Don't bring no shit to me about racism & problematic childhood, mental illness, fuck it! This feral beast, Anthony Jones, who beat these women savagely (Venice Canals attack) & Sarah Alden has died!
Put him down, kill him, shoot this beast! No mercy on this one! Once it is definitive he beat them & killed them, then no trial, if shown he did it, kill this beast NOW! Tell them I said so! DEXTER?
Some beasts you kill, outright, take them out…he is one. IMO, once it is shown definitive he committed this crime. Some people lose their right to live in a civil world…we help them, we send them away.
Woman left in coma by Venice Canals attack is taken off life support, murder charge added…
‘A candlelight vigil takes place Thursday night in Venice in memory of the woman who was brutally attacked and died after being in a coma from the assault two months ago along the Venice Canals.
Sarah Alden, 53, was one of two women attacked, sexually assaulted and beaten Saturday April 6. Both women were left unconscious after the attacks and Alden remained in a coma since the attack and was taken off life support on May 24.
Alden, a Massachusetts resident, was a mother of two sons and was in the process of moving to Venice when the attack occurred.’
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There is nothing lower and more cowardly than a rapist murderer and only one applied solution. Death penalty. This is not a black man, it is a sub human excremental cockroach. Once again I say that over half of all violent crime is committed by 13% of the population. Why the disproportionate numbers? I am beginning to believe that all the hangings of black males we hear about in history were probably called for. It seems you can take the savage out of the jungle but cannot take the jungle out of the savage. I have been in the inner city areas of big US cities and was once told to surrender my wallet. I was pumping gas into my truck and refused. The big bastard was not stupid enough to try to force me because I had in my right hand a nozzle pushing out high test gasoline I was prepared to jam in its face full flow into its mealy mouth, eyes, nose and ears that would have subdued him immediately. He walked away.
This murderer needs a 9mm hollow point into its ugly head. Problem solved and justice done.
Proof beyond a reasonable doubt leading to two in the hat on the same day. I'm with you Dr A, 100%. We've been far too soft for too many years. I'm also for clearing out all the death row prisoners as long as there's no doubt as to guilt. We are wasting $$$ that we don't have and for what? The SOBs are going to die in prison so why wait? This damned for profit private prison scam is yet another thing to fix!