For over 10 years, I have lectured and wrote about the fact that the American average citizen only has half the Vitamin D blood value which is required for good health. Should be above 50 ng's, but IOM (Now called National Academy of Medicine, NAM) said we are fine at 20 ng's and NIH pushes this view! I take 5,000 iu's daily and have a blood value of 70 ng's and my immune system is strong and I beat Covid twice without injections! Learn the truth here! https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/why-medicine-doesnt-understand-the

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So much potential value to Vitamin D supplements. No down side that I've seen. Have been taking 1,000 IU daily for the past 12 years.

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Same here.

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You should have your vitamin D level checked when you get your blood work done. Not sure where you live or how much sunshine you get, but 1000 IU isn't a whole lot. Everyone is different, so the best thing is to check your level. Since you have been on a specific amount for a long time, your level will tell you whether that is adequate or not. Take care!

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Thank you for your kind concern and advice, Bobby. While that is true and I do have my Vitamin D levels checked annually, I cannot tolerate a higher dose. I am ultrasensitive to all medications and supplements.

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In Ontario Canada, seniors in Long Term Care do not get any D supplements (or any other supplementary nutrient) unless their loved ones request it and pay for it. And of course, no sunshine or cod liver or butter from grass-pastured cows. The sugar-and-casein-based milkshake drinks are prescribed for residents who cannot eat enough calories; they do contain some D in paltry amount along with the cheapest synthetic B vitamins and a few minerals they can't even assimilate, but no omega3. But residents get almost any prescription drug - even expensive ones - for free. Any symptom or sign of vitamin D deficiency or other nutritional deficiency is treated with Rx to mask it, or not treated at all (unless a family member takes care of it). Even residents with kidney failure on hemodialysis who cannot activate D3 are not given the activated form of Rx Hydroxy D that they need to survive. No one in government gives a crap.

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Thank you for another great article on the power and importance of Vitamin D supplementation! So easy, inexpensive and so much potential for significant health benefits, but overlooked or poo-pooed by most. I’ll never understand it. Keep up the great work, Doctor!

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Dementia for Americans is also about the successful med marketing. What else we take. Ie: Lisinopril causing Diabetes, followed by Metformin causing Early Dementia. Askapatient.com might be helpful before ingesting any meds.

Has anyone done public water analysis lately, vaccine heavy metals or the chemtrail drifts?

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With so many of my aged relatives and friends being diagnosed with dementia, I did some research and found this : How B Vitamins & Omega 3s Reverse Cognitive Decline, Prof. David Smith, on youtube; and has now been confirmed by research groups in Holland, Sweden and China, see GrassRootsHealth net article : Two Nutrients Proven to Stop Your Brain Shrinking.

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Good to know since my paternal grandfather, aunt and cousin all had it. I’ve been taking it for several years.

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use it all the time.. :)

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Not surprised. It's not a vitamins, it's a steroid apparently. Now don't do all technical people and pop pills. Just walk around in the sun without clothes as often you can and watch the results for your health.

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