Dr. Boz (aka Dr. Annette Bosworth MD, Florida) finally comes clean with mea culpa 'come to Jesus' moment, admitting she was catastrophically WRONG advocatng deadly Malone Bourla et al. mRNA gene
based vaccine; It takes courage and Dr. McCullough unpacks it nicely here and I give Dr. Boz credit and she will have to continue explaining to her patients & followers what happened; huge props Boz!
I remain angered by what they did for they knew better, should have known.
Dr. Boz has shown strength, courage, and the maturity to know when something was not right, to admit mistakes, to say sorry, and to re-examine the issue deeply to see how much you were misguided and decieved.
I give her huge praise! I just wish other doctors would have the courage, even temerity, the strength to stand up. I know most doctors know what happened with the lockdown lunacy and mRNA vaccine was wrong. It is time now to stand up, take the step Dr. Boz has taken. Come cap in hand genuine and willing to work hard to undo wrong and to help all your patients harmed by this deadly Malone Bourla Bancel mRNA technology gene shot.
‘Regret can be an incredibly painful emotion. While rooted in feelings of contrition, disappointment, guilt, or remorse for things that have happened in the past, such feelings can have a powerful influence over life going forward. People have asked me when are doctors going to wake up, realize they’re wrong, and deal with regret? Sometimes it takes a deep dive with a manuscript such as the comprehensive (and now retracted) review by Mead et al published in Springer Nature Cureus Journal of Medical Science. This was taken up by Dr. Annette Bosworth MD, a Florida doctor known for her promotion of and clinical observations on the medical benefits of the ketogenic diet. Bosworth is an internal medicine specialist in Tampa, FL and has over 25 years of experience in the medical field. She graduated from University of South Dakota Sanford School of Medicine in 1998.
A YouTube medical personality with over half a million subscribers, Dr. Annette Bosworth known as “Dr Boz” presented the Mead analysis starting with the peer-review process and marked up every line for her followers. Bosworth said she was wrong at the beginning and is rattled by the end realizing her recommendation of COVID-19 vaccination was a giant mistake. Her honest nervousness is not just over her patients, but for herself because she is obviously vaccinated as well. Give her credit for having the courage to do this on YouTube. Her fans wrote in about vaccine injuries and felt collective online relief that she capitulated and reconciled on this very important biological safety debacle that has negatively impacted so many loved ones and friends.
How will Bosworth react to the news that Springer Nature has retracted the paper in violation of the COPE Guidelines? Will she throw out the comprehensive review completely? I doubt it because she actually read every page of the paper and clearly understands the 293 references cited cannot all be wrong.
I posted this comment on Dr. Boz’s YouTube channel February 25, 2024, so she and her fans are not blindsided.
This video helped me understand why we should continue fighting the headwinds of academic publication, censorship, and relentless attacks from the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex. If our paper can move Dr. Annette Bosworth, a physician who deeply cares about her patients and her online community, even if it was only Dr. Boz, one out of a million US physicians, it was worth it!’
I don’t buy her BS! For two years her listeners tried to sound an alarm for her to take a closer look. From her own words she avoided addressing them. I’m not a doctor but when I started hearing the warnings of fellow Americans and Doctors I did a deep dive of research! I determined this jab wasn’t safe and me and my family wouldn’t be partaking. I posted on social media and alerted family and friends. She is a Doctor and had she done the same research I did, she could have saved many lives. She didn’t ! Call it lazy but to me it’s much more sinister! She took a oath to patients as a DOCTOR ! Shame on her! She contributed to the deaths. Lock her up. For sure suspend her license!
What does one do when peer reviewed papers present conflicting conclusions? This doctor drank the coolaid. Doctors are not scientists. She had blood on her hands. Should have been skeptical from the start. Defend your patients doctor!