Did Dr. JJ Couey give us the blueprint of what malfeasant feral animal dogs at CDC, NIH, FDA, HHS, NIAID, Pfizer, Moderna, Malone, Bourla, Bancel, Sahin, Weissman et al. did in killing us with mRNA?
Was it really infectious clones? JJ seems to think so with multiple release points? Can account for multiple locations with 'something' respiratory (toxin, poison, lab pathogen)? Jon Fleetwood BOOM!
‘In the 1950s and 1960s, Stanford University and the U.S. Army Chemical Corps conducted aerial dispersion tests using military transport aircraft that exposed unsuspecting Americans to fluorescent zinc cadmium sulfide (ZnCdS) particles, as part of the U.S. Biological Warfare Program, under the codename ‘Large Area Coverage’ (LAC).’
‘Drones Spray 'Self-Spreading' COVID-19 Vaccine for 'Large-Area Inoculation of Humans' in 'DEFUSE' EcoHealth/DARPA Project’
Was the COVID-19 pandemic a premeditated operation involving aerosolized bioweapons deployed on unsuspecting populations?
Jon Fleetwood’s article is very interesting, shared by my subscriber Patricia.
‘EcoHealth’s DEFUSE Proposal Exposed: In 2018, EcoHealth Alliance submitted a proposal to DARPA, codenamed DEFUSE, outlining plans to deploy aerosolized immune modulators, chimeric spike proteins, and/or self-spreading vaccines via drones, potentially over humans.
Aerosolized Vaccination on Humans: DEFUSE documents explicitly describe large-area aerosol delivery systems for “inoculation of animals/humans,” raising the question of whether these plans were executed on unsuspecting populations.
Drone Deployment and Pandemic Origin: The DEFUSE proposal and DARPA’s advanced drone programs suggest a chilling possibility: that drones may have played a role in the COVID-19 pandemic, challenging the mainstream lab-leak narrative.’
Again, is JJ’s infectious clone theory of what the malfeasant dogs did re COVID, the closest to unpacking this nightmare? Jon Fleetwood is seemingly on the money, and I present his stack here (support):
EcoHealth’s DEFUSE Proposal Exposed: In 2018, EcoHealth Alliance submitted a proposal to DARPA, codenamed DEFUSE, outlining plans to deploy aerosolized immune modulators, chimeric spike proteins, and/or self-spreading vaccines via drones, potentially over humans.
Aerosolized Vaccination on Humans: DEFUSE documents explicitly describe large-area aerosol delivery systems for “inoculation of animals/humans,” raising the question of whether these plans were executed on unsuspecting populations.
Drone Deployment and Pandemic Origin: The DEFUSE proposal and DARPA’s advanced drone programs suggest a chilling possibility: that drones may have played a role in the COVID-19 pandemic, challenging the mainstream lab-leak narrative.
DARPA’s Connection to Moderna: By 2012, DARPA was already working with Moderna on RNA-based spike protein vaccines. A 2016 Moderna patent contains a genetic sequence with a one-in-3-trillion match to the pandemic virus, igniting claims of bioengineering origins.
Suppression of DEFUSE Details: Whistleblower revelations show attempts by DARPA and intelligence agencies to classify and censor DEFUSE-related research. U.S. senators have demanded investigations into these actions.
Self-Spreading Vaccines and Gain-of-Function: DEFUSE documents reveal plans for self-disseminating vaccines and host-to-host therapeutic distribution, indicating the potential use of engineered viruses as vaccine delivery systems.
Unprecedented Drone Funding Surge: A 26% spike in military drone funding in 2019 aligns with DEFUSE’s timeline and its drone-based aerosol delivery technologies, hinting at pre-pandemic preparations.
International Drone Use During COVID-19: Governments worldwide deployed drones for “disinfecting,” but studies debunk the effectiveness of this practice, raising suspicion about the true purpose of these operations.
A Coordinated Bioengineering Agenda?: The alignment of DEFUSE, DARPA, and drone advancements reveals an unsettling intersection of gain-of-function research, bioweaponized delivery systems, and self-spreading vaccines.
Urgent Transparency Needed: The DEFUSE project raises alarming questions about the origins of COVID-19, the ethics of aerosolized bioengineering, and the U.S. government’s role in these developments. The public deserves truth and accountability, especially considering a potentially incoming bird flu pandemic.
A proposal submitted by EcoHealth Alliance to DARPA in 2018 codenamed ‘DEFUSE’ outlined plans to release aerosolized immune modulators, chimeric coronavirus spike protein nanoparticles, and/or self-spreading vaccines from the sky with drones.
The DEFUSE proposal largely presents bats as the target subjects of its experiments.
But other sections explicitly state that aerosol delivery systems can be used for “inoculation of animals/humans.”
Some are questioning whether this DEFUSE plan to spray COVID-related substances over humans with drones was carried out and if it represents the true origin of the COVID-19 pandemic or at least an aspect of it.
This drone-origin theory contrasts the popular-level assumption that the pandemic started with a laboratory leak in Wuhan, China.
The U.S. government has a long history of deploying bio- and chemical weapons on its citizens.
For example, during Operation LAC in the mid-1900s, Stanford University and the U.S. Army Chemical Corps dispersed dangerous zinc cadmium sulfide particles from aircraft over unsuspecting Americans.
U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has already made famous how the EcoHealth DEFUSE project submission to DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) called for engineering SARS-CoV-2 viruses with dangerous gain-of-function experiments just before the 2019 COVID pandemic.
These experiments were to make the COVID pathogen more infectious and deadly to humans.
EcoHealth’s DEFUSE proposal to DARPA reads: “We will sequence [COVID virus] spike proteins, reverse engineer them to conduct binding assays, and insert them into bat SARSr-CoV backbones… to infect humanized mice and assess capacity to cause SARS-like disease.”
Many now believe this aspect of the DEFUSE proposal was carried out and that it instigated the pandemic.
Senator Paul’s efforts paved the way for Department of Energy, FBI, U.S. intelligence, and congressional leaders to conclude that the COVID pandemic virus originated in a biolab, leaked out, and caused a catastrophic outbreak.
But the pandemic’s genesis might not be that simple.
Though DARPA denies funding EcoHealth’s proposal, Paul’s revelations require that parts of the DEFUSE project were carried out.
This raises questions about whether other parts of Project DEFUSE were carried out, including whether drones were used to spray unsuspecting populations with aerosolized COVID-related substances.
Dr. Richard Bartlett told this website that if such a thing did occur, it would represent “the purposeful bypassing of basic human rights.”
“The right to informed consent, whereby the individual understands the risks and benefits of the medical treatment they are receiving, is fundamental to every American citizen. No one should ever be experimented on without their consent,” he said.
DARPA Worked on Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Back in 2012
By 2012, DARPA—the U.S. military’s research and development arm—had already inked a contract with Moderna to develop RNA-based coronavirus vaccines that encode the spike protein.
The work was carried out under project codename ‘ADEPT: PROTECT.’
Moderna would go on to patent a genetic sequence for their spike protein in February 2016.
Six years after the patent was filed, scientists discovered an uncanny match between Moderna’s spike protein and the COVID pandemic virus’s genetic code.
The pandemic virus genome contains a unique 19-nucleotide sequence (SEQ ID11652) that enables its spike protein to be activated by the furin enzyme.
This furin activation enhances COVID’s ability to spread between human cells.
Remarkably, scientists confirmed this snippet of code from the COVID pandemic virus perfectly matches Moderna’s spike protein sequence, patented three years before the outbreak.
The researchers argued there’s a “one-in-3-trillion” chance that Moderna’s proprietary sequence could have also later appeared in the COVID pandemic virus naturally.
The scientists published their findings in the peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Virology in February 2022.
They concluded that “the presence of the 19-nucleotide long RNA sequence including the FCS with 100% identity to the reverse complement of the MSH3 mRNA is highly unusual and requires further investigations.”
This one-in-3-trillion chance that Moderna’s 2016 patent would “100%” genetically match the 2019 pandemic virus has led to claims the whole thing was orchestrated.
Aerosols in ‘DEFUSE’ Submission to DARPA
In March 2018, two years after Moderna filed its spike protein patent and the year before the pandemic, the New York-based research nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance submitted its DEFUSE proposal to DARPA.
The DEFUSE document was disclosed to the public by a U.S. Marine Corps whistleblower, Major Joseph Murphy.
Murphy revealed DARPA, the Defense Department, and the National Intelligence Office had attempted to hide the research plan.
Senator Roger Marshall (R-KA) called for an investigation, in light of the intelligence community’s attempt to censor the DEFUSE proposal.
Marshall believes these deliberate actions taken by DARPA and other agencies could “rise to the level of misconduct, false statements, obstruction of federal proceedings, conspiracy, conflicts of interest, or infractions of administrative or civil laws.”
These agencies didn’t want the details of DEFUSE to get out.
But thanks to the bravery of Major Murphy and congressmen like Sens. Paul, Marshall, and Ron Johnson (R-WI), we have been made aware of the pre-pandemic DEFUSE plan to make COVID viruses more infectious and deadly to humans.
What has not yet been reported by Congress or mainstream news outlets is how Project DEFUSE outlined plans to aerosolize (make sprayable) COVID-related substances.
Nor how the project cited “humans” as potential targets of “large area inoculation.”
Nevertheless, the DEFUSE plan mentions aerosolization multiple times, indicating its significance to the project.
In one section, the DEFUSE document reads: “We will trial inoculum delivery methods on captive bats including a novel automated aerosolization system, transdermal nanoparticle application and edible adhesive gels.”
Transdermal nanoparticle application refers to the delivery of microscopic particles through the skin to administer drugs or other substances directly into the bloodstream or targeted tissues.
Aerosolization was to be carried out purportedly both for “boradscale immune boosting… with immune modulators” as well as “[t]argeted immune boosting, in which we will innoculate bats with novel chimeric polyvalent recombinant spike proteins.”
Polyvalent recombinant spike proteins refer to lab-engineered COVID spike proteins, like those encoded in mRNA COVID shots that force the body to become a spike protein factory.
Dr. Jerome Unidad of Palo Alto Research Center’s (PARC) Hardware Systems Laboratory was to lead the development of a “novel delivery automated aerosolization mechanism for immune boosting molecules,” according to DEFUSE.
Other sections of the DEFUSE proposal state plans to “assess delivery vehicles and methods” including “aerosolization via prototype sprayers” spearheaded by PARC’s Dr. Unidad.
The plan included the development of “novel microparticle delivery systems and dry powders for aerosol release that encapsulate recombinant proteins and adjuvants (innate immune agonists) that we will use for parallel broadscale immune boosting strategies.”
Other sections discuss developing vaccines that “can be aerosolized or delivered in sprays or gels.”
Others detailed tests involving “aerosolized and liquid-phase deployment methods.”
One “Aerosol Approach” method mentioned in Project DEFUSE involved Dr. Unidad’s use of “an innovative aerosol platform technology unique to PARC to design a field-deployable prototype.”
DEFUSE also outlines a “Transition Plan” in which the project’s technology would be “transitioned to multiple potential users,” meaning that, after testing, the tech would be given to other users.
These users include the Department of Defense and the medical community, according to the DEFUSE proposal.
Dr. Bartlet commented: “Mass inoculation by aerosolization without informed consent is illegal, immoral, unethical, and bad medicine. Public healthcare that paints everyone with a broad brush is bad medicine because there are always individual contraindications to a treatment.”
FOIA Reveals Drones Are Part of Project DEFUSE
A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by the investigative nonprofit public health research group ‘U.S. Right to Know’ (USRTK) led to the release of a larger batch of documents related to DEFUSE.
USRTK’s FOIA release included a 1,417-page file of documents obtained from the U.S. Geological Survey that contained early drafts of the DEFUSE proposal submitted to DARPA and related emails from individuals on the project.
The file revealed the DEFUSE plans to use “remote controlled drone technology” and “transdermal nanoparticle application.”
It discussed “delivery methods” that include “spray, swab, or automated cave mouth or drone that will be most effective.”
“Delivery vehicles” included “transdermally applied nanoparticles,” “aerosolization via sprayers,” and “sprays delivered by remote controlled drone.”
Drones were significantly involved in the DEFUSE proposal, but neither government authorities nor mainstream news outlets have reported this.
‘Large Area Inoculation of Animals/Humans’
The USRTK FOIA file shows that PARC, a deep tech company and division of Xerox, had already “developed a unique spray technology” for “large area and high throughput aerosol delivery of highly viscous and concentrated fluids.”
These fluids “can include a range of solutions, e.g., bioactive formulations.”
PARC was selected because the tech firm “has expertise in fluid/aerosol delivery, leveraging the unique spray method that can aerosolize fluids independent of viscosity or bioactive concentration.”
The company was integral for carrying out “wide-scale” aerosolized vaccination campaigns.
“PARC can have significant involvement in Technical Area 2 of PRE-EMPT project: development of scalable aerosol delivery method for wide-scale inoculation,” the FOIA DEFUSE file reads.
Alarmingly, this section also reveals PARC’s spray could be used for “large area” vaccination (“inoculation”) of humans.
It reads: “This technology has a potential application in large area inoculation of animals/humans with bioengineered formulations for pre-emptive reduction of disease transfer.”
The FOIA file indicates that PARC had already been working “with both commercial and university partners for applications of this technology” in order to help with “[p]otential technical challenges to overcome,” like complicated “systems integration.”
Coincidentally, a Xerox press release dated March 20, 2018—just seven days before EcoHealth submitted the DEFUSE plan to DARPA—reports that PARC had already been selected by DARPA for a partnership with the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
This partnership between DARPA, PARC, and UW-Madison was for developing artificial intelligence (AI) software that automatically designs complex mechanical systems involving drones.
It was part of the university’s ‘Engineering Fundamental Design’ (FUN DESIGN) program.
In the press release, the university said its FUN DESIGN program was for answering questions such as “[W]hat do new designs for an aircraft that combines design elements of a helicopter and a plane look (and fly) like?”
The AI “smart system designs a complicated mechanical system” and “the software will also model how well each design will fly in the real world, understanding components, safety, functionality, and other important aspects of the aircraft,” the release says.
Moreover, just nine months before the Xerox press release was published, UW-Madison had adopted a new “drone use policy” for “flying unmanned aircraft systems (UAS)—better known as aerial drones.”
The new policy was for the “use of drones for research and instruction,” according to the announcement.
“The policy provides a drone use approval process and replaces a previous campus policy that prohibited students, staff or outside entities from operating unmanned aircraft/drones on the UW–Madison campus, interiors or exteriors. The new policy allows for some drone use for research and teaching.”
The new rules applied to “drone operations in both indoor and exterior spaces and in connection with UW–Madison activities, whether occurring within the United States or internationally.”
Notably, Madison, Wisconsin is referenced numerous times in the DEFUSE proposal as a location where “field trials” were to be conducted at the National Wildlife Health Center (NWHC).
These Xerox/PARC and UW-Madison announcements are important because they corroborate key elements of the DEFUSE document, which explicitly detailed plans to use drones possibly for releasing aerosolized COVID-related substances for wide-scale vaccination.
The DEFUSE proposal identified PARC as a collaborator for developing scalable aerosol delivery methods with a “university partner,” specifically naming Madison, Wisconsin as a site for field trials at the NWHC.
Remarkably, these public press releases confirm that DARPA, PARC, and UW-Madison were already working together on drone-related projects involving advanced delivery systems and AI design, directly aligning with the DEFUSE proposal’s goals and timeline.
‘Self-Disseminating’ Vaccines & ‘Self-Spreading Antiviral Therapies’
The DEFUSE proposal asked that groups involved with the project be able to “describe scalable approaches to deliver the preemptive therapeutic to achieve animal and/or vector population-level control of the targeted virus.”
This means the DEFUSE proposal required its collaborators to develop methods capable of delivering treatments on a large scale, such as aerosolized vaccines via drones.
These approaches specifically included those that enable “host-to-host- therapeutic distribution,” meaning the therapeutic (like a vaccine) would spread by itself between host individuals.
These engineered transmissible agents were to achieve widespread delivery without direct administration to each host: a self-spreading vaccine.
The methods included “[s]elf-disseminating treatments or preventives (e.g. transmissible recombinant vaccines, therapeutic interfering particles, or self-spreading antiviral therapies)” and “[s]pray-based methods.”
DARPA program manager Jim Gimlett would confirm during a May 2024 congressional interview that “there were ideas being circulated about self-disseminating vaccines” at his agency regarding DEFUSE.
Researcher Jim Haslam has provided strong evidence that the goal of SARS-CoV2 gain-of-function research funded by the U.S. government was not merely to produce a virus, but to create a self-spreading COVID vaccine that acts like a virus.
The virus-vaccine would infect individuals and transmit to others like any purported virus would do naturally.
Haslam explained his theory in an interview with renowned internist and cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough.
Haslam argues the COVID pandemic virus “was the vaccine.”
“I think we’re all scared of having to take the [COVID] vaccine. We didn’t want to take this experimental vaccine. Well, we took it already. What you thought was an infection was an inoculation. The spike protein of the mRNA vaccine is a mirror image of the spike protein of the COVID-19 virus,” Haslam told McCullough.
“The one big difference is this one (the vaccine) comes from a needle and it goes in a body—this one (the virus-vaccine) is spread by aerosol.”
You can watch Haslam’s statements to McCullough in a segment of the interview below.
Unprecedented 26% Increase in Military Drone Sending for Fiscal Year 2019
The Defense Department requested roughly $9.4 billion for unmanned systems and associated technologies for the fiscal year (FY) 2019 budget, according to DroneCenter.BARD.edu.
The “significant expansion” included “drone-related procurement, research and development, and construction funding.”
The big increase in spending represented “26 percent more than the FY 2018 request.”
There were orders for “new unmanned air, ground, and sea systems” that comprised “a three-fold increase over the FY 2018 request.”
Another drone system order was confirmed to be the “largest to date” for the military.
“Compared to the FY 2018 request, Navy funding for unmanned systems increased by approximately $1 billion (38 percent) and Army funding increased by $719 million (73%),” the report reads.
“This is the greatest quantity of drones the Pentagon has purchased in the last six years.”
This unprecedented surge in military drone spending for FY 2019 aligns with the DEFUSE document’s timeline emphasis on scalable drone technologies for wide-area aerosol delivery.
It suggests a direct connection between the proposed plans and the Defense Department’s accelerated investment in unmanned systems.
FAA Integrates Drones Into National Airspace for ‘Operations Over People and at Night’
In December 2019, when the COVID-19 pandemic kicked off, it was announced that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) had already undertaken actions to “integrate unmanned aircraft systems (UAS or ‘drones’) into the national airspace.”
This is according to a congressional report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO).
The FAA had also “developed plans to allow for increasingly complex operations, including operations over people and beyond visual-line-of-sight.”
The GAO report specified some of these drone operations were to take place “over people and at night.”
The FAA’s December 2019 actions to integrate drones into national airspace, including plans for operations over people and at night, align with the DEFUSE document’s emphasis on drone-deployed wide-area self-spreading delivery methods of COVID-related substances.
This plausibly suggests a coordinated effort to enable the complex operations required for aerosolized bioengineering applications.
Spraying Drones Deployed Worldwide During COVID-19 Pandemic
Multiple countries deployed drones for COVID-related purposes from the very outset of the pandemic.
These were mostly purportedly for “disinfecting” large areas.
As early as January 2020, mainstream news outlets reported China had been using an “army of drones… to spray disinfectant over villages and cities that have been hit by coronavirus,” per The Daily Mail.
The report continues:
It is thought that the airborne devices are currently being used in the coastal provinces of Jilin, Shandong and Zhejiang.
Footage has captured the drones hovering several metres above the ground as disinfectant liquid is sprayed from the underside of each machine.
It is hoped that the disinfectant will prevent the killer virus from spreading further although it is not yet known how effective this will be.
One villager in the city of Heze, Shandong, offered his personal drone which was used to disinfect an area of 16,000 square metres (172,000 square feet) in a single morning.
The unmanned aerial vehicles are proving to be a much faster method of delivering public hygiene than traditional means either on foot or by lorry (truck).
The World Economic Forum (WEF) even brought attention to China’s COVID-related drone use in a March 2020 publication.
WION and the BBC produced video reports, which you can watch below.
Social media users posted videos of these drones, too.
A UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) document explained how other countries had joined in using drones, including the UAE, Spain, South Korea, and other countries.
Drones were also used to spray for COVID-related purposes in the U.S., Indonesia, and France.
Interestingly, the UNICEF document says there is “little evidence” to support the effectiveness of using drones for disinfecting purposes.
This could potentially imply the drones were being used for a purpose other than to disinfect.
The document says the “scientific evidence suggests that this application has little to no evidence for efficiency and effectiveness.”
Publications in the National Library of Medicine (NLM) back up UNICEF’s skepticism of the effectiveness of using drones to disinfect large areas for COVID.
A September 2021 Global Policy study in the NLM database emphasizes how “spraying disinfectants has little or no effect on disease control.”
The study cited the World Health Organization’s (WHO) argument that spraying outdoor areas is “not recommended to kill COVID-19 virus or other pathogens because disinfectant is inactivated by dirt and debris and it is not feasible to manually clean and remove all organic matter from such places.”
“In fact, mass disinfection campaigns could cause a public health hazard in their own right. Spraying disinfectants can result in ‘risks to the eyes, respiratory or skin irritation and the resulting health effects’, even if spraying occurs outdoors. The use of disinfecting drones illustrates a case in which technology is employed to solve one particular issue but may create a new problem entirely.”
Incidentally, the drone disinfectant was so harmful that it caused massive wildlife deaths in sprayed areas.
The convergence of EcoHealth Alliance’s DEFUSE proposal, DARPA’s deep ties to aerosol and drone technologies, and the unprecedented drone deployment during the COVID-19 pandemic paints a harrowing picture of possible covert bioengineering ambitions.
The chilling details—from the uncanny genetic match between Moderna’s patented spike protein and the pandemic virus to DARPA’s pre-pandemic drone technology contracts—suggest a scenario far more calculated than a mere lab accident.
History has shown the U.S. government’s willingness to experiment with bio- and chemical agents on unsuspecting populations without consent.
The DEFUSE documents now raise the alarming possibility that the COVID-19 pandemic—and possibly the coming H5N1 influenza bird flu pandemic—may have been orchestrated through drone-based aerosolization, an operation cloaked under the guise of public health.
If true, this would mark a new frontier in bio-warfare—a deliberate fusion of gain-of-function research, self-spreading vaccines, and advanced delivery systems.
Such revelations demand an urgent, transparent investigation.
The public deserves answers, not more obfuscation, about whether these chilling technologies have already been unleashed upon the world.
NIH Funds Research Into Self-Disseminating Vaccines That Spread Like a Virus from Host to Host
Dec 26
U.S. Defunded EcoHealth for Gain-of-Function Oversight Lapses Only to Waive It for 'Any Federal Agency' Conducting Deadly Pathogen Experiments: Bioweapons Wild West?
Nov 8
DARPA, DoD, Nat'l Intelligence Office Classified, Concealed EcoHealth's DEFUSE Proposal, Hiding 'Smoking Gun' COVID-19 Pandemic 'Blueprint'
Nov 20
Operation 'Large Area Coverage' (LAC): U.S. Gov't Covertly Sprays Airborne Toxic Chemical Agent on Unsuspecting Americans in Secret Bioweapons Experiment
Oct 31
American Bioweapons: Then & Now
May 29
DARPA Linked to COVID-19 Virus and Moderna Jab Creation Since 2012, Covered Up EcoHealth Gain-of-Function Research in 2021
Nov 22
New 116-Page Stop-Gap Bill Hides Renewed Emergency Powers Extended to 2025
Dec 19
California NIH/Bill Gates-Funded BSL-3 Biolab Mutates H5N1 Bird Flu Virus with Gain-of Function Experiments: Journal 'Science'
Dec 11
COVID Subcommittee Funded by Big Pharma & Big Health, Claims 'Highly Successful' Operation Warp Speed 'Helped Save Millions of Lives': See List
Dec 5
DARPA, DoD, Nat'l Intelligence Office Classified, Concealed EcoHealth's DEFUSE Proposal, Hiding 'Smoking Gun' COVID-19 Pandemic 'Blueprint'
Nov 20
Fauci Confirmed in 2016 'Most Probable' Gain-of-Function Biosecurity Risk Is 'Insider' Lab Leak, Despite COVID-19 Denials
Nov 9
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RNA CANNOT PANDEMIC and Intramuscular Injection is DUMB and TRANSFECTION is a Crime; these 3 are some important cornerstones of JJ's argument; in a way we all must recognize that we do not know really what happened, what who did etc. we are trying to understand. I do not think we are any closer.
I have read so many stories on the jabs and Im starting to think some of them are total bullshit, fear porn. I went thru the fake covid like everyone else did, I did not take the jabs or wear a mask or anything else those government morons said to do, I am 72 years old today and Im healthy as a horse, I guess the jab sprayers missed me, how else is it possible I haven't been attacked with some drone crap, I must be really lucky or really nimble on my feet, LOL.