Dilbert's creator Adams shows some real courage here yet he is condescending; but I need to see the pure uncut video to hear every word he said.
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i had to see the whole thing too.
he’s wrong that the ‘anti-vaxxers’ ‘win’ only because we mistrusted government.... many of us did thorough research seeking evidence and found that evidence was lacking, therefor chose not to participate in a pharmaceutical experiment.
data analysis is what made my decision to wait for actual evidence.
My translation of what Adams seems to be saying here:
Although Adams was much better informed than the antivaxxers (who are all clearly had a knee jerk emotional reaction and lacked any kind of reasoned thinking or decision-making backed up by research), the chance happening made the anti-vaxxers win. It wasn't because the anti-vaxxers knew more or were more researched or were more informed. No, unfortunately, in this case, apparently, for the provaxxers like him, knowing more was what scuppered him, reason and rational thinking was what made him trip up, and for reasons beyond Adams, the god of chance (unfairly) smiled upon the antivaxxers who clearly didn't know their way out of a paper bag, but just so happened to guess right using just their emotional knee-jerk decision making. Oh the cruelty of chance! Emotional uneducated guess won over rational educated guess. So hey, antivaxxers, you won this time, but I think Adams wants to say, it's not because you used your mind, it's just, thanks to chance, using your mind didn't produce the right answers this time.
Because you know, we antivaxxers did no research and never looked at any of the Pfizer documents. We just had a knee-jerk MAGA reaction.
Erm...sorry, no sympathy from me.