious - it was incredible.

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Scout8x, are these people in the same area? Is it likely that they were 'blessed' with injections from the same toxic batch of genetic therapeutics?

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Yes, everyone from our town. Also, the problem with this death vac. is that if the needle accidentally hit a vein, the graphine oxcide would go directly into your blood stream and either kill you within a day or you will survive with extremely life threatening conditions.

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HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD. DNR/MIDAZOLAM/REMDESIVER MURDERS! In my eyes a flu was grabbed hold of and then the MEDICAL KILLER GHOULS given a free hand to kill as many as they wish to create fear and panic in the people and it was WORLD WIDE!? That was your pandemic friends! Then the POISON JABS followed with more MAIMING and MURDER and once again WORLD WIDE!

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You’re so right Dr Alexander! Yet no matter what evidence is presented, nothing is being done to help, nothing from the federal government that is!


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Jabs could lead to accelerated aging by causing people to become vulnerable to contracting covid which is known to later cause accelerated aging after even mild infections. Dasatinib + quercetin may inhibit or reverse at least some covid induced aging. There may be natural alternatives to dasatinib which can be combined with quercetin to potentially mitigate the aging effect.

Does The Wellness Company offer products which emulate the dasatinib + quercetin formula?

"The four compounds, and in particular the top-runner piperlongumine, may be combined with quercetin to obtain natural formulas emulating the dasatinib + quercetin formula."

Computational identification of natural senotherapeutic compounds that mimic dasatinib based on gene expression data


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Thank you Awake! I’m not sure why I haven’t gotten sick and infected with covid, possibly due to Lyme Disease I had.

Which means I’ll always have then Lyme causing bacteria. Also, my closest friend also had Lyme Disease hasn’t gotten Covid, although he did take the J&J JAB. His son also had Lyme, no Covid JABS like myself.

So three people, all with Lyme, one with a Covid Jab, haven’t caught Covid. Why I ask? My case of Lyme was the worst out of the three, I spent eight weeks in intensive care with a mid-line. Then eight weeks daily with a midline and was pumped full of erythromycin. All of us were prescribed erythromycin too.

All three of us haven’t caught covid and I’m not sure if Lyme Disease has anything to do with it. All of us were around people with covid as well. My job was essential so I know I was around many sick people.

There’s something curious about this. Lyme Disease was developed as a “Bioweapon” and was to be airdropped over Cuba back in the 60’s I believe. A scientist working in a Colorado BioLab spoke about this.

I appreciate your insight and most importantly your post Awake, thank you so much.


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Dr. Paul- I can never thank you enough for your courage and your brilliance that you share with us each day on this forum.

And I can't believe that there are many who are supposedly on "our" side, the side of truth and righteousness, who malign you and cast aspersions on your work. What's that about??

Anyway as other readers are saying, you have been right the hell on in what you've been telling us and I am sad to say that my own husband is a victim of these hellish monsters who insisted that he be injected with the mRNA venom shot when it first came out.

At the time he was in his 70s, in good health but with diabetes that was completely under control due to change of diet and mild medication. He has worked all his life in construction so was strong and active.

Since getting the shot here's what has happened: first off, he got the worst case of CVD I have ever seen, I thought he was going to die. The doctors did nothing to help but luckily because of all my research I was able to get him some Ivermectin and supplements that saved his life. (by the way, I am a proud Pure Blood, never even considered getting the clot shot)

It took him about 2 months to get over it but he was never the same in terms of his strength and mobility. He is dizzy all the time, has no strength, has to nap throughout the day, gets tired from walking around the block, has bad hand tremors and can hardly go up and down the stairs. He has other symptoms as well that have developed in the last few years.

It breaks my heart that he wouldn't listen to me when I told him it wasn't a good idea to get the jab, but he was scared because of course his doctors injected him with the FEAR virus that is so popular with all these devils, so he got it.

He cannot or will not believe that all his current health problems are because of that poisonous shot, but thanks to doctors and scientists like you, we all know the truth.

I will NEVER forgive the Traumatic Trio: Fauci, Birx, Collins and the other Satanic minions who killed and maimed so many people all over the world. I agree with you that hanging is too good for that lot.

My own fantasy is this: strip them buck naked, coat them with honey or molasses and feed them to a pen full of starving wild boars to be torn limb from limb. Let them experience 1/100 of the pain and misery they inflicted on us.

I hope and pray that you will never stop proclaiming the truth about what happened. LET US NEVER FORGET how many generations they have destroyed and what misery they caused for no other reason then their own insatiable lust for power and money.

I still believe that what goes around comes around. Karma's a bitch.

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I can relate to your story. My husband was much older than me, succombed to the propaganda with 2 jabs. He was healthy prior and a busy mill operator for metal construction products. He passed away last year. His lungs and heart had been severily damaged progressively after the jabs.

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So sorry to hear about this but of course you are not alone. So many good people were killed by the shots, I wonder if the murderers will ever be punished for what they did.

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Agree. And similar situation.

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What happened?

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Covid infection including mild infection is also reported to cause later onset of massively accelerated or premature aging including brain aging associated with early onset dementia.

The jabs could be causing premature aging and dementia by making the jabbed more likely to contract covid.

This 2023 paper cites nine scientific studies that found "negative effectiveness" of the covid shots (i.e., the shots appear to make people MORE likely to contract or get severely ill from covid). The paper, of course (otherwise it wouldn't have been published) tries to explain away the findings as due to methodological biases despite negative efficacy being both "biologically plausible" and most likely to be found in studies when true efficacy is low.

Observed negative vaccine effectiveness could be the canary in the coal mine for biases in observational COVID-19 studies


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Evil always promises to help with one hand while taking everything with the other hand unseen behind their backs.

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Yes i see it in me and my wife .

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Senolytics show promise in combating brain aging and COVID-19 neuropathology

" ... human brain organoids (BOs) ... were treated with two doses of senolytics, such as the dasatinib-quercetin (D+Q) combination, ABT-737, and navitoclax, for one month at a two-week interval ... The researchers examined the associations of transcriptomic changes between COVID-19 patients and SARS-CoV-2-infected BOs ... Conclusions

Taken together, the study demonstrated that senescent cells accumulate in physiologically aged human BOs, with long-term senolytic intervention(s) substantially reducing cellular senescence and inflammation. Further, D+Q treatment uniquely induced anti-aging and pro-longevity gene expression changes in BOs."


Computational identification of natural senotherapeutic compounds that mimic dasatinib based on gene expression data

"The four compounds, and in particular the top-runner piperlongumine, may be combined with quercetin to obtain natural formulas emulating the dasatinib + quercetin formula."


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Bill Gates an example, his face show it, or is it his meatless burgers?

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Allegedly FREEMAN and YOUSAF are going to be questioned about the DNR/MORPHINE/MIDAZOLAM murder of the elderly. JUNE ANDREWS and many other should be dragged in and questioned. A Dr John Campbell is allegedly going to distribute a video on this subject, see what he comes up with!?

In 2020 a doctors surgery in WALES wrote to people out of the blue asking if they could put DNR on their medical records. This was no mistake so were orders given to do this and did it happen in other parts i.e. Scotland per say!? Other countries also I am sure!?


If You Know Something Is Killing People and You Carry On, That Is Murder

Posted By The White Rose UK On 04/10/2021

By Roy R M McIntosh

After reading the report by the BBC Scotland on the elderly deaths in care homes it was shocking to see that there was no mention of this being advised to the Scottish Government to move people from hospitals to clear beds, and that was by Andrews!

Now you do not have to be smart or a doctor to know that every year the care homes struggle to keep ‘bugs’ out of the homes, so taking elderly people from hospitals and sending them to care homes can only be described as criminal. The elderly were not in hospital for a holiday! How did the elderly die? No mention of DNR, Midazolam or Remdesivir…

So, for Krankie Sturgeon to say it was a mistake, is just a lie to cover up killing like never seen before. And it was deliberate, so that is criminal. It was deliberate murder!

Then jump forward to when the injections started and the killing started again. Look at the UK death figures for Jan 2021, and you shall see each week is higher by thousands than the average for previous years. Once again, if you know something is killing people and you carry on, that is murder! Oh, but it is put down to all sorts of other causes: Doctors were falsifying health reports and death certificates.

I wrote in March 2020 and said that moving the elderly would kill people and not one reply. I also wrote to media, Freeman and political parties as I was told by a person from a care home that the injections were maiming and killing, and the only reply I got back was from some Lesley Brown from Scottish government, wondering where I got my information from. I told her where to go… I had written to Freeman, yet Brown replies? Taking the killing of the elderly and now the killing and maiming by injections, the politicians and NHS should be on murder charges!

In time the truth shall come out, and it is good that families have come together to ask questions, and also that the Covid-19 Assembly are working away in the background. Looks like pharma and Gates etc could be pulling the strings!?--

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It's the Rothschild, Communist, Zionist, Israeli, Talmudic, Zionist Joos behind ALL this Satanic Bullship!

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Death by deception injection.

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I don't care for Canadian institutions but the numerous indications that the mild flu like manifestations of covid are just a prodrome are being reported from multiple labs worldwide. Both the shots and the infection likely still have many unknown long term effects but already some of the long term effects are becoming clear.

Fuck the gender bending Canadians. I'm going with what Luc Montagnier's co-author Walter M Chesnut is on the trail of:

The Transposon Theory of Aging and SARS-CoV-2: Even mild COVID infection accelerates aging by activating Transposable Elements.



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Sorry I must disagree.

At this point it's pretty much diffused to a mild flu. Except for the people, most people, who complied (and continue to comply) and destroyed their immune systems. These people are still getting sick, over and over again. Might be a mild inconvenience, but often full-blown flu/brochitis/pneumonia.

I have close family who were hospitalized with covid in early 2020. Believe me when I say - what was released in certain ares of the country was ANYTHING but a normal flu. These people were given HCQ and Azithromycin in the hospital, in New Jersey, because the docs were scrambling/networking to find SOMETHING, anything that worked. They walked out of there in a week, but their son was too far gone, with many comorbidities, and died on a vent.

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You selectively responded. I said certain areas experienced a form of the illness unlike other areas. Many people were VERY sick and were offered NO outpatient treatment. Traditional treatments weren't working, hence the HCQ/Z-pak in the hospital. HCQ ONLY works early, and this was way before IVM was being used.

You're claiming that this was a seasonal flu coupled with propaganda. Sorry, not a chance. There's a reason we have biolabs all over the place.

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I agree with you Jim, if you go back in history, Covid was eradicated back in 1958 I believe. Though it was still in petri and it’s certainly possible they modified it to cross into humans, I have a video on my Substack profile page from Dr David Martin who explains this.

The one thing I’ll say is this, my job was considered essential and as I made my way from client to client, it seemed as though everyone had something. Whether it was a nonstop runny nose or something else, everyone seemed to have caught something.

In all my years of working I’ve never witness anything like it. Then, after a year or so people started to feel better. No more runny noses, no more absences.

Fast forward to today and things seem normal regarding people’s health. Is it possible the first go round was to set us up? Those who were injected will now be more susceptible to whatever they tell us this time and those who weren’t injected suddenly become deathly sick? Remember, the evilness of these people wanting complete control over humanity must have a smaller percentage of people to control.

Honestly Jim I don’t know and I live my life to the fullest every day regardless. Same way I did when the lockdowns were forced upon all. I will not nor have I ever complied unless I research the ins and outs of what’s being pushed.

The facts speak for themselves. 99.997 % survival rates were known then and still are today. If we were set up to “die” then so be it! “Evil will always be evil”! I will not nor do I suggest anyone stop living life and allow all the

“fear-mongers” to rule one’s life! Hell no I won’t!


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