Did you also know Harvard's Board that put racist antisemite plagiarist Gay in the President's spot? Did you know Bobo the xxowx? Her Bobo? the Board? Take some medications to read (Bezmenov) about
Bobo the XXXwn, read and sit back and enjoy YURI BEZMENOV'S substack, what a smackdown, I love this Yuri, love it, intellectual giant! "How To Get Into Harvard (Part 5) - Claudine Gay's Bootlicking"
How To Get Into Harvard (Part 5) - Claudine Gay's Bootlicking Bobo and Board
Everyone knows Harvard's Gay, but have you met her bootlickers Bobo and The Board? An extra-spicy Yuri investigation into the "elite" commissars who destroyed an institution from behind the scenes.
Support Yuri’s strong scholarship…support this substack:
‘Comrades: Harvard has fallen. After almost 400 years, the world’s most powerful university has publicly declared moral and intellectual bankruptcy. I could not have imagined such a stunning collapse, even after ranking Harvard #1 in my Demoralized DIEvy League March Madness tournament earlier this year.
Despite her plagiarism and Congressional hearing performance, Harvard President Claudine Gay still has a $1 million/year job because the Harvard Corporation didn’t read my open letter and unanimously voted to retain her. Lawrence Bobo, one of the professors whose work she plagiarized, has also voiced support for her. He stated: “I find myself unconcerned about these claims as our work was explicitly acknowledged.” Why would he defend someone who copied his work, while other academics who she plagiarized have criticized her? She is his boss and in 2018 appointed him to his lofty position as Dean of Social Science for the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Were it not for his genitalia, he could very well be Harvard’s President instead of her.
Hat tip to the hat trick of Chris’s who broke the story, keep up the pressure, and support free speech:
. Brunetcalled foul on Gay back in April 2022.
for exposing Harvard President Claudine Gay’s plagiarism. He has been uncovering rampant academic fraud for years. Hope Gay will be the first of many Demoralized DIEvy League commissars who step down thanks to intrepid Substack reporters like Chris. Truth is on our side, not the school whose motto is VERITAS.
I enjoyed interviewing Chris in September about how he finds academic fraud and the EJMR scanda…
A fish rots from the head down. 700+ Harvard Professors and 5 former Harvard presidents including former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers have issued statements supporting Gay. We all know why Summers was fired, but Gay has not been. The 12 members of the Harvard Corporation have hundreds of billions in wealth and dozens of degrees between them, yet don’t have a shred of courage, backbone, or principles to make any meaningful changes. As you will see below, most are connected to the Democrat Party, Fortune 500 corporations, or other universities. Today, I will name and shame Gay’s Bobo and Board because no one else has.
Oh what tangled webs we weave…
Lawrence Bobo is Demoralized DIEvy League royalty. A 32-page PDF of his work can be found here; highlights include millions in funding from The Ford Foundation, 39 articles published by woke website The Root, and a Leadership in Diversity Science Award at UCLA. His wife is a leading scholar of African American language practices and culture and is the Founding Director of the Hiphop Archive and Research Institute in the Hutchins Center for African American Research at Harvard.
Here is my spicy progressive doublespeak translation of his coronation by the Harvard Gazette and Harvard Crimson. For my previous translations of commissar appointments, see Crystal Williams of RISD and Becky Pringle of NEA.
Lawrence D. Bobo, W.E.B. Du Bois Professor of the Social Sciences, has been appointed dean of social science by Claudine Gay, Edgerley Family Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Bobo, who currently chairs the department of African and African American Studies, will take the helm Oct. 1.
Commissar solidarity, from African American Studies to Dean of Social Sciences to President.
A scholar of sociology and African and African American Studies (AAAS), Bobo has illuminated issues of inequality, politics, and race in his research. He was hired in 1997 to a joint position in sociology and the former Afro-American Studies Department. Last year, Bobo helped Gay, then dean of social science, found the FAS Inequality in America initiative, a multidisciplinary effort to elevate teaching and research in this critical area.
How much Harvard donor and tuition money went to this intersectional grift? Same DIE theft, different industry:
“I have deeply valued Larry’s contributions in helping to shape the vision for Inequality in America, in which he has been a leading voice,” said Gay. “He will bring precisely this kind of take-action quality to his leadership of the social science division.” Bobo said he was thrilled “for the opportunity to deepen ties across the departments and to help colleagues continue to pursue and conduct excellent research and engage in the innovative teaching that has characterized this faculty…”
Nauseating circle-jerk ego-stroking. Taking action on inequality and innovative teaching is word salad copypasta for Communist indoctrination.
Bobo’s most recent book, “Prejudice in Politics: Group Position, Public Opinion, and the Wisconsin Treaty Rights Dispute,” was a finalist for the 2007 C. Wright Mills Award. He is co-author of the award-winning “Racial Attitudes in America: Trends and Interpretations,” and founding editor of the Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race, published by Cambridge University Press. Bobo is a member of the National Academy of Science and a fellow of both the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He has held tenured appointments in the sociology departments at the University of California, Los Angeles, and Stanford University, where he was director of the Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity.
Long march through the institutions. Stanford fired their President for plagiarism, but as a white man he didn’t have any intersectionality shields so he had to go. At least he didn’t have to get embarrassed by Congress.
“Larry is an accomplished social scientist who shines with intellectual insights,” said Harvard Provost Alan Garber. “Having worked with him in varied settings, I also know him to be a thoughtful, judicious, and wise leader. His appointment is cause for celebration.” “Being dean will be both demanding and fun,” said Bobo, adding that efforts to mentor younger faculty, continued support of the inequality initiative, and a commitment to gender equality and racial diversity will be among his priorities in the new role.
How are the celebrations and fun going, Alan? You are complimenting a man who is making a commitment to prioritize reducing the number of white men like you. Harvard is last on FIRE’s campus free speech rankings and has no intellectual diversity.
In her announcement, Gay cited Bobo’s assistance in the “Inequality in America” Initiative, a multidisciplinary effort to conduct and publicize research on social and economic inequality. Bobo helped Gay found the initiative during her own term as dean. Several of Bobo’s colleagues praised his selection, calling his appointment “fantastic” and “wonderful”. “He’s been an extraordinary chair [of the AAAS department],” said AAAS and Anthropology Professor John Comaroff. “He’s a very imaginative, strong leader. He’s very supportive of his colleagues and students. He’s a man who can listen very carefully to those around him.”
The circle-jerk continues.
Bobo assumes the deanship as FAS adjusts to a new schedule, new President, and new Dean, and copes with a growing national skepticism of higher education. Government Department Chair Jennifer L. Hochschild, who has a joint appointment in AAAS, said she anticipates that a top challenge for Bobo will be to work on “incorporating the Allston community” within the course schedule when Harvard’s Allston campus opens in 2020. Both Comaroff and AAAS Professor Suzanne P. Blier said that Bobo will also face the challenge of becoming dean in a political climate that they called “very challenging”. “I can think of no one I would trust more to help to shape this institution going forward,” Blier wrote in an emailed statement…
Gee, I wonder why the peasants are becoming more skeptical of higher education?
How To Fire a Commissar (Part 2)
JAN 23
History and AAAS Professor Emmanuel K. Akyeampong said he has confidence in Bobo’s leadership, as demonstrated during his tenure as AAAS department chair and as a key figure at the Hutchins Center for African and African American Studies. Akyeampong cited “intellectual curiosity” as one of Bobo’s strengths. He recalled an episode in 2016 when AAAS 11: “Introduction to African Studies” was reorganized and taught by six professors, including Akyeampong, instead of the usual single lecturer. “Larry said that this was an opportunity for him to hear his colleagues in African Studies give lectures. So though he was not teaching in this course, he attended every single lecture, twice a week, for fourteen weeks,” Akyeampong said. “For the lectures I gave, I can tell you, he probably took more notes than the students who were there for credit in the course,” he added.
Emmanuel’s tongue must be dry from the vigorous bootlicking. He is eager to follow Bobo’s path up the Commissar ranks. This is what his class notes must look like:
Who is on the Harvard Corporation’s Board? According to Bill Ackman’s leaks, they wanted to fire Gay but didn’t because they wanted to spite him more. This is a classic case of commissars circling the Karen Wagons to protect their own because they all have own skeletons in their closets. If one goes down, the rest might go down with her. Professor Yuri shall grade each Harvard Corporation member on a scale of A-F based on how demoralized their resumes are, which make it obvious why they decided to keep Gay. HINT: Most are connected with the Democrat party and Fortune 500 corporations, so no one got an A despite the grade inflation at Harvard where the average grade is an A-.
Live look at the Harvard board meeting:
Claudine Gay, President
BA ’92, Stanford
PhD ’98, Harvard
F: The living embodiment of demoralization, whose “reinvention” of Harvard has led to its fall.
Timothy R. Barakett
Fellow (2019-2023)
Treasurer (began service in 2023)
AB ’87, MBA ’93, Harvard
C: Canadian hockey player. Made his fortune in finance, but his “philanthropy has emphasized efforts to promote equity and inclusion in education, health care, and other spheres.” SBF Effective altruism FTW!
Kenneth I. Chenault
Fellow (began service in 2014)
BA ’73, Bowdoin
JD ’76, Harvard
D: Former CEO of American Express, third black Fortune 500 CEO in history. The ultimate DIE ESG WEF Wehrmacht Obergruppenfughrer, he also serves on the boards of the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of African American History and Culture, Bloomberg Family Foundation, IBM, and The Procter & Gamble Company. IBM and Amex are well known to ram DIE down the throats of their employees.
Mariano-Florentino (Tino) Cuéllar
Fellow (began service in 2019)
AB ’93, Harvard
JD ’97, Yale
AM ’96, PhD ’00, Stanford
D: Commiefornia Supreme Court Justice. Co-chaired the Immigration Policy Working Group for the Obama-Biden transition in 2008‒09, served in the White House as special assistant to the president for justice and regulatory policy in 2009-10, co-chaired the U.S. Department of Education’s Equity and Excellence Commission.
Paul J. Finnegan
Fellow (began service in 2012)
Former Treasurer (2014-2023)
AB ’75, MBA ’82, Harvard
B: Founder of Private Equity firm Madison Dearborn Partners. Gets a gentleman’s B because he appears to be the least demoralized person on the board. I’d bet he’s the one leaking to Bill Ackman, but had to give into peer pressure. The only straight white male in this group other than Barakett.
Biddy Martin
Fellow (began service in 2018)
BA ’73, College of William and Mary
MA ’74, Middlebury College
PhD ’85, U. of Wisconsin, Madison
F: Another longhouse former university president at Amherst, one of the most demoralized schools in the country. While at Amherst, she was “a powerful voice for diversity and inclusion as well as free inquiry and expression, and a leader in efforts to enhance both academic and residential life". Appears to have blood on her hands. In 2012, during her tenure as president of Amherst, student Trey Malone committed suicide, reportedly as a result of the school's mishandling of his sexual assault by another student. Malone's suicide note, which was published by The Good Men Project, alleged that President Martin's first question to the student upon meeting him to discuss the assault was: "Have you handled your drinking problem?" The purported mishandling of Malone's case and his subsequent suicide raised the question within the media of victim blaming by college administrators around the country.
Karen Gordon Mills
Fellow (began service in 2014)
AB ’75, MBA ’77, Harvard
D: Classic Karen. Served in President Obama’s Cabinet from 2009 through 2013 as the administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration. Previously worked at McKinsey. Now vice chairman of the board of directors of the immigration services company Envoy Global and Member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Husband Barry Mills served as the President of Bowdoin.
How To Hire a PMC Assassin: Professional Managerial Class McKinsey Consultant vs Private Military Company Wagner Mercenary
MAY 11
Diana L. Nelson
Fellow (began service in 2020)
AB ’84, Harvard
MM ’89, Northwestern
B: Yas Kween. Her father and kids all went to Harvard. Husband John Atwater is CEO of the Prime Group, which owns and manages more than $15 billion in real estate assets nationwide. He serves on the board of Brown, so she married down.
Penny Pritzker
Fellow (began service in 2018)
Senior Fellow (began service in 2022)
AB ’81, Harvard
JD ’85, MBA ’85, Stanford
F: Obama’s Secretary of Treasury, now serving Biden as U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine's Economic Recovery. Scion of the demoralized Pritzker clan that is making money off trans kids. Brother Jay Pritzker is Governor of Illinois.
Tracy Pun Palandjian
Fellow (began service in 2022)
AB ’93, Harvard
MBA ’97, Harvard
C: Classic NGO commissar. Co-founder and CEO of Social Finance, “a national nonprofit organization dedicated to mobilizing capital to catalyze progress in areas including education, health, housing, and economic mobility. Founded in 2011, her firm has pioneered the use of innovative public-private partnerships and investment strategies, including social impact bonds and career impact bonds, aimed at enhancing opportunities for members of low-income and historically marginalized groups. Earlier in her career, she was a managing director at the Parthenon Group, where she launched and led the firm’s nonprofit consulting practice.”
Shirley M. Tilghman
Fellow (began service in 2016)
BSc ’68, Queen’s U.
PhD ’75, Temple U.
LLD (hon.) ’04, Harvard
D: Another former university President of Princeton. She also serves on the boards of Biddy' Martin’s Amherst College, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Google, the Institute for Advanced Study, the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Saudi Arabia, and Leadership Enterprise for a Diverse America.
Theodore V. Wells, Jr.
Fellow (began service in 2013)
BA ’72, Holy Cross
JD ’76, MBA ‘76, Harvard
C: Partner at a big law firm Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison. “Long devoted to the advancement of civil rights, Wells is chairman emeritus of the board of directors of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, widely regarded as the nation’s leading civil rights law organization, which awarded him its Thurgood Marshall Lifetime Achievement Award in 2011. Active in civic and political affairs, he was the national treasurer for Senator Bill Bradley’s 2000 presidential campaign, was New Jersey co-chair of the United Negro College Fund, and has served on a pro bono basis as general counsel to both the New Jersey NAACP and the New Jersey Democratic Party.”
NAACP President Derrick Johnson predictably equated attacking Gay to white supremacy and was promptly ratioed:
If Harvard is the Wuhan lab of the woke mind virus, Boston Maskachussetts is ground zero. Boston Mayor Michelle Wu has two Harvard degrees and hosts segregated holiday parties:
Like Gay, her cousin Roxane, and many other DIE commissars, Wu is a rebel in the streets but colonized in the sheets:
William F. Buckley and George Carlin tried to warn us:
See you on Sunday for some much needed comic relief…’
Thanks. Fryer is the next generation Thos Sowell and Gay/Bobo are nothing more than grifting race baiters...Al Sharpton w/a thin veneer of Ivy League. And any gardener knows that ivy is a very invasive garden pest.
Research Roland Fryer, tenured prof at Harvard and what the plagiarist Gay and her buddy Bobo did to him. Your blood will boil. His sin? Proving that black kids achieve as well or better than white/Asian kids by abandoning conventional govnt schools' teaching dicta.