Dr. Peter Breggin and his wife Ginger Breggin: when Malone (mRNA technology inventor) sued them & went after them for 25 $ million, he did not care if he destroyed them, ruined their lives, their
survival, he cared not one bit if they lived or died for that is who Malone is, a BEAST! But he met his match in me & he knows it, for the wrongs he TRIED to do me, I will punish him every chance I
get, he will not get away from me, I will make his name go down in history as the crook fraud con he is, the likes of him! He sought to destroy Dr. Jane Ruby and others, see the VNN list that is way longer…now the joke around town is you are a ‘friend of Bob’ if you get to speak at his dog and pony shows and you get there because he has not sued you yet! The beast! He has formerly good people cupping him to get donor money and a chance on a stage. We been there, did that, its putrid…its a farce, a fraud, leeching on poor people…they all know it. I am not part of that…I left it. The stench. He knows what he does to people and how he uses media to hurt them and what he tried with me…this island boy will make an example of Malone right in the same media he loves to use to smear and slander people…each act he does to me, I return it in kind and some. A fraud hiding in the Freedom Movement, a punk who helped create the very mRNA you cry about that killed someone you know.
talking his 5th generation bullshit with Desmit and mass formation crap when it was he and they working on you….a bunch of frauds…these people are leftist freaks, Malone is a leftist globalist freak, they do to you what they are guilty of doing themselves…it was he et al. who used 5th G on you…messing with your mind so much so he has you so very confused, more than even Biden, some of you misdirected that it is his mRNA technology that killed your parents, your friends etc. Yet you are confused.
That this miscreant, this punk would think he could walk in the shoes of Breggins, or Ruby or Stew or McCullough or Coulson or any of the countless people he has sued or threatened …that he could ever be the man Foster Coulson is, character laden…that he could match technical skills and wits with SAGE HANA (whomever they are)…and that he can dance with this little island boy…’me’…Urso called me once and told me para “Paul, they told me Bob is crying in his house for he has NO answer to you…the questions you raise Paul he cannot take for he is in trouble…can’t you cut him some slack? that stack you wrote about him having no testicles in weakness hurt him Paul”…truth is, I said when para God was sharing testicles when he created the earth, Malone did not get the memo…I meant that…a little punk that smears you and then blocks you in social media so you can’t even respond to his attacks and then he goes on a smear campaign and you cannot respond…it’s like shooting someone in the back and that’s the man he is…that type. I guess.
Malone wrote something recently on X or stack that he knows was untrue, grossly untrue about me…caused me lots of threats…yet he wrote it and none of the doctors or scientists with their heads sewn to his ass have the guts to tell him how wrong he was to do that…so to me, all the same…he knows I could sue him, he knows he is exposed but I will await him…what he did was monstrous and he knows it…the freak he is and I will not forgive him…he knows what he did and the depth of sickness he must have in his mind to do that…so the die is cast Malone…word is McCullough will NEVER EVER, till the day the good Lord takes him, ever step foot on a stage where Malone…you must tell the public why Bob…tell them…I agree with McCullough…well, so it is the same with me.
Sueing Patriot Breggin did two things, it put a devastating chill on the Freedom Movement and most went silent…people came to me and told me they wanted to fuck Malone up in media and call him out for the fraud he is yet did not want to be sued…but despised him…I said join the club…he did gross things to good people….and except folk like me…we decided to discipline Malone for he tried to end good people…and 2nd, it showed us how evil and sick people are…this is what COVID did, it revealed the underbelly of vile people…the fraud, the vileness…Breggin near died for he was sick (and Ginger) as Malone was trying to end them…but these 2 Breggin warriors fought on and stood up (helped by 2-3 warriors among us I will not name.
A hat tip to Dr. Breggin, a hero of mine, a mentor, a friend, a dear friend…when I die if I open my eyes and see Peter Breggin, I know I landed in heaven. May he live for ever! I will stand at his side and Ginger’s all day long, defend them before that punk usurper conman Malone…and all you sycophantic weak pusillanimous morons with your heads stuffed up his ass, begging him, begging for money and handouts and camera and stage…don’t you know it is over? do you look yourself in the mirror knowing you went to his ICS grift fest and not one of you asked him about the very same unsafe mRNA technology you idiots, you grifters stood on stage wrenching about…you do know many, many laugh at you…you lost lots of credibility…some of you I regard highly…I leave names out.
I wrote a stack telling you what to ask him but I guess you felt it ok to wrench and bitch about mRNA technology and vaccine when the person who invented it was right there. Next to you.
Dr. Malone’s limited tolerance for criticism, along with his emphatic responses, has led to an increasing number of individuals and organizations subjected to his public denunciation.
The list below, derived from Dr. Malone’s past X and Substack posts, details these entities:
• Dr. Peter Breggin and Ginger Breggin
• Dr. Mike Yeadon
• Sasha Latypova
• Karen Kingston
• Matthew Crawford
• Dr. Ben Marble
• Dr. Judy Mikovitz
• George Webb
• Sage Hana on Substack
Dr. Katalin Karikó
• America Out Loud
• Dr. Jane Ruby
• Red Voice Media
• Stew Peters
• Catherine Austin Fitts (The Solari Report)
• J. J. Couey
• Mary Holland (President of Children’s Health Defense)
• The Wellness Company and its founder Foster Coulson
• Dr. Paul Alexander
• The Washington Post
• Alex Berenson
• Dr. Peter McCullough
• And more. “The list goes on and on,” Dr. Malone has stated.
Don't back down Paul, go get'em!
Lots of people have your back Paul.
Let's go!