invited to explain to Bourla that as HHS Secretary, he will be calling for a hard stop to the mRNA shot hour one of his tenure & that Trump himself will call for full stop as he is sworn in Jan 20?
Bobby is a man of action who is prepared to make compromises when he considers it necessary. Remember when everyone (presumably including himself too, but certainly all the guests) at his party had to have had the Malone mRNA (or J&J) shot, and proof of it, in order to attend? That was to please Cheryl, his wife. I'm sure you'd do the same if your husband demanded it, wouldn't you Lynn? But anyway, what this shows is that he is prepared to do what he is told by his significant others, and right now nobody is more significant to him than President Trump. Therefore, even if double vaxxed and boosted himself, when President Trump tells him to stop the shots and to he'll with Big Pharma and their donations, he will do it. He will do as he is told. There will be ACTION!
very funny post: "But anyway, what this shows is that he is prepared to do what he is told by his significant others, and right now nobody is more significant to him than President Trump. "
and unless they go away and spend many years and then bring proper research for us to, not them as they are incompetent crooked fucks, then we dont want this, no new and improved
NO, I would NOT take the JAB. If my husband wanted to take the JAB, that's up to him. I wouldn't approve of it. I didn't know that about Bobby. Do you think Bobby took the JAB? I don't think Trump ever did. Remember, Trump had COVID. I believe the Leftists released something in the air when Trump had
that debate with JOE. Then he comes down with COVID. His Doctor's
gave him a different protocol. In the beginning of COVID, Trump was for
ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. I just read an article stating that
very nice important post "NO, I would NOT take the JAB. If my husband wanted to take the JAB, that's up to him. I wouldn't approve of it. I didn't know that about Bobby. Do you think Bobby took the JAB? I don't think Trump ever did. Remember, Trump had COVID. I believe the Leftists released something in the air when Trump had"
That pause meant nothing. Trump has said in other comments that he at least took one shot, and he was proud of it. However, I don’t trust anything he says. He a pathological liar.
Yes, Trump did get monoclonal antibodies while he was in the hospital, but he also took the shot, at least once. I clearly remember him bragging about it.
Well here he is in one news clip saying he got boosted and in another on the phone saying he got the Pfizer but would have been very happy with them. It was all over the news at the time,
I wish I had some NAC right now. I was using it at one stage. I'll have to search for that article you refer to.
Thank you so much Lynn! It works. Found them. Looks like NAC is good for most people but there are a small % who need to be careful. Coincidentally, also found this article. In the comments section there are references to usefulness for SARS
Bobby wasn't compromising, he believes in and is very pro vax. Trump, the self-proclaimed "father of vaccines" will never tell him to end them l. He knows how much money is there. He accept half millionnfrom pfiser in the first days of his 1016 presidency. And no family has more experience with "untimely deaths." He knows how the cartels work!
Whatever the cartel wants him to say. Who knows, he might say what he thinks people want to hear from the "freedom fighters" and then just do what they want anyway. There's no stopping that machine.
Well, Cheryl, Bobby's wife is obviously pro-vax so it makes sense that he would take it too. Put yourself in his shoes. If your wife said, "Darling, I've decided you're going to take the experimental shot. We're holding a party and everybody will need to be jabbed up. That's an order!," then surely you would say "Yes, of course darling. I'm so pleased you've insisted. I feel so close to you in this moment. It just makes me want to renew my vows."
He's very pro vax, there's many videos if him saying it himself. Come on, wake up. My wife and I have made different decisions regarding health and I've never once considered to do what she did or wants. In fact, EVERY IDIOT in her office took the shots and she was contemllating it. It was up to her, fortunately, or unfortunately, young people in our family started dying and she saw the light. Thank God.
None of these people are going to save us. The sooner you lose this expectation, the safer you'll be.
Tell me, would *YOU* invite to dinner those in charge of KNOWN criminal organizations?
I can only answer for myself: not just "NO", but "HELL NO!!!"
I know about the "keep your enemies closer" and all that crap. This is different. These are MONSTERS that - *for personal gain* - are directly responsible for the premeditated, engineered injury and death of millions worldwide, including innocent children. And it doesn't end there.
In spite of the mountains of undeniable evidence that these jabs are dangerous and lethal, these monsters CONTINUE with their crime wave - all for filthy lucre.
ONE EXCEPTION: If I were *collaborating* with those monsters - part of the operation past and future - then of course I'd invite them to dinner! I mean, why not discuss the NEXT crime over a succulent meal, right? Other than that, why would I invite mass murderers into my home?
If Trump TRULY intends to 'drain the swamp' in Washington, Big Pharma, the Military Industrial Complex, the Central Bank Cabal, and so on, then the only thing that he ought to be doing now is putting them on notice about the HELL that's coming to them.
But then, that would alert them. Trump cold be making them feel 'safe, at ease' so as to catch them off guard. That's the "4-dimensional chess" that has often been attributed to Trump. The thing about that is that Trump **NEVER** executed the checkmate move! Heck, Trump never even put any Fat Rat in "check". I don't buy Trump's "4-D chess" excuse -- not until I see RESULTS!
nice comment: "I know about the "keep your enemies closer" and all that crap. This is different. These are MONSTERS that - *for personal gain* - are directly responsible for the premeditated, engineered injury and death of millions worldwide, including innocent children. And it doesn't end there."
If Trump TRULY intends to 'drain the swamp' in Washington, Big Pharma, the Military Industrial Complex, the Central Bank Cabal, and so on, then the only thing that he ought to be doing now is putting them on notice about the HELL that's coming to them.
'But then, that would alert them. Trump cold be making them feel 'safe, at ease' so as to catch them off guard. That's the "4-dimensional chess" that has often been attributed to Trump. The thing about that is that Trump **NEVER** executed the checkmate move! Heck, Trump never even put any Fat Rat in "check". I don't buy Trump's "4-D chess" excuse -- not until I see RESULTS!'
Meh, I just couldn't be in the same room with creatures that I *KNOW* with absolute certainty are responsible for injuring and killing MILLIONS of people. I'd want to execute them right then and there, not share a meal with them. I'd feel "dirty".
we need to act using our intelligence, smarts, leadership, willing to do something, wanting to save lives, and using all that has happened so far...we have 5 years of this fraud and then we have decades of madness too...
The Covid Jab disaster caused more people to be rightfully skeptical about most doctors and hospitals. But the majority still dutifully do whatever they are told, never research possible alternatives, and remain uninformed.
People don't ever consider or want unsolicited medical advice from others, unless they are paying for it.
This has been a hard lesson for me to learn, since I have always found solutions that work for me that are "out of the box." I hate to see people suffer when there are alternative solutions that work, or at least have a chance to work--and avoid more toxic prescription medicines and procedures.
But it's like food and diet habits. Once established in childhood most people can't or won't make any changes.
I'm glad I'm not one of them, but I've never been able to convince anyone else. Unless they're already a member of "the tribe."
But Jorge, but, guests at a party of Bobby's had to be vaxxed, which, although he says it was at the insistence of his wife, kind of suggests he probably is too. So, at least, if you were in that room, you could rest easily knowing that everyone was protected by the shots. If you were there, you would probably have to be vaxxed too, so you would all be on the same page. You could then all work toward stopping the shots, as opposed to rolling out more of them that you could sell as being "new and improved." If that makes sense ...
'You could then all work toward stopping the shots, as opposed to rolling out more of them that you could sell as being "new and improved." If that makes sense ...'
all these people should be tried for crimes against humanity as millions of people have died as a result of these shots. this was an intended attack to reduce the population of the planet.
No way...murder man bourla read the riot act to Trump and told him how things will remain the same. Dozens of new mRNA poisons and more fake pandemics are coming our way. The Donald thought the last pandemic was real and he will gladly go along with the next depending the medical experts of medical murder.
boom boom boom and this is why I wrote this hoping you would see the irony in it and the game we are in...for anyone to emerge from that dinner and not go to podium and stop the shots means it aint gonna happen
I am hoping people don’t go for this mRNA for cancer garbage! But I think many will. I have tried to tell people about ivermectin, fenben, and bitter apricot seeds. They just look at me like I fell out of a tree. It’s just no use.
Have you tried asking this question/ Then explain why, if the vast majority of Americans have had at least one shot, that cancer rates are at all time highs?
No, when Trump was accused of saying that, he was actually "Live Truthing," Biden's SOTU speech, i.e. making fun of it. Many thought Trump posted this as something he believed. Iwas so disappointed in the lemings falling for it instead of realizing it was Biden who said it.
What I posted at the time...
The #bloodbath comment is possible because the #MSM counts on the fact that their audience did not listen to the context of #Trump's speech. The same goes for the #dictator lie, "4 years and beyond," referring to the Iowa Caucus not that he would be president in perpetuity.
So, we agree that they LIE!
So why do conservatives like @jfradioshow @alexjones @traceybeanz etc. fall for the narrative stating falsehoods about what Trump said about the #vaccines?
"I don't think people realize that #Trump was responding live to #Biden's #SOTU. He was merely trying to point out that yes, THAT vaccine causes cancer, not cures it. His "vaccine," #Ivermectin and #HCQ, are the cure!"
Help me understand this grave situation Dr Alexander.
Why, why must “We the People” have to wait until “Hour-One?” Why NOT NOW?
All I’ve heard from people everywhere is,
“We don’t have the Power,” or wait until President Elect Trump is in office.
BS is what I say! Absolute garbage! Nonsense!!
The simple fact is, all we hear is silence! Silence about the most deadly attack. An attack of “Weapons of Mass Destruction” on America and on all of Humanity!
And the answer is, we must wait? Wait for what?
Wait for another 10K people dead? Or wait for another million plus people disabled? What exactly are we waiting for? What?
Not Trump or RFK Jr. or anyone else in a powerful, “better listen up people”, position, have said anything which could be said, should be said!
Yes NOW! Not tomorrow but NOW!
IMO, this is “Complicity” at the highest levels of our government! Another words, “THEY DON’T GIVE A DAMN” if another person is killed by these “Bioweapon Injections!”
Maybe I’m missing something somewhere? Maybe I’m a conspiracy theorist? Maybe the SEVEN PEOPLE I know who are DEAD, is all a LIE? Maybe the jokes on me?
This situation will not end well. I’m convinced. There’s absolutely no reason on Gods Green Earth for such silence!
For the past few years since Biden was Installed into the highest position in the world, America has been overrun, deliberately destroyed, fraudulently manipulated with premeditated MUDER by forcing people to
“Line Up and Roll Up”
or lose your JOB!
Something far worse is happening! Something nobody wants to touch with a ten foot pole! Something nobody understands until it’s too late!
Pardon my frustrations, my animated reactions and whatever else you want to call this ranting reply.
I am very grateful for your endless, loveless work ethic, Dr. Alexander, you’ve consistently and persistently demonstrated such dedication and perseverance, persistently speaking truthfully! For this, I am most grateful Sir.
But something is wrong Dr. Alexander, drastically wrong.
“We don’t have the Power,” or wait until President Elect Trump is in office.
BS is what I say! Absolute garbage! Nonsense!!
The simple fact is, all we hear is silence! Silence about the most deadly attack. An attack of “Weapons of Mass Destruction” on America and on all of Humanity!'
“There are many who find a good alibi far more attractive than an achievement.”
Just think about that. Doesn’t that succinctly describe the entitlement mentality?
The two statements above I cut and pasted from John Droz Jr’s article he had posted a few days ago.
How relevant are these two statement’s from John?
We can dissect John’s words above, many different ways. The bottom line is, we have been lied to for years and years while corrupt institutions and politicians, continue lying!
Today, when I look back to 2020’s election, I am extremely cautious about anything being said or reported about from anyone.
Even when I “triangulate” articles, there’s many inconsistencies within each. This has caused a huge decrease in the increase of “Truth-Seekers.” In many ways, people have give
up by throwing up their hands and saying “Fuzk-It!”
Here’s the problem with that. Saying “FUZK-It” is exactly our problem. This is part of the “Marxist-Agenda.” Those pushing this agenda want people / have made things deliberately misaligned, and have orchestrated this specific tactic, in order to “push-forward” their radical, unAmerican agenda’s.
Yes agenda’s. There’s multiple agendas at play here, each unique and varied, ultimately with the same
goal of
“The End Justifies the Means” strategic approach.
It doesn’t matter how, it doesn’t matter how long, what matters in their mindset and “succeeding.” For every pushback we swing at, they throw five more pitches. Imagine a pitcher throwing five balls at once,
each with a different spin?
This is a battle of “Good vs Evil” know doubt. John Droz Jr.’s article, IMO, specifically shows how wicked and how willing these “Marxist” driven individuals, public and private will go.
Which is why, your article Dr Alexander is so important. Two very different examples of one very specific ideology which has taken hold within America and the Western World Nations. At all levels of society public and private.
America is the “Big Kahuna!” These Marxist sellouts, must “STOP” capitalism, Patriotism, Christianity.
The “Three Pillars” of our nation, is why our American culture, our value systems, have been undermined and constantly attacked.
This will not STOP!
As the saying goes
“By Hook or By Crook.”
We’re watching all three of our pillars being attacked! Watching this play out with very little interference, mind you because endless attacks keep coming.
Not until “We the People” decides, “NOT TO PLAY” and walk off the field,
can we effectively or forcefully, not violently, get this Marxist Ideologically driven agenda to
“Cease and Desist.”
This will only happen with “True and Loyal” leadership. We should all now know, what “Corrupt Leadership” means and what it does to a once,
extremely resilient nation.
The “Choice is Ours” too make. One way or the other, America and the American people, as in “We the People” of these United States, must decide to “Live with God”
or “Die with Satan!”
Evilness’s started this,
Goodness’s must end this.
We have, only one option, if we are to survive as a Nation.
Meanwhile MRNA factories are opening all across the globe as well as cancer facilities and now cancer MRNA" vaccines".Looks to me the AGENDA 2030 is moving full steam ahead and to think that 2 men can put a stop to it is wishful thinking I believe.While all this focus on clean air,water and food is absolutely important ( MAHA ) until the MRNA,nano tech,sv40 B I O WE AP ONS ,which is now inside the majority of the population ,is the number 1 HEALTH ISSUE the other factors arent going to matter.Lets start calling out the elephant in the room especially all the "health experts".
Why the civility with Bourla? Why a heads up? That son of a bitch belongs in prison along with the FDA scumbuckets who approved this shit and blocked public disclosures.
PLEASE! This mRNA LNP bio weapons program must come to a screeching halt now! And leave the children alone! Get that shit off the childhood vaccine schedule! This is a form of genocide imo. They need to stop this fantasy of the lucrative prospects of putting this poison in everything we consume! Whether it’s “vaccines”, other meds, foods, air, or water. Is JD Vance listening??? We don’t want this shit, & we don’t consent to being mass poisoned. This is why I don’t trust JD! His big pharma aspirations are evil! If they don’t stop this on day fucking one, we’ll all know they are part of globalist club, & not here to help us. This crap is the biggest threat to humanity! Bigger than the immigration problem. And that’s saying something. Stop the production and distribution of ALL RNA products! And stop chem trailing us with this shit too! Stop poisoning the animals, the trees, all of nature! My God!
boom "PLEASE! This mRNA LNP bio weapons program must come to a screeching halt now! And leave the children alone! Get that shit off the childhood vaccine schedule! "
'Whether it’s “vaccines”, other meds, foods, air, or water. Is JD Vance listening??? We don’t want this shit, & we don’t consent to being mass poisoned. This is why I don’t trust JD! His big pharma aspirations are evil! If they don’t stop this on day fucking one, we’ll all know they are part of globalist club, & not here to help us. This crap is the biggest threat to humanity! '
“I THINK that Trump will, he knows the mRNA vaccine is and was harmful…”
@ Dr Paul Alexander
I would argue that his actions, more importantly, his own words, have said otherwise. I don’t recall 2024 candidate Trump ever saying anything about the mRNA gene therapies (sorry, they are not vaccines by definition) being harmful..then or now. Are there quotes where he has said so?
What I do remember is that at numerous times campaigning he continued to brag about how as 45th President, he was responsible for cutting the regulations/red tape to get them out to the American public.
I sat in a meeting where people with him, means directly told me that he knows full well. for I was asked just prior to that to send in 4 to 5 statements they could consider in messaging and I did e.g. reversal of liability protection, victims compensation fund...but it was not done and I inquired and they said working on him...but he knows it killed.
100% no such conversation took place there. It was more of a "keep your enemies closer" thing. Trump still legitimately believes the Vax is more good than bad, but is agreeable to further study and investigation. Trumps ego is a powerful and clumsily dangerous thing, but we have to deal with the whole package of him. (shrug) JFK Fully understands the VAX. he is connected with many mouths feeding him info, and all of it feeds into his anti pharma worldview. What you are going to see is careful navigation of the subject matter. There will be no home-run heroism on day one. Keep in mind, getting removed from the planet is always a possibility for anyone walking this path. There is also the necessary goal of red pilling additional allies. Fence walkers like Vinay Prasad for example...a guy who was outspoken about Covid actions, but still believes vaccines are good and necessary. There is also a massive playground of doctors who still think the FDA is perfect and the CDC is more correct than the Bible. JFK will bring about the " studies that have been purposely avoided"....which will ultimately make the Prasad's of the world "go hmmm". I also wouldn't be too concerned about the Stupid Picks that trump has made...remember....they made the comments they made, and did the things they did, during a time where they had "group think" to hide within, and all the big boy agencies and media backing them up. ....They will now have to traverse a world where they are surrounded by mouths feeding them the info they didn't want to chew before...and they will have nowhere to hide in a national conversation without the censorship....they will ultimately get red pilled. Its inevitable....but all of this is going to be a process. The one thing...and this is the ONLY thing that will speed it if we start pushing hard on the local, community level.....communities have to start getting in the faces of their local health district leadership....Ive hammered on this before...but the ultimate power comes from the people....want to know why we are 4 years after the fact and still nothing has been done?...its because the people at the front of the train still haven't figured out that the people in the communities wield more power than anyone or anything else on the planet. When this finally clicks....we will see the results we want start to steamroll. The first thing people should be doing is spreading the word in a community about getting their kids hearts tested....once the parents in a community find out their kids have heart damage, possibly other organ are going to see political momentum like you've never seen in all of history.
excellent post and I love this: ".want to know why we are 4 years after the fact and still nothing has been done?...its because the people at the front of the train still haven't figured out that the people in the communities wield more power than anyone or anything else on the planet. When this finally clicks....we will see the results we want start to steamroll. The first thing people should be doing is spreading the word in a community about getting their kids hearts tested....once the parents in a community find out their kids have heart damage, possibly other organ are going to see political momentum like you've never seen in all of history."
Great comment. Regarding spreading the word about getting kids' hearts tested, I live in a deep blue state where my kids' schools had vaccine clinics for the Covid jab - that is how eager these parents and administrators were to get shots in arms as quickly as possible. My kids were some of the very few who did not get the shots. Most of the kids who got them seem fine now. How do I go about spreading the word when these parents know that I did not give these shots to my kids nor to myself and again I just seem like a crazy conspiracy theorist? Nobody has woken up yet as far as I know! Neighbors are still getting the latest booster.
issue is that myocarditis and pericarditis is silent...scarring of the heart muscle in kids goes unnoticed for a is severe and life long and that part of the heart has died...when that seemingly healthy child exerts themselves one day, the scarred myocardium will not be able to deal with the adrenaline etc. and goes into irregular beats (fibrillations) and then cardiac arrest...the catecholamine surge is often too much for a myocarditis heart. vaccine induced myopericarditis.
we need kids hearts tested, especially those that exert themselves, for troponin, high sensitivity troponin test, chest MRI with gadolinium contrast, EKGs, D-dimers to rule out myocarditis that is silent.
Yes this concept needs to be pushed out to local community groups. I'm working on some preliminary materials, that will hopefully be of some assistance to a grassroots effort...but yeah...the time for trying to knock down the door of Congress or any other big entity is done. Its time to take the battle to where people have to look other people directly in the eye. obstacle I'm sure you are well aware of is this mental roadblock people have about realizing/admitting that the FDA and CDC...and all those people that work there, could possibly be along with pushing the "data"....we need to nudge their "doubt" a few degrees too...they need to understand that these entities are fallible first, before they will absorb data. This local battle will also be a necessary partner to what JFK and the Trump regime attempt to will be made much easier, if the people in the communities are hell bent wanting their stuff to happen. So really...the local fight isn't just about covid....its about everything, that needs to get done...but Covid is going to be the initial fuel to fire up the momentum. There is nothing more powerful than pissed off parents. There has been a little bit of progress down the road from my town, as Dr Cole has been successful in getting one local health district to stop the shots...but it was a close call...and it still isn't out of the woods yet. There is pushback. But all these things can be overcome, with the proper and purposeful battle push.
Thank You. Ive actually written more about this on my substack ( which is read by nobody haha)…but I’d say find and reach out to local or nearby health freedom group(s) and plant the seed. If I had $13K myself, Id do a saturation mailing to every household in my community, with alarming info ( the Trial papers, the DNA contamination etc and other stuff) and a call to action for local volunteer testing. But teaming up with already established group and try to get somehting going with the child testing….I’d say even put somedoctors on the hot seat by publically calling them out to volunteer to do the testing….we just have to get pretty bold about it. The problem with getting anything done is that people in leadership positions will only move, when the discomfort of NOT moving is greater than the discomfort of the status quo….and when these local leaders can no longer even face their peers at church, or show up at a grocery store…then yeah….you’ll see some serious attention being paid to the data that needs to be seen. That is why all of the efforts on a national level have netted exactly ZERO results. Fauci has been before congress…Ron Johnson had a covid roundtable….yeah…these guys, Mcullough, Kirsch…until they figure out that they need to pivot all efforts to some local communites…we are just never going to get anywhere. Local is where the win will be acquired. not national.
The positive spin on the optics of the Bourla gala are interesting, but misplaced. Sometimes things are exactly what they seem to be, and that's the case with this. The pHARMa lobby (along with A I P A C) controls every aspect of the g0vt, including Trump. If naiveté and wishful thinking on the part of the useless-eater, non-billionare class slated for eradication is going to replace reality in the minds of the useless eaters, you fall right into their trap once again. When people show you who they are, as they did with OWS (and so much more), believe them. Trump's been clear about what he's against -- and big pHARMa and death-by-jab isn't among the things he's against. Wishful thinking isn't going to change the agenda firmly in play. Energy and effort would be better spent understanding reality and formulating a plan about what WeThePeople are going to do about it. Remember - Trump NEVER deviated from his pride over gen0cidal jabs OR big pHARMa control. Why pretend he'd do so now?
I WROTE tongue and cheek, like ANW...this is the problem...that dinner told us we had a problem...that no one is telling us the content news cant report and no one came out of it stopping the shots. smething is not right
weird thing is I trust Trump still, I have hope, I have this time, save us we have no options and so I have to hope that he will deliver...let us give him chance
We'll see... I'll believe it when I see it... and hear it. They can talk as much as they like. I'm waiting and watching to see what they do.
We want ACTION....
we do
Bobby is a man of action who is prepared to make compromises when he considers it necessary. Remember when everyone (presumably including himself too, but certainly all the guests) at his party had to have had the Malone mRNA (or J&J) shot, and proof of it, in order to attend? That was to please Cheryl, his wife. I'm sure you'd do the same if your husband demanded it, wouldn't you Lynn? But anyway, what this shows is that he is prepared to do what he is told by his significant others, and right now nobody is more significant to him than President Trump. Therefore, even if double vaxxed and boosted himself, when President Trump tells him to stop the shots and to he'll with Big Pharma and their donations, he will do it. He will do as he is told. There will be ACTION!
that befuddled me...that situation with the vax
very funny post: "But anyway, what this shows is that he is prepared to do what he is told by his significant others, and right now nobody is more significant to him than President Trump. "
I trust...there is no other route...for anyone, to continue advocating for this is pure insanity...
and unless they go away and spend many years and then bring proper research for us to, not them as they are incompetent crooked fucks, then we dont want this, no new and improved
What do you mean?
NO, I would NOT take the JAB. If my husband wanted to take the JAB, that's up to him. I wouldn't approve of it. I didn't know that about Bobby. Do you think Bobby took the JAB? I don't think Trump ever did. Remember, Trump had COVID. I believe the Leftists released something in the air when Trump had
that debate with JOE. Then he comes down with COVID. His Doctor's
gave him a different protocol. In the beginning of COVID, Trump was for
ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. I just read an article stating that
NAC supplement is good to use, too.
NAC yes
Yes, that's why FDA has tried to ban or limit distribution of NAC.
Hopefully that has stopped, haven't heard anything lately. Functional medicine MDs have used NAC for lots of things for a long time.
very nice important post "NO, I would NOT take the JAB. If my husband wanted to take the JAB, that's up to him. I wouldn't approve of it. I didn't know that about Bobby. Do you think Bobby took the JAB? I don't think Trump ever did. Remember, Trump had COVID. I believe the Leftists released something in the air when Trump had"
Trump said he DID take the jab. That's all I know.
cue this to 4:07 and ask yourself if trump to the jab. that split-second hesitation is the big tell IMO
That pause meant nothing. Trump has said in other comments that he at least took one shot, and he was proud of it. However, I don’t trust anything he says. He a pathological liar.
That's how I remember it. Trump did take the shot. At least one.
I think he was given monoclonal antibodies also? Or was that Rudy?
Yes, Trump did get monoclonal antibodies while he was in the hospital, but he also took the shot, at least once. I clearly remember him bragging about it.
Well here he is in one news clip saying he got boosted and in another on the phone saying he got the Pfizer but would have been very happy with them. It was all over the news at the time,
I wish I had some NAC right now. I was using it at one stage. I'll have to search for that article you refer to.
Thank YOU for the links. I will check them out.
To get the NAC article: Put in search: Dr. Mark Stengler, NAC
Then you will see articles listed. Article should show up in the
beginning. Let me know, if it works. I buy NAC from:
Doctor's BEST.......NAC Detox Regulators......180 Veggie Caps
I buy my supplements from:
You can get good deals on supplements and more.
Once you sign up with them you will get offers with
sales on supplements.
Thank you so much Lynn! It works. Found them. Looks like NAC is good for most people but there are a small % who need to be careful. Coincidentally, also found this article. In the comments section there are references to usefulness for SARS
Bobby wasn't compromising, he believes in and is very pro vax. Trump, the self-proclaimed "father of vaccines" will never tell him to end them l. He knows how much money is there. He accept half millionnfrom pfiser in the first days of his 1016 presidency. And no family has more experience with "untimely deaths." He knows how the cartels work!
Then I don't get it with Bobby. You are or you are not. What is he going to say when he goes through confirmation hearings?
Whatever the cartel wants him to say. Who knows, he might say what he thinks people want to hear from the "freedom fighters" and then just do what they want anyway. There's no stopping that machine.
We shall see what happens. I don't see how Bobby can talk his way out of NO VACCINES.
Well, Cheryl, Bobby's wife is obviously pro-vax so it makes sense that he would take it too. Put yourself in his shoes. If your wife said, "Darling, I've decided you're going to take the experimental shot. We're holding a party and everybody will need to be jabbed up. That's an order!," then surely you would say "Yes, of course darling. I'm so pleased you've insisted. I feel so close to you in this moment. It just makes me want to renew my vows."
He's very pro vax, there's many videos if him saying it himself. Come on, wake up. My wife and I have made different decisions regarding health and I've never once considered to do what she did or wants. In fact, EVERY IDIOT in her office took the shots and she was contemllating it. It was up to her, fortunately, or unfortunately, young people in our family started dying and she saw the light. Thank God.
None of these people are going to save us. The sooner you lose this expectation, the safer you'll be.
many have joined you in this posture, they want Trump to succeed and trust him, believe in him.
we all are. I have trust.
You and me both, Michael. I elaborate on that in my own comment.
e comment, short but you say lots in it
Tell me, would *YOU* invite to dinner those in charge of KNOWN criminal organizations?
I can only answer for myself: not just "NO", but "HELL NO!!!"
I know about the "keep your enemies closer" and all that crap. This is different. These are MONSTERS that - *for personal gain* - are directly responsible for the premeditated, engineered injury and death of millions worldwide, including innocent children. And it doesn't end there.
In spite of the mountains of undeniable evidence that these jabs are dangerous and lethal, these monsters CONTINUE with their crime wave - all for filthy lucre.
ONE EXCEPTION: If I were *collaborating* with those monsters - part of the operation past and future - then of course I'd invite them to dinner! I mean, why not discuss the NEXT crime over a succulent meal, right? Other than that, why would I invite mass murderers into my home?
If Trump TRULY intends to 'drain the swamp' in Washington, Big Pharma, the Military Industrial Complex, the Central Bank Cabal, and so on, then the only thing that he ought to be doing now is putting them on notice about the HELL that's coming to them.
But then, that would alert them. Trump cold be making them feel 'safe, at ease' so as to catch them off guard. That's the "4-dimensional chess" that has often been attributed to Trump. The thing about that is that Trump **NEVER** executed the checkmate move! Heck, Trump never even put any Fat Rat in "check". I don't buy Trump's "4-D chess" excuse -- not until I see RESULTS!
nice comment: "I know about the "keep your enemies closer" and all that crap. This is different. These are MONSTERS that - *for personal gain* - are directly responsible for the premeditated, engineered injury and death of millions worldwide, including innocent children. And it doesn't end there."
part of the future....this is what concerns me. the 'future' part as we grapple with the past
If Trump TRULY intends to 'drain the swamp' in Washington, Big Pharma, the Military Industrial Complex, the Central Bank Cabal, and so on, then the only thing that he ought to be doing now is putting them on notice about the HELL that's coming to them.
'But then, that would alert them. Trump cold be making them feel 'safe, at ease' so as to catch them off guard. That's the "4-dimensional chess" that has often been attributed to Trump. The thing about that is that Trump **NEVER** executed the checkmate move! Heck, Trump never even put any Fat Rat in "check". I don't buy Trump's "4-D chess" excuse -- not until I see RESULTS!'
I reposted some of your key statements to reshare...
amen. Jesus broke bread with tax collectors and whores but not mass murderers
You would if you plan to keep killing people.
Yup, that was part of my comment, and it's a possibility that few wish to consider.
invite to dinner -> serve them food containing their own products -> profit
not that I think the Orange Man is that canny, just giving a reason to invite the monsters to dinner
Now there's an idea!
Meh, I just couldn't be in the same room with creatures that I *KNOW* with absolute certainty are responsible for injuring and killing MILLIONS of people. I'd want to execute them right then and there, not share a meal with them. I'd feel "dirty".
this is why I like you, you are clear. and these are monsters...
you write dripping in pain too Jorge for you sense the betrayals and the games...I do too...the issue now
is what do we do...we went to polls...more polls in 2 years but we must fix now.
we need to act using our intelligence, smarts, leadership, willing to do something, wanting to save lives, and using all that has happened so far...we have 5 years of this fraud and then we have decades of madness too...
The Covid Jab disaster caused more people to be rightfully skeptical about most doctors and hospitals. But the majority still dutifully do whatever they are told, never research possible alternatives, and remain uninformed.
People don't ever consider or want unsolicited medical advice from others, unless they are paying for it.
This has been a hard lesson for me to learn, since I have always found solutions that work for me that are "out of the box." I hate to see people suffer when there are alternative solutions that work, or at least have a chance to work--and avoid more toxic prescription medicines and procedures.
But it's like food and diet habits. Once established in childhood most people can't or won't make any changes.
I'm glad I'm not one of them, but I've never been able to convince anyone else. Unless they're already a member of "the tribe."
But Jorge, but, guests at a party of Bobby's had to be vaxxed, which, although he says it was at the insistence of his wife, kind of suggests he probably is too. So, at least, if you were in that room, you could rest easily knowing that everyone was protected by the shots. If you were there, you would probably have to be vaxxed too, so you would all be on the same page. You could then all work toward stopping the shots, as opposed to rolling out more of them that you could sell as being "new and improved." If that makes sense ...
your post is funny for you say serious things and we get you and I hope you get my writing...
'You could then all work toward stopping the shots, as opposed to rolling out more of them that you could sell as being "new and improved." If that makes sense ...'
its about the new and improved...
I do!
thank you
Correct you are - yet another log for the fire.
hugs, a hero now of mine.
all these people should be tried for crimes against humanity as millions of people have died as a result of these shots. this was an intended attack to reduce the population of the planet.
No way...murder man bourla read the riot act to Trump and told him how things will remain the same. Dozens of new mRNA poisons and more fake pandemics are coming our way. The Donald thought the last pandemic was real and he will gladly go along with the next depending the medical experts of medical murder.
boom boom boom and this is why I wrote this hoping you would see the irony in it and the game we are in...for anyone to emerge from that dinner and not go to podium and stop the shots means it aint gonna happen
we have to stop the shots
I am hoping people don’t go for this mRNA for cancer garbage! But I think many will. I have tried to tell people about ivermectin, fenben, and bitter apricot seeds. They just look at me like I fell out of a tree. It’s just no use.
you mean that COVID cures cancers and the shots cure cancer?
Yes, they are trying to push the idea that mRNA shots cure cancer. How much more evil can they can get? yet people still believe their BS.
Have you tried asking this question/ Then explain why, if the vast majority of Americans have had at least one shot, that cancer rates are at all time highs?
Cancer rates are at all time highs because of the shots. That's more than a little obvious at this point.
I’ve trying telling friends/family with cancer (quite a few) about fenben and ivermectin. They look at you like you have a third eye.
No, when Trump was accused of saying that, he was actually "Live Truthing," Biden's SOTU speech, i.e. making fun of it. Many thought Trump posted this as something he believed. Iwas so disappointed in the lemings falling for it instead of realizing it was Biden who said it.
What I posted at the time...
The #bloodbath comment is possible because the #MSM counts on the fact that their audience did not listen to the context of #Trump's speech. The same goes for the #dictator lie, "4 years and beyond," referring to the Iowa Caucus not that he would be president in perpetuity.
So, we agree that they LIE!
So why do conservatives like @jfradioshow @alexjones @traceybeanz etc. fall for the narrative stating falsehoods about what Trump said about the #vaccines?
"I don't think people realize that #Trump was responding live to #Biden's #SOTU. He was merely trying to point out that yes, THAT vaccine causes cancer, not cures it. His "vaccine," #Ivermectin and #HCQ, are the cure!"
Yes, @KAGdrogo
explains the quarantine camps, etc. here:
Read the entire thread carefully... alot of information!
Read entire thread:
great post, informative
If that shit is not put to a permanent hault, The American People will be best served by Revolution.
it has to be put to a stop...has to...and I am trusting Trump will lead that now...and RFK Jr. major short video by Couey coming next
Help me understand this grave situation Dr Alexander.
Why, why must “We the People” have to wait until “Hour-One?” Why NOT NOW?
All I’ve heard from people everywhere is,
“We don’t have the Power,” or wait until President Elect Trump is in office.
BS is what I say! Absolute garbage! Nonsense!!
The simple fact is, all we hear is silence! Silence about the most deadly attack. An attack of “Weapons of Mass Destruction” on America and on all of Humanity!
And the answer is, we must wait? Wait for what?
Wait for another 10K people dead? Or wait for another million plus people disabled? What exactly are we waiting for? What?
Not Trump or RFK Jr. or anyone else in a powerful, “better listen up people”, position, have said anything which could be said, should be said!
Yes NOW! Not tomorrow but NOW!
IMO, this is “Complicity” at the highest levels of our government! Another words, “THEY DON’T GIVE A DAMN” if another person is killed by these “Bioweapon Injections!”
Maybe I’m missing something somewhere? Maybe I’m a conspiracy theorist? Maybe the SEVEN PEOPLE I know who are DEAD, is all a LIE? Maybe the jokes on me?
This situation will not end well. I’m convinced. There’s absolutely no reason on Gods Green Earth for such silence!
For the past few years since Biden was Installed into the highest position in the world, America has been overrun, deliberately destroyed, fraudulently manipulated with premeditated MUDER by forcing people to
“Line Up and Roll Up”
or lose your JOB!
Something far worse is happening! Something nobody wants to touch with a ten foot pole! Something nobody understands until it’s too late!
Pardon my frustrations, my animated reactions and whatever else you want to call this ranting reply.
I am very grateful for your endless, loveless work ethic, Dr. Alexander, you’ve consistently and persistently demonstrated such dedication and perseverance, persistently speaking truthfully! For this, I am most grateful Sir.
But something is wrong Dr. Alexander, drastically wrong.
Any thoughts are appreciated.
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
boom...Help me understand this grave situation Dr Alexander.
Why, why must “We the People” have to wait until “Hour-One?” Why NOT NOW?
we fell same...purpose of stacks like this is to push them and make them know
we watching each move
excellent post my man
and yes the silence is deafening
'All I’ve heard from people everywhere is,
“We don’t have the Power,” or wait until President Elect Trump is in office.
BS is what I say! Absolute garbage! Nonsense!!
The simple fact is, all we hear is silence! Silence about the most deadly attack. An attack of “Weapons of Mass Destruction” on America and on all of Humanity!'
I know this and I certainly agree with you Dr Alexander which is why I have said repeatedly, how invaluable you are to this nation.
Thank you.
“There are many who find a good alibi far more attractive than an achievement.”
Just think about that. Doesn’t that succinctly describe the entitlement mentality?
The two statements above I cut and pasted from John Droz Jr’s article he had posted a few days ago.
How relevant are these two statement’s from John?
We can dissect John’s words above, many different ways. The bottom line is, we have been lied to for years and years while corrupt institutions and politicians, continue lying!
Today, when I look back to 2020’s election, I am extremely cautious about anything being said or reported about from anyone.
Even when I “triangulate” articles, there’s many inconsistencies within each. This has caused a huge decrease in the increase of “Truth-Seekers.” In many ways, people have give
up by throwing up their hands and saying “Fuzk-It!”
Here’s the problem with that. Saying “FUZK-It” is exactly our problem. This is part of the “Marxist-Agenda.” Those pushing this agenda want people / have made things deliberately misaligned, and have orchestrated this specific tactic, in order to “push-forward” their radical, unAmerican agenda’s.
Yes agenda’s. There’s multiple agendas at play here, each unique and varied, ultimately with the same
goal of
“The End Justifies the Means” strategic approach.
It doesn’t matter how, it doesn’t matter how long, what matters in their mindset and “succeeding.” For every pushback we swing at, they throw five more pitches. Imagine a pitcher throwing five balls at once,
each with a different spin?
This is a battle of “Good vs Evil” know doubt. John Droz Jr.’s article, IMO, specifically shows how wicked and how willing these “Marxist” driven individuals, public and private will go.
Which is why, your article Dr Alexander is so important. Two very different examples of one very specific ideology which has taken hold within America and the Western World Nations. At all levels of society public and private.
America is the “Big Kahuna!” These Marxist sellouts, must “STOP” capitalism, Patriotism, Christianity.
The “Three Pillars” of our nation, is why our American culture, our value systems, have been undermined and constantly attacked.
This will not STOP!
As the saying goes
“By Hook or By Crook.”
We’re watching all three of our pillars being attacked! Watching this play out with very little interference, mind you because endless attacks keep coming.
Not until “We the People” decides, “NOT TO PLAY” and walk off the field,
can we effectively or forcefully, not violently, get this Marxist Ideologically driven agenda to
“Cease and Desist.”
This will only happen with “True and Loyal” leadership. We should all now know, what “Corrupt Leadership” means and what it does to a once,
extremely resilient nation.
The “Choice is Ours” too make. One way or the other, America and the American people, as in “We the People” of these United States, must decide to “Live with God”
or “Die with Satan!”
Evilness’s started this,
Goodness’s must end this.
We have, only one option, if we are to survive as a Nation.
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
Meanwhile MRNA factories are opening all across the globe as well as cancer facilities and now cancer MRNA" vaccines".Looks to me the AGENDA 2030 is moving full steam ahead and to think that 2 men can put a stop to it is wishful thinking I believe.While all this focus on clean air,water and food is absolutely important ( MAHA ) until the MRNA,nano tech,sv40 B I O WE AP ONS ,which is now inside the majority of the population ,is the number 1 HEALTH ISSUE the other factors arent going to matter.Lets start calling out the elephant in the room especially all the "health experts".
boom boom boom, one of the best posts in a while, well said, clear
Over 300 biolabs globally...
Why the civility with Bourla? Why a heads up? That son of a bitch belongs in prison along with the FDA scumbuckets who approved this shit and blocked public disclosures.
prison is the word
PLEASE! This mRNA LNP bio weapons program must come to a screeching halt now! And leave the children alone! Get that shit off the childhood vaccine schedule! This is a form of genocide imo. They need to stop this fantasy of the lucrative prospects of putting this poison in everything we consume! Whether it’s “vaccines”, other meds, foods, air, or water. Is JD Vance listening??? We don’t want this shit, & we don’t consent to being mass poisoned. This is why I don’t trust JD! His big pharma aspirations are evil! If they don’t stop this on day fucking one, we’ll all know they are part of globalist club, & not here to help us. This crap is the biggest threat to humanity! Bigger than the immigration problem. And that’s saying something. Stop the production and distribution of ALL RNA products! And stop chem trailing us with this shit too! Stop poisoning the animals, the trees, all of nature! My God!
boom "PLEASE! This mRNA LNP bio weapons program must come to a screeching halt now! And leave the children alone! Get that shit off the childhood vaccine schedule! "
'Whether it’s “vaccines”, other meds, foods, air, or water. Is JD Vance listening??? We don’t want this shit, & we don’t consent to being mass poisoned. This is why I don’t trust JD! His big pharma aspirations are evil! If they don’t stop this on day fucking one, we’ll all know they are part of globalist club, & not here to help us. This crap is the biggest threat to humanity! '
Totally agree!!!
Biden's photo should have been seen all along...this is the REAL Biden today...
“I THINK that Trump will, he knows the mRNA vaccine is and was harmful…”
@ Dr Paul Alexander
I would argue that his actions, more importantly, his own words, have said otherwise. I don’t recall 2024 candidate Trump ever saying anything about the mRNA gene therapies (sorry, they are not vaccines by definition) being harmful..then or now. Are there quotes where he has said so?
What I do remember is that at numerous times campaigning he continued to brag about how as 45th President, he was responsible for cutting the regulations/red tape to get them out to the American public.
I sat in a meeting where people with him, means directly told me that he knows full well. for I was asked just prior to that to send in 4 to 5 statements they could consider in messaging and I did e.g. reversal of liability protection, victims compensation fund...but it was not done and I inquired and they said working on him...but he knows it killed.
hence why I know he will fix this
Time will tell
that's some lovely positive thinking you got there.
not holding my breath but visualizing good outcome anyway
100% no such conversation took place there. It was more of a "keep your enemies closer" thing. Trump still legitimately believes the Vax is more good than bad, but is agreeable to further study and investigation. Trumps ego is a powerful and clumsily dangerous thing, but we have to deal with the whole package of him. (shrug) JFK Fully understands the VAX. he is connected with many mouths feeding him info, and all of it feeds into his anti pharma worldview. What you are going to see is careful navigation of the subject matter. There will be no home-run heroism on day one. Keep in mind, getting removed from the planet is always a possibility for anyone walking this path. There is also the necessary goal of red pilling additional allies. Fence walkers like Vinay Prasad for example...a guy who was outspoken about Covid actions, but still believes vaccines are good and necessary. There is also a massive playground of doctors who still think the FDA is perfect and the CDC is more correct than the Bible. JFK will bring about the " studies that have been purposely avoided"....which will ultimately make the Prasad's of the world "go hmmm". I also wouldn't be too concerned about the Stupid Picks that trump has made...remember....they made the comments they made, and did the things they did, during a time where they had "group think" to hide within, and all the big boy agencies and media backing them up. ....They will now have to traverse a world where they are surrounded by mouths feeding them the info they didn't want to chew before...and they will have nowhere to hide in a national conversation without the censorship....they will ultimately get red pilled. Its inevitable....but all of this is going to be a process. The one thing...and this is the ONLY thing that will speed it if we start pushing hard on the local, community level.....communities have to start getting in the faces of their local health district leadership....Ive hammered on this before...but the ultimate power comes from the people....want to know why we are 4 years after the fact and still nothing has been done?...its because the people at the front of the train still haven't figured out that the people in the communities wield more power than anyone or anything else on the planet. When this finally clicks....we will see the results we want start to steamroll. The first thing people should be doing is spreading the word in a community about getting their kids hearts tested....once the parents in a community find out their kids have heart damage, possibly other organ are going to see political momentum like you've never seen in all of history.
excellent post and I love this: ".want to know why we are 4 years after the fact and still nothing has been done?...its because the people at the front of the train still haven't figured out that the people in the communities wield more power than anyone or anything else on the planet. When this finally clicks....we will see the results we want start to steamroll. The first thing people should be doing is spreading the word in a community about getting their kids hearts tested....once the parents in a community find out their kids have heart damage, possibly other organ are going to see political momentum like you've never seen in all of history."
Great comment. Regarding spreading the word about getting kids' hearts tested, I live in a deep blue state where my kids' schools had vaccine clinics for the Covid jab - that is how eager these parents and administrators were to get shots in arms as quickly as possible. My kids were some of the very few who did not get the shots. Most of the kids who got them seem fine now. How do I go about spreading the word when these parents know that I did not give these shots to my kids nor to myself and again I just seem like a crazy conspiracy theorist? Nobody has woken up yet as far as I know! Neighbors are still getting the latest booster.
issue is that myocarditis and pericarditis is silent...scarring of the heart muscle in kids goes unnoticed for a is severe and life long and that part of the heart has died...when that seemingly healthy child exerts themselves one day, the scarred myocardium will not be able to deal with the adrenaline etc. and goes into irregular beats (fibrillations) and then cardiac arrest...the catecholamine surge is often too much for a myocarditis heart. vaccine induced myopericarditis.
we need kids hearts tested, especially those that exert themselves, for troponin, high sensitivity troponin test, chest MRI with gadolinium contrast, EKGs, D-dimers to rule out myocarditis that is silent.
Yes this concept needs to be pushed out to local community groups. I'm working on some preliminary materials, that will hopefully be of some assistance to a grassroots effort...but yeah...the time for trying to knock down the door of Congress or any other big entity is done. Its time to take the battle to where people have to look other people directly in the eye. obstacle I'm sure you are well aware of is this mental roadblock people have about realizing/admitting that the FDA and CDC...and all those people that work there, could possibly be along with pushing the "data"....we need to nudge their "doubt" a few degrees too...they need to understand that these entities are fallible first, before they will absorb data. This local battle will also be a necessary partner to what JFK and the Trump regime attempt to will be made much easier, if the people in the communities are hell bent wanting their stuff to happen. So really...the local fight isn't just about covid....its about everything, that needs to get done...but Covid is going to be the initial fuel to fire up the momentum. There is nothing more powerful than pissed off parents. There has been a little bit of progress down the road from my town, as Dr Cole has been successful in getting one local health district to stop the shots...but it was a close call...and it still isn't out of the woods yet. There is pushback. But all these things can be overcome, with the proper and purposeful battle push.
Thank You. Ive actually written more about this on my substack ( which is read by nobody haha)…but I’d say find and reach out to local or nearby health freedom group(s) and plant the seed. If I had $13K myself, Id do a saturation mailing to every household in my community, with alarming info ( the Trial papers, the DNA contamination etc and other stuff) and a call to action for local volunteer testing. But teaming up with already established group and try to get somehting going with the child testing….I’d say even put somedoctors on the hot seat by publically calling them out to volunteer to do the testing….we just have to get pretty bold about it. The problem with getting anything done is that people in leadership positions will only move, when the discomfort of NOT moving is greater than the discomfort of the status quo….and when these local leaders can no longer even face their peers at church, or show up at a grocery store…then yeah….you’ll see some serious attention being paid to the data that needs to be seen. That is why all of the efforts on a national level have netted exactly ZERO results. Fauci has been before congress…Ron Johnson had a covid roundtable….yeah…these guys, Mcullough, Kirsch…until they figure out that they need to pivot all efforts to some local communites…we are just never going to get anywhere. Local is where the win will be acquired. not national.
I just read your substack on this. Very good ideas!
The positive spin on the optics of the Bourla gala are interesting, but misplaced. Sometimes things are exactly what they seem to be, and that's the case with this. The pHARMa lobby (along with A I P A C) controls every aspect of the g0vt, including Trump. If naiveté and wishful thinking on the part of the useless-eater, non-billionare class slated for eradication is going to replace reality in the minds of the useless eaters, you fall right into their trap once again. When people show you who they are, as they did with OWS (and so much more), believe them. Trump's been clear about what he's against -- and big pHARMa and death-by-jab isn't among the things he's against. Wishful thinking isn't going to change the agenda firmly in play. Energy and effort would be better spent understanding reality and formulating a plan about what WeThePeople are going to do about it. Remember - Trump NEVER deviated from his pride over gen0cidal jabs OR big pHARMa control. Why pretend he'd do so now?
I WROTE tongue and cheek, like ANW...this is the problem...that dinner told us we had a problem...that no one is telling us the content news cant report and no one came out of it stopping the shots. smething is not right
We've been trying to tell you this all along, Dr. Paul. Something is just not right.
weird thing is I trust Trump still, I have hope, I have this time, save us we have no options and so I have to hope that he will deliver...let us give him chance
our goal is to get Trump to stand against the vaccine