
i had to see the whole thing too.

he’s wrong that the ‘anti-vaxxers’ ‘win’ only because we mistrusted government.... many of us did thorough research seeking evidence and found that evidence was lacking, therefor chose not to participate in a pharmaceutical experiment.

data analysis is what made my decision to wait for actual evidence.

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To borrow my favorite of Dr. Alexander's terms:

BOOM, Gabby!

In addition to our advanced general knowledge about self-care and medicine, WE DID OUR RESEARCH and found no justification to tamper with our cell biology by means of an experimental mRNA injection mandated by the lesser minds in government.

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Also, it was obvious to anyone with even a little knowledge of the immune system and cellular biology that these things can and will kill/maim in more ways than there are stars in the sky. Eg. pumping 40 trillion (Mod) genetic molecules into a few million upper arm muscle cells guarantees they will not stay there, instead spreading out over the whole body. As Dr. Cole says, it is like garlic and goes everywhere.

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Exactly... He fails to acknowledge the diverse population who didn't want the vaccine for various reasons... Whether it be distrust of government, suspicion of the madness behind the "push" of the vax, the knowledge and caution of experimental medicine that can kill or injure, those that have experience and studies in microbiology, those that know loved ones hurt and perhaps dead shortly after their "vaccine", people who remember other medical disasters, thalidomide etc... I was fully pro vax before the pandemic, whilst knowing some vaxs were more dangerous than others (meningitis vac comes to mind), generally they had my trust I studied biology at uni, and whilst changing my degree mid way, I had to know how mRNA works in your cell to pass my course... There was no way anyone alive could know enough to mess with that system, and a potentially deadly cold was not a big enough emergency to play with fire... The one thing this pandemic did do was make me question all the other vaccines... In a way, this industry has destroyed all trust from previously unquestioning "customers"...

Those of us that refused are a diverse crowd... To lump us all into a group with a label and a generic motive is too simplistic and dumb.

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Me too! I’ve started to question vaccines in general. Also, I’ve lost a lot of faith in the medical community. So many doctors blindly and wholeheartedly recommending the jabs. I had to leave one doctor because she told me that mRNA vaccines have been used in veterinary vaccines for 100 years. 100 years?!? The guy who invented the technology is in his 60’s! She was either lying to me to get me to take the shot, or she was stupid and believed it. The next doctor I saw after leaving her gave me the most condescending eye roll when I told him I wasn’t getting vaccinated and I had already had covid. I’m currently without a GP.

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Messenger RNA was discovered as a cellular genetic process around 1961, so your GP had no idea what she was saying... I think relabeling / rebranding this genetic tech as a "vaccine" made her think it is a vaccine like the others (we know better, why doesn't she?)... It is scary someone in her position would be ignorant to this fact, or even worse deliberately lying to people who trust her.

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All of this. Also, toward the end, he says basically that people who got vaccinated made good decisions but the data was wrong. Part of making good decisions is realizing when the people in power are lying to you. As soon as I saw how they were skewing the data and doubling down on their creepy “safe and effective “ messaging, I was OUT.

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Its not what he said. He said that EVEN with the only fact of distrusting the government, the antivaxxers still won. And that there is nothing wrong with mistrusting the government.

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that’s not how i interpreted it at all. he was condescending, he implied that those who refused the vax weren’t making intelligent, informed, evidenced based decisions. didn’t analyze data or use science.

in my case i sought out the evidence proving that these things stopped infection and more importantly stopped transmission.

according to Pfizer press briefings in early 2021 they’d never tested either outcome. no intentional exposure. and no test preventing transmission. and then the national advisory committee on immunizations (who recommends the vaccines for approval) also had no evidence that they stopped transmission. and then the official story on mRNA was that the scientists injected it into a cell without killing the cell for the first time in 2007. managed to use mRNA to change the function of a cell in 2011. that’s petrie dish level. it can’t safely go from in vitro cell experiments to billions of people getting injected in under 10 years.

i find it insulting that even while calling us ‘right’ they are insulting our intelligence, knowledge, wisdom, research, care, awareness, and critical thought...

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My translation of what Adams seems to be saying here:

Although Adams was much better informed than the antivaxxers (who are all clearly had a knee jerk emotional reaction and lacked any kind of reasoned thinking or decision-making backed up by research), the chance happening made the anti-vaxxers win. It wasn't because the anti-vaxxers knew more or were more researched or were more informed. No, unfortunately, in this case, apparently, for the provaxxers like him, knowing more was what scuppered him, reason and rational thinking was what made him trip up, and for reasons beyond Adams, the god of chance (unfairly) smiled upon the antivaxxers who clearly didn't know their way out of a paper bag, but just so happened to guess right using just their emotional knee-jerk decision making. Oh the cruelty of chance! Emotional uneducated guess won over rational educated guess. So hey, antivaxxers, you won this time, but I think Adams wants to say, it's not because you used your mind, it's just, thanks to chance, using your mind didn't produce the right answers this time.

Because you know, we antivaxxers did no research and never looked at any of the Pfizer documents. We just had a knee-jerk MAGA reaction.

Erm...sorry, no sympathy from me.

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Excellent analysis. Anne D! I absolutely agree with you.

Adams delivered the equivalent of a "non-apology." smh

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I love this reasoning....beautiful

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His reaction is what people would characterize as coming from a sore-loser.

Zero sincerity, full of ego and arrogance and a condescending attitude towards us "anti-vaxxers".

He's the kid in the playground who gets caught bullying the other kids and the adults make him apologize, this is the kind of apology a bully would make in public.

But what can you expect coming from a has been who's sole expertise is creating a comic the Gen-Xers liked.

An unmasked pseudo-intellectual is such a pathetic sight to behold.

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As a GenX... I have always skipped over Dilbert with a jaundiced eye.

Real Gen Xers crave Calvin and Hobbes!! 😁

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The best comic ever! (Although I like Dilbert too.)

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I think so also! So deep,yet also so silly. Perfection.

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Pretty much h summed it up. Us knuckle-dragging mouth-breathers had no way of interpreting the white papers regarding biosciences and ..well..anything. Whew! Lucky us!!

As bad, he was trolling us on Twitter this morning about " Who he should trust?" And so many had no idea how insincere he was being.

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You absolutely nailed it. Adams takes great pains to say the “anti-vaxers” (totally inappropriate term BTW) were right and he doesn’t “want to throw any shade on their victory” and then he promptly does just that by saying that all of his “fancy analytics” got him “to a bad place” while our “heuristics” totally worked. ...It’s very disingenuous. What he really should do is acknowledge that his analysis was completely off-base and apologize for potentially influencing his fans to make a very flawed decision.

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Alf Douglas: I want to emphasize the significance of your last sentence.

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Great comments Anne D! This tool’s comments are insulting to those of us who chose not to receive this injectable, for reasons others in this thread have clearly articulated.

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This what ticks me off.

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yeah. just because they were right doesn’t mean they are smart or know anything. antivaxxers are still stupid. even when they’re right.

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and we’re not ‘winners’.

every young sudden death and ‘medical coincidence’ is absolutely heartbreaking because it was predictable.

i am so worried about my loved ones who took these experimental vaccines.

and i HATE seeing the harm done to humanity.

we were right. but there is no glory in it. there is no winning when we are all facing so much loss.

plus... we know this war is far from over...

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I am so with you on that.

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Again, I wholeheartedly agree with Gabby.

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I didn't become an "anti-vaxxer" because of general distrust (although after 3 years of this crap, I completely distrust anything and everything now). I mutated from "vaxxer" to "anti-vaxxer" in the spring of 2021 when it became obvious that this so-called vaxxiine has more red flags than the People's Liberation Army.

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same. this ‘vaccine’ made me an anti-vaxxer.

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Gabby: And, in case you haven't read it yet, the excellent book "Turtles All the Way Down" supports your rejection of vaccines.

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"'Dilbert' Creator Scott Adams Admits Vax Critics Were Right, Still Doesn't Get Why"

- You nailed it Dr.

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Dildo Adams thinks this is a winners/losers thing. Does any of this seem like winning to you? What a tool, the world has lost so much over the last three years and only trials can bring justice to everyone who has lost more than Dildo can imagine.

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I’m sad and lonely, and worry that my family members have irreparably harmed themselves despite my earnest efforts to warn them. No, this is certainly not “winning”.

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I’ve lost two family members and there’s quite a few waiting in the queue. My sister hasn’t spoken to me since August 2021 when I tried to talk to her about antibody dependent enhancement. She’s a nurse and was clueless as to what I was talking about. Not winning!

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I listened to his "retraction" (think: almost as lame as the new definition of "vaccine"--WEAK) and he was calling us jab skeptics "anti-vaxxers." Like Trump voters are all fascists, Scott. False equivalency, dude. Weakest mea culpa ever uttered.

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I've looked at vax from both sides now

I blocked the truth but still somehow

I want the world to love me true

You're right, I'm wrong - just love me do.

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Sorry! We're through. 😁

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Oh...news to me that we were in a "competition." That's the level at which he comes at this? This has to do with basic, fundamental human freedom -- not a competition, Scott. Nitwit.

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Too much "game theory" runs in Scott's head. Needs some "gum theory" to slow things down in there.

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It’s big of you to sound a Truthful note on this grave global catastrophe,

Mr. Adams. I trusted all vaccines until this one came along, but watching Fauci and his posse making dire predictions to justify the global destruction of economies and churches struck me as insane. Especially when they turned out to be WRONG every time.

Meanwhile, Sweden scorned and ignored the EU and it’s apparatchiks, and proved they were liars and worse. We all are victims of a staggering, worldwide crime, to the tune of trillions of dollars. Civilization might not survive. These malefactors of fraudulent medicine have made all previous dictators look like pikers. They’re enriching themselves still. Every minute of every day.

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Clott is a buffoon. I chose no jab, not because heuristics but because of data, both known and the lack of.

Clott still missing the plot.

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With Scott, it's hard to tell if it's sarc or sincere.

He failed to critically think. The death rate from COVID was less than 1% and taking a chance on a new drug technology that was a medical experiment was completely unnecessary. As I told my wife (3x vaxxed) "call me in 2-3 years and let's see how this works out, I'll take it then if it works". There's no way I'm taking those shots.

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Difficult for me to believe that Clott Adams is contrite when uses a pejorative in his "apology".

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ANTI-VAXXER!!! Oh. Wait. "Skeptic coin tosser." That's even less pejorative.

Geez, Scott. Don't write a book on "How To Be Wrong." Maybe "How Not To Be Wrong When Admitting To Being Wrong." I'd buy that.

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I think calling me anti-vaccer is like calling me a racist because I disagree with Whoopi Goldberg.

I didn't trust Fauci and company from the get go.

But I will say after this life experience I won't look at any medical advise the same way again.

In the fall of 2019 my Primary care asked me again about getting the flu vac. I again told her no, I hardly get sick and I didn't want to mess up my immune system. This choice was nothing new for me. Funny thing is in April 2021 I got shingles. I believe that was connected to covid and seems like there is a lot of push for the shingles vaccine again.

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Okay. This is gold:

"I think calling me anti-vaccer is like calling me a racist because I disagree with Whoopi Goldberg."

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I’d like to hear him say “why” he trusted the government and pharmaceutical companies...

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The huge lesson I think he’s missing.

We who questioned, didn’t lose our humanity towards those who chose to get it.

We were never hating on them for getting it.

We stood in love, trying to warn. Even in the face of vile hatred and slander.

We did not win.

We maintained our souls.

Your loss Scot, was in hating different choices, believing the hive mind, and turning against anyone.

That is where the loss is.

“ if ya ever wondered how you’d stand in the 1930’s Germany, now you know”

That is the loss.

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